Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd



Join Registered Nutritionist and Wellness Advocate Laura Thomas, PhD for conversations with game changers. Laura talks to people in wellness, foodies, bloggers, entrepreneurs from cool brands, creatives, nutritionists, doctors, body positivity people, mindfulness experts, and anyone else who is shaking up the wellness world, to find out how they stay on top of their game and to help you do you, but better. Its not all handstands and courgetti though - she and her guests arent afraid to dig deep into the darker side of wellness and WILL call BS on weird, faddy trends, that dont have any legitimacy or scientific merit. Fresh pods every Friday. #dontsaltmygame


  • EP75 Diet-binge-diet-binge-diet-binge w/ Isabel Foxen Duke of Stop Fighting Food

    06/04/2018 Duration: 01h26min

    IFD is health coach, creator of the Stop Fighting Food programme and all round BA. Today she shares her story of being a chronic dieter and how she recovered from 'compulsive overeating'. Isabel has tried every diet in the book, and all the diets pretending not to be diets. She even turned Intuitive Eating into a diet (which she doesn't recommend). In this episode, Isabel shares some of the insights that made her stop feeling crazy around food, and some things that might help you! In this episode we discuss: ✨ Why control + willpower aren't what helps you break out of the diet-binge cycle ✨ Why you can't fall off the wagon if there is no wagon ✨ Why learning about set point weight theory, Health at Every Size and Fatphobia are important in recovering from disordered eating ✨ The 'love yourself thin' diet you need to watch out for  ✨ How not to turn intuitive eating into a diet ✨ How hunger, fullness, and 'overeating' are pathologised by diet culture Show Notes {IFD Website} {IFD on Instagram | Twitter} {IFD'

  • EP74 - People With PCOS Can Totally Eat Birthday Cake - w/ Julie Duffy Dillon of PCOS & Food Peace

    30/03/2018 Duration: 01h31min

    Have you been told that you need to lose weight and cut carbs to manage your PCOS symptoms? That's the advice a lot of people get, problem is, that can be super triggering for anyone who has a history of disordered eating or who wants to build a healthy relationship to food. But don't sweat, I'm joined by non-diet dietitian and PCOS genius Julie Duffy Dillon to talk about how to manage your PCOS from a non-diet, non-restrictive perspective. In this episode we discuss: ✨ What PCOS is ✨ Why dieting and cutting carbs don't work for PCOS ✨ What the research does (and doesn't!) show ✨ Which supplements and medicine can be helpful ✨ How to handle cravings w/o getting into a binge restrict cycle ✨ The importance of sleep + stress management ✨ Inflammation + omega 3s ✨ Movement + exercise ✨ Protein, carbs, + gentle nutrition Show Notes {Julie on Instagram | Twitter| Facebook} {Julie's Website} {PCOS + Food Peace Support Group} {Love, Food Podcast} {PCOS + Food Peace} {Ovasitol Supplement} {What to Say at The Doctor'

  • EP73 - The Inside Scoop on Intuitive Eating w/ Evelyn Tribole, Co-Author of Intuitive Eating

    23/03/2018 Duration: 59min

    I'm SO PUMPED to share this episode with you, I think you're going to love it! Today I'm talking to Evelyn Tribole, registered dietitian and co-author of Intuitive Eating. Yup, Evelyn is the OG creator of the Intuitive Eating concept, and evidence based approach to building a healthier relationship to food. Evelyn has such a depth of knowledge and incredible insight into the IE process, she is so awesome and I can't wait for you to listen! In this episode we talk about: ✨ The history of Intuitive Eating ✨ What Intuitive Eating is (and isn't!) ✨ The research (evidence base) behind IE ✨ How IE is being co-opted by diet culture and what we can do about it ✨ How reframing 'screw ups' as learning experiences can help facilitate the IE process ✨ How to reject the food police and practicing food neutrality ✨ Common fears about IE ✨ How essential gentle nutrition is as an anchor for the process and why it shouldn't be introduced too early ✨ How diet culture undermines your trust in your body, but every time you honou

  • EP72 - Does Giving up Dieting Mean Eating Doughnuts all day? w/ Paige Smathers of Positive Nutrition

    16/03/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    HEY OH! Look who's back. Coming in with a book update, followed by a conversation that desperately needed to be had, and I couldn't think of a more perfect guest for it than dietitian Paige Smathers (of the Nutrition Matters podcast). Paige and I are addressing some recent criticisms made about the non-diet movement like we're a) telling everyone to eat doughnuts all day long and b) shaming people who want to lose weight. This is in response to an article that was published recently which criticised the non-diet movement without appreciating some of the subtleties or nuance of the approach. Paige and I are discussing the concerns, doing a little reflecting, and trying to figure out how we can make the approach more accessible. We discuss: ✨ Why it's important not to jump into nutrition too fast or too hard ✨ Knowing your audience and protecting the most vulnerable ✨ Why it's important to expose people to a variety of foods ✨ How we can bring make out message accessible to people without alienating others ✨ Wh

  • EP71 - But is it Healthy to be Fat? w/ Dr. Charlotte Cooper

    26/01/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    On this week's 'sode I'm talking to Dr. Charlotte Cooper, psychotherapist and author of fat activism; she is punk, witchy, queer, and fat, and one of the coolest people I've ever met. This is potentially one of my favourite episodes ever. We talk about the euphimising and watering down of fat phobia by the medical establishment. We talk about how the 'War on Obesity' and organisations like the WHO are responsible for creating the problem of fat phobia in the first place and how they are now trying to  clean their own mess and STILL GETTING IT WRONG. We talk about why using person first language in relation to obesity is still problematic. We talk about maintaining power structures through constructing fat bodies as problems that need solving and so much more. It's a really rich conversation. I highly recommend you read Charlotte's book and follow her work. Show Notes {Charlotte's Website} {Charlotte on Twitter} {Cat Pousé podcast} {Fat Activism} {Fat & Proud} {A walk around Fat Activist London} {Nothing A

  • EP70 - Body Image, Self Compassion & 'Food Addiction' w/ Marci Evans of Marci RD

    11/01/2018 Duration: 01h37min

    Happy New year team! Today I'm talking to the incredible Marci Evans about body image, self-acceptance, and food 'addiction'. Marci is a certified EDRD, a body image healer, and intuitive eating counsellor. Our conversation is a great antidote to all the diet culture BS you're seeing everywhere right now. We talk about why it's so challenging to develop positive body image, what real body positivity actually means and thin privilege. We also look more closely at self-acceptance and self-compassion and why developing practices around these concepts can help you heal your body image. Finally we go deep on the science around the idea of food 'addiction' and discuss what the evidence really means; plus some ideas on how to help build a healthier relationship with foods you feel you might be addicted to.

  • EP69 - How to Have a Non-Diet Holiday Season w/ Fiona Sutherland of The Mindful Dietitian

    01/12/2017 Duration: 01h42min

    In the final episode of 2017, we're talking to the sensational Fiona Sutherland, non-diet dietitian & yoga teacher, about how to navigate the holidays around food, body image, and diet chat. We discuss everything from how to cope with food guilt & anxiety, to how to stop food FOMO, breaking the binge/restrict cycle, and how to deal with diet chat and the food police. This is probably my favourite episode of the whole year; Fiona is a total babe, so warm and compassionate but doesn't take any crap. Exactly our kind of people. I really think you're going to love this episode.  SHOW SPONSOR This episode is Sponsored by the London Centre for Intuitive Eating - This Christmas give the gift of a healthy relationship to food with a gift certificate to my Food Fight programme. 10% of each course sold will be donated to Help Refugees.  Show Notes {Body Positive Australia | Facebook}  {Fiona on Twitter | Instagram} {The Mindful Dietitian} {Yoga Body Image Coalition}  {Yoga & Body Image} {Australian Kelpie}

  • EP68 - That's My Jam Christmas Gift Guide w/ Emily Beeson of Young Gold Teeth

    24/11/2017 Duration: 01h51min

    This Black Friday we're celebrating the little guys; the indie makers, creators, designers and small shops in our That's My Jam Christmas Gift Guide Special. Emily Beeson, the blogger and creative soul at Young Gold Teeth shares her favourite independents where you can find that really special gift for that hard-to-buy-for person in your life. Whether they're the nester/homebody type, the foodie, or you just need a secret santa gift that doesn't suck, we got you. Emily also shares where to find Christmas crackers that don't suck, pretty Christmas cards, and experiential gifts that aren't your average trashy Groupon. We also talk about Emily's extensive knowledge of celebrity animals (and why you need them in your Insta feed). PLUS, she smack talks Drake ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ P.S. neither Emily or I are judgey about shopping on the high street (Amazon is my lifeline), we just wanted to big up some of the little guys who don't get enough air time. Show Sponsor This episode is Sponsored by the London Centre for Intuitive Ea

  • EP67 - How to be Body Positive When You Body Isn't Playing Ball w/ Michelle Elman of Scarred Not Scared

    17/11/2017 Duration: 01h24min

    This week we're talking to Michelle Elman, the 'grammer behind two of my fave Insta accounts; Scarred not Scared and Body Positive Memes. We talk about her WILD medical history, including 15 surgeries, a brain tumour, and a near death experience. WHOAH. Plus, how to cultivate body positivity when your body has been through SO MUCH STUFF. Plus we talk about Health at Every Size, Intuitive Eating, and why you deserve to take a break BEFORE you break down.    Show Sponsor Switch up your lunch game with our great new sponsor, MealPal - get out of the lunchtime funk, discover new places, and save money. BOOM.   Show Notes {Michelle Elman} {Michelle on Instagram | Twitter | Facebook} {Body Positive Memes} {YouTube} {Preorder Michelle's Book}

  • EP67 - How to Raise an Intuitive Eater w/ Catherine Lippe of Lippe Nutrition

    10/11/2017 Duration: 01h34min

    Today we're talking to Catherine Lippe, a Registered Nutritionist who specialises in paediatric and maternal nutrition, about how to raise intuitive eaters. The things we say, how we act, and what we *think* kids should do can all influence how kids relate to food, and sometimes we do or say things with the best of intentions, that can totally backfire. Catherine shares her tips for things to look out for and we share a model for child feeding that helps take the pressure off parents, and helps the kid build a sense of autonomy and independence around food. The goal here is to help kids preserve their innate hunger and fullness cues and have a healthy relationship to food. We also discuss why restriction of certain foods might actually lead to eating MORE of those foods in the long run, and why it might not be the best idea to use creative coercion tactics to get kids to eat their veg! We just scratched the surface of things to talk about related to raising kids who have a happy, healthy relationship to food,

  • EP66 - Guts, Periods, + Hormones w/ Robyn Nohling of the Real Life RD

    27/10/2017 Duration: 01h26min

    If you experience digestive issues or period problems, then this is the episode for you. Today I'm joined by Robyn Nohling, a Nurse Practitioner & Registered Dietitian based in NYC who specialises in eating disorders and women's health. We talk about how restricting food to try and solve your digestive issues might be self-defeating, and could cause more stress and functional problems if you're not addressing the underlying causes. We discuss the gut-brain axis and the role stress plays on our digestive system and how just thinking a food is bad for you might cause a negative physiological response (the nocebo effect). Plus the best ways to support your digestive health if you're recovering from restrictive eating. Then we switch things up and talk about periods, hormones, and what the heck is causing your period to disappear, aka hypothalamic amenorrhea. Plus what to do to help you get your period back, and what the big deal is with it being gone in the first place!

  • EP65 - Shutting Down Beauty Myths & What You Really Need for Skin Health w/ Dr. Anjali Mahto - Consultant Dermatologist

    20/10/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Are you ready to shut down some beauty myths? Because consultant dermatologist Dr. Anjali Mahto is here to SHUT

  • EP63 - Is #fitspo Really #thinspo, and is 'Strong' Just 'Skinny' Rebranded? w/ Anna Kessel - Author of Eat Sweat Play

    29/09/2017 Duration: 01h20min

    So excited to share this interview with Anna Kessel which was recorded live at the London Podcast Festival (which is why we sound like we're underwater at some parts

  • EP62 - Overcoming Fat Phobia & Disordered Eating and Finding Radical Body Acceptance w/ Steph Yeboah of Nerd About Town (Part 2)

    22/09/2017 Duration: 51min

    In part two of my conversation with Steph Yeboah we discuss the idea that certain bodies dominate the body positive conversation, further marginalising the people who stand to gain the most from the movement and how the media have so much to answer for in terms of promoting certain more 'acceptable'  bodies over others.  We also talk about the damaging stereotypes that black women live with on a daily basis and how to be an ally for POC by listening, sharing their experiences and supporting their work. Finally we talk about how to build body confidence and be unapologetically yourself. Join in our #bodyapology challenge too.  Show Notes {Nerd About Town Instagram | Twitter} {Nerd About Town Blog} {Tess Holliday} {Body Positive Power} {The Slumflower} {Being Unapologetically Yourself} {A Letter to my Body} {Milk & Honey} {MohDoh} {R. Kelly's Cult} {A Victim of R.Kelly's weird cult comes forward}

  • EP62 - Overcoming Fat Phobia & Disordered Eating and Finding Radical Body Acceptance w/ Steph Yeboah of Nerd About Town (Part 1)

    15/09/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    ⚠️ TRIGGER WARNING: This episode may not be suitable for people with an active eating disorder or for those who feel vulnerable. In this week's 'sode I'm talking to Steph Yeboah - aka Nerd About Town. Steph shares her experiences of being at the receiving end of fat phobia and bullying, and the subsequent self harm and disordered eating she went through. As Steph explains, she’s gone to really extreme measures to try and get the 'perfect body'. We talk about this really painful place to be in where society & people around you are telling you that your body’s a problem, but you can’t change your body so it really becomes a radical act to accept your body, accept your size and begin to love and respect your body. I also go off on a massive tangent about how the idea of healthy or sensible weight loss in a false economy and explain a bit of the weight science behind it (papers in the show notes for HCPs). Anyway, after we take a little detour into weight science, we got back to talking about body image and m

  • EP61 w/ No Skin off My Back w/ Laura Stageman of Votch Watches

    08/09/2017 Duration: 01h21min

    Laura Stageman is the founder of cruelty free & sustainable fashion watch brand Votch. Today she's sharing her wild story of withdrawal from topical steroid addiction - a painful condition that occurs when an eczema sufferer weans off of their steroid creams. She tells us why  feeling the pain of losing her own skin led her to vow never to wear the skin of another being ever again. We talk about how her debilitating condition left her in the bath for 20 hours a day and the excruciating pain of letting her skin heal. Her story has a happy ending though, and we get talking about ethical, sustainable, and (most importantly) cool vegan fashion. We talk about the struggles of building a brand that goes against the status quo and the creative and innovative solutions for faux leather that are even better than the real deal. Laura shares her favourite brands who are shaking off the idea that vegan shoes, clothes, and accessories are for crunchy hippies, and bringing us cool, fashion forward, compassionate design

  • EP60 - From Anxious Perfectionist to Non-Diet Nutrition Boss w/ Haley Goodrich of INSPIRD Nutrition

    01/09/2017 Duration: 01h31min

    I’m really excited to introduce you to disordered eating dietician Haley Goodrich. Both Haley and I suffer from anxiety and Haley shares some great advice on how she deals with that, as well as her perfectionist tendencies that in her college days manifested as issues with food and over exercise. We discuss how they can morph and show up in other ways even when you've developed a healthy relationship to food. We also talk about the experience of being a nutrition student and how that can really fuel weirdness around food if you have perfectionist tendencies or are predisposed to it in some way. There's also a level of cognitive dissonance where on one hand you’re trying to be the perfect nutrition student, but on the other hand you want to drink beer and eat cake; something that intuitive eating is flexible enough to incorporate but traditional nutrition and dietetics models are way too rigid for which can again cause a lot of anxiety if you’re a perfectionist. Haley is also a total nutrition boss and she sha

  • EP59 - All Bodies Are Yoga Bodies w/ Lily Silverton of All Body Yoga

    25/08/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Today I'm talking to body positive yoga teacher and writer, Lily Silverton about the myths surrounding what a 'yoga body' should look like and how the narrow version of yoga, stemming from the beauty myth and propagated by diet culture, fails to make room for for people who deviate from this oppressive norm. We also talk about the concept of Ahimsa and how Lily interprets this to mean making her classes a safe, body positive space for her students. Lastly we talk about how owning your own privilege doesn't mean you can't be body positive, but it does mean that you can be critical of how diet culture has co-opted this term and how it suppresses the voices of already marginalised people. It's about holding ourselves accountable & fighting for diversity & representation of ALL bodies, not just the ones that are already visible, not just the ones we find pretty. We also talk about how, like all social change, fighting for true body positivity, equality, and diversity is slow and we are only at the beginni

  • EP58 - Things Blogger’s Say - Nutrition Myth Busting Special w/ Nic Whitehead of Nic's Nutrition

    18/08/2017 Duration: 01h33min

    Alright guys, buckle in, it's a long one. Today I’m joined by NHS specialist Dietitian and everyone’s favourite RD, Nic Whitehead as we debunk all the weird crap that bloggers say on their blogs and social media. We talk about the detox myth, activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar, and discuss the whole ‘refined sugar free’ thing. Plus fruit sugars, ‘clean’ plant based milks, and nutrition for acne. We also talk a bit more broadly about developing a healthy relationship with food that doesn’t unnecessarily eliminate or restricts foods and why food is for pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction, and that nutrition is never all or nothing.So much great stuff in this 'sode, think you're gonna enjoy it

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