In Your Pants With Dr. Susie G



He can call it the peenie, the weiner, the ding dong; she can call it the hoo-ha, the vajayjay, the cooch. Maybe we just stick with the penis, the vagina. Or refer to the area or down there. We can call it anything that makes you feel comfortable, but were going to talk about it.Get in the know down below' with Dr. Susie Gronski and her guests as she demystifies the stigmas around sexual health and taboo subjects like poop and private parts.Dr. Susie Gronski is a doctor of physical therapy and a board certified pelvic rehabilitation practitioner. She provides real advice without the medical fluff, sorta' like a friend who knows the lowdown down below.Copyright: 2017 by Susie Gronski


  • Lower Back pain & Sexual Dysfunction: Its All Connected

    22/06/2021 Duration: 50min

    Pooping, peeing, and sex (our body’s basic physiological functions!) are just as important for our well-being as good nutrition and daily movement are for a healthy body Everything’s connected: nerves from the spinal cord and lower back connect with the pelvic floor and impact the penis, bladder, and bowel. Addressing our basic physiological functions allow the nervous system to dial down, and allow us to feel confident and safe: just like eating a chunk of broccoli nourishes our body with essential nutrients. We uncover the research that links lumbar spine conditions together with pelvic pain syndrome. Di Wu and I uncover what you really need to feel better.Di Wu, also known as Woody, obtained his medical degree at the China Medical University. After graduating, he completed his post-graduate training in Orthopedic surgery at Beijing Tiantan Hospital. He worked as an attending orthopedic surgeon at Fuxin Central Hospital caring for trauma and spine injuries. Di offers multiple approaches to help patients eli

  • Butt and vagina-friendly lube

    04/06/2021 Duration: 38min

    What’s toxic for a vagina is toxic for your rectum! Iso-osmotic lubricants (like those formulated by Wendy Strgar, founder and CEO Good Clean Love,) prevent transmission of sexually transmitted diseases, don’t damage vaginal and anal tissues, and increases arousal.  Getting lube savvy includes learning about the vaginal microbiome, helping you better show up for intimate partners with awareness and support, and by nature learn about your own absorptive and delicate anal microbiome. . Wendy is an award-winning entrepreneur, author, loveologist, and sex educator whose work has helped thousands of people reclaim their passion and heal their relationships. Tune into her newest project: the podcast “Dear Sex,” where she facilitates conversations with experts, researchers, and practioners that explore the human relationship to sex and answer letters from listeners.

  • Sex, Trauma, and The Pelvic Floor

    20/04/2021 Duration: 49min

    There’s a dilemma between what you want to happen, and the anticipatory fear of pain during sex. The protective mechanism is always there to protect you: it’s automatic and anticipatory, but you’re still able to define your values around sex and communicate your needs and concerns as a man experiencing pain during sex. The context of painful sex is interconnected with social, cultural, and relationships values. How do you define your values in the lens of the biopsychosocial approach? Get a worksheet in the show notes at to rediscover sexual intimacy and pleasure after pain. . Talli Rosenbaum is an individual and couple therapist and is certified as a sex therapist by The American Association for Sex Educators, Counselors, and Therapists (AASECT), as well as the Israeli Society for Sex Therapy (ISST). She co-hosts the Intimate Judaism podcast and is co-author of the book “I am For My Beloved: A Guide to Enhanced Intimacy for Married Couples.” and co-edited the Springer textbook entitled “The Over

  • Poop, Pee and Sex after Spinal Cord Injury

    17/03/2021 Duration: 01h05min

    A spinal cord injury can result in loss of function, feeling and mobility. This can also include changes in sexual function, bladder and bowel control. Natalia shares why neurological concerns can impact the bladder and bowel, cauda equina red flags to recognize, actionable tips for health professionals to use in their clinic with patients who have a spinal cord injury, how to use TENS for hyperactive bladders, and tips on catheter use. We also review a special spina bifida case study.

  • Pleasure for Painful Sex in Men

    16/02/2021 Duration: 48min

    Discovering pleasure and joy beyond penetrative sex can help alleviate genital pain in men. In my conversation with Heather Edwards, we dive into redefining sex, strategies to ease pain in and out of the bedroom, and how clinicians can make their practice more gender inclusive and positive.

  • HRV for stress and recovery with pain

    12/01/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    HRV is one marker that makes the intangible sensation of stress and recovery tangible through data. All systems are interconnected, and the balance of stress and recovery in the body is always at play. Learn to recognize what the body views as a stressor and how to bring the body back into balance to manage pain, recover efficiently from stressful events, and feel your best. Get started with a 6-week DIY Pelvic Pain Relief Program and learn the skills and guidance to do something about pelvic pain:

  • Tantra Sex Tips For Men

    15/12/2020 Duration: 52min

    Does size matter? Thoughts are just an opinion. The size that does matter is the size of your sexual energy: your passion and desire to experience connection, vulnerability, and caring intimacy with yourself and a partner. Vulnerability is a strength that allows you to live an authentic life. Learn tantra and Daoist techniques with Dominique D'Vita to stimulate nerve endings in different ways and discover your own pleasure preferences. 

  • TENS for Pelvic Pain Relief

    17/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    The most up-to-date information on pain science from the researcher! Taking new research advancements and implementing them in the clinic. Researchers found that TENS increases the body’s inhibitory pathways and reduces their excitability in the nervous system. After years of research and understanding how it works: researches tested it to find out if TENS can help reduce pain in movement. TENS is a safe way to activate your opioid system (using your own body’s pain killers), and is what Dr. Kathleen Suka  recommends is in everyone's medicine cabinet. Everything in the nervous system is moldable, and once you have a concern going on, it doesn’t mean it’s set it stone! Pain can change

  • In Your Pants Podcast!

    15/10/2020 Duration: 54min

    If you’re looking for one physical cause to your pain, you’ll never find it. Pain is influenced by how you feel about it, as much as it’s influenced by biomechanical, physiological, or pathological factors. There’s a lot of research on the mechanisms of pain, on rating pain, and strategies for treating pain, but research has widely ignored the impacts of persistent pain on a person’s life. Why is this missing puzzle piece so important? Because Tom Astill’s QoL study on pelvic pain connects the dots between how pelvic pain impacts your life and where you can begin to explore your attitudes, beliefs, and values to start feeling better. We’re zooming out and taking a look at everything with a wide scope. It’s all connected.

  • The Milestones of Overcoming Pain

    25/08/2020 Duration: 53min

    Living well, with persistent pain or a health concern, is a process that can illuminate your own plan for overcoming pain. Pain and psychology are tightly weaved together. When Dr. Bronnie Lennox Thompson began her PhD she was curious about understanding why some living a life in pain are able to live a fulfilling life despite the pain, and why there are those who were not able to, through evidence based approaches. Dr. Bronnie shares with us a process to take charge of your future and overcome the pain. It can feel so incredibly satisfying to discover you're already halfway through your journey to feeling better! No need to hit the 'reset' button, or order a new body, you're half-way there!

  • Science of Sex

    29/06/2020 Duration: 34min

    Get back to pleasure with the science, skills, and expertise you need to spice up the bedroom and get an erection with Jessica O’Reilly (AKA Dr. Jess), an award-winning sex and relationship expert. We bust the soulmate myth, name the big issues for couples, and dive into the science of sex so that you can get back to experiencing more and more pleasure! Get back to sexual pleasure with: Mindfulness, deep breathing, visualization, sensory experiences, emotional presence, and sensual focus to improve your hard-on Tuning into so-called negative emotions like jealousy, insecurity and sadness. Treating your relationship like a business

  • Shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction

    08/05/2020 Duration: 37min

    There is something super exciting bubbling in the world of data, research, and scientific tests: electro-hydraulic shockwave therapy for erectile dysfunction and pelvic pain! Dr. Rachel Rubin is my guest on this episode of In Your Pants! A urologist and one of only a handful of doctors fellowship-trained in male and female sexual health (this knowledge and expertise is not as common as you think!). She practices in Washington, DC and is an active educator through professional networks and social media. Tune in to our chat about: commonly used medications by urologists and their impact on male sexual health (like Viagra, Cialis, Flomax, Tamsulosin, Finasteride and injections), low-intensity shockwave therapy for ED, PE, and pelvic pain, her involvement in the first clinical trial on shockwave therapy in the US, and so much more!

  • Moving better with less pain

    07/04/2020 Duration: 56min

    Seeking treatment at the start can seem frustrating - maybe the exercises aren’t working, maybe the hands-on manipulation is causing *more* pain, and you’re thinking “this is supposed to make me feel better why is it not working?!” The goal of physical therapy is not only about instant relief, but about rediscovering how your movement allows you to move better and with less pain. The goal of any therapy is to get your life back and allow you to do the things you love without worrying about your pain alarms ringing. Neil Pearson joins me on In Your Pants, a physiotherapist and Clinical Assistant Professor at the University of British Columbia, and in this episode we bust misunderstandings about the conception of pain versus the lived experience. Check out the show notes on my website: for a worksheet on pain that you can do at home!

  • Activating your parasympathetic nervous system

    10/03/2020 Duration: 39min

      Yoga postures give you more than a stretch or workout: you’re actively changing your neurological platforms (aka how you experience the world) while moving your body. On today’s episode with Marlysa Sullivan, we’re sharing how yoga impacts the parasympathetic nervous system and how you can activate it at home. Everyone experiences the same benefits on the mat (which are starting to be noticed by the scientific community too!), and everyone who starts to practice yoga chooses to continue to roll out their mat because it makes them feel good physically, emotionally, and mentally. We'll also chat about polyvagal theory and what is its significance for physical, mental, behavioral health and physical therapy!

  • Yoga for pelvic pain

    10/02/2020 Duration: 46min

    Some of you might know, last July, I completed a 200hr yoga teacher training. These 3 weeks were not a walk in the park. It was both physically and emotionally challenging. Through this experience, I learned a lot about myself and deepened my connection with universal love and compassion. So on today’s show, Shelly and I talk about yoga, how you can apply yoga practice and philosophy both on the mat and in your everyday life to cultivate peace in your mind and compassion in your heart as you navigate the world of pain. Check the show notes at because Shelly has a free gift your you!

  • Acupuncture for erectile dysfunction

    13/01/2020 Duration: 32min

    Need help getting your penis to stand at attention? Let’s turn that frown upside down because there are lots you can do to improve your sexual health and function like diet, exercise, flexing your sex (ahem, pelvic floor exercises), sex toys, medications, and acupuncture. Yup, acupuncture, who knew?! On today’s show, I chat with licensed acupuncturist, Danielle Brunner, who tells us what acupuncture is and what it’s not, how it can help with your erections, and what you should expect during treatment (wipe the sweat off your faces guys, no needles go near your prized parts, phew!) Hope you enjoy the show!

  • Social support for men with pelvic pain

    03/12/2019 Duration: 34min

    Social support is crucial for well-being and solution-oriented problem-solving. Men don’t tend to have outlets to feel heard and understood, or a safe space to be vulnerable. Sociocultural taboos and stigmatization are major barriers to men seeking and receiving support, especially when it comes to their most prized parts. On today’s show, I’ve invited psychologist and sex therapist, Dr. Teresa Johnson, to chat about the barriers and challenges that men face with sexual health issues, intimacy, and pelvic pain. We dive into the importance of social support and connection when facing these challenges. We also have some exciting news to share with you, so be sure to listen to the entire show. Thanks again for listening, enjoy!

  • Finding Joy despite the pain

    28/10/2019 Duration: 34min

    Pain can suck the life outta ya, so how can you still find joy and meaning in life despite pain? This may seem like I’m asking you to climb Mt. Everest but even the most skilled climbers have to start at the base and work their way up to the top (some training is also involved of course). Taking that first step can seem impossible and scary but with the right coach by your side, you’ll turn impossible to I’Mpossible. In today's episode, I chat with Devra Joy. Devra is a physical therapist with a board certification in neurology. Her passion is to bring joy back into people's lives through compassion, collaboration and fun. You'll learn ways to pleasure hunt so that you can get back to doing the things in life that are meaningful to you. One baby step at a time...

  • Pain Heroes

    23/09/2019 Duration: 38min

    Pain is a normal human experience that everyone experiences at some point in their life. For some, pain can stick around longer, sorta like a house guest who’s overstayed their welcome. This unrelenting persistence can quite be challenging, testing your mental and physical resilience. Although living with pain is hard, there’s hope. In today’s episode, Alison Sim, author of Pain Heroes: Stories of Hope and Recovery, and I have a candid conversation about pain from both the patient and clinician perspective.

  • Keepin' it real sex talk and the BIG ⭕️ w/ Dr. UC Ossai

    28/08/2019 Duration: 35min

    In this day and age, there’s no lack of misinformation out there regarding sex and intimacy, shaping our lives and the world we live in. So, on today’s In Your Pants podcast, Dr. UC and I bust common sex myths and fairy tales around intimacy.  Here are the cliff notes from today’s episode: - Intimacy is not just this feminine thang - “It’s about being seen and heard” - Sexy time is not usually the issue, it’s the intimacy and the underlying relationship - Judgement is a human thing but the underlying issue is being aware of our judgements of others but most importantly the judgements that we have about ourselves - Sex is not porn, it’s entertainment, but yet it compromises a lot of the education around sex and intimacy - Porn is an incomplete picture of how sex and gender work - “It’s an incomplete picture of life” - Dr. UC - Expectations are a buzz kill in the bedroom - Sex is about people experiencing pleasure - Normalizing common sexual experiences like performance anxiety - When life happens, your sexual

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