Voice Of Breakthrough With Cyndi Foster

Episode 251: Overcoming The Adversity Of The End Times



How to pass the testing that our nation is going through before the Apostolic outpouring. How to pray for those suffering OCD. Fasting according to Holy Spirit leading. What to do with all the immigrants pouring into our nation? Prayer a two way conversation with God. Your time alone is important to your overcoming the adversity of the end times. The three voices that talk in your head. Are you the walking dead? The armor of God is essential for your everyday life. How do we really win every battle? What does victory look like for our nation? Powerful weapon of the word of knowledge and word of wisdom. Know how to operate the supernatural weapons! Don’t react to the people who are accusing or lying about you. Run to Holy Spirit for counsel. You can’t fight the enemy with half truths. Never react in fear. Power of binding and loosing. What if a teacher bullies your child? We never hurt people when we move in the power of binding and loosing. This message comes from our deliverance seminar in March 2023