Strength Chat By Kabuki Strength

Strength Chat #77: Bud Jeffries and Noah's Army



Bud Jeffries is an incredible human being, and one of the strongest men in the world. Bud is a minister, massage therapist, professional performing strongman, motivational speaker, author and business owner. You may know him from his many videos and pictures of feats of other-worldly strength he regularly performs. Among them: 1000lb Raw Anderson Squat (start at the bottom) Backlift a 15,000lb trailer Walk a mile in a 300lb weight vest Carrying a 600lb stone Among his raw strength, bud is extremely agile and flexible - able to combine and apply strength in awkward and traditionally-weak positions (like doing the splits while bending nails or pressing a stone overhead). In this podcast we discuss his unique training philosophy and how he prepares and structures training for his goals. Bud's mantra is "An Unconventional Life: Living it Agile, Strong, Passionate, Wise, and Well" and this is visible in everything he does and in his mission to help people through Noah's Army. Bud's son Noah Jeffries passed away