15 Minutes: A Podcast About Fame, With Jamie Berger

Episode 10: 24 Hours, 2 Million Views: Søren and Dave's Big Adventure



Hello All - 10 Episodes Down, A Zillion to go!Intro:This week was going to be a look back on the first nine episodes and some deep and shallow thoughts on fame from me, but early last week, something very 15-minutes-y happened, that really got rolling in the wee small hours of Wednesday, July 27th, 2016.Søren Mason Temple is someone I know from, you know, around. We’re IRL friends and Facebook friends, have a bunch of friends in common here in the 413, bump into each other a few times a year. We used to compete in a monthly trivia night at the bar. Dave Rothstein is a friend of Soren’s whom I’ve met only once before. Søren is a painter. Dave is a snow sculptor, hobbyist photographer, and lawyer. A couple weeks ago, the pair collaborated for a couple days on a time-lapse photo video of Søren making a painting. Then they posted the resulting 16-second video on Twitter. They can tell you the rest.We talked on Saturday, over the kitchen table in Søren’s parents’ art-filled, comfy, Western Mass country house.***