Healing Through Hurt I-talk Radio



After taking her final bow as being one of the featured designers at the Congressional Black Caucus yearly event, Maria Wall wanted to expand her horizons. She was sponsored into the Chesapeake Chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences (aka The Emmy's) and adding to her accomplishments, she was awarded multiple Telly Awards. Maria stated, I always believed in the saying when much is given, much is expected. After noticing a need for younger people to have a venue to express their inner feelings, she developed a youth media program affording disadvantaged children the opportunity to express themselves through video. After working with other non profit organizations, Maria saw the need to expedite the services she offered therefore she founded The Wall Foundation Inc. a 501 (c) (3) community non profit. Maria Noticed that before she could help heal the children she had to expand her reach to heal the parents as well. Thus Healing Through Hurt was born to provide those without a voice a place to be heard. The Foundation is run on private donations solely. If you would like to contact us you may email: contact@thewallfoundationinc.org or U.S. mail : Healing Through Hurt i-Talk Radio at P.O. Box 272, Randallstown, Maryland 21133-0272 or give us a call at 202-618-2556. The Wall Foundation Inc. is proud to present Healing Through Hurt i-Talk Radio: Real People, Real Stories, Real Hurt & Real Healing! You do not have to live in silence anymore here you can find your voice and let it *ROAR* I am a survivor of Domestic Violence & marital rape among other health issues so I am right here with you, I have walked a mile and more in your shoes and now I am here to help carry you along your road to peace and freedom. Maria WallProducer/DirectorMember of the RAINN Speakers BureauFounder of The Wall Foundation Inc.*NO MATTER WHAT YOUR HURT IS THE TIME TO HEAL IS NOW*


  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria (My Name Is NO)

    12/03/2016 Duration: 30min

    This weekends FOCUS is all about the power of the word NO! Amazing how 2 letters can create such a powerful word; small yet mighty. You see saying yes tends to lead many of us to a lot of MESS!  Time to learn to say NO pack your things and go. Hello what's your name babe?  My name is NO!  No you are not coming home with me No I am not going home with you No you cannot have my number No I am not going to continue to support you without reciprocity when I need you at times NO without explanation! Not to worry next week is all about knowing when to say yes! Visit my website cmariawall.com Have you registered or my Changing your Job 38:11 life web class yet?  

  • W.E. Chat Women's Empowerment Chat Pre-Recorded with Special Guest Lee Longo

    06/03/2016 Duration: 36min

    Part I of a II part series Tonights show was pre - recorded  with Deacon Thoms Farr on The Gathering Place Network!  Tonight my special friend Lee Longo will share her journey to healing after a bout with Suicide then faith and forgiveness.  Many of us go through hardships, road blocks and pitfalls. Many are not strong enough to fight the demons while others have convinced themslves that GOD has stopped listening and he does not care for them before.  Join me for this candid conversation with Lee about her journey. 

  • The Weekend FOCUS with C Maria (Feeding the dead)

    05/03/2016 Duration: 34min

    How many of us spend time trying to feed the dead.  Trying to put your all into relationships going nowhere or helping people who do not want to be helped.  Not only does this drain you, it takes away from the time you could be investing in those who want to change; those who are ready.  Many speak about losing weight but we keep hanging on to it.  Some people keep adding the pounds while other just do not know when to let go.  STOP feeing the DEAD becaues they/it will never be anything but DEAD C. Maria Wall Changing your Job 38:11 Life do you have your tickets yet?

  • HEALing THrough Hurt turns 6 years old!

    28/02/2016 Duration: 01h33min

    Wow! What a journey this has been, we have grown and made many changes since 2010.  Join me for a look back down memory lane as I highlight some of the most memorable shows over the years. We will look at some of our past projects that grew out of association with those who came on HTH as guests and left as friends. GOD has really brought me a mighty long way and the journey continues. I cannot wait to see what the future holds: I will face all of it standing proudly.  Today is the first day of a new walk and stronger talk.  I am determined to reach further and wider in the next 365 and beyond! 

  • The Weekend FOCUS with C Maria (Excuses, excuses)

    27/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    Hello All I decided to change the name of the show to the "Weekend Focus"  because this will give us time practice so we will be able to apply the lessons totally by the new week.  Lets get this started and keep on the positive paths.  Yesterday is history lets bring the lessons we were meant to learn and leave the rest in the past.  Stop using what happened years ago as your excuses for not moving forward.  The only excuse left is YOU! Just My 2 Cents of Cerebral C. Maria Wall Have you gotten your Changing your Job 38:11 Life webinar ticket yet? 

  • The SUNday Morning INspiration with C. Maria (Our Final SHOW time to GROW)

    21/02/2016 Duration: 48min

    It has been a wonderful journey; time for the Wall Foundation Family to GROW!  i am preparing for the next phase in my destiny so this door will be closing because GOD has opened another.  i will Miss spending time with each of you but you may join me for The Saturday Morning Motivation Show at 9am ET, same dial in at 646-478-4726.  We are beginning the new series changing your JOB 38:11 life TIME to GROW and GO!  Our Final INspiration of the week:  Philippians 3:14 I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.    

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation With C. Maria (Plan to UNplan)

    20/02/2016 Duration: 19min

    Our FOCUS For Today!  So many of us judge our successes and progression based upon a well developed plan.  Sometime we just need to see how life will lead us without having that set sequence to follow.  I have watched so many people run themselves into exhaustion and deep holes because they have to be at a certain place and complete certain tasks by a certain time or else they will become failures.  Life is not about the plan all of the time; we need to free flow and see where can will go.   A few weeks ago I had a flash meet up with my Women's Support group; we had lunch.  WE started at 12 noon and ended at 5pm; good food and great conversations. Believe me it is OK to go off of your script, try it you may be pleased by what you discover and where you will end up.    Coming soon  HEALing your Job 38:11 Life C. Maria Wall

  • The SUNday Morning INspiration with C. Maria (Stagnant Waters)

    07/02/2016 Duration: 30min

    So many things are going on in this world; many of us tend to give in and simply cope to exist. Do not allow your circumstance to become your stagnant waters, surrounding you with the parasites of lies, lesions of letting not letting go and the stench of decay from not knowing when to walk away.  This weeks INspiration:  Job 38:16 “Have you entered into the springs of the sea, or walked in the recesses of the deep? John 7:38 Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, ‘Out of his heart will flow rivers of living water.’” C. Maria Wall

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C. Maria (Write to get it Right)

    06/02/2016 Duration: 41min

    2/06/2016 (All about YOU Series) This week’s CHAT is all about The Author in you! In order for us to walk, talk and live it out we have to write it out. We will be able to see the full plan and clearer picture! Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work on those things called our S-elf W-orth E-steem and Transformation.  You see in order for us to bring those things back up we have to put some work into it we have to S.W.E.A.T (acronym)  We have been in our cocoons too long,  time to break free like the butterfly; spread your wings and FLY!  WHO IS WITH ME?  IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READ, SET, LETS GROW!  C. Maria Wall www.cmariawall.com

  • The SUNday Morning INspiration with C Maria (The UGLY Truth)

    31/01/2016 Duration: 37min

    Some folks will not like me after this weeks session.  Time to get REAL about your FAITH people.   I hear more call in lines where it is quiet until the lines are unmuted. I hear folks chatting, televisions in the background folks laughing and some even saying inappropriate words and conversations.  The same folks are the first ones to jump up talking about AMEN HALLELUJAH but cannot tell you one thing that was discussed.  GET IT TOGETHER PSEUDO christians!  GOD IS NOT happy with your False praise.  You praise and show up until someone  asks for small donations suddenly the room is silent and cold COME ON PEOPLE. This weeks INspiration:  James 1:22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 2 Corinthians 9:7   Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.    

  • Ripples of FOCUS meetup CHAT Virtual Ladies Night Out

    31/01/2016 Duration: 01h31min

    The Waves are spreading! Join us for this Ladies Night Out Chat Valentine's day preparation for singles and those who are in relationships who should be single! Our Mission is to become the Ripples spreading WAVES of Women's Empowerment all over the world. As this project continues to grow we will produce content that will be uplifting, inspiring, empowering and educational as well as full of laughter, tears and encouragement.  Because this is a worldwide group we will have both real world and virtual meet ups (webinars, hangouts, classes, etc.) We are are a diverse group with something for "EVERYone"  We are one SISTERhood!   "No matter the shape, size, color or flaws; a diamond is still a diamond." Shine Brightly My Beautiful Butterflies! Sending WAVES of positive Ripples your way! http://www.meetup.com/F-O-C-U-S-Females-Offering-Clarity-Unity-and-Success-Group/ C. Maria Wall 

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria (New Habits)

    30/01/2016 Duration: 18min

    This week’s CHAT is all about a "LOVING some YOU for YOU" putting yourself first for a change! MAKE this YOUR NEW HABIT "Valentine’s day preparation for singles" Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work on those things called our S-elf W-orth, E-steem and Transformation.  You see on order for us to bring those things back  we have to put some work into it we have to S.W.E.A.T (acronym)  We have been in our cocoons too long, to time to break free like the butterfly; spread our wings and FLY!  WHO IS WITH ME?  IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READY, SET, LETS GROW!  C. Maria Wall www.cmariawall.com

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C. Maria (Snow Days)

    23/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    1/23/2016 (All about YOU Series) This week’s CHAT is all about  "Family Time" We are having a snowy weekend time to spend with family enjoying conversations, food, fun and games! Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work on those things called our S-elf W-orth E-steem and Transformation.  You see in order for us to bring those things back up we have to put some work into it; we have to S.W.E.A.T  We have been in our cocoons too long, time to break free like the butterfly; spread your wings and FLY!  WHO IS WITH ME?  IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READY, SET, LETS GROW!  C. Maria Wall www.cmariawall.com

  • The SUNday Morning INspiration with C Maria (Know Your NO part II)

    17/01/2016 Duration: 29min

    The Bible says to say yes or no is very simple! In continuing my discussion from yesterdays Saturday Morning Motivation show, we will discuss the art of saying NO. You can say no and it will be OK; when you say no to others you are saying yes to yourself.  When you keep saying yes to others you are saying no to yourself; a simple concept many find hard to accept and execute. This weeks INspiration: Matthew 5:37 Let what you say be simply ‘Yes’ or ‘No’; anything more than this comes from evil. C. Maria Wall cmariawall.com

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria (Know Your NO)

    16/01/2016 Duration: 30min

    1/16/2016 (All about YOU Series) This week’s CHAT is all about a "Knowing your NO"  Getting rid of everything and one that is toxic in your lives! Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work in those things called our S-elf W-orth E-steem and Transformation.  You see on order for us to bring those things back up we have to put some work into it we have to S.W.E.A.T  We have been in our cocoons too long to time to break free like the butterfly; spread your wings and FLY!  WHO IS WITH ME?  IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READ, SET, LETS GROW!  C. Maria Wall www.cmariawall.com

  • join C Maria Wall for this in-depth look into the process of healing from incest

    10/01/2016 Duration: 01h23min

    This is a topic many consider tabu to speak of.  WE know there are many crying out in silence; we will bring the atrocity to light.  Join me for this very indepth chat with the Authors of *Healing from Incest Intimate Conversations with My Therapist* Geri Henderson, PhD, currently teaches writing and literature in Asia and has published a number of articles on medieval mysticism and the pedagogy of language and writing in EFL environments.  Incest creates immense shame in families, shame that is crippling, especially for the victim. On the other hand, coming into the light of truth has been liberating; it has brought me more peace and freedom than I had before. (Excerpt from Healing From Incest: Intimate Conversations With My Therapist) Seanne Emerton, LIMHP, LMFT, LPC, is a mental health therapist and owner of Family Resources of Greater Nebraska, P.C. and a Certified Life-cycle Celebrant for whom the creation of appropriate ritual and celebration is integral to critical life stages.  Geri is very much a

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria 1/9/16

    09/01/2016 Duration: 22min

    01/09/2016 (All about YOU) This week’s CHAT is all about a "New YOU" Jan 9  all about  YOU – If you do not know who you are you cannot possibly know where you are going  Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work in those things called our S-elf W-orth E-steem and Transition.  You see on order for us to bring those things back up we have to put some work into it we have to S.W.E.A.T  We have been in our cocoons too long to time to break free like the butterfly; spread your wings and FLY!  WHO IS WITH ME?  IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READ, SET, LETS GROW!  C. Maria Wall  

  • The SUNday Morning INspiration With C Maria Wall (drop the pounds)

    03/01/2016 Duration: 30min

    As the saying goes "Take your burdens to the Lord and leave them there” This is a brand New Year do not come into it the same way you left the old.  If you were burdened in 2015, prepare to lighten your load in 2016.  Remember that no one can change you BUT your. Are you ready to begin your transformation process?   This Weeks Inspiration(s):  Matthew 11:28-29 Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. Psalm 55:22 Cast your burden on the Lord, and he will sustain you; he will never permit the righteous to be moved.

  • The Saturday Morning Motivation with C Maria

    02/01/2016 Duration: 43min

    01/02/2016   This week’s CHAT is all about a New Year and a "New YOU"   Some of us have wanted to make changes for a very long time, your time is now. WE need to work in those things called our S-elf W-orth E-steem and Transformation.  You see on order for us to bring those things back up we have to put some work into it we have to S.W.E.A.T  We have been in our cocoons too long time to break free like the butterfly; spread your wings and FLY! WHO IS WITH ME? IF you want to invest in YOU, I want to say READ, SET, LETS GROW! C. Maria Wall  

  • Celebrate a year in review on The SUNday Morning INspiration with C Maria Wall

    27/12/2015 Duration: 36min

    Greetings and GOD Morning to each and every one of you.  I could not miss our end of year celebration for 2015.  Next time we are in this place it will be 2016!  Time to MOVE; time to GROW.  What will you leave behind in this year? What will you take with you into the New Year?  Lets get ready to GO boldly into our new destiny.   This weeks INspirations:  Jeremiah 29:11  For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans for welfare and not for evil, to give you a future and a hope. 2 Corinthians 5:17  Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. Isaiah 43:19  Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.

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