15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger



For more info:http://15minutesjamieberger.comorhttps://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/15-minutes-podcast-about-fame/id1114333130?mt=2info@15minutesjamieberger.com twitter / instagram @15minsjamieb


  • Episode 19 - Andrew Leland helps Jamie purge thoughts on Trump and Fame

    18/11/2016 Duration: 38min

    Andrew Leland was kind enough to let me (Jamie) talk at him about the role of fame in the rise of Donald J. Trump. Andrew heads the team that makes the Beleiver/Mcscweeney's/KCRW-affiliated Organist podcast (http://www.kcrw.com/news-culture/shows/the-organist) after being a longtime editor of The Believer. Andrew also just moved to our Happy Valley and is teaching at Smith College. For more notes on the episode, and a compendium of post-election rants/raves/links, as well as all other episodes, please stop by http://15minutesjamieberger.com. Thanks and good luck/good fight to you all in the coming storm. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Episode 18 - Anjali Mullany

    03/11/2016 Duration: 40min

    Show notes!Anjali Mullahnny is the editor of the business magazine Fast Company’s Digital side. She’s also an old grad-school pal of mine. We talked about everything from journalism and the “scoop” as journo-fame to to Ivanka Trump to social media and the idea that everyone now needs "followers," to vaginal steaming.Here are links to some stuff mentioned in the episode:Studs Terkel’s "Working Then and Now" on Radio Diaries:http://www.radiodiaries.org/new-series-working-then-and-now/Anjali M. on the interwebs (where you can find her articles on Ivanka T. and Gwynneth P. and so much more!:twitter:@anjalimullanyhttps://www.fastcompany.com/user/anjali-mullanyHer Grad school program she spoke of - Studio 20, NYUhttp://journalism.nyu.edu/graduate/programs/studio-20-digital-first/4 Questions piece with AM:http://www.adweek.com/fishbowlny/4-questions-with-anjali-mullany-social-media-editor-at-fast-company/254228Thanks! Like the show? Put a little money where your ears are?http://www.15minutesjamieberger.com/news/2016

  • Episode 17: Photographer Anja Schütz & Human Lindsay Mace

    25/10/2016 Duration: 34min

    Anja Schütz is a photographer. She's also my (Jamie here, not going to write about myself in the third person) wife. In the past two weeks, her life has changed a great deal as a project she embarked on as a way to make a political statement with a few friends has blossomed into something much bigger. One response to Donald Trump's "Grab her . . . " tape was the hashtag #grabhimbytheballot. Anja was inspired by the hashtag and came up with a photo project: strong, straighforward portraits of women, nude, holding a strategically placed ballot. It started with three portraits, and then a post on Facebook, and then two local papers wrote about it, then a national website picked it up, and then over 60-women from as far afield as Vermont and Connecticut arrived on Saturday 10/22/16, to be photographed. And the project keeps growing. Anja will be shooting women in NYC on 11/5 and here in the Pioneer Valley just about every day, posting a few each day, from now until election day. Here's where to find the pictures,

  • Episode 16 - Jessica Abel

    13/10/2016 Duration: 48min

    Jessica Abel is known to some for her comics/graphic novels such asLa Perdida, ArtBabe, Life Sucks, or Trish Trash. A new, teen-to-adult audience are about to know her from her coming November new release Trish Trash, Roller Girl of Mars. Still others know her for a skinny little handbook she and Ira Glass of this American Life put together in 1999 called Radio: An Illustrated GuideI only knew Jessica Abel's name as the editor of the annual Best American Comics anthologies I loved, until last spring, when, in a mix of preparation/procrastination for beginning this podcast, I was reading her hit book, Out on the Wire: The Storytelling Secrets of the New Masters of Radio.The book led me to her podcast, which led me to her Creative Focus workshop, which helps artists get shit done. The workshop was six weeks long, six weeks which, coincidentally were scheduled to end exactly when I'd told myself (my fourth such deadline, the first three having failed miserably) that Episode 1 would be done and dropped! When that

  • Episode 15 - Eugene Mirman

    29/09/2016 Duration: 01h21min

    Episode 15 - Eugene MirmanHello listeners! We made it to 15!Serendipitously, this article (http://www.recorder.com/15-Minutes-4996757) in the local press came out today about the show. Are we famous yet?!At this mini milestone, I’d like to send out huge thanks to my guests so far for their trust and earnest, eager, fun participation, so here we go. THANKS: John Hodgman, Case Hudson, Mark Berger, Annie Duke, Tim Lockfeld, Lois Parkison, Monte Belmonte, Hearty White, Matthew Latkiewicz, Soren Mason-Temple & Dave Rothstein, Daniel Oppenheimer, Andi Zeisler, Penny Lane, and Sara Jaffe, thank you thank you thank you . . . you get the idea. Thank you. (You can find all those episodes at http://15minutesjamieberger.com .Also and of course, thanks so much to all you listeners for joining us on this little exploration. And to Ed Patenaude, for always making me sound as pretty as is achieveable.And to Christian Cundari, for our theme music.Please, if you haven’t already, rate and/or review 15 Minutes on the Great

  • Episode 14 - Sara Jaffe

    21/09/2016 Duration: 42min

    Sara Jaffe writes fiction. She used to and still does make music, was one of the founding members of Erase Errata. New Yorker review of Dryland:“Its title notwithstanding, this moody coming-of-age novel is soaked in the damp of Oregon winters and poolside locker rooms. Julie, a high-school student, joins the swim team, hoping to orbit a female crush and to understand the disappearance of her brother, a former Olympic hopeful. She is exquisitely attuned to itches and aches―the constriction of a new bathing suit, the throb of a full bladder. Only the pool releases her to a dimension 'like sugar, like a dream.' Jaffe’s meticulous, frank texturing keeps the sex talks and scenes from sinking under tropes of adolescent awakening and presents queer desire as just one of Julie’s innumerable, unstoppable sensations.” (The New Yorker)Links to stuff we talked about:Dryland The story Sara read on the show, “A Form of Love”The Art of Touring book“Salt and Water” E.P. , which includes the song “Walking Tour” that was playe

  • Episode 13 - Andi Zeisler

    13/09/2016 Duration: 43min

    Andi Zeisler cofounded Bitch Magazine in 1996, It has grown into Bitch Media, a feminism-meets-pop-culture independent media conglomerate. Her book, We Were Feminists Once: From Riot Grrrl to CoverGirl®, the Buying and Selling of a Political Movement is a detailed history of feminism in media and culture, and a takedown of the easy and breezy way celebrities and fan culture and products are taking on the term “feminist,” even to the extent that boys all over are wearing “This is what a feminist looks like” t-shirts for street cred with the ladies. Z argues that while there is good to this, it’s also just . . . too easy, too ignorant of history, a capitalist co-optation of a century-plus old social and political movement into what she and others are calling “marketplace feminism.”Her article, “The Bitch America Needs,” in support of Hillary Clinton for President, appeared in the New York Times last Saturday, 9/10/16. If you want to hear her discuss the naming of the magazine, or the word “bitch” in general, th

  • Episode 12 - Penny Lane

    02/09/2016 Duration: 45min

    Penny Lane is an award-winning nonfiction filmmaker. Her most recent film NUTS! premiered at Sundance 2016, where it won a Special Jury Award for Editing. Her debut feature-length documentary OUR NIXON world premiered at Rotterdam 2013, had its North American premiere at SXSW, won the Ken Burns Award for "Best of the Festival" at Ann Arbor. She was named "Most Badass!" at the Iowa City Documentary Film Festival in 2009.Her 2005 short THE ABORTION DIARIES has become an important organizing and educational tool across the nation.I met Penny here in the Pioneer Valley back in 2005 when I first got to Massachusetts, when she was teaching at Hampshire College. Then she moved to Troy and RPI, where I caught up with her once or twice, and then she moved farther away, to New York City, and eventually upstate to Colgate University where she is now a professor in the Art Department.We spoke in July about an hour before her screening of Nuts! at Amherst Cinema in a lovely loft space B&B right down the street from th

  • Episode 11 - Daniel Oppenheimer

    21/08/2016 Duration: 01h17min

    I met Dan Oppenheimer soon after I moved to this here Pioneer Valley in 2005. We ended up writing a blog together, Masculinity and Its Discontents (M.A.I.D.) for several years while I was in grad school and he was the arts writer and anonymous advice-giver, as Dear Dexter, for our region’s alternative weekly, the Valley Advocate.This year, his long awaited and much longer toiled-over book, Exit Right: The People Who Left the Left and Reshaped the American Century was published by Simon and Schuster to the kind of fanfare authors of such books dream of, with reviews and features everywhere from the Atlantic to the New Republic, the New Yorker, Time Magazine and the New York Times Book Review.Exit Right explores the lives and careers of six major 20th Century figures - Whittaker Chambers, James Burnham, Ronald Reagan, Norman Podhoretz, David Horowitz, and Christopher Hitchens - who moved from the political right to the political left, often quite suddenly. It’s a really fascinating read, which I mention especia

  • Episode 10.5, aka Episode 1, Director's Cut, aka John Hodgman, only SHORTER!

    12/08/2016 Duration: 25min

    "As an artist it feels good to be recognized for your work, as a narcissist it feels great to be recognized for nothing." - J. HodgmanHello Fabulous People,Note: to read this with lots of fun hyperlinks, go to:http://www.15minutesjamieberger.com/news/2016/8/12/episode-105-aka-episode-1-john-hodgman-the-directors-cutHope you are near water this hot day. We've got our first repeat this week, as we prepare upcoming episodes with writer/podcaster/radio historian/artist-enabler (in a good way) Jessica Abel, author Daniel Oppenheimer, filmmaker Penny Lane, and plenty of interesting people you've never heard of because maybe they want it that way! Coming this fall and beyond, we're lining up episodes with Matt (The Suitcase Junket) Lorenz, comedian Eugene Mirman, and writer George Saunders, to name just a few of the famouser ones.But remember, in between those folks will be lesser-known-if-known-at-all names with stories rants and other interesting takes on the topic - could YOU be one of them?Let us know by writin

  • Episode 10: 24 Hours, 2 Million Views: Søren and Dave's Big Adventure

    06/08/2016 Duration: 22min

    Hello All - 10 Episodes Down, A Zillion to go!Intro:This week was going to be a look back on the first nine episodes and some deep and shallow thoughts on fame from me, but early last week, something very 15-minutes-y happened, that really got rolling in the wee small hours of Wednesday, July 27th, 2016.Søren Mason Temple is someone I know from, you know, around. We’re IRL friends and Facebook friends, have a bunch of friends in common here in the 413, bump into each other a few times a year. We used to compete in a monthly trivia night at the bar. Dave Rothstein is a friend of Soren’s whom I’ve met only once before. Søren is a painter. Dave is a snow sculptor, hobbyist photographer, and lawyer. A couple weeks ago, the pair collaborated for a couple days on a time-lapse photo video of Søren making a painting. Then they posted the resulting 16-second video on Twitter. They can tell you the rest.We talked on Saturday, over the kitchen table in Søren’s parents’ art-filled, comfy, Western Mass country house.***

  • Episode 9 - Matthew Latkiewicz

    29/07/2016 Duration: 44min

    Intro:Matthew Latkiewicz is a writer, most recently of the book You Suck at Drinking - he’s also a graphic designer designer, videographer, creative director, and now TV-show-maker.His first TV series, the comedy-advice-show You Can Do Better, debuts on Tru TV on August 23rd.More important to my, though, is that Matthew, along with Sarah Reid are co-founders of the legendary - Lady Killigrew Cafe in the equally Legendary Bookmill in Montague MA.Ten years ago after nearly a decade and a half in San Francisco, I had applied and gotten accepted to the creative writing MFA at UMASS and had to find a place to live from 3,000 miles away. So I moved back east, closer to my parents and my Upstate NY roots, to Western Massachusetts to get an MFA in fiction. From 3,000 miles away, I somehow decided to move not to the college town, Amherst, nor to what I then saw as a wannabe San Francisco, the up and coming Northampton, but to a tiny village called Turners Falls, one of the five Villages of the town of Montague. I had

  • Episode 8 - Hearty White

    22/07/2016 Duration: 01h07min

    This is going up a bit later than we'd like, so, here, more or less verbatim, are the intro and outro for the episode:Hearty White is someone who’s incredibly famous . . . to the people to know and love his work. His radio show, Miracle Nutrition, blesses the faithful on Thursday nights at 7pm on WFMU, the eclectic, extremely independent, and unquestionably legendary radio station based in New Jersey but available anywhere. Go to WFMU.org for more on the station often called the best radio station in America. This is our first hour-long 15 Minutes. By now many of you realize that while 15 Minutes is the name of the show, it is NOT the length of the episodes, but a reference to the Andy Warhol’s now ubiquitous statement about fame. We recorded our conversation right after Hearty’s June 9th episode aired, and during our conversations, I make a couple of references to the that aren’t self-explanatory: I refer to a time Hearty mentions in the show when he and friends spotted Mel Brooks one night when they were o

  • Episode 7 - Monte Belmonte

    15/07/2016 Duration: 29min

    For the past decade, Monte Belmonte has been the morning host on WRSI, the River, the one and only socially conscious indie-rock/pop commercial radio station in Massachusetts’ Pioneer Valley. He’s also a huge social activist and fundraiser in our Valley, raising money for numerous causes pretty much ALL THE TIME.He runs on two hugely successful annual events, Monte’s March, a 40+ Mile walk up our Valley that raises awareness and buckets o’ money for the Food Bank of Western mass, and Monte’s Cancer Connection Campout.He’s also a neighbor here in Turners Falls, and heads up a team that’s breathing new life into our grand old Shea Theater.Monte’s in an interesting place on the ladder up the wall of fame Ray Bradbury told us about in episode 1, as, if you’re of a certain demographic, say 30-50 years old, left leaning, higher-educated person living in a small but signficant chunk of Massachusetts, even if you don’t listen to him, you’ve heard of him, probably heard his voice, and are pretty likely to recognize hi

  • Episode 6 - Lois Parkison

    05/07/2016 Duration: 31min

    Lois Parkison is an old friend who happens to be a shrink. She wanted me (Jamie - I still can't figure out whether to go with first or third person here) to talk more about my feelings (about fame). So we did. She blogs at http://thefeministpsychiatrist.com. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Episode 5 - Annie Duke

    23/06/2016 Duration: 35min

    Annie Duke is a poker legend - winner of a WSOP bracelet, the WSOP Tournament of Champions, and of the NBC National Heads’-up Poker Championship in 2010, among other accolades. She was also runner-up to Joan Rivers on Season Two of Celebrity Apprentice. Among other charitable endeavors, Annie is co-founder, along with Don Cheadle and Norman Epstein, of Ante up for Africa. Our first first guest who's been over the Wall of Fame and climbed back, Annie is now retired from both poker and TV and is now a professional speaker, decision strategist, and one of the founders and directors of How I Decide, a nonprofit dedicated to helping youth become skilled decision makers, both in school and out. You can find them at howIdecide.org. Last, and Annie would say, most important, she is the proud mother of four.For more on Annie and videos of some of her work, see https://www.facebook.com/15minutesjamiebergerorhttp://15minutesjamieberger.comThanks! See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Episode 4, A 15-Minutes Mini: Case Hudson

    17/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    Case Hudson tells a story about his father, artist Robert Hudson discovering his fame in farflung places. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Episode 3, A 15-Minutes-Mini: Mark Berger meets Muhammad Ali

    08/06/2016 Duration: 05min

    On Saturday I called my dad up to ask him to retell, one more time, the story of the day he shook the hands of The Greatest. Thanks, Pop! See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Episode 2 - Tim Lockfeld

    03/06/2016 Duration: 27min

    15 Minutes: a podcast about fame, Episode 2.Tim LockfeldSurfer, Certified arborist, world traveler, skater, erstwhile performer, talks with Jamie about how, when he was coming up as a skater alongside legends like Tony Alva, he became the guy who put skateboarding and punk rock together. He also addresses the dangers of fame, and his relationship with Sharon Stone. See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

  • Episode 1 - John Hodgman

    14/05/2016 Duration: 40min

    15 Minutes; A podcast about Fame, with Jamie BergerEpisode OneJohn HodgmanJohn Hodgman is an author, actor, comedian, and host of the Judge John Hodgman podcast. He and Jamie dicscussed the topic at hand after a casual meet-up of John's podcast listeners. The meet-up is also featured here. Find us on iTunes or Stitcher as well, and if you like, please download let 'em know in all and any available ways! (ie, rate us!). You can find us on facebook, twitter@15minsjamieband reach us at 15minutesjamieberger@gmail.com or by calling the 15 Minutes hotline at 872-215-6467ENJOY! See acast.com/privacy for privacy and opt-out information.

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