Cardiff University

On writing the EU (Withdrawal) Bill



One the day after the UK Government’s EU (Withdrawal) Bill had its second reading in the UK Parliament the Wales Governance Centre co-hosted an event about the bill in central London. Among the speakers were MPs, academics and legal experts. One of the event’s highlights was a talk delivered by Daniel Denman, Director of Legal Advisors in DExEU - The Department for Exiting the EU. He shared a fascinating insight into how the bill was drafted and why the widely-criticised Henry VIII powers were framed so broadly. In this episode of Golau we’ve reproduced his opening remarks in full to shed some light on the thinking behind the Bill. The EU (Withdrawal) Bill:…5/18005.pdf 2nd reading debate:…ithdrawal)Bill On Twitter: Wales Governance Centre: DExEU: and, of course, us: If you’re enjoying Golau, please like and subscribe in your podcast player of choice.