Growth Stacking Podcast With Dan Martell



How do you end up in rehab for 11 months, discover computer programming, then build 5 tech startups, selling 3 and raising money for the last 2 in 15 years?Tune in each week and Dan Martell will teach you:How he got invited to spend a week with Richard Branson.How he ended up raising money from Mark Cuban.How to hack your productivity.How to focus your marketing efforts.How to get your big dreams funded.How to build, scale and sell your technology company without giving away the control to investors and financial stakeholders.The 3 disempowering pick me, pick me mentality that plagues startup founders.. and what you can do to avoid it and fund your startup.Tune in each week and get Dans deep-in-the-trenches experience as a father, serial entrepreneur, and investor.Do you want to fund, start, scale and sell your business?Thats the only question that matters here. If the answer is yes, then hit the SUBSCRIBE button and lets make it happen.


  • I read 1800 business books - these 10 will make you RICH

    30/12/2023 Duration: 16min

    ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time): Over the last 20 years, I’ve been on a reading marathon, devouring over 1800 books. Each one unlocked a different aspect of success and wealth-building for me. From mastering mindset to harnessing the power of effective habits. So in today’s episode, I've done the heavy lifting for you and distilled them into the top 10 books that will make you rich – not just in wealth but in wisdom. Instagram: @danmartell Twitter: @danmartell  

  • 4 CEO Skills to Get to $10 Million a Year

    21/12/2023 Duration: 20min

    ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time): When it comes to scaling a business, most entrepreneurs are playing checkers, expecting to win at chess. The strategy that propels you from zero to $300K? Child's play for hitting $3M. And if you're eyeing beyond that, it's a whole new game. Here’s why: Each stage of growth has its unique challenges and requires specific skills to conquer. I've seen talented CEOs struggle to transition from hands-on problem solvers to strategic leaders… And others get stuck in operational quicksand, unable to scale. Myself included. But after scaling and exiting 3 companies, investing in dozens of startups, and coaching over 2000+ founders to build multi-million dollar companies… I figured out the right skills needed at each stage of business growth. So in today’s episode, I’m going to break down the 4 key CEO skills you need to build a $10M a year business. Instagram: @danmartell Twitter: @danmartell

  • Build Your A.I. Empire in 2024 (STEP-BY-STEP PROCESS)

    08/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time): If you’re looking for ways to use AI to make millions, listen up… 2023 was the year when AI exploded. And it’s created a massive wave in the ocean of business. Some industries and jobs have been left for dust. But it’s also created MASSIVE opportunities to make more money faster than ever before. And the good news is… We’re only at the beginning of what is possible. After investing in a dozen AI companies… And coaching around 50-plus businesses including many of my friends who’ve built AI business models... I’ve seen LOTS of innovative ways people are making money from AI. So in today’s episode, I’ve distilled them down into the 5 ways you can use AI to make millions in 2024. Connect with me on other platforms: Instagram: @danmartell Twitter: @danmartell

  • If you want to be rich, STOP checking your email

    02/12/2023 Duration: 09min

    The top 1% of high achievers make millions a year without ever stressing about their email inboxes. Sound like a dream? Well, it's not, and I'm about to reveal how you can achieve the same level of productivity and success. Here’s the deal: If you have hundreds of unread emails in your inbox right now… There’s NO WAY you’re going to become a top 1% performer in your industry. When I had the chance to visit Richard Branson in Verbier, Switzerland, I wanted to uncover the secrets of his daily routine. And what I discovered was a game-changer. Before hitting the slopes, Branson sat down with his assistant Helen, who handled EVERYTHING that required his attention. It was a powerful lesson in delegation AND time management. So in today’s episode, I’m going to uncover the 5 steps to transform your inbox management. ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time):

  • Listen to this to get 10 more clients BEFORE 2024

    24/11/2023 Duration: 06min

    If you're an entrepreneur, you know that the holiday season can be both a blessing and a curse. You want to spend time with family and loved ones… But in the back of your mind, you can't help but wonder about your business. What if sales stagnate? What if customer churn creeps in? What if competitors gain an edge? Well, here’s some good news. In my experience, November and December can be your BEST months. As long as you know what to do. In today’s episode, I’m sharing my how to get 10 clients before 2024 strategy, and it's the key to turning the holiday season into a period of business growth.   ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time):

  • How CEOs run their families (better than 99% of people)

    21/11/2023 Duration: 10min

    When my wife and I decided to start our family, our lives went from being carefree cuddle bugs… To starting two new companies… Moving house twice in a two-year period… And getting pregnant with our first child… Only to find three months after giving birth, we were pregnant with the second one. So to say that our life was hectic, would be an understatement. It was a whirlwind. But here’s the one thing we realized during this chaotic time: The need for synchronization and communication within our family. Without it, we found ourselves feeling disconnected and overwhelmed. So we came together and decided to run our family how like a business. Here’s how it worked out for us. ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time):

  • How to Plan Your Week Like a Millionaire CEO

    10/11/2023 Duration: 07min

    If you feel like you're constantly running but not moving forward…   Here’s why:   The problem isn't lack of time…   It's direction and energy.   When I first got started trying to build a business I wasn't disciplined like I am today.   I used to be the guy who would work a little bit, feel really good about myself, and then take a couple of hours off.   If I worked really well in the morning, I would take the rest of the day off.   I didn't have a strategy.   So after I started my company Spheric at age 24, I started reading books.   And it was a book called Getting Things Done by David Allen that changed EVERYTHING for me.   Now the way I work is completely different.   I have a place for all the crazy distractions that come into my world so I can be incredibly productive.   So in today's episode, I break down my 36-hour week as a multimillionaire in four steps to help you design your perfect week.   ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time):

  • How to Build a $100M Startup in 3 Years

    30/10/2023 Duration: 06min

    "How do you build a $100 million company in three years?" This was the challenging question from one of my coaching members, who recently sold his company. Sound audacious right? Depends on who you ask. I’ve had dozens of friends do it. Some of them BILLION dollar companies. And when I think of the conversations I've had with each of them… What was it like when they were first getting started? What challenges did they overcome? What was the process they went through to become attractive enough for to somebody buy them for $100 million? I discovered some unexpected strategies that I want to share with you today. ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time): ▸▸ Sign up for my newsletter (EXCLUSIVE content + insights):

  • How CEOs Schedule Their Day

    23/10/2023 Duration: 06min

    When I was building my company Spheric Technologies in 2003, my schedule was a MESS.   100-hour work weeks… Working until 2 a.m. and then back in meetings again at 7 a.m…   And 95% of my calendar was filled with work that drained my energy.   I HATED getting out of bed.   Nowadays, thanks to the strategies I want to share with you today, my life and business are totally different...   I run multiple 8-figure companies working just 7 hours on some weeks...   I get to spend most of my time doing what I love... coaching amazing founders.   And I explode out of bed, pumped full of energy to crush the day.   How did I get here?   Hard work.   But also, after years of grinding and crawling through the trenches…   I’ve discovered the secret to designing my calendar and life to be the most effective CEO and unlock painless growth.   So if you want to perform at a high level in every area of your life, then listen to this episode.   ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time):

  • Zero to Million Dollar Business in 60 Days

    16/10/2023 Duration: 08min

    ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time): ▸▸ Sign up for my newsletter (EXCLUSIVE content + insights): When I sold my first company Spheric in 2008, I was EVERY role. I was the bookkeeper, chief engineer, project lead, and my own personal assistant. I thought the more I worked, the more productive my business would be right? But I was wrong. And I learned the HARD way. Because it took me 5 painful years of sweat and grind to hit an 8-figure exit. And here’s the kicker… All that hustle? 95% could've been someone else's job.

  • Recession Proof Your Business (2023)

    02/10/2023 Duration: 31min

    ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time): ▸▸ Register for next year's SaaS Open: Ever feel like the world's gone crazy? Banks crashing, valuations plummeting – it's wild out there. But amidst the turmoil, there’s a silver lining most fail to see… An economic downturn is no different to a storm. Wild, noisy, scary. And yet it holds immense power within its chaos. Like a vault of untapped energy. Smart captains harness that storm's power. They set their sails right. ▸▸ Get My New Book (Buy Back Your Time):

  • Can Rich People Raise Kids Who Aren't SPOILED?

    21/09/2023 Duration: 09min

    Wealthy parents = spoiled kids, right? I don’t buy it.   Here's what I do to make sure my kids stay grounded and ready for life.   ▸▸ Watch my full interview with Travis Chappell:   ▸▸ Sign up for my newsletter (EXCLUSIVE content + insights):

  • Listen to These 25 Minutes if You Want to Grow Your Business in 2023…

    18/09/2023 Duration: 25min

    Feel like your business is a never-ending uphill battle? Here’s the way out. ▸▸ How To Build A Business That You Don't Grow To Hate: In today’s episode, I’m sharing an exclusive presentation I recently gave at Ryan Pineda’s WealthCon. I reveal the exact blueprint I used to build 5 successful companies whilst living an amazing life… // Let's connect on... + Instagram (behind the scenes): + Facebook (live trainings + Q&A): + Twitter (what I'm reading): ▸▸ How To Build A Business That You Don't Grow To Hate:

  • How To Overcome Your ADHD Without Medication

    11/09/2023 Duration: 07min

    ▸▸ Sign up for my newsletter (EXCLUSIVE content + insights): When I was 8 years old, life handed me a label: ADHD. I felt broken. It nearly derailed my entrepreneurial dreams. But I refused to let it define me. I discovered how to turn this "weakness" into my superpower. And here's the kicker – it had nothing to do with pills or prescriptions.  In today's video, I'm sharing the 4 hacks that helped me conquer my ADHD, no medication required... ▸▸ Sign up for my newsletter (EXCLUSIVE content + insights):

  • How My $10M+ Companies Run Without Me

    28/08/2023 Duration: 04min

    ▸▸ Grab your copy of Buy Back Your Time - You can build a million-dollar company without grinding yourself into the ground... I often meet founders stuck in this frame of mind. They put a limit on what they think is possible because they’re scared. Like my friend Rachel, who after reading my book, saw her revenue TRIPLE. Yet despite her huge win she started to feel nervous about what would happen if the business kept growing… Fearing it might become too overwhelming, she put a cap on her growth. But in my world, building an empire shouldn't scare you... It’s a life of unlimited creation. One that you never have to retire from. Want that for yourself? Keep listening. ▸▸ Grab your copy of Buy Back Your Time -

  • How To ACTUALLY Change Your Life

    22/08/2023 Duration: 08min

    Feeling stuck? This is your wake up call. /// Let's connect on... + Instagram (behind the scenes): + Facebook (live trainings + Q&A): + Twitter (what I'm reading):

  • How Successful CEOs Buy Back Their Time

    07/08/2023 Duration: 11min

    ▸▸ Get the book: You've started buying back your time... Now, what's the next move? In this week's episode, I drop 3 SECRET buyback hacks that aren't in the book. Implement these, and you'll be on another level. Keep listening! ▸▸ Get the book:

  • Want Sustainable Wealth? You Need THIS Fuel

    24/07/2023 Duration: 09min

    ▸▸ How To Build A Business That You Don't Grow To Hate: Last week, I had an amazing conversation with Tony, a total rockstar entrepreneur, pulling in a whopping $30M+ annually. But here's the thing, despite all that monetary success, there was this lingering feeling, this void in Tony's soul, like something was missing. You see, he was being driven by what I call 'dark energy,' that unstoppable force to prove all the doubters wrong. Sure, it fueled his growth for a while, but it also led to some major burnout in his personal life. And I've learned this lesson the hard way too—success isn't just about stacking up those dollar bills.It's about finding that deep fulfillment, that unwavering energy throughout the entire journey. Because let me tell you, without it, that passion you once had can turn into one draining, soul-sucking grind. So, if you're looking to crush your goals while still finding genuine happiness and fulfillment, this episode is an absolute must-watch! And hey, once

  • How I FIXED My Confidence

    17/07/2023 Duration: 09min

    Confidence is a game-changer, and I've been on one heck of a journey. In this episode, I'm getting real and vulnerable, sharing my personal struggles and the powerful strategies that helped me regain my self-belief. If you're ready to boost your confidence to new heights and unlock your full potential, this episode is a MUST LISTEN! P.S. If the strategies I shared in the video sparked your interest, you need to check out my exclusive training called Future Living: Don't forget to leave a review and subscribe to the podcast if you're hungry for more game-changing content!

  • What To Do When An Employee Asks For A Raise

    03/07/2023 Duration: 11min

    ▸▸ Supercharge your business with my new book ⚡️ It's a situation that many leaders find themselves in: an employee approaches you, seeking a raise. How should you handle it? Negotiating salary raises while managing expectations can be a delicate dance. But don't worry — I've got your back!  Join me as I reveal the secrets to successful salary negotiations with your team, including my top strategies for navigating these discussions and ensuring that both parties walk away feeling satisfied and motivated. So, if you're ready to master the art of negotiating employee salary raises, hit that play button and let's dive right in! Let's do this!

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