Sales Integrity

8: Former IBMer Jeff Bishop Shares His Sales Wisdom



Jeff Bishop is an Executive Sales Coach and the Founder of Effective Directions, an executive sales coaching and consulting firm. Jeff first got his start in tech industry sales at IBM after graduating at the top of his class at the University of Kentucky with a Bachelor in Business Administration. Jeff held numerous positions including Direct Sales, Sales Trainer, Sales Management, Sales & Marketing Director, and Strategic Planner during a nearly 14 year career at IBM. Jeff then worked at Entex Information Services as Sales Director and from there joined Winstar to run a $12 million professional services organization. Jeff achieved his Sales Integrity Certified Sales Coach designation in 2015 and has been delivering coaching services to B2B tech sales professionals leveraging the Sales Achievement Framework™ selling system each year since then. Jeff jumped on this Wisdom Wednesday episode interview to share some of his sales wisdom with Sales Integrity Nation regarding lead generation, social selling, co