Voice Over Experts



Voiceover Experts is the industry's most downloaded educational podcast featuring renowned voice over coaches from US, Canada and abroad.


  • The Almighty Playback


    Join Voice Over Expert Pat Fraley in his lecture "The Almighty Playback" as he gives you a lesson the on importance of playing back your recorded efforts, and using processing and sound effects to advance your skills and address your booking-to-audition ratio.

  • Visual Branding for Voice Over Talents


    Join Voice Over Expert Julie Williams as she interviews graphic designer and branding consultant Jason Sikes of Village Green Studios in her podcast "Visual Branding for Voice Over Talents". Learn what it means to make your website stand out and how graphical differentiation will help you succeed in voice overs.

  • Rate Sheets and Recut Requests


    Join Voice Over Expert Anthony Reece in his podcast "Rate Sheets and Recut Requests". Addressing one of the most frequently debated subjects and popular topics in voice over, Anthony provides a solid guideline for creating a rate sheet and then sticking to it as well as dealing with client recut requests.

  • Business Basics for Voice Actors


    Join professional voice talent Alison Pitman in the first of her “Business Basics for Voice Actors” podcasts. Alison highlights aspects of business processes and implementation from the perspective of a working voice actor in the United Kingdom. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/270225271&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”] Download Podcast Episode 50 »

  • Voice Over Demo Don’ts


    Join Voice Over Experts Nancy Wolfson and Anna Vocino as they discuss “Voice Over Demo Don’ts”, a podcast that identifies common mistakes made in voice over demo production and how you can avoid them. Your demo plays a significant role on game day so make sure your demo is polished and presents a clear portrait […]

  • Shameless Hollywood Auditioning Tricks!


    Join Voice Over Expert Pat Fraley as he divulges some "Shameless Tricks" smuggled straight out of Hollywood from some Tinseltown's greatest citizens. Learn how to make your auditions stand out, be more creative, and give the impression that you're working from a world-class facility with your own engineer.

  • 5 Areas of Active Listening


    Join Voice Over Expert Marc Cashman as he teaches you about “5 Areas of Active Listening”. A critical skill to hone, listening can help you to become objective about your performances and will also assist you in meeting goals to achieve the nuance and deftness that great voice actors possess. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” […]

  • Getting Started in Audiobook Narration


    Join Voice Over Expert Bettye Zoller as she introduces you to "Getting Started in Audiobook Narration". Bettye is a veteran audiobook narrator and coach who has been there, done that and got the t-shirt. Listen to this snippet from her audiobook about... audiobooks!

  • How To Be a Professional Announcer


    Join Voice Over Expert Mike Kirby as he shows you the ropes of "How to Be a Professional Announcer". Discover a portrait of what an announcer ought to be and hear samples of professional commercial voice over work from one of Canada's top male voice talents.

  • The Layers of Your Voice


    Join Voice Over Expert Phyllis K. Day as she takes you on a journey through “The Layers of Your Voice”. There is more that goes into a performance than just a rehearsed and polished take. Find out how your life outside of the studio could be affecting your voice acting behind the mic. [iframe src=”100%” […]

  • Take Control and Start Marketing Your Voice


    Join Voice Over Expert David Bourgeois as he presents you with some guidance and marketing ideas in his lecture “Take Control : Marketing Your Voice”. The president of Voice Coaches discusses the importance of marketing your voice over business and references leading industry professionals who can help you take the next steps in promoting your […]

  • Put First Things First! The Newcomer’s Training


    Join Voice Over Expert Bettye Zoller in her lecture “Stop! Put First Things First! The Newcomer’s Training”. People everywhere are spending money and maxing out credit cards building home studios when it is premature to do so. Don’t get stuck in this trap — listen to Bettye’s advice first and get trained! [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ […]

  • Finding and Developing Character Voices


    Join Voice Over Expert Anthony Reece as he introduces you to "Finding and Developing Character Voices". Anthony goes over the subtleties of finding inspiration for characters, developing unique voices and places an emphasis on quality, not quantity, when it comes to being successful in this competitive niche.

  • Do You Need a Voice Over Agent?


    Join Voice Over Expert Bernard Shaw as he tackles the subject of “Do You Need a Voice Over Agent?” Cutting straight to the core Bernard reveals the truth about voice over agents and dispels myths that perpetuate certain notions that limit potential in the industry. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/270226923&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”] Download Podcast Episode 39 […]

  • Getting the Most Out of Your Voice


    Join Voice Over Expert Kim Snyder in her lecture "Getting the Most Out of Your Voice". Kim teaches you tips on how to keep your voice in top form and goes into detail regarding functionality and care of the vocal chords (folds). Learn how proper maintenance of your instrument can be used as a tool to differentiate you from other voice actors in the eyes of a client.

  • Debating the Signature Voice


    Join Voice Over Expert Cynthia Songé in her lecture “Debating the Signature Voice.” Your personality is a passport to individuality — the individuality that is at the very core of your performance and the energy that people will respond to. You will have different emotional responses for every project, but you have to know who […]

  • Voice Matching and Imitating Voices


    Join Voice Over Expert Pat Fraley as he teaches you about "Voice Matching", which is a fancy phrase for "Mimicking Money". Pat shares his knowledge on how to match voices with famous celebrities closest to your own voice type. Examples referenced are Tim Allen and Jon Voight.

  • How to Define Your Niche Voice Acting Market


    Join voice over expert Frank Frederick in his lecture “How to Define Your Niche Voice Acting Market”. In this episode, you’ll learn how to build a better business by focusing on a particular customer group, your niche. Focused, targeted marketing efforts toward a specific area or areas of an industry may result in increased income […]

  • Voice Acting Education Matters


    Join voice over expert Debbie Munro in her lecture "Voice Acting Education Matters". The more you invest in your voice over education, the more you work. Deb shares her personal experiences and encourages you to take as many courses as you can to stay current and learn how to mean every word that you say.

  • Core Talents of Voice Over Artists


    Join Voice Over Expert Bernard Shaw as he shares the “Core Talents that People Need to Possess as Voice Over Artists”. Bernard hints that the most difficult hurdle for new talent is to simply be their natural selves. Why do people suddenly become someone else when they’re in the booth? Learn how to use your […]

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