Don't Salt My Game | With Laura Thomas, Phd

EP58 - Things Blogger’s Say - Nutrition Myth Busting Special w/ Nic Whitehead of Nic's Nutrition



Alright guys, buckle in, it's a long one. Today I’m joined by NHS specialist Dietitian and everyone’s favourite RD, Nic Whitehead as we debunk all the weird crap that bloggers say on their blogs and social media. We talk about the detox myth, activated charcoal, apple cider vinegar, and discuss the whole ‘refined sugar free’ thing. Plus fruit sugars, ‘clean’ plant based milks, and nutrition for acne. We also talk a bit more broadly about developing a healthy relationship with food that doesn’t unnecessarily eliminate or restricts foods and why food is for pleasure, enjoyment, and satisfaction, and that nutrition is never all or nothing.So much great stuff in this 'sode, think you're gonna enjoy it