Cardiff University



We are an ambitious and innovative university with a bold and strategic vision located in a beautiful and thriving capital city. Driven by creativity and curiosity, we strive to fulfil our social, cultural and economic obligations to Cardiff, Wales, and the world.


  • The end of 'England & Wales' ?

    19/02/2024 Duration: 01h04min

    Two years after its establishment under former First Minister Carwyn Jones, the Commission on Justice in Wales has published its report “Justice in Wales for the People of Wales” and formally presented it to the Welsh Government and Senedd. The chair of the Commission, former Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, has been praised for the depth of the report's analysis and the clarity of its presentation, all framed within a central recommendation of full legislative devolution to Wales and separation of the longstanding ‘England and Wales’ legal jurisdiction. We gathered three of our experts in legal and constitutional matters to delve deep into the report and what it means for the future of Wales. Also, you can find our guests on Twitter: Prof Laura McAllister: @LauraMcAllister Dr Huw Pritchard: @Huw_Pritchard Dr Rob Jones: @RDJones_ The Wales Governance Centre: @WalesGovernance The Commission on Justice in Wales: @JusticeinWales and, of course, us: @golau_podcast If you enjoyed thi

  • European Election 2019: Reaction in Wales

    19/02/2024 Duration: 19min

    We recorded this mini episode at an event in Cardiff following the 2019 European Elections and interviewed academics and party representatives to get a flavour of what the results mean for Wales. Thanks to Matthew Hexter (@hexter101) for organising the event and letting us film and to Ceri, Luke, Fay, Jac, & Caroline for the interviews as well as Jackie Jones MEP from Welsh Labour who was on the panel but couldn't make it to an interview.

  • Meaningful Vote Gareth

    19/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    Following on from the series of ‘domino’ votes in the House of Commons over 12-14 March 2019, Prof Roger Awan-Scully, Prof Jo Hunt and Dr Rachel Minto of Cardiff University's Wales Governance Centre discuss where this leaves Brexit in relation to Wales, devolution, the House of Commons and the EU. If you would like to find out more from the Wales Governance Centre’s Research, you can find more on their website: Also, you can find our guests on Twitter: Prof. Roger Awan-Scully: @roger_scully Prof. Jo Hunt: @johunt Dr Rachel Minto: @RA_Minto Wales Governance Centre: @WalesGovernance and, of course, Golau: @golau_podcast and if you enjoyed this podcast, please like, review and subscribe in your podcast player of choice.

  • 21st Century Socialism?

    19/02/2024 Duration: 37min

    Former Welsh Government Minister Professor Leighton Andrews and Professor Calvin Jones, one of Wales's leading economists, discuss new First Minister Prof. Mark Drakeford's platform of '21st Century Socialism' and what that means for the future of Wales and the Welsh economy. You can find our guests on Twitter here: Prof. Leighton Andrews: @LeightonAndrews Prof. Calvin Jones: @WelshEcon and, of course, us @golau_podcast If you’re enjoying Golau please give us a 'like' in your podcast player of choice and subscribe to have the next episode download automatically.

  • A Pocket Money Parliament?

    19/02/2024 Duration: 55min

    On this show we discuss one of the biggest developments in Welsh devolution since inception - the devolution of tax raising powers as well as a mechanism to create new taxes. Following the publication of a Wales Centre for Public Policy report “The Wales Tax Base” the authors, Dr Ed Poole and Guto Ifan, join us to discuss the potential implications of changes to taxation in Wales. Wales Centre for Public Policy report - The Welsh Tax Base: The Welsh Tax Base: Risks and Opportunities after Fiscal Devolution…inal-180627.pdf You can find our guests on Twitter here: Dr Ed Poole: @EdGarethPoole Guto Ifan: @Guto_Ifan and, of course, us: If you’re enjoying Golau please leave us a review in your podcast player of choice.

  • Davies, for Davies, for Davies – Tory Leadership Contest

    19/02/2024 Duration: 01h07min

    On this show political historian Sam Blaxland, former Conservative parliamentary candidate Nick Webb and President of Cardiff University Conservative Society Callum Vaga discuss the surprise announcement of Andrew RT Davies’s resignation as the leader of the Welsh Conservatives (or the Welsh Conservative Group in the National Assembly for Wales depending on your point of view). Interesting article on Conservative Home by Mark Wallace:…members.html Davies to replace Davies as favourite to replace Davies:…1012349569768873985 We’re not the only one to make the same joke:…1012394704909094912 Prof Roger Awan-Scully writes on the implications of the resignation in the Spectator:…-welsh-tories/ Luke Evetts on reforming the Conservatives in Wales:…-the-21st-century/ You can find our guests on Twitter here: Sam Blaxland: Nick

  • A Labour of Omov?

    19/02/2024 Duration: 59min

    On this show Nye Davies of the Wales Governance Centre, Elly Owen of Cardiff Labour Students and Huw Williams, lecturer in Philosophy at Cardiff University, discuss the upcoming Labour leadership contest/‘coronation’. An “excellent blog post” about the Deputy Leadership election on Thinking Wales: Prof Roger Awan-Scully’s thoughts on the Labour leadership:…first-minister The candidates so far: Mark Drakeford:…-mark-14570228 The potential candidates: Huw Irranca-Davies: Hannah Blythyn: Vaughan Gething: Eluned Morgan: Mike Hedges:…-says-13520198 Ken Skates:…ll-ken-skates-says You can find our guests on Twitter here: Nye Davies: Elly Owen:

  • Ivor Richard & Sir Michael Wheeler-Booth

    19/02/2024 Duration: 30min

    Two of the figures instrumental in the early years of Welsh devolution - Ivor Richard and Sir Michael Wheeler-Booth - passed away in early 2018. In this podcast Prof. Laura McAllister and Sir Paul Silk discuss the contribution these two figures made in shaping devolution and modern Welsh democracy. You can read more about Ivor Richard here:,_Baron_Richard Michael Wheeler-Booth here: and the Richard Commission here: If you’d like to get in touch with Golau, you can find us on Twitter here:

  • Brexit from an Irish Perspective

    19/02/2024 Duration: 32min

    Recorded at the Pierhead on the 21st February 2018, Dáithí O’Ceallaigh (former Irish Ambassador in London) shares his sobering assessment of Brexit, from an Irish Perspective. This event was hosted by the Wales Governance Centre at Cardiff University. Find out more about their research and future events here: You can follow Wales Governance on Twitter: And of course, us too: Please be in touch and, if you’re feeling of a particularly sunny disposition, please leave us a review in your podcast player of choice.

  • The Past and the Future of the Law in Wales

    19/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    To coincide with the events marking 20 years since the 1997 devolution referendum that led to the creation of the Welsh Assembly, the First Minister announced a new commission on Justice in Wales. Chaired by Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, the commission will look at all aspects of Justice and how the structures and practices of Law in Wales should be adapted to meet the new political and legal landscape of the 21st century. In this talk Lord Thomas outlines his personal views about some of the key subjects the commission will have to consider: The transcript of this talk is available here:…aw-in-Wales.pdf You can also view this talk on YouTube: You can find out about the event organisers on Twitter - Public Law Wales: Wales Governance Centre: And, of course, us: If you're enjoying Golau please do subscribe and review us on your podcast player of choice.

  • The EU is very leaky…

    19/02/2024 Duration: 49min

    On this episode we’re taking a look at the latest manoeuvres in world of Brexit, the EU (Withdrawal) Bill and a look back at the party conference season now that it is (finally) over. Featuring Prof. Roger Scully of the Wales Governance Centre, Manon Edwards Ahir of Coleg Cymraeg Cenedlaethol/Cardiff University School of Journalism and Hedydd Phylip of Cardiff University’s School of Law and Politics. Links:- EU (Withdrawal) Event Amendments:…-a7998046.html FM Scotland & Wales Joint working together:…ijack-of-powers Carwyn Jones’s speech about 20 years of Devolution: FUW Single Market Call:…ang=en&Itemid=181 CBI/IoD/FSB letter to David Davis/DExEU: Theresa May - ‘Asking for help’ from other EU leaders:…leaders-11393601 Andrew RT Davies is not the leader of the Welsh Conservatives:…h-w

  • Spain and the Catalan Crisis

    19/02/2024 Duration: 49min

    The question of Catalan independence has never been more visible in the UK and its dramatic appearance on the news agenda has highlighted new complexities in Spain’s territorial constitution. On the 18th October 2017, a day before the Spanish Government announced its intention to suspend Catalan autonomy, historian Dr Andrew Dowling of Cardiff University gave the following presentation that explores the underlying reasons that led to the referendum and subsequent events of October 2017 in Catalonia. More about Dr Andrew Dowling:…7-dowling-andrew Andrew on Twitter: This presentation on YouTube: If you like the show, please be in touch with us on Twitter: and please do rate and review the show on your podcast player of choice.

  • On writing the EU (Withdrawal) Bill

    16/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    One the day after the UK Government’s EU (Withdrawal) Bill had its second reading in the UK Parliament the Wales Governance Centre co-hosted an event about the bill in central London. Among the speakers were MPs, academics and legal experts. One of the event’s highlights was a talk delivered by Daniel Denman, Director of Legal Advisors in DExEU - The Department for Exiting the EU. He shared a fascinating insight into how the bill was drafted and why the widely-criticised Henry VIII powers were framed so broadly. In this episode of Golau we’ve reproduced his opening remarks in full to shed some light on the thinking behind the Bill. The EU (Withdrawal) Bill:…5/18005.pdf 2nd reading debate:…ithdrawal)Bill On Twitter: Wales Governance Centre: DExEU: and, of course, us: If you’re enjoying Golau, please like and subscribe in your podcast player of choice.

  • Huw Edwards on devolution and media scrutiny

    16/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Recorded at the Cardiff University / Institute of Welsh Affairs event marking 20 years of devolution, Huw Edwards discusses 20 years (and more!) of Welsh politics and the value of journalistic scrutiny. Huw’s documentary about devolution:…wards-datganoli-20 This speech in full on YouTube: And on Twitter: Huw Edwards: The Institute of Welsh Affairs: Wales Governance Centre: And, of course, us: If you’re enjoying Golau, please like and subscribe in your podcast player of choice.

  • Brexit and the ‘F’ Word

    16/02/2024 Duration: 12min

    On 18th September 2017, the Institute for Welsh Affairs and Cardiff University’s Wales Governance Centre co-hosted an event to mark 20 years since the referendum on devolution to Wales in 1997. During the event, the First Minister gave a keynote speech looking back at the last 20 years and ahead to the next 20. Inevitably, that second half (featured here) included talk of Brexit, devolution and the creation of a legal jurisdiction for Wales. He even broke out the 'F' word. More video/audio from the event will be published soon but in the meantime you can review the highlights on Twitter by searching for the hashtag: #WalesSaidYes You can read more about the Welsh Gov’s position on Brexit here: The announcement of the new commission on Justice in Wales:…ce-in-wales/?lang=en And on Twitter, follow FM Wales: The Institute of Welsh Affairs: Wales Governance Centre: and, of course, us: twitte

  • George Thomas: Political Chameleon

    15/02/2024 Duration: 47min

    In this special episode, WalesOnline’s chief reporter, Martin Shipton, discusses his new book about former Secretary of State and Speaker, George Thomas - “Political Chameleon”. We also managed to record a quick chat with the author of the book’s foreword, Gwynoro Jones which we’ve abbreviated into a foreword for this podcast. You can find out more about the book here: Political Chameleon - In Search of George Thomas And catch up with our contributors on Twitter Martin Shipton: Richard Wyn Jones: Gwynoro Jones: Welsh Academic Press: and you can find us here: If you enjoyed this podcast, please like and subscribe in your podcast player of choice

  • It’ll be constitutionally fascinating…

    15/02/2024 Duration: 40min

    Welcome to Season 2 of Golau! We start with what else but Brexit. Dominating the headlines all week, we have Dr Jo Hunt, Prof Roger Scully and Dr Huw Pritchard in Golau studios to discuss the Welsh perspective on the 2nd reading of the EU (Withdrawal) Bill. Earlier in the week Jo organised an event with MPs & experts in London that we recorded and will publish as soon as we can. Schedule for the event is below. Wales Governance Centre / Hansard Society / UK and EU event referred to in podcast (we’ll make the recordings available asap):…s-and-parliaments/ EU (Withdrawal Bill):…5/18005.pdf Tabled Amendments:…wh_0911.pdf FM Wales LCM Memorandum:…m-ld11177-e.pdf FM Scotland LCM Memorandum:…S05-10-2017.pdf FM Wales’s ‘Brexit & Devolution’ paper launch including comments about the end of parliamentary sovereignty:

  • Understanding the 2017 UK General Election

    15/02/2024 Duration: 35min

    After each general election in Wales and the UK, the Wales Governance Centre runs a post-election briefing. This episode of Golau features this year's keynote from Roger Scully - Understanding the 2017 UK General Election. This keynote is also available on YouTube: Rogers' Blog: More from the Wales Governance Centre: and please rate/review Golau on your podcast player of choice and get in touch with us on Twitter:

  • The UK Gov / EU negotiations and Wales - where do we stand now? with Rachel Minto

    15/02/2024 Duration: 17min

    Marking the anniversary of the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU, the Wales Governance Centre held an event in the Senedd with a number of presentations on aspects of Brexit. In this presentation Dr Rachel Minto looks at the state of play between the UK Government’s DeExEU and the EU’s negotiating teams and approaches to the negotiations. The videos of this event will be here (once published):…1lN6G3eapIBuu3lYS For more from the Wales Governance Centre: For more about Wales and Brexit: and you can follow all things Golau:

  • Brexit one year on: Legislating for Brexit - with Jo Hunt

    14/02/2024 Duration: 25min

    Marking the anniversary of the referendum on the UK’s membership of the EU, the Wales Governance Centre held an event in the Senedd with a number of presentations on aspects of Brexit. In this presentation Dr Jo Hunt explores how the UK & Welsh Governments are legislating for the Brexit process. The videos of this event will be here (once published):…1lN6G3eapIBuu3lYS For more from the Wales Governance Centre: For more about Wales and Brexit: and you can follow all things Golau:

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