Market Like A Nerd With Amanda Goldman-petri | Work Smarter Online Marketing Strategies For Business Owners And Entrepren

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 32:11:07
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Welcome to the Market Like A Nerd Podcast, where we geek out about business and marketing strategies that maximize your profits while minimizing your efforts. This is your go-to resource for learning how to increase your income and impact without having to work too hard, hustle, or sacrifice... cause who wants to do that?!


  • Ep. 23 – 3 Types Of Emails To Send To A New Subscriber On Your List

    16/08/2016 Duration: 05min

    I’m going to walk you through the three types of emails that you want to send to someone as soon as they join your mailing list. I know it can be hard to figure out how many emails to send to your mailing list, and what to include in those emails so that they don’t end up in the junk mail, but I’m here to help.   Time Stamped Show Notes 1:00 – Introduction 1:57 – “These are the only three types of emails that you need to send the moment someone signs up for your list to turn the from subscriber to paying client.” 2:05 – The first email is the welcome email or indoctrination sequence. Once someone joins your list, you want to make sure their welcome experience really wows them from day one. The first email that they get is going to determine if they continue to open and click on your emails. In your welcome email, you want to share your story, let them know what to expect from you in future emails, and open up a hook for the next email that you are going to send. 3:00 – The second email is your delivery email

  • Ep. 22 – The Top 3 Mistakes Entrepreneurs Make When Automating Their Marketing – with Jodi Sodini

    15/08/2016 Duration: 22min

    We are talking today with Infusion Soft Expert Jodi Sodini about automation within your sales and marketing this week, and Jodi’s the perfect guest to discuss this important topic with us. She’s an online backend expert known for turning the confusion and uncertainty in running your online business into sexy systems and streamlined automation. Jodi’s a former insurance agency account executive and a proud mom who helps clients increase their business while spending less time on it. She’s able to dive through the mess and figure out what you need and deliver it. Today she’ll tell us about the biggest mistakes people make when automating their online business marketing.   Time Stamped Show Notes 1:00 – Introduction 5:50 – Business backend: all the behind the scenes systems that keep your business running smoothly. Examples: Infusionsoft, webinar platforms, landing pages, website, membership site, social media, book keeping, etc. Jodi built and runs a done-for-you company that employs backend experts to be your

  • Ep. 21 – 5 Steps To Install Automation Into Your Business

    12/08/2016 Duration: 18min

    Today’s episode is all about the five steps to install automation into your business. This will serve as a recap of the daily tips and Facebook Lives we've been doing all week in The Balanced Entrepreneur Facebook Group and on my Fan page (make sure to join the group and like the page so you don't miss out on future tips). Time Stamped Show Notes 1:00 – Introduction 2:15 – I know that automation can be a little intimidating, so I’m here with five tips to simplify automation for you today: 2:45 – Tip #1: Know and believe that it is possible for you to make money in your sleep, and automation is the answer. A lot of people question if this is really possible, I did at one time too, but making seven figures doesn’t have to be hard. 5:45 – Tip #2: Automation does take time and patience, but it’s worth it. I don’t want you to think that all of this is completely effortless. You put in the work now so that, in the future, your business does feel more effortless. I know it’s going to be tempting to give up, and fru

  • Ep. 20 – 3 Geeky Insider Secrets For Putting Your Marketing On Autopilot the Right Way

    09/08/2016 Duration: 06min

    If you want to scale your business and make more money with less effort, automation is the way to go. so today I’m going to let you in on three geeky insider secrets for putting your marketing on autopilot the right way.   Time Stamped Show Notes 1:00 – Introduction 1:20 – What is automation? A process set in place to generate leads and clients without lifting a finger. 2:10 – Automation does the work so you don’t have to. There’s still work involved, but once it’s set up, and it’s working, you can generate leads and income on autopilot. 2:25 – I have three nerdy rules for setting up your marketing on autopilot. Rule 1: Model what works. Don’t reinvent the wheel, model what you see is working. Keep an eye out for success stories in your industry and watch carefully. 3:03 – Rule 2: Launch your automated funnel, live, to your mailing list first. Automate it later. You can see what works and what doesn’t work, fix the kinks, and then automate it. This is also a good way to get cash in the door to fund your auto

  • Ep. 19 – Seductive Sales Strategies & Energy Work – with funnel expert Paige Filliater

    08/08/2016 Duration: 28min

    It’s great to have on today Paige Filliater who shares my passion for automation; setting up your business to run without you. She’s been making waves lately and it’s fun to watch her journey with her company, Fred, Darling. She’s a digital marketer who uses savvy and seductive sales strategies and energy work to co-create 6 & 7-figure businesses with her female clients. This recent mother made her first 6 figures just 5 months after her son was born, and she’s here today to share her automation super powers to help us accomplish the same.   Time Stamped Show Notes 1:00 – Introduction 6:45 – Traffic Automation: generating high quality leads. Paige consults with her clients and teaches them how to set this up for themselves. She also does this directly for some, but that’s a bit more expensive. She’s got three core tips for automating your traffic and lead generation. 8:10 – Two funnels: a longer, drawn out funnel and a shorter, quicker high-end lead generation funnel. “I don’t list build, I client build.

  • Ep. 18 – 5 Steps To Install Leverage Into Your Business

    05/08/2016 Duration: 19min

    “All one needs is the proper leverage.” – Cpt. Jack Sparrow If you’ve been listening, then you know by now that our entire show is about helping you work SMARTER, not harder. Leverage is one of many ways to do that, and we’re going to talk about 5 steps that I’ve laid, so the only other thing to do is to plug them into your business! 5 Steps Towards Leverage: Stop Selling 1-on-1 – It’s not scalable! While 1-on-1 can work early on in your business, there are only so many clients you can teach at a given time. Begin to move your focus to creating a group course, where you can teach multiple clients at once. Stop Customizing – Another factor in business growth is customization; it’s hard to scale custom sessions for individual clients, and even harder to delegate customized tasks like this. Begin to build formats that you are able to rinse & repeat as your business moves towards scaling. Maximize Client Transformation While Minimizing Effort – Make sure your offers are providing the most value for the least

  • Ep. 17 – Ditch These 3 Things For A Truly Leveraged Group Coaching Program

    02/08/2016 Duration: 05min

    Group programs are meant serve a lot of people at once, which can quickly become overwhelming. So how do we make things easier so you can keep your sanity? Let’s dive in to 3 tips I’ve laid out to help you in your group coaching business. 3 Tips For Group Coaching Programs Ditch the Drama – Does everything have to be hard? Things are easy than you think, and usually all the stress & complications are only in your head. Shift your mindset to a point where you KNOW you can launch your program, and let it be. Ditch the Doors – Leaving your doors open once or twice per years is not the only way to run a group. Set up an automated system that will let you accept new members at ANY TIME, always sending them appropriate content and letting them start from the beginning. This way, you only need to perfect your system ONCE. Ditch the Fluff – Your goal is to create content and thus create VALUE. But this cannot only make you overwhelmed if you go overboard, but can quickly turn into spam. Focus on creating and giv

  • Ep. 16 - Best Selling Author and Online & Video Marketing Expert Jody Jelas' Leverage Strategies To Make Your Biz Go BOOM!

    01/08/2016 Duration: 20min

    I’m excited to have Jody Jelas on the podcast today. She is the best-selling author of “LadyBalls: Live Your Ultimate Lifestyle And Build A Business You Freakin' Love, Just By Being YOU!” in addition to being an online and video marketing expert who helps entrepreneurs create authentic online brands through video. She also helps entrepreneurs extract their best knowledge and turn it into an online leveraged program with her BOOM! Formula system. Jody is the secret mind behind many of the top global brands and million-dollar leveraged programs online.   Time Stamped Show Notes 0:00 – Introduction 5:50 – What is leverage? Leverage is a lifestyle-first approach to running your business. Leverage your business by automating processes and delegating tasks that reduce stress, save time, and improve your life. 6:50 – Tip 1: Work out what you love or hate. Make a list of everything you do, every 30 minutes. Highlight the jobs you love and the jobs you hate. Start to gradually set up your business so that the things

  • Ep. 15 – An Inside Look At the Team Members Supporting My Online Empire

    29/07/2016 Duration: 33min

    No one works alone, and today I’m giving you a glimpse of everyone behind the scenes who have been helping me with all my online businesses. If you’re ready to start growing your business, then maybe it’s time for you to add team members or find outsourcers. Time for you to hear first-hand how many people it takes to build an empire!   My Teams’ Focus Areas: Sales Graphic Design Web Development Content Marketing Brand Strategy Management   Time Stamped Show Notes 0:52 – Introduction 2:49 – My coach and lead sales guy 5:00 – Don’t start by outsourcing your sales immediately 6:22 – My three amazing graphic designers 9:21 – When you should outsource graphic design 10:30 – My web development team, including app dev, security & Wordpress coding 14:48 – Why you need a web team immediately 15:48 – My extensive content creation requires an entire team 21:20 – Make sure outsourcing for content matches your income 22:25 – A marketing team to help drive traffic 25:05 – When you need help with your marketing 26:15

  • Ep. 14 – Maximize Your Profits By Maximizing Your Time

    26/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    How can you crush your goals and have a massive impact, while still keeping your free time and your sanity? Today we dive into some shifts you can make in your business in order to reduce the actual amount of work you’re doing, and help reduce any overwhelm you may be feeling.  Time Stamped Show Notes 0:52 – Introduction 2:04 – Figure out the tactics that work best for you 3:00 – Why FOCUS should be priority #1 in your work day 5:07 – Quality over quantity 6:08 – Recap   3 Shifts To Maximize Your Time 1.     Make Peace With the Pace That Works For You – The items on your to-do list do not matter as much as your feeling of peace and accomplishment each day. As long as you are moving at a happy, steady pace and consistently moving forward, then you are making progress. Whether You’re Firm Or Flexible, Priority #1 Is Focus – Ditch the mindset of cramming more work into less time. The most important thing is for you to manage your focus each day, in order to get the right things done. There are two trains of t

  • Ep. 13 - Sales Expert Steve De La Torre's 3 Steps To Outsourcing Your Sales

    25/07/2016 Duration: 24min

    I’m happy to have on today’s show Steve de la Torre, a sales expert and a Market Like A Nerd coach. He’s best known as being the host and founder of the Fitpro Inferno Podcast, where he digs deep into the minds of successful fitness professionals. He’s been in the fitness industry for 19 years, and has also worked in the marketing space with many different companies during that time. He’s got a wealth of knowledge regarding marketing and sales calls to offer our audience today.   Time Stamped Show Notes 0:00 – Introduction 3:10 – Working smarter. Steve’s #1 trick for working smarter, not harder is to dissect your daily/weekly tasks into “eliminate, automate and delegate” groups. Draw out 4 columns on a piece of paper. Column 1: write out every task item you do on a daily/weekly basis. Column 2 – Eliminate: write out the tasks from the first column that you can remove from your workload. Column 3 – Automate: write out the tasks that you can automate. Column 4 – Delegate: write out the tasks that you can dele

  • Ep. 12 – 5 Steps To Smarter Hiring Decisions

    22/07/2016 Duration: 22min

    I’ve experienced a lot from running two successful Virtual Assistant and Social Media Marketing companies, and today I’m bringing you the rights & wrongs of hiring and delegation. Growing any business relies on adding members to your team, whether that means hiring actual employees or outsourcing/delegating particular tasks. The 5 Steps To Smarter Hiring Decisions: Know What To Outsource Based On Your Stage Of Business – you don’t need to outsource everything right from the get-go. As your business grows, your hiring needs will change. New Business Owners – main hiring needs include technical assistants, who have a particular skillset that you don’t have yourself. Examples: web development, graphic design, audio/video work. Growth Phase – begin outsourcing tasks that you have been doing, and no longer have the time to keep up with. Examples: accounting & copywriting. Scaling Phase – bring on new teams who can handle work underneath of you as your client base grows. Examples: fulfillment & sales.

  • Ep. 11 – 3 Simple Steps For Smarter Delegation

    19/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    Has your experience with outsourcing been a nightmare? The important thing to remember when it comes to finding good team members for delegation starts with you. If you’ve had “bad luck” with outsources in the past, chances are that you’ve missed a crucial step in the training of your team members. To help ease this frustration, I’ve laid out 3 key things to remember when hiring. 3 Key Steps For Outsourcing: Invest Your Time Now To Achieve Success Later – when you feel like you don’t have enough time for particular tasks, a lot of entrepreneurs will either A) Never take the time to hire out for the job, or B) Hire too quickly, not giving your team proper time or training for the job. Make sure to take enough time early on, so that you can save your time and effort later on with a strong team. Create A Rinse & Repeat System For Everything – entrepreneurs have trouble relinquishing control over certain parts of their business, which can lead to issues when delegating tasks. To quell that feeling, create an

  • Ep. 10 - Russell Perry's Finding Your Pickle: How Authenticity Can Scale Any Business

    18/07/2016 Duration: 30min

    I’m stoked to have Russ Perry on the podcast today. He’s the founder of the #1 unlimited graphic design company in the world, Design Pickle. He built a great business in a short amount of time. We’ll talk with Russ today and learn how authenticity can scale any business. Design Pickle was launched in 2015, but spent the prior 10 years helping brands and entrepreneurs be more creative.   Time Stamped Show Notes 0:00 – Introduction 5:00 – “Find your pickle.” What this really means is operating from an authentic place for who you are. You’re clear with what you want and you put yourself first. It’s realizing what’s right for you and pursuing it while you ditch what’s not working for you. 8:00 – Solving your own problems. Design Pickle was born from a solution that Russ had created for his own needs. He figured out a way to brand it, market it and grow it into what it is now. Russ gives three tips for replicating his successful strategies: 9:20 – Tip 1: Provide a valuable service or product. If it works for you

  • Ep. 9 - The Smart Way To Leverage Your Content

    15/07/2016 Duration: 17min

    How do you work smarter and not harder? How do you maximize your profits and minimize your efforts? I have 5 tips to help you do just that. 5 Steps to Work Smarter, Not Harder: Install Leverage – create leveraged offers which allow you to increase your clientele without adding more time to fulfillment. Focus on group offers which can be created once and scaled to multiple customers. Install Automation – ditch manual, repetitive tasks that are dependent on you to work. Instead, focus on setting up an automated system once, that will continue to work for you while you’re sleeping, sick, on vacation, etc. Delegate – take any part of your workload that you don’t “geek out about” and delegate it to someone who does! Use Your Content As Traffic – make sure your content drives traffic into an automated funnel. Content isn’t just content, it can and should be used in tandem with your automation. Plan Ahead – create a 90-day marketing plan to help reduce burnout and overwhelm. Set an income goal for 90 days, calculat

  • Ep. 8 – Figure Out Exactly What Action Steps To Take In Your Business

    12/07/2016 Duration: 07min

    When you’re in the process growing your business, it can be tough to decide what your next step should be. With all the information out on the web these days, the stream of gurus, and the onslaught of webinars, every entrepreneur is getting mixed signals on how to move forward. What you need to do first is evaluate which stage of business you’re in. Four Stages of Business: Broke – you’re deep in personal or business debt, afraid of investing more cash that you may or may not have. Your focus if you’re in this stage is to get out of debt. Create a debt payoff plan and take action. Brand New – you’re out of debt, but your business is still new and you may not have a stable cash flow yet. Your focus here should be to sell higher-ticket items and bring in steady revenue. Burnt Out – your business is finally generating revenue, but you’re burnt out trying to keep up with the demands. Your focus here should be to maximize your profits while minimizing your efforts (sound familiar?). Use automation to make this ha

  • Ep. 7 - Sales Funnel Expert Scott Olford's 1 weird lead generation strategy to explode your business growth

    11/07/2016 Duration: 29min

    Today’s podcast interview is with premier online funnel marketing genius, Scott Oldford. Just 3 years ago, Scott owed $726,000 due to a failed business venture. But since then he turned his life around, got out of debt and has made multiple millions of dollars in revenues. Scott garnered my attention when I tried to join his Facebook Group and he actually required me to fill out an application!   Time Stamped Show Notes 0:00 – Introduction 5:00 – The Sidewalk, the Slow Lane and the Fast Lane Method. This method is what online entrepreneurs will be following in 2016 and beyond. Fair warning, though, that this process is double the work for 10x the results. Most current strategies revolve around some type of paid for ad leading to a landing page, next taking them to a webinar and finally trying to sell the customer at the end. The conversion rates for this type of marketing are dropping off as time goes on. 7:10 – Current marketing is geared towards Fast Lane leads: most marketing is geared towards people who

  • Ep. 6 - Client Case Study: The Top 3 Places My 55 Paying Clients Came From

    22/06/2016 Duration: 15min

    My Case Study When my first group coaching program called ‘BAM Academy’ was launched (now called ‘Selling Like a Nerd’), I was able to get over 55 paying members for a 6-figure launch. I want to share with you the top places where those 55 members came from because I believe in not reinventing the wheel. If something’s working you just keep doing it. My buyers typically come from the same places, and the same is true for you. It’s supremely important for you to identify where your buyers come from, so you can rinse and repeat for continued results.   Numbers breakdown of the ‘BAM Academy’ Launch: Invested $14,000 in the launch 90 days between conception and completion of the launch 55 paying members $120,000 in revenue Where did these 55 paying members come from? I’m a work smarter, not harder marketing coach, I believe very strongly in focusing intently on highest potential buyers during your launch. Of course I wanted to connect with any potential buyer until I got a decision, but there were three main gr

  • Ep. 5 – The 3-Step System To Attract Leads & Turn Them Into Paying Clients

    22/06/2016 Duration: 10min

    3 Step Client Life-cycle System This system allowed me to book over 6-figures in 90 days by inspiring over 50 women to join my group coaching program. This system was designed to move a cold prospect who has no idea who you are, into a paying client who raves about you to their friends. Other systems out there are too complicated, so this rinse-and-repeat system is just 3 simple steps. Once implemented, it’s an easy way to bring in money.   Step 1 – Attract You need to attract new leads into your business, specifically by getting them on your mailing list. This way you have easy access to them to move them through the rest of the client life-cycle. Example – The best way to do this is by sending traffic (discussed in episode 3) to a free offer, and in exchange for the free offer they give you their email address.   Step 2 – Nurture Somebody new to you might not be ready just yet with an offer. You want to nurture that relationship, establish yourself as an authority and as a real human that they can know, lik

  • Ep. 4 - Client Case Study: $10k VIP Day

    22/06/2016 Duration: 15min

    The Client Case Study Amy was able to generate $10,000 and make a profit back before her VIP day even happened. This case study will show you how you can turn investments (not expenses) in promoting and marketing your offers into quick profits. Amy runs a company called Live Brazen and she purchased an over-the-phone strategy session with me. In that call we discussed her business and her long and short term goals. She was ready for automation, and I wanted to help her fund that by helping her setup a VIP Day. Hiring me for the VIP Day cost her $5,000 (the price at the time). She had one 30-minute call with me, then we had five back and forth emails to discuss strategy. It was really fast as I just shared with her the email templates I created and the list of tasks she had to complete. She took action and quickly made two sales at $5,000 each, for total revenue of $10,000. Minus the $5,000 cost means Amy made $5,000 before the VIP Day even happened. The entire process was quick and simple, and involved 3 simp

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