Strength Chat By Kabuki Strength



The strength and fitness industry has for too long been dominated by overly-tan, annoyingly-loud YouTube celebrities with less than factual content, aka broscience. Tune in to Strength Chat - hosted by a group of Coaches and Athletes with over 60 years of combined experience as they talk fact, science, and strength with world-renowned strength, conditioning, and rehab professionals.


  • Strength Chat #77: Bud Jeffries and Noah's Army

    10/02/2019 Duration: 42min

    Bud Jeffries is an incredible human being, and one of the strongest men in the world. Bud is a minister, massage therapist, professional performing strongman, motivational speaker, author and business owner. You may know him from his many videos and pictures of feats of other-worldly strength he regularly performs. Among them: 1000lb Raw Anderson Squat (start at the bottom) Backlift a 15,000lb trailer Walk a mile in a 300lb weight vest Carrying a 600lb stone Among his raw strength, bud is extremely agile and flexible - able to combine and apply strength in awkward and traditionally-weak positions (like doing the splits while bending nails or pressing a stone overhead). In this podcast we discuss his unique training philosophy and how he prepares and structures training for his goals. Bud's mantra is "An Unconventional Life: Living it Agile, Strong, Passionate, Wise, and Well" and this is visible in everything he does and in his mission to help people through Noah's Army. Bud's son Noah Jeffries passed away

  • Strength Chat #76: Chris Peil

    28/01/2019 Duration: 49min

    Today's guest is Chris Peil, a veteran of the fitness industry who has been a trainer, coach, and educator for over 15 years. Chris started The Move Well Project - helping athletes improve their movement, then programme appropriately within their limitations and manage risk levels and rehabilitate injuries. Chris has worked with some of the strongest men in the world - including Zydrunas Savickas and Eddie Hall, both winners of the World's Strongest Man contest. On today's show our hosts discuss long term development, managing load, and other ways to minimize injury risk in high-performance athletes.  Enjoy the show!

  • Strength Chat #75: Victoria Felkar

    20/11/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    We are honored to have Victoria Felkar as today's guest on Strength Chat. She is an explorer, a renegade, and an advocate pushing the boundaries of performance and health through research, coaching, and teaching.  Victoria is currently completing her doctoral studies at University of British Columbia, specializing in physical culture, medical and criminological knowledge, performance enhancement, and the muscular body. Her doctoral research explores women's health and female hormone manipulation within sport and medicine. Tune in as the Mad Scientist, Dr. Rudolph, and the Wizard of Training discuss some of what Victoria has been working on lately.  A great episode you won't want to miss! 

  • Strength Chat #74: John Fawkes

    16/11/2018 Duration: 49min

    Today's Strength Chat guest is John Fawkes, an up-and-coming evidence based trainer and coach out of San Francisco. John works with athletes and lifters in all populations to help them develop the systems, psychology and game plan they need to get their minds and bodies into peak condition.  In this podcast our hosts discuss the importance of properly reading and interpreting research and its application to practical and real-world uses. Research is one of the foundations for pushing our industry (and athletes) forward; and it is the job of the evidence-based coach to effectively apply research to produce real-world results.  A great discussion was had, and we hope you enjoy it! 

  • Strength Chat #73: Dr. Ken Kinakin, founder of SWIS Symposium

    09/10/2018 Duration: 45min

    Those of you professionals in the clinical and strength words are sure to know about SWIS, shorthand for the "Society of Weight-Training Injury Specialists". Our guest today is the man behind SWIS and the annual SWIS Symposium, Dr. Ken Kinakin. Kabuki Strength is no stranger to SWIS, with host Chris Duffin having spoken multiple times at SWIS and will again be presenting this year along with our Director of Coaching and Performance aka The Wizard of Training - Brandon Senn.  Tune in to learn more about the mission of SWIS from Dr. Kinakin himself, as well as some sneak peeks of what is going down at this year's symposium. The mission of SWIS is to bring therapeutic professionals and professional weight lifting trainers together. The goal is to create a win-win-win relationship between the doctor/therapist, the trainer, and the client. SWIS is focused on creating a “bridge” for the doctors/therapists and the gym trainers. This allows each profession to do the best work they can. SWIS is dedicated to bringing t

  • Strength Chat #72: Molly Galbraith from GirlsGoneStrong

    29/09/2018 Duration: 56min

    Today's guest is a true pioneer and legend in the strength and fitness worlds, and we are honored to have her on Strength Chat. She is the co-founder and leader of a movement that has empowered hundreds of thousands of women around the world reach their health and fitness goals. Molly Galbraith is an extraordinary person, full of compassion and contagious willpower that touches and inspires those around her. She has dedicated her life's work to helping women "discover all the possibilities for their lives and their bodies and providing evidence-based and body-positive tools to help them reach their goals, all while falling in love with themselves and their bodies in the process."  Tune in and listen as Molly shares her story with our hosts and discusses Girls Gone Strong's mission and vision for the future. Girls Gone Strong is a global movement empowering women by providing body-positive, evidence-based, sane, and sustainable nutrition, training, and self-care information. Learn more at a

  • Strength Chat #71: Chris Karmin

    04/09/2018 Duration: 46min

    Welcome to another episode of Strength Chat! Today's guest is longtime Kabuki Strength friend and coaching client Chris Karmin! As the co-owner of Mt. Vernon Barbell Club in New York City and an elite-level strength athlete, Chris lives and breathes powerlifting when he's not building skyscrapers in Manhattan! Cool fact: Chris was one of the steelworkers who built the Freedom Tower!  Chris, Brandon, and Brady (Dr. Rudolph was out today) talk to Chris about his training, working with Kabuki Strength Coaching, and other strength-related topics.  Hope you enjoy! As always, please leave us a review and tell all your friends about Strength Chat :)     

  • Strength Chat #70: Joe Szymanek

    05/08/2018 Duration: 50min

    Today our hosts sit down with Joe Szymanek, an accomplished coach, athlete, and most recently author! Although he has many credentials to his name, and has competed in a high-level in both CrossFit and weightlifting - it's clear immediately that Joe is just as passionate about introducing little ones to movement, strength, and health from an early age. Joe recently authored the book "Luci Meets a Powerlifter" and says... "I developed Luci Meets a Powerlifter with the hope of cultivating an early strength interest in young children and expose them to a fringe sport that could save their life. Strength is for everyone! It also comes in many forms. Read along with Luci as she learns these lessons for herself. Along the way Luci also practices new exercises, discovers a new sport, and makes a new friend." Tune in as our hosts talk to Joe about his career, his passion for helping parents and kids lead healthier and better lives, his new book, and other important topics. Enjoy!

  • Strength Chat #69: Stan Efferding

    23/07/2018 Duration: 01h30s

    Stan "The Rhino" Efferding, AKA The World's Strongest Bodybuilder - is one of the most respected and well known names and faces in the strength and fitness world. Stan is no stranger to us, he is a local Portland native and even trained at Kabuki Strength before it was called Kabuki Strength! In today's episode our hosts talk to Stan about his latest ventures and dig deep into some nutritional and science topics that are sure to pique the curiosities of our readers. This episode was also filmed and is available as a videocast on YouTube! Tune in, subscribe, share, and as always; stay strong friends! 

  • Strength Chat #68: Ryan Lockard | Specialty Athletic Training

    09/07/2018 Duration: 38min

    Ryan Lockard and his team at Specialty Athletic Training work with a population of individuals who have been mostly forgotten and overlooked by the fitness world - those with special needs. Perhaps nobody we've had on the show thus far better embodies our mission and vision of "making the world a better place through strength" than Ryan and his team.  As one parent put it... "There is a special place in heaven for you and each and every one of your staff."  In his own words - the mission of Specialty Athletic Training is " make fitness fun and encourage self-esteem building and healthy lifestyle choices. We are passionate about the positive effects that exercise can have in the lives of our clients and their families!" Ryan and his team have worked with hundreds of special needs individuals with Autism, Downs, Cerebral Palsy, ADHD, and other mental/physical disabilities.  We are absolutely honored to have Ryan share his story with us and the listeners of Strength Chat. All of us here at Kabuki Strength h

  • Strength Chat #67: Ben Pollack

    25/06/2018 Duration: 58min

    Finally on the show is one of this generation's greatest lifters and genuises, Ben Pollack!  Our hosts get some insight from Ben on his recent competition preps, as well as his transition into bodybuilding and competing in powerlifting as one of the leanest powerlifters today.  Know as "PhDeadlift" on social media, Ben is finishing up his doctoral degree and is one of the most educated and insightful competitors to grace the platform. This is a great episode you don't want to me. As a bonus, Dr. Rudolph tells a story of when his junior college football team faced off against San Quentin State Prison! 

  • Strength Chat #66: Christian Thibaudeau and Paul Carter

    14/06/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Today's guests are like two peas in a pod. Paul Carter and Christian Thibaudeau have been professionally collaborating together for many years and many projects. Both are internationally-recognized strength coaches and producers of high quality content in the bodybuilding and strength training worlds.  Together they are hosting the "Maximum Muscle Seminar" taking place in a few months here at Kabuki Strength Lab, but for now enjoy the discussions on neurological profiling and personality profiling as it relates to strength training and finding your ideal program, among other great topics!  As always we ask that you share, comment, and review to help us reach more listeners and make the world a better place through strength.

  • Strength Chat #65: Marisa Inda

    05/06/2018 Duration: 47min

    We are honored to host Marisa Inda, an incredible athlete, coach, writer, and ambassador for the sport! Marisa is the current IPF Champion at 52kg and holds the total, bench, and deadlift world records for that weight class as well.  She is a respected strength coach at Juggernaut Training Systems, and has authored several books and countless resources for strength athletes. Marisa is a graduate in Biology from Antioch College, incredible mother of two, and a former gymnast with over 20 years combined athletic experience in physique, calisthenics and powerlifting. We hope you enjoy this episode!

  • Strength Chat #64: Dr. Jordan Shallow | The Muscle Doc

    24/05/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    We are thrilled to have the Muscle Doc on today's episode - Dr. Jordan Shallow!  Dr. Shallow is a graduate of Palmer College of Chiropractic West, and has been a competitive athlete himself for over 15 years!  Dr. Shallow utilizes a wide variety of non-invasive techniques, far beyond the chiropractic adjustment. He focuses on addressing the entire tensegrity model of the body. Everything from joints to tendons, ligaments and muscles. Every aspect of injury is considered in returning his patients back to proper structure and proper function We're happy to have Dr. Shallow in person at the Lab for a video cast, so if you'd rather watch instead of listen - head over to our YouTube channel!  ** Editor's Note ** There is some audio clipping on one of the hosts microphones due to a tech issue. Sorry about that! 

  • Strength Chat #63: Mark Smelly Bell

    30/04/2018 Duration: 01h24min

    After a short hiatus, we're back! This week's guest is one of the most recognizable names in the barbell game, Mark "Smelly" Bell! Inventor, content-creator, podcaster, powerlifter, and coach - Mark is one of the most influential and respected names in the strength world.  Mark came down to the Lab to film this episode in person - so if you want to watch instead of listen - head over to our YouTube channel and check out the video cast instead!  Today's episode is full of laughter but also of serious conversation. Our hosts and Mark discuss the current state of strength sports and how we can improve. We don't want to give too much away, but we promise this is an episode you don't want to miss!  Tune in, and as always please subscribe, review and share with your friends! 

  • Strength Chat #62: Daniel McKim

    02/04/2018 Duration: 42min

    Dan McKim is one of the most decorated highland games athletes in history, with 4 world titles and 6 national titles. Tune in to learn more about Dan's past and his experience being an elite-level athlete in an awesome sport that many don't know about. Dan provides you, the listener, with resources if you are interested in training for, or competing in highland games. Another great episode with one of the top professionals in his field! As always, share, comment, like, review and tell all your friends about Strength Chat!

  • Strength Chat #61: Eric Helms

    26/03/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Today's guest is Eric Helms, well-known coach, athlete, author, and educator. Tune in as our hosts take a dive deep into auto-regulation in what is probably our most technical discussion on the topic. This one is a great one for you strength science nerds!  Eric has published multiple peer reviewed articles in exercise science and nutrition journals and writes for several fitness publications He’s taught undergraduate and graduate level nutrition and exercise science courses and is invited to speak internationally at academic and commercial conferences for fitness, nutrition and strength and conditioning. He has a BS in fitness and wellness, an MS in exercise science, a second masters in sports nutrition, a PhD in strength and conditioning, and is a research fellow for AUT at the Sports Performance Research Institute New Zealand.  

  • Strength Chat Episode 60: Paul Carter

    19/03/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Today's guest is author, coach, and well known meathead Paul Carter! Paul owns and operates his own company Lift Run Bang and produces content for various platforms like T-Nation, EliteFTS, and Flex Magazine as well as his own. He is the co-author of the Maximum Muscle Bible and just recently released his Super Soldier Protocol. Paul is actually coming down to the Lab for a seminar he is hosting along with Christian Thibaudeau in August!  Great episode with lots of talk about gains in the gym and in life.  As always, please share, like, subscribe, and leave a review if you enjoy our show! 

  • Strength Chat #59: Kirk Karwoski and Marty Gallagher

    12/03/2018 Duration: 55min

    We are thrilled to host two LEGENDS on today's episode of Strength Chat! Kirk Karwoski - known as Captain Kirk - and Marty Gallagher, one of the best powerlifting coaches in the sport's history sit down with our hosts and reminisce on the golden age of powerlifting.  Learn about how Marty coached Kirk, Ed Coan, and other world champions and hear interesting stories from the weight room as told by none other than Captain Kirk himself.  An entertaining and informative listen, this episode is one you don't want to miss! As always, please like, comment, share, and tell all your friends about Strength Chat! 

  • Strength Chat #58: Brian Carroll

    05/03/2018 Duration: 49min

    Brian Carroll is no stranger to injury and rehab. After being assessed by Dr. Stuart McGill, he was told that he has one of the worst backs Dr. McGill has ever seen. The story doesn't end there however - and with the good doctor's help Brian was able to come back healthier than ever.  Brian is also known for writing 10/20/Life as well as co-authoring The Gift of Injury with Dr. McGill. He is one of the top powerlifters of his generation and has loads of wisdom and knowledge to share with our listeners.  Give it a listen, and as always - make sure to share with your friends and leave us a review. 

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