Voice Over Experts

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Voiceover Experts is the industry's most downloaded educational podcast featuring renowned voice over coaches from US, Canada and abroad.


  • Marketing Your Voice Online, Interview with Stephanie Ciccarelli of Voices.com


    Join Voice Over Expert Julie Williams in her podcast lecture “Marketing Your Voice Online, Interview with Stephanie Ciccarelli of Voices.com”. How in the world can you get people to pay attention to your voice when there are thousands of voice actors out there on the web? Discover some easy ways to promote yourself using the […]

  • Get The Point! A Lesson in Interpreting Punctuation


    Join Voice Over Expert Marc Cashman in his lecture “Get The Point : A Lesson in Interpreting Punctuation”. Marc shows you many different ways to interpret punctuation in voice over scripts and how you can turn exclamation points, commas, and periods into useful allies that will help you to make interesting choices in your performances. […]

  • Behind The Curtain With a Voice Over Casting Director


    Join Voice Over Expert and NYC Casting Director Doriane Elliott in her podcast “Behind The Curtain With a Voice Over Casting Director”. Doriane shares some behind the scenes experiences and cuts to the nitty gritty of what casting directors do and don’t want when it comes to receiving material from voice over talent. [iframe src=”100%” […]

  • Referral Marketing Tips for Voice Actors


    Join Voice Over Expert J.S. Gilbert in his lecture, "Referral Marketing Tips for Voice Actors". J.S. discusses the importance of referral marketing and how some strategic planning can prepare you for success, both in the realm of business and artistry. Learn how to get business referrals from people you already know, develop an elevator pitch and get in touch with your prospects.

  • Working Abroad as a Voice Over Talent


    Join Voice Over Expert Enda Caldwell in his debut lecture “Working Abroad as a Voice Over Talent”. Originally from Ireland, Enda calls Monaco home and has been working outside of Ireland for a couple of years on the radio and as a voice over talent. Share in Enda’s voice over journey and learn how you […]

  • I Am Enough : Be Empowered and Banish Fear


    Join Voice Over Expert Nancy Wolfson in her lecture “I am Enough”. Find out how training and self-discovery will help you to realize that you are enough. Be empowered and banish that fear voice that holds you back! Get some game on, be true to your sound and remain authentic to achieve success. [iframe src=”100%” […]

  • We Predict Election Winner!


    Join Voice Over Expert David Bourgeois in his lecture "We Predict Election Winner!". Through David's podcast, you'll discover that no matter who is in power at the government level, as a freelance voice over professional, you will always be the master and commander of your own voice over career.

  • How To Get a Callback From an Audition


    Join Voice Over Expert Marc Graue as he teaches you “How To Get a Callback From an Audition”. Learn how to nail an audition by thinking on your feet. Marc encourages you to visualize your character and to come as close as possible to the description of what’s being asked of you, even if the […]

  • Let’s Talk Promos : Be A Voice Over Olympian


    Join Voice Over Expert David Alden in debut his lecture "Let's Talk Promos Be A Voice Over Olympian". Listen to this revealing episode and be initiated into the highly lucrative and exciting world of promo voice overs as shared by someone who has coached top promo talents including notable voices such as Joe Cipriano, George Del Hoyo, Beau Weaver, Ben Patrick Johnson and the late Don LaFontaine.

  • How To Be A Better Voice Over Student


    Join Voice Over Expert Michael Minetree in his lecture “How To Be a Better Voice Over Student”. By keeping your expectations where they need to be, rehearsing copy aloud and listening to people who are successfully working in the business, you’ll experience better results and be a better student of voice over. Take your time, […]

  • Focusing on Physical Issues to Improve Vocal Performance


    Join Voice Over Expert Phyllis K. Day as she highlights the work of two aspiring voice actors in her podcast “Focusing on Physical Issues”. Phyllis helps Bergie and Ed to vocally overcome physical issues including chronic tonsillitis and major dental surgery. Phyllis’ consultations, coupled with a training session Bergie had with Susan Berkley made a […]

  • Giving Depth to Words


    Join Voice Over Expert Marc Cashman in his podcast “Giving Depth to Words”. Many voice actors deliver their words with awesome articulation and precise projection, but have a detached delivery. Learn how you can color words or phrases with the appropriate attitude or emotion in this excellent lesson. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/270223292&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”] Download […]

  • Working From Home and Striking a Work / Life Balance


    Join professional voice over talent Alison Pitman as she lectures about “Working from Home and Striking a Work / Life Balance”. Alison identifies key points that will help anyone who works from home while sharing some special tips for professionals working from home with small children. Transitioning to voice over, mentorship and perseverance are also […]

  • Problem Solving



  • VO Genres and Styles


    Join Voice Over Expert Pat Fraley as he discusses “Knowing VO Genre & Style”. In this episode, Pat helps you to discover the importance of knowing voice over genres and styles, and being able to adjust your performance level to them. [iframe src=”100%” height=”166″ scrolling=”no” frameborder=”no” src=”https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/270223994&color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false”] Download Podcast Episode 59 »

  • Top Market Voice Over Agent : The Piston in Your Engine


    Join Voice Over Experts Nancy Wolfson and Anna Vocino from Break Into VoiceOver with discussion from Nancy on the topic of “Top Market Agent: The Platinum (but not the only!) Piston in Your VO Engine”. Nancy relates that professional voice talent should aspire to have agency representation at every level in addition to a presence […]

  • Finding Your Authentic Voice


    Join Voice Over Expert Phyllis K. Day in her interactive lecture “Finding Your Authentic Voice”. In this podcast, Phyllis shares how she was able to help a client of hers whose background was in radio make his voice sound more natural, getting past ingrained Walter Cronkite voice styling to realize his own authentic voice. [iframe […]

  • 5 Tips for Getting Voice Over Work


    Join Voice Over Expert Gary Terzza in his lecture “5 Tips for Getting Voice Over Work”. Go over a checklist with Gary that will help you improve your chances of securing work as a professional voice talent. By being a positive realist, you’ll prepare yourself for success in the business of voice over, accomplish goals, […]

  • Setting Up a Voice Over Business


    Join professional voice talent Alison Pitman of the UK in her second podcast lecture "Setting Up A Voice Over Business ". In this episode, you'll discover five tips that will help you take the plunge into professional voice acting. Alison also shares that if you love what you do and believe in your talents, success is within your reach.

  • A Job Well Done


    Join professional voice actor Lisa Rice as she discusses "A Job Well Done". Voicing a project as a voice over talent and knowing that your client is pleased is very important. Learn about how the role of communication has evolved and how crucial it is even after the finished audio files have been delivered. A little communication goes a long way for a job well done.

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