Voice Of Breakthrough With Cyndi Foster



Powerful Teaching for Breakthrough in Every Area of Your Life!


  • Episode 252: How To Stop Demonic Activity

    12/05/2023 Duration: 42min

    God doesn’t waste anything in your trial. Mischief can accidentally be released by your words. Poltergeist spirit is actual called Mischief. I saw a ghost! The power of the blood of Christ to stop demonic activity. Pretended faith (Christians using fake news) releases the opposite of what you’re believing. Real faith doesn’t tell God how or when to do something. Pray the promises when you pray. Armor of God part two. How to study the Word using a free app. Love will have you bless those who curse you. What is praying in tongues? Praying in tongues stopped me from being robbed! Supernatural prayer that saved a life of a missionary in Russia. Last prayer of my seven year old daughter.

  • Episode 251: Overcoming The Adversity Of The End Times

    05/05/2023 Duration: 58min

    How to pass the testing that our nation is going through before the Apostolic outpouring. How to pray for those suffering OCD. Fasting according to Holy Spirit leading. What to do with all the immigrants pouring into our nation? Prayer a two way conversation with God. Your time alone is important to your overcoming the adversity of the end times. The three voices that talk in your head. Are you the walking dead? The armor of God is essential for your everyday life. How do we really win every battle? What does victory look like for our nation? Powerful weapon of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom. Know how to operate the supernatural weapons! Don’t react to the people who are accusing or lying about you. Run to Holy Spirit for counsel. You can’t fight the enemy with half truths. Never react in fear. Power of binding and loosing. What if a teacher bullies your child? We never hurt people when we move in the power of binding and loosing. This message comes from our deliverance seminar in March 2023

  • Episode 250: Real Answers For Parents

    28/04/2023 Duration: 29min

    This is the second message from our deliverance seminar in March 2023. Ever ask God about the gender of your aborted baby in heaven ? Did God really slow down time for four teens to get saved? Real spiritual answers as to why someone is born a homosexual or trans. Shame that isn’t taken to the cross will close your spiritual ears. Counterfeit spirituality results in trying to avoid dealing with shameful issues. Abortion in the church is a hidden secret of believers. Healing from abortion. Learn how to pray in faith to break your children and grandchildren free from gender confusion. Spiritual understanding behind homosexuality. Inner healing that goes all the way back to the womb. Time to heal the broken hearted! Prayers and intercession that brings results. Pride can open the door for tragedies. Ask, seek and knock the way to fight until you win.

  • Episode 249: Parents Guide To Raising Children

    26/04/2023 Duration: 48min

    Raise your children to participate in the Kingdom of God. You need discernment to raise and protect your children. Faith is seeing your loved ones through the faith of God. Step by step outline to learn to hear the Holy Spirit as He wants to implant the Word of God into your heart. Why did I repent and nothing changed? Does Hell really have unending fire that burns unsaved souls forever? How was Jesus the Son of God ? How is God One being? You are as close to God as you want to me. he Covering, Shepherding doctrines are destroying your walk with Jesus. Lies that you call Truth will block you from all God has for you.

  • Episode 248: I saw the Lord Dancing

    07/04/2023 Duration: 36min

    Amazing ladies beach retreat where I saw the Lord wanting to dance with the women. Yoga and New Age deception exposed.   He loves you and wants intimacy.  Church leaders are just people like you.  Emotionally wounded people need healing and deliverance to experience the love of Jesus.  Key to getting your prayers answered. Time to cleanse your imagination through repentance and deliverance. Conjuring is being practiced in some ministries this is witchcraft.  God has a DREAM for your life. Changing your self image.  Details of a young women’s deliverance from YOGA. Is God cool with tattoos? Is your religious attitude turning people away from God?  Prayer to walk in freedom from torment.

  • Episode 247: The Power of The Cross

    31/03/2023 Duration: 01h14min

    Tis teaching on the cross is taken from the archives, where Cyndi explains the power of the cross of Jesus to make us holy . As we enter into the days leading up to Resurrection Sunday, this is a great reminder from the Book of Colossians of who He is and who we are in Him.

  • Episode 246: Wake Up Call For America (Based On Exodus)- Par t 2

    24/03/2023 Duration: 53min

    America and the nations of the world have been in great turmoil over the last three years. How is the Church doing in this hour and what should we be doing? If you want to know how to pray and what to do now, this is the message for you. 

  • Episode 245: Wake Up Call For America In Revival (Based On Exodus)

    16/03/2023 Duration: 01h41min

    Revival is hitting the land and the Church must wake up to saving the Nation from the corruption. Are you ready for people coming into the kingdom that we thought impossible? We need to get our hearts right and get rid of religious spirits and learn to fight for America.  Cyndi shares a dream about pestilence  and teaches from the book of Exodus.  

  • Episode 244 : The Faith And Grace Connection For Health Issues

    10/03/2023 Duration: 01h07min

    Free will choice and health issues.  How Holy Spirit leads in daily life that develops true faith ( story of painting my hallway). The dangers of pretended faith are life threatening. A special DIY on painting tips (lol). Jesus is real. What do I pray for everyday? The faith and grace connection.

  • Episode 243: Checklist For Facing A Storm

    27/02/2023 Duration: 01h41min

    When you go through serious storms in life or you are helping others in their trials, you need to have the strategy from the Holy Spirit and His Word. It's vitally important to desire to understand sound biblical doctrine, our authority as believers, and a deeper relationship with Him to walk through these things victoriously. Whatever your facing sickness or any other storm, this teaching will give you the direction you are looking for.

  • Episode 242: Freedom From Anger, Bitterness, and Mischief

    14/02/2023 Duration: 53min

    Do you have outbursts of anger? Or maybe a stinging bitterness when you think of certain people or events? Have you been mischievous in the past and laughed at it ? These are all areas that can be strongholds that cause you trouble and to not be able to handle important situations with peace and wisdom. Jesus wants you free. Some scriptures in this teaching are from Hebrews 12, Proverbs 6 and Ephesians 4. 

  • Episode 241 Self Deliverance Series Part 2

    03/02/2023 Duration: 01h43s

    We are continuing the teaching on self deliverance and referring to  the book, Pigs In The Parlor By Frank Hammond. This session deals with how demonic spirits will corrupt the gifts of the Spirit and the fruit of the Spirit. Nightmares, tormenting thoughts, and fear can all come from demonic spirits. Learn how to destroy these works of the enemy in your life and in the lives of others.  

  • Episode 240: Self Deliverance Series -Part 1

    27/01/2023 Duration: 01h52min

    Can Christians have demons? We are the temple of the Holy Spirit and He wants every other spirit out! Get ready to experience greater freedom  as you join us in this series on self deliverance. Cyndi refers to the book Pigs In The Parlor by Frank Hammond in this teaching on casting out demons and bringing yourself and others into freedom. 

  • Episode 239: Nation Changing Prayers Start At Home

    20/01/2023 Duration: 01h19min

     Gideon was called to deliver a nation. But the first thing he had to was destroy the alter to Baal in his father's house. We too must destroy all the alters to Baal in our homes to be able to have authority to bring freedom to our families and nations. 

  • Episode 238: Vexed? Are You Serious?

    06/01/2023 Duration: 01h27min

    Vexing is witchcraft. You may be vexing people or being vexed and it's important you know what to do about it. If we can get the witchcraft out of the Church, the Lord could trust us with His power.

  • Episode 237: God Himself Has Anointed Us And Sealed Us 11-22-22

    23/12/2022 Duration: 48min

    Fellowship with the believers that the Lord connects us with is so important. Though we look to Jesus as our Source for all things, He puts people in our lives for our benefit and for theirs. In 2 Corinthians 1, we can see some of Paul's relationship with the Church in Corinth and how we can glorify God in our relationship with Him and other.  This chapter comes to a close  assuring us that all His promises are 'yes' and 'amen' and that He has anointed us and sealed us as His own.

  • Episode 236: Unshakable Lifestyle Part 2

    16/12/2022 Duration: 01h19min

    This message is a look into the lifestyle of Jesus from Matthew 14 and how that compares to our own lifestyle. The anointing on this teaching will change your heart concerning the  your lifestyle so that you can truly live for HIs Glory without the entanglement of the world.

  • Episode 235: The Unshakable Lifestyle -Part 1

    06/12/2022 Duration: 52min

    The Lord is preparing a Bride who has a heart transformed by His Spirit, and that transformation will cause us to want what He wants and to love like He loves. This teaching from 1 Peter will help us get His perspective on the lifestyle He truly wants to give us. 

  • Episode 234: What Is Happening In The USA Now And How To Pray

    25/11/2022 Duration: 01h35min

    Have you have been praying for the USA? Are you seeing the political evils and battles that are happening now, and maybe following the prophets wondering what God is going to do? This message will give you prophetic insights into the most recent events and how to pray. 

  • Episode 233: Healing For Father Issues and Heart Conditions

    18/11/2022 Duration: 01h11min

    As Cyndi was teaching from the Lord's Prayer, the Lord began moving to minister to people about being healed of issues with their natural father. This led to also dealing with the root behind physical conditions of the heart.

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