Cardiff University

The end of 'England & Wales' ?



Two years after its establishment under former First Minister Carwyn Jones, the Commission on Justice in Wales has published its report “Justice in Wales for the People of Wales” and formally presented it to the Welsh Government and Senedd. The chair of the Commission, former Chief Justice of England and Wales, Lord Thomas of Cwmgiedd, has been praised for the depth of the report's analysis and the clarity of its presentation, all framed within a central recommendation of full legislative devolution to Wales and separation of the longstanding ‘England and Wales’ legal jurisdiction. We gathered three of our experts in legal and constitutional matters to delve deep into the report and what it means for the future of Wales. Also, you can find our guests on Twitter: Prof Laura McAllister: @LauraMcAllister Dr Huw Pritchard: @Huw_Pritchard Dr Rob Jones: @RDJones_ The Wales Governance Centre: @WalesGovernance The Commission on Justice in Wales: @JusticeinWales and, of course, us: @golau_podcast If you enjoyed thi