Central Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Virginia

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Sermon messages from Central Baptist Church in Portsmouth, Virginia


  • Hope Pays Any Cost, Part 4


    Have you ever had a really important meeting? If you have, then you know all the preparation and emotion that goes into a meeting like that. One of the most amazing things about God, is that He, the creator, would want to meet us, His creation. It really is a big deal. This Sunday we’ll examine what happened when God called a meeting with the Israelites. There are so many challenging and encouraging implications for us. You will be filled with awe and wonder that God would want to meet with you.

  • Hope Pays Any Cost, Part 3


    Have you ever experienced burnout? We probably all have at one point or another with one thing or another. As we continue your study of Exodus and Hope for the 757 we will learn perhaps the greatest lesson in avoiding burnout. So, if you need an energy boost and a little motivation you don’t want to miss this week. This is a practical for all leaders.

  • Hope Pays Any Cost, Part 2


    “It’s too cold outside! I’m hungry! This is the worst!” These are probably a few complaints you have heard recently whether it was from you or someone else. Complaining can begin to wear you down if you experience too much of it. We see this from the Israelites after God graciously provides for them and protects His people. This Sunday, we will see how Moses and God respond to this behavior and if there is still hope for the Israelites.

  • Hope Pays Any Cost, Part 1


    Music plays an important part in most of our lives. We’ve probably all had the experience where some songs we just sing mindlessly while other songs the lyrics have a special meaning. In our Exodus study, God had freed the Israelites and they would sing praises. However, for some the song was just mindless words while for Moses the lyrics were born out of a constant dependence. That would be the difference between complaining and having hope.

  • Hope Dreams Big Dreams, Part 4


    Is your family like most in America, do you often eat on the run? Are family dinners more the exception than the norm? Well, one night many years ago God’s people would eat on the run. That’s the thing about following God sometimes we are called to eat on the run, while other times we’re to have family meals where we remember God’s faithfulness. We’ll see that as God prepares to free the Hebrews from the land of Egypt. You will discover some timely family lessons that are sure to be encouragement.

  • Hope Dreams Big Dreams, Part 3


    The corona virus has felt like a plague that has tormented our country and the world for about a year now. Yet, it pales in comparison with the plagues unleashed upon ancient Egypt. It’s interesting how this history from so long ago reveals truths about God and humanity that are profoundly practical today. As we examine plagues 5 – 10 you will be sure to walk away principles that govern your living and bring hope no matter the circumstances.

  • Hope Dreams Big Dreams, Part 2


    In a world full of chaos and confusion we need to be reminded over and over again that our God is bigger than all of that. This is nothing new, the Hebrews had the same issue. Their present circumstances robbed them of the ability to dream. If current events and present circumstances have you the least bit deflated or if you just need to be reminded of the greatness of our God this message is for you.

  • Hope Dreams Big Dreams, Part 1


    We are jumping back into our series and theme for this year, Hope for the 757. These are interesting times and during times like these it is important to ask the question what voices are you listening to? Who is it that has your ear? Moses had wrestle through the noise of his day as well and the honest, raw dialogue he had with God becomes a great example for us today.

  • Special Delivery


    Happy New Year! As we begin the New Year we are praying for health and peace to be sure, but also for new friends to meet, more opportunities for discipleship, for a closer walk and more intimate communion with Jesus. Sometimes it can be so easy to get off course and have our spiritual growth stunted. In this special New Year’s message, Pastor Steve will unpack the first chapter of Revelation. For some it will be an “atta boy” for others it will be a message of recalculation. Either way you will be sure to challenged and encouraged as we launch into the New Year.

  • Jesus


    This week we wrap up the Christmas sermon series on the Child of Hope Himself, Jesus.

  • Isaiah


    There is something so special about gathering around the Christmas tree on Christmas morning and opening presents. Everyone is excited to give and to receive, hoping the present they give is just the right gift. The truth is what makes that morning so special isn’t necessarily the gifts or the tree – it’s the time together. In a lot of ways that’s what we really want from God too isn’t it? To know and to be reminded of the fact that He is here now. In fact, that’s just the promise the prophet Isaiah would give to the king of Judah. And that promise is for us as well.

  • Samuel


    Sometimes the pain of life cuts so deep that words fail. That was the case for an Israelite woman named Hannah. Hear the gut wrenching account of woman who desperately wanted a child. Her prayer and God’s answer give us a glimpse into humanity’s cry and God’s response. Hannah’s son, Samuel, a child of remembrance set the stage for God’s son, Jesus, the child of hope.

  • Isaac


    This Christmas season prepare to go on an illuminating journey that reaches back nearly to the dawn of time. Pastor Steve will guide you through the surprising background of how a child of laughter and a child of remembrance foreshadowed a child of hope. This profoundly moving and intellectually provocative series unpacks messages of hope, redemption, and salvation revealed in Jesus’ birth.

  • The Inscription


    We often hear that the two subjects to avoid discussing over the holidays are politics and religion. Why? Because people’s opinions on these issues tend to be very strong and cause a lot of division. That’s nothing new to our generation. In fact, in Jesus’ time, religion and politics were hot button topics as well, and everyone knew it. In fact, Jesus’ enemies tried to get Him into some hot water over these issues. This week we will take a look at how Jesus dealt with being asked a question that dealt with BOTH religion and politics at the same time.

  • Kingdom Vision > the American Dream


    Perhaps the most important question we’ll ever ask is, “What is the meaning of life?”. People from every generation and every culture have wrestled with this question. Some in America have tied the meaning of life to the American Dream. While there is a lot of good from the American Dream it misses the mark on the true definition of life. Thankfully Jesus addressed this question head on when a young man defined life incorrectly.

  • Allegiance


    Check out the third sermon in our series, Where is Our Hope?

  • Citizens


    Concern from American citizens is running high these days. With the election of our president still hanging in the balance, the pandemic, and economic issues there’s a lot of issues that can grab our attention. So, as a dual-citizen of America and the kingdom of heaven what should be our ultimate concern? We’ll examine the life of Jesus to provide some clarity on that issue.

  • The Purpose of Government


    We’re beginning a new series titled, Where is Our Hope? This provocative series will cause us to think about those places where the “American Dream” might compete with having a kingdom vision. Be prepared to wrestle through questions like which kingdom are you investing in? Where does your affection go? What occupies your thinking? Which kingdom best defines you? America will shine brightest not when our candidate wins, but when the church stops hiding her light under a bowl. Government at its best can make policies that set up a country to prosper here and now. The church at her best brings life transformation through Jesus that lasts for all eternity. Where is Our Hope?

  • Hope Conquers Fear, Part 3


    It’s been said that how you deal with hardship reveals a lot about a person. This week we will see how fresh off a spirit born revival hardship will come crashing in on Moses. We’re all either in the middle of a storm, coming out of a storm, or about to go into a new storm. This message will help prepare you for the storm of life.

  • Hope Conquers Fear, Part 2


    This time of year we see “scary stuff” everywhere. Whether at the store or in our neighbors’ yards, everything is looking spooky. Of course we know that when it comes to plastic skeletons, stuffed spiders, and foam monsters there is really nothing to be scared of at all. So what happens when we do face something that causes us to experience true fear? Something too big for us to handle? Something that we can’t control? How can we muster up the courage to face our fears and overcome them? Is it even possible for us to overcome fear? The answer might surprise you.

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