In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G



He can call it the peenie, the weiner, the ding dong; she can call it the hoo-ha, the vajayjay, the cooch. Maybe we just stick with the penis, the vagina. Or refer to the area or down there. We can call it anything that makes you feel comfortable, but were going to talk about it.Get in the know down below' with Dr. Susie Gronski and her guests as she demystifies the stigmas around sexual health and taboo subjects like poop and private parts.Dr. Susie Gronski is a doctor of physical therapy and a board certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner. She provides real advice without the medical fluff, sorta' like a friend who knows the lowdown down below.Copyright: 2017 by Susie Gronski


  • C

    30/07/2019 Duration: 38min

    On today’s show we’ve got Dr. Tanginika, clinical sexologist, who’s going to help us dive into the realm of dangly bits. So if you own one or love someone who does, you’ll definitely want to perk up your ears and have a listen. Our conversation is also video recorded so be sure to check us out on YouTube because we use some great visuals. Here’s what you’ll get out of today’s episode: - The causes of erectile dysfunction for all ages (age is not to blame!) - How the brain influences erections and performance - What is premature ejaculation and what you can do about it - What is delayed ejaculation and tips to help you lift off sooner - The impact of prostate related health issues on sexual function - The difference between orgasm and ejaculation (hint, they’re not the same thing) - Sexual function post-prostatectomy

  • Keeping your prostate healthy w/ Craig Allingham

    25/06/2019 Duration: 48min

    On today’s show we’re going all the way down under talking about prostate health and how to keep it healthy with professor, author, and men’s health physiotherapist, Craig Allingham. Here’s what you’ll learn on today’s episode: - The role of the prostate and how it functions - Curative treatment options for prostate cancer - Complications that may occur with curative treatments - What to expect post-prostate surgery - The importance of pelvic floor physical therapy pre and post prostate surgery - Ways to train your pelvic muscles to help with continence control - Active surveillance for prostate cancer - How you can sabotage prostate cancer and stack the decks in your favor - The effects of stress, diet, lifestyle on your prostate health - How frequent ejaculation influences prostate health

  • Food as medicine for pelvic pain w/ Dr. Jessica Drummond

    04/06/2019 Duration: 30min

    On today’s In Your Pants podcast episode, we’re talking to Dr. Jessica Drummond about how the gut microbiome, digestive and immune health impact pelvic pain for both men and women. In this episode you’ll learn… - The connection between digestive issues and chronic pelvic pain - The connection between autoimmune disease and chronic pelvic pain - Strategies to help you relieve digestive/autoimmune issues and ease pelvic pain - How to work with food as medicine and optimize your digestive health from nutrition to excretion; a plan to make you fall in love with food all over again. - Other potential root causes of pelvic pain and digestive health issues

  • A World

    12/04/2019 Duration: 44min

    How do we get pain and why do we hurt? Annie O’Connor gives us the low down in today’s In Your Pants podcast episode. In today’s episode, here’s what you’ll learn: - How we get pain and why we hurt? - How the brain is the main protector and pain is a protective mechanism - 3 different ways the brain protects us - Why chronic pain is so bad today? - Annie’s most influential patient case that has changed her practice and the way she treats people in pain - Annie’s advice for healthcare providers working with people in pain Hope you enjoy the show!

  • America's Favorite Penis

    07/03/2019 Duration: 45min

    So, what’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever wanted to know about your penis but were too afraid to ask? Fear no more because I’ve got a special episode today to quench your curiosity. Dr. Aaron Spitz is a leading expert in male sexual health and fertility. He’s served as an assistant clinical professor at UC Irvine’s Department of Urology for 15yrs. He’s the director of male reproductive and sexual medicine at Orange County Urology Associates. He serves as the leader delegate representing all of America’s urologists to the American Medical Association and he has served as the president of the California Urological Association. Dr. Spitz has appeared on Dr. Phil and the Real Housewives of Orange County and is regularly featured expert on The Doctors.

  • Thriving from Business to the Bedroom w/ Dr. Shawn Haywood

    14/02/2019 Duration: 39min

    Happy Valentine's Day all you lovers out there. I've got a special episode for you. Dr. Shawn Haywood has been helping couples thrive from business to the bedroom. She shares with us the importance of taking radical responsibility for our own feelings and experiences in life and what it means to use a blame-free practice in our relationships. This podcast episode will transform your life (and your sex drive), you don't wanna miss it.

  • Moving Beyond Pain w/ Ben Cormack

    24/01/2019 Duration: 40min

    Hangnails hurt like hell, don’t they? Just because it hurts, doesn’t mean it’s life-threatening. Let me take it a step further by saying, hurt doesn’t always equal harm. Today’s show expands on this topic of pain, how it changes your life, and what you can do to move beyond pain. Ben Cormack owns and runs Cor-Kinetic. He is a musculoskeletal therapist with a clinical background in sports therapy, rehabilitation, pain science & exercise stretching back 15 years. He specializes in a movement & exercise-based approach with a strong education component and patient-centered focus. Ben is a popular international presenter who has delivered conferences presentations and courses all over the world.

  • Hard-Flaccid w/ Gerard Greene

    03/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    Googling to find information on hard-flaccid is like searching for a needle in a haystack. There’s not much on the topic other than a few blog posts and a forum or two. Hard-flaccid encompasses an umbrella of symptoms that can make any man cringe with fear and feel inadequate so that’s why I’ve dedicated today’s podcast to address this poorly recognized issue that men struggle with.   I’ve asked the UK’s leading men’s pelvic health physiotherapist, Gerard Greene, to help shed some knowledge on hard-flaccid and give you practical advice on what you can do when your penis just doesn’t feel like yours anymore.  

  • Escaping Hormone Hell

    14/12/2018 Duration: 48min

    On today’s show, we’re talking about the 3 P’s that can happen in your pants when hormone levels fall: prolapse, peeing, and pain. To help me do this, I’ve got expert Dr. Anna Garrett on the show today. Dr. Anna Garrett has been a clinical pharmacist for over 25 years and has worked in a variety of practice settings. While traveling her career path, she discovered that working with women in midlife is her true passion.

  • Treating Complex Pelvic Pain w/ Maria Elliot

    22/11/2018 Duration: 43min

    Pelvic pain is complex. It’s often a mystery for many patients and practitioners alike but it isn’t all doom and gloom in your undercarriage. There's hope. On today’s episode, I chat with one of UK’s leading Female Health specialists and Pelvic and Abdominal Physiotherapists specializing in Post-Natal Rehab and Complex Pelvic Pain Recovery.

  • Paving your recovery w/ pain science

    08/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    Today we’ll be debunking pain through a patient’s perspective using a pain science lens. So if you’re in pain, know someone in pain or a healthcare provider who cares for people in pain, listen up

  • Stop

    18/10/2018 Duration: 52min

    On today’s show, you’re going to change your relationship with pain. Pain gets a bad rap, but guys, pain is a 'defender not an offender.' It’s normal to experience pain in life and often it’s unavoidable but living with pain is far from normal. It’s time to bring hope and recovery back on the table so I’ve invited Dr. Perry Nickelston on the show today to help you stop chasing pain and start living life.

  • Let's talk about sex baby

    27/09/2018 Duration: 38min

    It’s time we break the mold and start having sex-positive conversations, to create a more sex-positive world and culture. And to help me do this I’ve got Alexa Martinez on the show with me today. Alexa is a sex coach and mentor on a mission to reform sex education and sexuality expression across the globe. She’s from the deep south of Louisiana and if anyone knows how to bust through taboos regarding sex, it’s her. She’s the founder of The Violet Butterfly, a blog about love, sex & relationships and she speaks internationally on the same subjects. On today’s show we chat about: - Sex (duh!) - How Alexa’s struggle in an undersexed  relationship steered her from a degree in forensic science to becoming a “sexually curious misfit”, sex coach and mentor - Porn and sexual health - Ethical porn recommendations that focus on conscious creative porn and pleasure like Cindy Gallop - Make Love Not Porn Erika Lust - Porn with a feminine point of view - The most interesting topics covered and conv

  • Environmental toxins ☠️ Do you need to worry about them?

    06/09/2018 Duration: 48min

    We’re all exposed to environmental toxins on a daily basis. Environmental toxins are a result of industry impacting the quality of our air, food, and water. They’re found everywhere so thank goodness that we have amazing biological mechanisms that detoxify this crap out of our system. Dr. Gonzalez is a Naturopathic Doctor who is trained in integrative oncology and treats all diseases from acute to chronic. He’s passionate about educating and empowering people in becoming advocates for their own health. On today’s show, Dr. Gonzalez will... - Give you the skinny on environmental toxins, particularly dioxin - Tell you how you can reduce your exposure to environmental toxins and optimize your health - Debunk health fads like alkaline water (sorry guys, drinking more won’t make you healthier) and “BPA-free” plastics. - Discuss the links between environmental toxins and cancer, endometriosis and persistent pelvic pain - Share his top tips to help you supercharge your ability to detox especially

  • Heal Your Pain w/ Dr. Joe Tatta

    16/08/2018 Duration: 30min

    On today’s show, Dr. Joe Tatta and I discuss simple strategies you can do to live a pain-free, healthy and happy life. No surgery, no pills with harmful side effects, no gimmicks. Dr. Joe teaches you how to retrain your brain and body so you can live the joy-filled and pain-free life you deserve. He’s a doctor of physical therapy, functional nutritionist, integrative pain expert and #1 bestselling author of  Heal Your Pain Now.  He’s known for integrating neuroscience, nutrition, psychology and movement into simple treatments for lasting pain relief. Dr. Joe’s mission is to quickly and compassionately heal your pain and reverse the global pain epidemic.

  • Purge Your Urge with Dr. Sara Smith

    26/07/2018 Duration: 32min

    When your bladder calls the shots, your social calendar starts to look barren. Never mind sitting through a movie, your fear of peeing in your pants keeps you plenty occupied. Urgency doesn’t have to rule your life and neither does your bladder. In today’s In Your Pants episode, Dr. Sara Smith and I talk about the “push that old sweet lady out of the way NOW syndrome” and how urgency bleeds into everything we do, not just our bladders. Sitting through a movie without peeing your pants is possible just hit play to purge that urge.

  • Stop giving too many f*cks about pelvic pain

    05/07/2018 Duration: 27min

    Throbbing. Burning. Pain with erections. Most men are afraid they won’t get it up; you’re afraid you will -- because it hurts down there. But never mind sex, you might even have trouble sitting down. Simple, everyday things like driving, working at your desk, or going to the bathroom have turned into Mt. Everest. You don’t have to live like this. In today’s In Your Pants episode, Ryan Cazares tells us how he stopped giving too many f*cks about pelvic pain and took his health by the reigns. Ryan and I met at my 6 Day Hands-On Training Program and the rest is history. Ryan gives you his top tips to help you navigate out of pelvic pain including his favorite reads, meditation apps and more. You don't want to miss this episode. If you've read this far, what are you waiting for? Press play.

  • Butt Play

    14/06/2018 Duration: 31min

    You put what where?! Yup, even prostates deserve some fun. Butt play isn’t for everyone but if you’re the adventurous type and want to explore what a prograsm is all about, then listen up ‘cause this show’s for you. Perk up your rears, ahem, I mean your ears. Here’s what you’ll learn: - What the evidence says about prostate massage for prostatitis and current research being done - Potential risks and benefits of using a prostate massager - Anal hygiene, is it necessary before butt play? - The birth story of Aneros To help me start the conversation about all things butt play, I’m chatting with Forrest Andrews. Forrest is the product and business development manager with Aneros.

  • Motion is Lotion With Dr. Breann Fox

    24/05/2018 Duration: 49min

    In today’s episode, Dr. Breann has one helluva story to share with you. Dr. Breann is a fellow pelvic health therapist and a visceral manipulation practitioner. After enduring several significant pelvic traumas in her early 20's, Dr. Breann constantly dealt with pelvic pain, painful intercourse, and urinary woes. All of which she was told she would have to live with for the rest of her life. Dr. Breann discusses the importance of recognizing how physical and emotional trauma can manifest in a variety of protective mechanisms. She reminds us that “motion is lotion, everything needs to move.“ With pelvic floor dysfunction, the issues are not always coming from the tissues and understanding the primary drivers are key for recovery. Mental and physiological flexibility is necessary to move through traumatic experiences in life. Sometimes it’s mustering the courage to travel the road less traveled. It’s not always an easy one, but well worth it.

  • Martial Arts to Pelvic Pain, One Man's Journey

    06/04/2018 Duration: 29min

    Today’s guest is possibly the best expert that you’ll ever get to know. Michael Hodge is an expert in navigating his way out of pelvic pain. I always tell my patients that they’re the number one expert in treating themselves because no one knows you better than yourself. I met Michael from watching his intimate interview with Dr. Bri Grogan on her FemFusion Fitness YouTube channel. I was totally inspired after their interview and just had to share his message with all of you. Not many men or women feel comfortable talking about their private parts let alone pelvic pain. It’s such a personal topic and often people with pelvic pain feel isolated and alone. Michael’s been kind and courageous enough to share his story with of us in hopes to help other men struggling with pelvic pain find help, support and comfort as they navigate through their own health journey. If you’re a man suffering with pelvic pain, know that you’re not alone. Listen to the episode to find hope and learn tips to help you navigate throug

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