Conscious Business With The Corporate Yogi



Conscious Business with The Corporate Yogi helps entrepreneurs grow their businesses by investing in their mindset and personal development. Julie is a mentor, a muse and visionary. You'll learn from her wisdom and be inspired by her authenticity. Each week you'll receive practical business advice fused with ancient spiritual wisdom. Conscious Business is cheeky, educational and full of very entertaining stories. It's time to bring spirituality out of the closet and into the boardroom.


  • 016: Conduct a personal valuation

    25/01/2016 Duration: 27min

    To be a powerful entrepreneur you need to understand who you are. In this episode you’ll learn two great strategies to do this. And, I’ll also share an incredible love story that demonstrates how powerful it is to define and claim what your core values are. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s get clear on who you are.

  • 015: Avoid the greatest lie in business

    18/01/2016 Duration: 20min

    Do you know about the greatest lie in business? Well, you’re about to find out in this episode. And you’ll also discover how linking your self worth to your net worth is dangerous move. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s discover the biggest lie.

  • 014: Optimize your creativity

    11/01/2016 Duration: 26min

    In this episode of Conscious Business you’ll learn how to access and optimize your creativity. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s get creative.

  • 013: Access your wealth of intelligence

    04/01/2016 Duration: 25min

    In this episode of Conscious Business you’ll learn about conscious intelligence, also known as your intuition. Learn how to access it and how it can give you an edge as an entrepreneur. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s tap your conscious intelligence.

  • 012: Create a conscious blueprint for 2016 – Part 2

    28/12/2015 Duration: 27min

    In this episode of Conscious Business you’ll learn how to create a conscious blueprint for 2016. It’s the second part of a 2 part series for strategic goal setting. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s build a conscious blueprint.

  • 011: Create a conscious blueprint for 2016 – Part 1

    21/12/2015 Duration: 23min

    In this episode of Conscious Business you’ll learn the process to create a conscious blueprint for 2016. It’s part 1 of a 2 part series for strategic goal setting. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s build a conscious blueprint.

  • 010: Learn to love your haters

    14/12/2015 Duration: 19min

    In this episode of Conscious Business we teach you that having haters is actually a measure of success and that you might want to be proud of them. So get out of your head, into your heart and learn to love your haters.

  • 009: Access intelligence from conflict

    07/12/2015 Duration: 19min

    In this episode of Conscious Business we learn that every conflict has the seeds of resolution already within it. Experiencing conflict is perfectly normal, but how you handle conflict is character defining. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s find the intelligence in conflict.    

  • 008: Strengthen your brand with soft skills

    30/11/2015 Duration: 22min

    In this episode of Conscious Business you’ll learn how to strengthen your soft skills to build a more consistent, reliable, and memorable brand. So get out of your head, into your heart and get your soft skills on!

  • 007: Who’s better - introverts or extraverts?

    23/11/2015 Duration: 24min

    In this episode of Conscious Business we’ll settle the age old argument - is it better to be an innie or an outie? By educating yourself on these personality differences, acknowledging your tendencies, and learning how to accommodate others, you’ll create a more open environment where everyone gets what they need. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s navel gaze!

  • 006: Learn to love disappointment

    16/11/2015 Duration: 22min

    In today’s episode we talk about overcoming negative labels so you can learn to embrace disappointment as your guide. Remember that disappointment is only the Universe's process of growing and changing your vision.  So get out of your head and into your heart and let’s learn to love disappointment.

  • 005: Attract more clients with authenticity

    09/11/2015 Duration: 20min

    In today’s episode we talk about one of the biggest accelerators for your business. It also happens to be one of the top qualities we appreciate in others AND a quality that we strive for in ourselves. Authenticity. Here are 5 tips on how to be authentic and grow your business:   Stay Aligned. Make sure your business is authentic to your purpose and your values. It just FEELS good!   Be mindful of your corporate persona (alternative identity to fulfill the perceived expectations of our job and our colleagues). Keep in mind that setting unrealistic expectations can make us unproductive and inauthentic. Drop a V-Bomb Tell a colleague, friend (or if you’re feeling brave someone you’re intimidated by) about your fears. By confronting your fears head on, you’re being courageous-- being authentic. Shine your authentic light. If you’re dropping V-Bombs and working authentically, you’ll inspire authenticity in others. Imagine a world where we’re all working towards connectivity and to fulfill our passi

  • 004: Is procrastination an epidemic in your life?

    02/11/2015 Duration: 20min

    The Hard Epidemic happens when we label something “Hard” in an excuse to avoid doing it. Let’s be honest, as entrepreneurs we are among the most resourceful and capable people on the planet, right? But sadly, our resourcefulness applies equally to the things we accomplish AND the things we procrastinate. Four tips to combat the Hard Epidemic: Tip 1 – Break it down Tip 2 – Change the perspective Tip 3 – Wordsmith, swap out Hard for New Tip 4 – Establish a frame of reference Tweetables “Your business won’t grow until YOU do.” “The Universe always rewards bravery” Wisdom: 1. Jedi mind hack: Leverage the confidence of someone else by asking yourself, “What would they do in my situation?” 2. So, let’s take this one step further, if you can master the art of doing the stuff that you’re scared of, think of this as a strategic way for you to accelerate the growth of your business. Inspiration 1. The intro story of the old farmer, taken from The Tao Book, Timothy Freke 2. Feel the fear and do it anyways, Susan Jeff

  • 003: Accelerate your business growth

    26/10/2015 Duration: 20min

    In today’s episode we talk about the natural law of expansion and I’ll challenge you to think about how you view growth. Do you see growing and learning as exciting or as a necessary evil? You’ll learn 3 Truths about personal growth and entrepreneurship that you’ve likely never thought of before. And you’ll learn 5 ways to use your personal GROWTH as an accelerator to grow your business. So get out of your head, into your heart and let’s show some love for personal growth! Here are 5 tips on how to use your personal GROWTH as an accelerator to grow your business: Expect growth to be continuous 2. Don’t expect everything to go according to plan 3. Remember that Everyone else is doing it 4. Acknowledge your Growth See personal growth as an opportunity for strategic business growth Tweetables & Gems: “Wherever you go, there you are” “Every relationship is an assignment” “Perfect is an illusion, not a destination” “You can’t stop the waves, BUT you can learn to surf” Jon Kabat-Zinn Inspiration:

  • 002: A nasty habit of entrepreneurs

    20/10/2015 Duration: 23min

    Today you’ll learn about a nasty habit that impacts many entrepreneurs. It makes you play small and prevents you from living in the present moment. In this episode Julie explains what this habit is and teaches you how to observe it in yourself and in others. She also shares some great tips for living in the present moment and she explores the connection between extreme sports and consciousness.    Techniques to cut back on past telling. Go Cold Turkey Reframe Wean yourself off   Wisdom: It’s important to point out that your ego is usually in the drivers seat when you past tell. Your ego is your false sense of self, and it is constantly seeking validation. Tweetables: “Every relationship is an assignment.” Inspiration: Book: “The Power of Now” - Eckhart Tolle

  • 001: Find out who is blocking your success

    20/10/2015 Duration: 22min

    In today’s episode we talk about the voices inside your head. Specifically, the negative ones. And the good news is, these negative voices are not your reality. They come from a part of yourself we call the Saboteur, and it sends you negative messages and thoughts that hold you back from getting things done. Becoming conscious of your Saboteur is a huge step towards developing a healthy mindset as an entrepreneur.   Tweetables & Quotes:  “What other people think of you is none of your business.” “If you don’t hold space for others to change, you don’t give yourself permission to ever make a mistake.” Reed Hastings, “Don’t tolerate brilliant jerks, the cost to teamwork is too high.” Tips to deal with your saboteur: Educate yourself Observe it Nickname it Tell others Develop an inner coach   Inspiration: “Taming Your Gremlin” - Rick Carson.

  • 000: It’s time to meet The Corporate Yogi

    20/10/2015 Duration: 21min

    In this first episode of Conscious Business Julie explains what a conscious business is and why it’s so important for you as an entrepreneur.  You’ll learn why Julie is so passionate about entrepreneurs and how she became The Corporate Yogi. She reveals the best-kept secret of entrepreneurship, the one thing you’ll never learn about from a textbook. And lastly, she explains how your mindset is a critical component of your success as an entrepreneur. There are two major trends we’re experiencing right now: An increase in overall consciousness An entrepreneurial explosion Are you on a path to building a conscious business? Ask yourself these 4 questions: What higher purpose (beyond profit) does your business have? How are you helping and serving people? Do you have a clearly defined set of core values that you are prepared to NEVER compromise? Do you realize that your business is meant to call you forth to grow, learn about yourself and learn to build better relationships? Are you intentionally building a

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