Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 307:47:00
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After taking her final bow as being one of the featured designers at the Congressional Black Caucus yearly event, Maria Wall wanted to expand her horizons. She was sponsored into the Chesapeake Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (aka The Emmy's) and adding to her accomplishments, she was awarded multiple Telly Awards. Maria stated, I always believed in the saying when much is given, much is expected. After noticing a need for younger people to have a venue to express their inner feelings, she developed a youth media program affording disadvantaged children the opportunity to express themselves through video. After working with other non profit organizations, Maria saw the need to expedite the services she offered therefore she founded The Wall Foundation Inc. a 501 (c) (3) community non profit. Maria Noticed that before she could help heal the children she had to expand her reach to heal the parents as well. Thus Healing Through Hurt was born to provide those without a voice a place to be heard. The Foundation is run on private donations solely. If you would like to contact us you may email: contact@thewallfoundationinc.org or U.S. mail : Healing Through Hurt i-Talk Radio at P.O. Box 272, Randallstown, Maryland 21133-0272 or give us a call at 202-618-2556. The Wall Foundation Inc. is proud to present Healing Through Hurt i-Talk Radio: Real People, Real Stories, Real Hurt & Real Healing! You do not have to live in silence anymore here you can find your voice and let it *ROAR* I am a survivor of Domestic Violence & marital rape among other health issues so I am right here with you, I have walked a mile and more in your shoes and now I am here to help carry you along your road to peace and freedom. Maria WallProducer/DirectorMember of the RAINN Speakers BureauFounder of The Wall Foundation Inc.*NO MATTER WHAT YOUR HURT IS THE TIME TO HEAL IS NOW*


  • REAL Talk on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe are you ADICKTED?

    11/10/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    Part 6 of our  ATTITUDES and ALTITUDES series!  Getting ready for the new year! Time to make that change.  If you want to be happy make a change; want respect? Demand it.  Join me for this up front and open conversation about personal change.  It is the last quarter of the year; get ready to meet the new you.  (S)He has been waiting for you for a long time.  Ready, set, let's grow!  This weeks session is all about being "Adickted" Our sessions are INspired by pieces from my latest book "Silent Noise Lip Service" This series will run through the end of the year.  Getting you right for your new beginning!  FOCUS Females Global Host, C. Maria Wall  Sponsor: The Wall Foundation Inc

  • Attitude and Altitude Series on The SUNday Morning INspiration Show with C Maria

    09/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    Part 5 of our  ATTITUDES and ALTITUDES series!  Getting ready for the new year! Time to make that change.  If you want to be happy make a change; want respect? Demand it.  Join me for this up front and open conversation about personal change.  It is the last quarter of the year; get ready to meet the new you.  (S)He has been waiting for you for a long time.  Ready, set, let's grow!  This weeks session is all about being "HOOKED" Our sessions are INspired by pieces from my latest book "Silent Noise Lip Service" This weeks INspiration(s) 1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be deceived: “Bad company ruins good morals.” Galatians 1:10 For am I now seeking the approval of man, or of God? Or am I trying to please man? If I were still trying to please man, I would not be a servant of Christ. FOCUS Females Global Host, C. Maria Wall  Sponsor: The Wall Foundation Inc

  • Bad Days Part II with C. Maria On The Saturday Morning Motivation Show

    08/10/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    Part IV of our  ATTITUDES and ALTITUDES series!  Getting ready for the new year! Time to make that change.  If you want to be happy make a change; want respect? Demand it.  Join me for this up front and open conversation about personal change.  It is the last quarter of the year; get ready to meet the new you.  (S)He has been waiting for you for a long time.  Ready, set, let's grow! FOCUS Females Global Host, C. Maria Wall  Sponsor: The Wall Foundation Inc

  • We are talking about BAD DAYS on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe

    04/10/2016 Duration: 01h00s

      Part III of our continuing series about ATTITUDES and ALTITUDES!  Getting ready for the new year! Time to make that change.  If you want to be happy make a change; want respect? Demand it.  Join me for this up front and open conversation about personal change.  It is the last quarter of the year; get ready to meet the new you.  (S)He has been waiting for you for a long time.  Ready, set, let's grow! FOCUS Females Global Host, C. Maria Wall  Sponsor: The Wall Foundation Inc

  • Stop Complaining with C. Maria On the SUNday Morning INspiration Show

    02/10/2016 Duration: 30min

    Have you ever thought that you CANNOT hear GOD becasue you are too busy COMPLAINING? Time to be silent and listen.  He has been right here waiting for you to be QUIET.  If you do not believe me check out this weeks INspiration(s) Philippians 2:14  Do all things without grumbling or questioning, Ephesians 4:29  Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is good for building up, as fits the occasion, that it may give grace to those who hear. James 5:9  Do not grumble against one another, brothers, so that you may not be judged; behold, the Judge is standing at the door.   C. Maria Wall     The Wall Foundation Inc.

  • Today is all about brushing things off; letting things go with C. Maria

    01/10/2016 Duration: 58min

    This is the intro show! we are going into out end of year series to prepare you for your new beginning and breakthrough!  Brushing things off what does that mean really?    If something crawls on you, you or someonone needs to brush it of. If you get lint or other debris on your, brush it off. Someone hurt your feelings, let them know and brush it off Someone hurts you physically/mentally conintuously LETS TALK ABOUT IT. Too many of us have listened to the inexperienced experts in our lives who tell us to brush it off and let it go.   OH no not today! We are going to talk it out and handle it in another way.

  • Ruth Kent Talks about the Emotion / Body Code on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe

    27/09/2016 Duration: 01h01min

    Get to know Ruth Kent in her own words When my own health was challenged with several conditions, my doctor told me, “I’ll see you in a wheelchair within six years.” He was reaching for my disability papers when he said those words to me. I refused to accept that option! Shortly thereafter, I was introduced to Dr. Bradley Nelson, Nikken Wellness Technologies, the Emotion Code and the Body Code, and my Wellness journey began. As my health improved with advanced technologies and my understanding of how to release Trapped Emotionsexpanded, I began to realize that I could help people in many more ways than through the means of traditional nursing options. Over the last 17 years I have been able to share what I have learned by showing my clients how to get their health back both safely and effectively, as well as showing them how to simply integrate Wellness into their daily lives.

  • The SUNday Morning INspiration with C. Maria (Holding on to Your Hope)

    25/09/2016 Duration: 29min

    WE are back !. This weeks program is all about holding on to your hope.  Many of us have been disapointed one time too many; we are throwing in the towel and calling it quits.  I say to you that when you are at your lowest point that is when you cling to your hope and faith. Hold on relief is on the way but we cannot give up! This weeks INspirtion:  Proverbs 23:18 Surely there is a future, and your hope will not be cut off. Romans 12:12  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

  • Shattered Pieces Part II REAL TALK with C. Maria Saturday Morning Motivation

    24/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    This is part II a continuation of our discussion on FOCUS Female Global Chat Cafe!  Let's talk about the delusion of being shattered but not broken.  You see many of us have convinced ourselves that even though we are shattered the pieces have not fallen apart therefore we are not broken.  This is part one of a two part series.  WE have to consider that even though the pieces has not fallen, the cracks can allow all types of things to get in.  Look at it like a cracked window.  One crack will get larger then split into more.  The weather can play a role as well when the HEAT is on the cracks will come; when the cold comes the cracks will come when the inside is warm and the outside cold.  Let the wind blow all types of debris at that window and see what happens.  It is because when we are shattered we are not as strong as we are when we are whole.  focusfemalesglobal.com C. Maria Wall 

  • Let's Talk About Shattered Pieces Part I on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe

    20/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Let's talk about the delusion of being shattered but not broken.  You see many of us have convinced ourselves that even though we are shattered the pieces have not fallen apart therefore we are not broken.  This is part one of a two part series.  WE have to consider that even though the pieces have not fallen, the cracks can allow all types of things to get in.  Look at it like a cracked window.  One crack will get larger then split into more.  The weather can play a role as well when the HEAT is on the cracks will come; when the cold comes the cracks will come when the inside is warm and the outside cold.  Let the wind blow all types of debris at that window and see what happens.  It is because when we are shattered we are not as strong as we are when we are whole.  focusfemalesglobal.com C. Maria Wall 

  • Lets Talk about Romancing a Rock with C. Maria The Saturday Morning Motivation

    17/09/2016 Duration: 57min

    This year our FOCUS is all about ROMANCE, SHOWMANCE, GROWMANCE and NOMANCE!  Today we are going to be discussing romancing rocks; people who are just dead weight in our lives.  It is OK to learn how to be alone; go to parties and functions alone while enjoying the moment or staying home if being single hurts too badly.  Ladies and gentlemen it is getting bad out here.  We are choosing the wrong partners all over the world.  Time for us to be reminded that once we learn how to love ourselves we will demand the same love from others. We will no longer accepts rock unless they are of the precious gem category ;)

  • Mr. Romantic Stops by for Romance Talk on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe

    13/09/2016 Duration: 01h08min

    About Mr. Romantic Women want romance! This is nothing short of the truth affecting thousands of women all over the world. Time and time again we hear of failed relationships and marriages because of incompatibility, sex and finances. The focus is sometimes a matter of attention or lack thereof. Neglect is only upset. Mr. Romantic is an option for women to have as their personal comfort in times of need. Whether it is a woman that wants to just talk, or feel beautiful, Mr. Romantic enters the sound waves of lust and enters into a woman’s fantasy simply through words. Mr. Romantic

  • Facing Our Fears Real Talk with C. Maria

    12/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Yesterday I spoke about remembering our past while living in our present.  Today I want to talk about coming to the realization that everything we want is waiting for us on the other side of our fears.  Many of you have heard that I am starting a new leg of my journey on my birthday 9/12 and starting law school. I am excited and scared but my anticipation and excitement outweighs my fears!  So today we will be talking about some of the steps to conquering our fears so that we can find our prize on the other side of the bridge.  Talking about origins of some of our fears and how to conquer them is our discussion for today. Instead of Fearing Everything And Running Face Everything And Rise!

  • Living in the Past Real Talk with C. Maria on FOCUS Females Global Chat

    11/09/2016 Duration: 56min

    I saw an old post I did on 9/11 from 2011; though I would take this time to reflect and remind us to live in the present even though we are remembering the past!  [Good Morning friends, fans and Family!! While so many grieve for the 9/11 victims. Remember to live life to the fullest and love often because we do not realize that the moments we just lived were our last until we are at our dying moments. So remember to enjoy LIFE and thank the LORD you are still a precious commodity on this earth for another moment so make the best of it!] TOMORROW: 9/12- I am doing a special morning show about facing our fears! C. Maria Wall 

  • Seasons and Lifetimes on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe

    06/09/2016 Duration: 59min

    Each week we bring topics that are important to women especially.  WE can identify with the emotions that we as the female members of the speciesl experience on a daily basis.  Sometimes our nurturing and protective instincts prevent us from knowing when a change is seasons is at hand; we try our best to fix and save things that we cannot fix or save!  So tonights discussion is all about preparing for the worst while holding on to hope for the best.  Until there is nothing left to believe in.  Focus Females Global C. Maria Wall

  • Sound Off with C. Maria on The Saturday Morning Motivation

    03/09/2016 Duration: 58min

    Lord knows I get my share of messages; many have much to say on paper and in private.  So today is all about me doing what I tend to do best.  I am answering your burning questions about life and relationships and sounding off on other issues many have shared with me.  Buckle up today may be a bumpy ride for some as I give you the honest ugly truth instead of the beautiful lies many are used to hearing.  You asked the questions; I am giving you the answers. C. Maria Wall

  • Lets talk about H.O.P.E. on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe!

    30/08/2016 Duration: 59min

    There are times when even I need a little more positive influence in my life.  So tonight is all about H.O.P.E.  Get some paper and something to write with!  H- ealing, H-ealth, H-appiness, H-eart O- ptimism, O-pen, O-pen minded P-rayer P-ermission, P-romise E-xcited, E-njoy,  honesty, Harmony and humor Overcome, optimist, OK Positive, prosperity, peace, perfect Endurance, enjoy, ease of mind and easy I hope at the end of the program you will have a clearer view of your new road to happiness. WE need to stop putting up with the cream of the crap we deserve the cream of the crop in our lives.  

  • The Power of Your Wind with C. Maria on The Saturday Morning Motivation Show

    27/08/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    The GRIND and SHINE for today 08/26/2016 3:00am The Power of Your Wind The weekend is here, time for many of us to simply breathe, regroup, refresh and rejuvenate.  Life is far too short to keep all of our disappointments, frustrations, hurts, pains and heartaches bottled up inside of us.  Time to discover the power of our personal winds; breathe.  There is a reason why what we take in feels cooler than what we push out.  The air we breathe in is charged with positive energy; the warm breath we exhale is full of the negativity we have been carrying around.  Breathe in, breath out, move on!  The Featurd artist for this weeks show is Bob Sima!  Our FOCUS for today:  Make sure every breath we take is inhaled with passion and exhaled with new purpose. C. Maria Wall

  • Lets talk about people pleasers on FOCUS Females Global Chat Cafe

    23/08/2016 Duration: 59min

    Tonight is all about being "people pleasers" from the : The GRIND and SHINE for today: 08/11/2016 3:01am I am Sorry! Many times we find ourselves saying we are sorry then asking forgiveness without knowing what we are sorry for.  OK enough about that type of sorry today I am talking about being sorry from another view.  Time for some of us to be SORRY because we keep forgetting that some people only appear to love, respect, care for and be concerned about us when they are in need of something we possess.  That something could be a listening ear, money or some other service. I am not saying change the person you are BUT I am saying that we should keep in mind that what we do for those people is not a RIGHT but a PRIVILEGE! They need to understand and realize that at times.  Society has bred a culture of ENTITLEMENT and DISRESPECT.  Be reminded that many will do what they know they can get away with.  Develop boundaries and know the POWER of your NO.  If you keep giving, your cup will be emptied and you wi

  • Being Mindful with C. Maria On The Saturday Morning Motivation Show

    20/08/2016 Duration: 01h00s

    Welcome to our Saturday morning hour of inspiration and power  This weeks dicsussion comes from: The GRIND and SHINE for today: 08/19/2016 3:10am Being Mindful Be very mindful of what you keep your mind full of.  The road of this thing called life is long for many.  Do not block your travel with roadblocks, pitfalls and detours that do not need to be on your road.  Our end of week FOCUS: Remove everything and everyone from your road that is blocking your progression.  C. Maria Wall

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