Sales Integrity



If you are in B2B complex technical sales, or you manage a team of B2B complex technical sellers, then the Sales Integrity Podcast is for you. This podcast is all about helping sales professionals, leaders and organizations who sell complex technical products, services and solutions to increase sales and earn more money.This is a weekly podcast that airs 3 days per week - Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This podcast is dedicated to helping you become better prepared, more organized and highly productive to establish credibility, generate more leads and win more business. In summary, this is the no-nonsense sales podcast that will help you translate the ideas you discover on this show into actionable insights you execute upon in the real world of selling immediately.


  • 26: The Power of Positive Affirmations - Focus, Desire and Intentions

    10/03/2017 Duration: 18min

    Previously we discussed why you want to establish a powerful morning routine (episode #21) and why you always want to make it a great day (episode #24). In continuing with the “positive mental attitude” theme on today’s episode we will discuss the power of positive affirmations and how the concept of “mindfulness” can help position you for sales success on a daily basis. We will hone in on the concepts of “focus”, “desire” and “intentions” and specifically walk through some sample positive affirmations using Deepak Chopra’s “Success Cards” as the example. If you are feeling overwhelmed and would like to become more mindful and focused to help you achieve your sales and income goals then you will want to listen to this episode. 

  • 25: Dean Lindsay Interview: All Progress is Change; But Not All Change is Progress

    08/03/2017 Duration: 44min

    Dean Lindsay is a popular author, speaker, coach and Chief Marketing Officer at Synclab Media. Dean is author of the book “The Progress Challenge: Working and Winning in a World of Change” and the book “Cracking the Networking CODE: Four Steps to Priceless Business Relationships”. Dean is also the host of the new “Dean’s List” web tv show on Youtube, which provides a blend of humor, common sense and fresh ideas all wrapped up into one fun approach to provoking positive thoughts and inspiring action. Dean stops by the show to discuss an interesting point of view on the contrast between “progress” and “change” as concepts that can be used while selling. Dean joins the controversial debate of “Social Selling vs. Cold Calling” and offers his interesting perspective, including how Strategic Networking fits into the mix for both tactics. If you want to hear a unique holistic perspective on selling to elevate your sales game another notch then you will definitely want to listen to this episode of the Sales Integrity

  • 24: Why You Always Want to MAKE It a GREAT Day

    06/03/2017 Duration: 13min

    Occasionally I get some who stops me and asks why I always say "Make it a Great Day" instead of "Have a Nice Day" or "Have a Good Day". I even had a client end a call with me yesterday by saying "Make it a Great Day" and then he proceeded to ask me if he owed me a royalty for using that phrase. That is EXACTLY what I like to hear. Not that I am owed a royalty. Rather, that my personal brand exudes optimism and having fun. That is the way it should be, both in your professional life and in your personal life. After all, if you can’t have fun then what can you have? What exactly are we doing here? Right? So what does your personal brand and attitude say about you to your prospects and customers? If you want to learn why you should choose optimism over pessimism every time and why your words, your choices and your personal brand all matter to you as a sales professional (and more importantly learn how they affect your sales success), then you will want to listen to today’s podcast episode.

  • 23: The 3 Primary Business Outcomes Your Customers Seek from You

    03/03/2017 Duration: 14min

    If you are selling your products, services and solutions without mapping them to the 3 primary business outcomes your customers are really seeking through them then you are doing both yourself and your customers a big disservice. Listen to today’s episode of the Sales Integrity Podcast to learn about these 3 primary business outcomes and how you can improve your prospecting conversations by weaving them into your discussions. We will discuss various tech industry niches and take a closer look at the Big Data niche of the tech industry to illustrate one example of how you can put this concept to work for you in practicality.

  • 22: Debbie Mrazek and The Field Guide to Sales

    01/03/2017 Duration: 39min

    Debbie Mrazek stops by the show to share some sales wisdom with our audience. Debbie is the author of the book "The Field Guide to Sales" and President of The Sales Company, a firm that is helping hundreds of entrepreneurs, individuals and large corporations better assess, understand and engage in practical, purposeful selling. Debbie shares why “time is lost in minutes, not in hours” as it relates to improving productivity. She also talks about what it takes to be successful with Social Selling and why you should pump the breaks a bit on the “Cold Calling is Dead!” mantra as she highlights a way that cold calling and social selling can play nice together. Finally, Debbie also reminds us that “asking for what you want, every time” and leveraging your network using “The Rule of 250” are still the bedrocks of selling success. Listen to this episode to grab some of Debbie’s enthusiastic “Mrazek Energy” and to apply some of her actionable insights to your sales game!

  • 21: Establish a Powerful Morning Routine

    27/02/2017 Duration: 16min

    It is well known that the most successful people in the world, including the top sales professionals, are early risers and have established a very powerful morning routine to get themselves off to a great start to each day. Establishing a powerful morning routine is the focus of today’s podcast as Sean walks you through his morning routine to provide a framework to help you establish your own. If you already are an early riser this will provide you a framework to provide more of a structured ritual to your morning routine. If you aren’t getting up early and starting your day off with the same routine each day then you will want to listen to this episode to learn why you will want to start doing so immediately to help you achieve your sales and income goals. 

  • SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT: Lessons Learned & Improvements for the Sales Integrity Podcast

    27/02/2017 Duration: 13min

    This is a special announcement from Sean Piket, host of the Sales Integrity Podcast, about feedback he has received from the podcast audience, lessons learned after 20 episodes and one month of podcasting, and improvements that will be made to the Sales Integrity Podcast.

  • 20: Put the “Power of 3” to Work for You as a Sales Professional

    24/02/2017 Duration: 12min

    Today we will talk about the “Power of 3” and how you can put that concept to work for you as it relates to sales messaging. More specifically, we will discuss the psychological advantage the "Power of 3" provides to improve your communication with prospects, customers, partners and anyone (even in your personal life) who you are trying to positively influence and persuade. We will peel back the onion a few layers to discuss where the “Power of 3” originated from and why we are pre-conditioned to learn in this manner, starting back in our early childhood learning stage of life. After listening to this episode you will look at the way you communicate differently moving forward and will want to immediately update all of your sales messaging scripts, talk tracks and templates to put yourself in a better position to achieve your sales and income goals. 

  • 19: What Napoleon Hill Can Teach Us About Handling Adversity

    23/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    Today we throw it back to an American self-help author inspired by the New Thought movement, Napoleon Hill. Hill is best known for his book "Think and Grow Rich”, which has sold over 20 million copies and is among the top 10 best selling self-help books of all time. Instead of doing a book review to learn valuable lessons from Hill’s iconic book, we will actually look at the man himself. We will walk through his epic life journey of ups and downs and learn the most valuable lesson of all from Hill - how to handle and overcome adversity in life during our darkest moments and times of struggle. If you want to hear a little known inspiring story to help you apply Hill’s life lesson of persevering in your own life, then you will want to listen to this episode.

  • 18: Leadership & Values - Key Elements of a Winning Sales Culture with Barry Saltzman

    22/02/2017 Duration: 43min

    Barry Saltzman is the founder of Saltzman Management Group and a top Sales, Sales Leadership and Culture Coach and Consultant. Barry joins this Wisdom Wednesday episode of the Sales Integrity Podcast to discuss the profile of a perfect sales professional, what true leadership likes look, how to create a winning sales culture, what percentage of an average salesperson’s time is spent on productive tasks, and what the top 3 traits are of the ideal sales professional. Learn about all this and more on this powerful podcast episode when Sean Piket interviews Barry Saltzman!

  • 17: Top 5 Aspects of Selling You Should ALWAYS Prepare For

    21/02/2017 Duration: 24min

    Today we review a Top 5 list to review the top 5 aspects of selling you should always prepare for in order to position yourself for success every time. Preparation is a skill. You either do it or you don’t. You are either good at it or you are not. You either take it seriously or you don’t. The good thing is that preparation is also a choice and you can choose to improve the way you prepare starting today. Listen to this podcast episode to find out where you should direct your preparation efforts the most.

  • 16: What Does it Mean to Truly Have “Sales Integrity”?

    20/02/2017 Duration: 12min

    Today we answer the question of “What does it mean to truly have ’Sales Integrity’?”. We discuss the importance of your inner dialogue and how you should first start with yourself and your view of your sales career as a first step towards truly having “Sales Integrity”. Furthermore, we clearly define what it means to have “Sales Integrity” as a B2B tech sales professional. And finally, we direct you to the key aspects of your sales game for where you can start to examine whether or not you are truly demonstrating “Sales Integrity” as a sales professional.  

  • 15: One Simple Idea for Shortening Your Sales Cycles

    17/02/2017 Duration: 10min

    Today we keep it short and sweet. We will discuss one simple idea to help you shorten your sales cycles. We walk through a very specific storyboard of an example most all complex technical B2B salespeople have experienced at one time or another, if not currently experiencing. We dissect the process associated to moving sales cycles forward faster with busy senior executives. If you have sales cycles that are taking longer than you anticipated and want to rethink your process to sell more in less time, then you will want to listen to this episode to learn (or refresh your memory) about a simple tactic that should be part of your normal weekly sales cadence.

  • 14: How Brian Tracy's "Eat That Frog!" Book Applies to Social Selling

    16/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    Today we focus on personal productivity and procrastination - two very pertinent topics for sales professionals. We will take a look at these topics by throwing it back to Brian Tracy’s famous book with a catchy title, named “Eat That Frog!”. We will discuss how social technology platforms such as LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, Twitter and others impact your prime selling time as it relates personal productivity. We will take two lessons from the “Eat That Frog!” book and determine how they apply in today’s modern social selling world. Finally, we will end with some questions for you to ask yourself as it relates to creating and executing upon your social selling strategy and approach.   

  • 13: NeuroPersuasion® - The Science and Psychology of Top 1% Sales Performance

    15/02/2017 Duration: 57min

    If you are the type of sales professional who would like to learn new, different and unique ideas to improve the way you sell, then you will definitely want to listen to this value-packed Sales Integrity Podcast episode! Sales Psychology Academy Founder Jim Fortin is an international subconscious selling and high performance expert with over two decades of expertise in brain based selling and performance. Using NeuroLinguistics and behavioral science Jim has created a powerful new selling technology called NeuroPersuasion®. These persuasive techniques can help you shorten your selling cycles and significantly improve your sales performance – fast. Jim joins the show as this week’s guest and boy did he provide a ton of action-oriented advice you can immediately apply to sell more and earn more. Jim’s average client income is $750K/year. After you listen to Jim’s ideas and concepts he shared on the show you will know why. Jim defines the difference between “influence”, “persuasion” and “manipulation” and how ea

  • 12: Apply Professional Persistence with Systematic Sales Messaging

    14/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    Today we discuss how to tactically apply the power of professional persistence as a B2B tech sales professional. Since the average sale occurs between the 7th and 12th touch point, we walk through a step-by-step approach to creating a customized systematic sales messaging strategy. This strategy involves a mix of phone calls, emails, InMails and other communication methods that will include the use of value-based messaging and Tangible Value Assets to continue to reach out to prospects well beyond that magic 7th touch point. If you are wanting to increase your sales pipeline with more qualified opportunities, and add value every step of the way while building your sales pipeline, then you will want to listen to this episode.

  • 11: The Power of Professional Persistence

    13/02/2017 Duration: 15min

    Today we review the Power of Professional Persistence and how it affects your sales game. We discuss 3 very specific phrases, or reasons, you should not tell your prospects and customers is the reason for your call or email (and most sales professionals are guilty of using all three reasons). We will review two quick examples of talk tracks that demonstrate value-added touch points. Overall, you will want to listen to this episode to help you get in the right mindset for this week to help you master the game of complex technical selling. 

  • 10: Follow Up & Follow Through - 2 Crucial Skills of Top Sales Achievers

    10/02/2017 Duration: 14min

    Today we finish up the week by taking a look at 2 crucial skills that top Sales Achievers apply to master the game of complex technical selling - Follow Up and Follow Through. If you think these two concepts are the same thing then think again. Although they are related, you will want to listen to this episode to see how they are cut from the same clothe and how they work together to form a dynamic duo of sales greatness. We finish this episode with four specific recommendations for taking your Follow Up and Follow Through game to the next level.   

  • 9: Trust and Selling: A Lesson from Zig Ziglar

    09/02/2017 Duration: 16min

    Today we throw it back to a legend - Zig Ziglar - and learn how trust was the most important element of selling back in the 1990’s and how that compares with what is important in today’s selling world in 2017. We take lessons from two of Zig’s books: “See You at the Top”, published in 1975, and “Ziglar on Selling”, published in 1991. We look at how trust can be demonstrated using modern technology combined with social selling techniques to establish credibility, which leads to trust. You will want to listen to today's episode to find out how you can apply the lessons learned from Zig Ziglar on trust to your sales game in the modern era of selling.

  • 8: Former IBMer Jeff Bishop Shares His Sales Wisdom

    08/02/2017 Duration: 28min

    Jeff Bishop is an Executive Sales Coach and the Founder of Effective Directions, an executive sales coaching and consulting firm. Jeff first got his start in tech industry sales at IBM after graduating at the top of his class at the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor in Business Administration. Jeff held numerous positions including Direct Sales, Sales Trainer, Sales Management, Sales & Marketing Director, and Strategic Planner during a nearly 14 year career at IBM. Jeff then worked at Entex Information Services as Sales Director and from there joined Winstar to run a $12 million professional services organization. Jeff achieved his Sales Integrity Certified Sales Coach designation in 2015 and has been delivering coaching services to B2B tech sales professionals leveraging the Sales Achievement Framework™ selling system each year since then. Jeff jumped on this Wisdom Wednesday episode interview to share some of his sales wisdom with Sales Integrity Nation regarding lead generation, social selling, co

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