Finding Happily Ever After Podcast With Jessica Sitomer Business Women



I am a female entrepreneur who has been to burn-out and back. I'm calling all Super Women: Super Moms, Super Entrepreneurs, Super Small Business Owners, Super Artists, Super Executives, Super Entertainers, to give you a 10-minute FUN recharge. Through sharing my dirt from relationships, business ventures, health issues, and working in the entertainment industry, I give you the dos and donts so you can find your happily ever after in every aspect of your life... while I'm finding mine. I'll talk about love, dating, health, sex, business, exercise, time management, but most of all I want you to smile and laugh! Consider this a "fun break" which is what is all about. Go there now, take the quiz, see what kind of DV Girl you are and become a part of the sisterhood.


  • 012 Bubble Bath Heaven

    06/06/2014 Duration: 09min

    You never know where your next "big money" idea is going to come from.  I may have given you one in this podcast... you'll have to listen to find out. Enjoy!

  • 011 Why Do Good Girls Love Bad Boys

    04/06/2014 Duration: 08min

    If you are a good girl and love Jax from Sons of Anarchy, you may have a problem.  I know I did... do... no, did, definitely did. Oh, who cares? Give a listen and enjoy today's episode.  

  • 010 Texting is Ruining My Dating Life

    02/06/2014 Duration: 11min

    Dos and Don'ts on relationships, from me... because I'm single with a big dog and you should listen to me.  Hey, there are plenty of football coaches out there who never played football, aren't there? I have no idea actually, and even if I did, I'd still tell you to listen to episode 8 because that's a whole other topic... Which is basically my way to get off subject because I am not in a reltionship, so consider yourself warned before taking my advice.

  • 009 My Pet Peeve or Two or Three

    30/05/2014 Duration: 10min

    I start with one pet peeve which starts me on a rant... what can I say? The good news is there are do's and don'ts to learn from.

  • 008 Can Girls Be Sexy And Love Sports

    28/05/2014 Duration: 07min

    Part of being a well rounded successful woman is focusing on your personal relationships. Too many driven women let relationships and health fall to the wayside while pursuing success. Here are some dos and don'ts in the relationship department.   

  • 007 The Seven Longest Minutes of My Life

    26/05/2014 Duration: 08min

    Okay, I'm being a bit over-dramatic in this episode's "dirt."  This episode is about looking for ways to be more efficient without cutting corners, and having a sense of humor about it.     

  • 006 Dogs Are Easier to Love Than Men

    23/05/2014 Duration: 14min

    Here's the big "break up story" you've all been waiting for... well, maybe not, but I'm telling it anyway... in detail.  Yes, my ex was not a good guy, but I should have trusted my intuition from the start, becaue "it" knew all along.  My Do's Don'ts and Dirt are all about trusting your intuition. 

  • 005 The Best Pick Up Line I Ever Heard

    21/05/2014 Duration: 09min

    It's easy to get caught up in your business or motherhood or on and on... when you are a highly motivated woman you can always come up with a reason to stay busy.  So, remember, you are a woman, and sometimes you have to be a bit mischeivious to reignite that passion you had when you were young.  Here are some Do's Don'ts & Dirt to entice you... 

  • 004 Why I Hate My Kitchen

    19/05/2014 Duration: 09min

    The Do's the Don'ts and the Dirt on what a hot mess I am in the kitchen and how eating poorly affected my effectiveness as an entrepreneur.  Keep your body healthy and your business will be healthy. 

  • 003: Is Anyone Having Sex Anymore?

    01/05/2014 Duration: 09min

    In this episode, I give you the dirt on my long sexless relationship... and why I stayed.  I may even go so far as to tread into the mud, but I'm not alone.  Turns out my married friends have excuse after excuse as to why they aren't having sex.  If you are a busy woman and your business is booming but your sex life isn't... you're not alone, but I do have some do's and don't's for you.  Then head over to and see what the girls and I are chatting about, 'cause you know sex is a hot topic.  Chime in if you dare... 

  • 002: Never Stuff a Mug With Dirty Underwear

    01/05/2014 Duration: 15min

    As an author and professional speaker who flies a lot, I pretty much have my airport routine down.  But flying internationally proved to be a challenge in this story, told in romantic comedy style.  You decide if it has a happy ending.  I will give you the dirt and the dos and don'ts to keep in mind while flying and multi-tasking.  Then come on over to my blog at and join the community and the conversation.  The D.V. Sisterhood wants Super Women like you!   

  • 001: Jessica Sitomer My Story

    01/05/2014 Duration: 15min

    This is my story to burnout and back in about 10 minutes... yes, I'm sharing my dirt, so you can hear the dos and don'ts I learned from my experiences and use them accordingly.  I am about to become your new bud and I'm excited about it!  Introduce yourself on my blog over at and join the community where you can take my quiz and find out what kind of DV Girl you are.  Have fun... and don't feel badly if you laugh at me.  It's good for your abs, trust me, I laugh at myself all the time and I have a near six-pack. 

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