Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety



Hello, I'm Paul and I've come to the realization that me and alcohol no longer get along. When I start drinking, I cannot stop, despite how many times I tell myself I'm only going out for just a couple. I've lost that battle 99 out of 100 times. I've tried to set boundaries on my drinking like never drink alone, and not before 5pm but several times found myself drinking alone well before 5pm. When I'm not drinking, I feel fidgety, contentious and anxious which eventually leads me back to the bottle. After grappling with alcohol for over a decade and a summer from hell in 2014, I decided on September 7th 2014, I HAVE to stop drinking. The Recovery Elevator Podcast is a medium to help keep me sober in addition to helping others struggling with alcohol quit drinking and maintain a healthy recovery. Don't make the same mistakes I did in early recovery. Hear from guests who are successfully navigating early sobriety. It won't be easy, but you can do this.


  • RE 108: 5 Reasons Why We Drink Alcohol

    13/03/2017 Duration: 45min

    Amanda, with 19 months since her last drink, shares her story   Why we drink:   Alcohol is everywhere. Drinking appears to be the norm.  We are bombarded with alcohol advertisements 67 times a day.  Our society has a love affair with booze. We have a genetic make-up to become addicted to alcohol. Our environment is flooded with alcohol. We think everything we do should be accompanied by alcohol. Alcohol is a highly addicted drug. We have shitty coping skills.   Not on the list of why we drink: a moral failing or a weakness of character   SHOW NOTES   [ 7:45 ] Paul Introduces Amanda.  How long have you been sober?   Amanda – I have been sober for 19 months.  This is the longest I have ever been sober.  I feel very proud of myself.   [ 8:51 ]  What is your background?   Amanda – I am from Mississippi but now live in Florida with my 15 year old daughter.   [ 10:27 ] Did you ever try to put rules in place to moderate your drinking?   Amanda – I started drinking when I was 16 so there were no rules in the beginn

  • RE 107: What Is Mindfulness

    06/03/2017 Duration: 44min

    Paul G with 10 years of sobriety, shares his story…… What is mindfulness?  Mindfulness is basically a type of coping strategy.  It is being in the moment, paying attention and being present. Why should we practice mindfulness? It is good for our bodies It helps boost our immune system It increases positive thoughts while decreasing negative thoughts It changes how the brain functions and helps us focus It enhances our relationships Unfortunately many alcoholics have terrible coping skills and we can live entirely in our head.  Mindfulness training can help us stay in the moment.  It is the art of being, not doing.   SHOW NOTES   [ 9:05  ] Paul C Introduces Paul G from Hope Rehab in Thailand.  How long have you been sober?   Paul G – over 10 years.  My first round of rehab happened when I was 19 years old.   [ 11:00 ]  Tell our listeners a little about yourself.   Paul G – I am originally from Ireland but now live in Thailand.  I am married and have a 10 year old son   [ 11:30 ]  Did you ever try to implemen

  • RE 106: How Most People Get Sober

    27/02/2017 Duration: 40min

    Henk, 5 years sober, shares his story….. How do most people get sober?  We all assume that it is through rehab or 12 step programs and that your odds are slim if you try to do it on your own (  During the 1980’s an idea was promoted that the only way you could get and stay sober was through rehab programs or AA.  However, a study that followed problem drinkers from 2001-2005 showed that 85% of these drinkers got sober without any outside help (a phenomenon known as spontaneous or natural remission recovery).  It should be noted that the majority of these people still had strong support systems at home and in their community.         SHOW NOTES   [ 7:53 ] How long have you been sober?   Henk – I have been sober since Sept 13, 2010.  I am originally from Holland but now live in Thailand where I for work for Hope Rehab.  I also love to ride motor bikes.   [ 9:30 ]  When did you realize that you had a problem?   Henk – I have been in and out of various treatment facilities since I was 23.  At t

  • RE 105: Does Getting Sober Mean Just Not Drinking?

    20/02/2017 Duration: 41min

    James, with 79 days sober, shares his story…….. Paul starts the show by recommending Annie Grace’s video course on how to get started in sobriety and how to make lasting changes.  Enter promo code elevator50 to receive $50 off. Does getting sober mean simply not drinking?  No – not drinking equals a dry drunk.  Getting stuck as a dry drunk also means that your life will not be as happy and fulfilling as it should be.  This can lead to a slow downhill decline until you pick up drinking again. If giving up alcohol feels like a punishment, than you have entered into dry drunk land (  Recovery does not mean returning to the life you had before drinking; it means moving through the challenges of what life throws your way. Symptoms of a dry drunk: Low stress tolerance Picking up other unhealthy choices (lay off the smokes Paul!) Loneliness Denial Refusal to accept what recovery means Romancing the drink Self-pity Being over-prideful Getting involved in meeti

  • Re 104: What I Learned In Rehab

    13/02/2017 Duration: 50min

    Jeff, who has been sober since Dec 5, 2016, shares his story……   Paul starts the show recounting his 2 weeks visiting Hope Rehab in Thailand. (   What I learned in Rehab People came for other drugs but quickly realize that alcohol was the real issue Most people were still in denial of their addiction and will not stay sober A lot of the clients were just going through the motions Addiction does not segregate; there were people from 4 continents, lawyers’ doctors, social workers, accountants, etc. Thailand is hot and wild pythons are a real thing Alcohol is communal. I have the same story as a guy in Malaysia and we had an instant connection within 5 minutes We are the lucky ones Some people are close to hitting the “fuck it” button at all times If you experience mild depression once, you have a 16% higher chance of experiencing it again. It takes your body 3 days to recuperate from 20 minutes of stress The old saying, “It takes 21 days to learn a new habit,” is a myth. It r

  • RE 103: Why I Quit Drinking

    06/02/2017 Duration: 41min

    Shane with 3 days since his last drink, shares his story….. Paul starts the show off by listing his reasons for quitting drinking: I wake up eager to start the day I’m not lying to myself anymore Because It’s a progressive disease and I know the pain and misery that awaits I do not have a beer gut anymore  THIQ was being deposited into my brain after every binge drinking episode which made it harder and harder to stop I do not want to get dumber.  I want to get smarter. Most alcohol tastes like moldy tootsie rolls I was sick of telling myself “One day we are going to ________” Alcohol is one of the most dangerous drugs in the world and it kills more people than any other drug combined I was failing as a dog owner… big time I do not wonder if I have Alzheimer’s anymore Because alcohol is shit, total and complete shit Money is neat, and I have a lot more of it now I do not black out anymore, I’m only on this planet once and I don’t want to miss a thing I haven’t had a serious physical injury since stopping dri

  • RE 102: 4 Types of Drinkers, Which One Are You?

    30/01/2017 Duration: 42min

    Amelia, with 79 days since her last drink, shares her story…… According to the HBO documentary, Risky Drinking, 70% of people drink.  Most drinkers fall within the following spectrum: no risk, low risk, mid risk, moderate risk, severe and death.  The documentary chronicles 4 people in different stages of alcoholism.  If you are drinking to fix the problem that drinking has caused, you may need to watch this program and see where you fall on the spectrum.   SHOW NOTES   [ 10:39 ] Paul Introduces Amelia who’s last drink was on 10/10/16.   [ 11:12 ]  Have you had any close calls since you stopped drinking?   Amelia – Not really, although I was pretty irritable during Christmas time.  Instead of drinking, I just went to bed.   [ 11:48 ]  Tell us a little about yourself.   Amelia – I was born and raised in San Francisco.  I am a social worker and work with children in the foster care system.  I love to watch baseball games and travel.   [ 13:19 ] When did you realize that you had a problem with alcohol?   Amelia –

  • RE 101: What Is Alcohol and How Is It Created

    23/01/2017 Duration: 41min

    Erik, with 67 days since his last drink, shares his story…. What exactly is alcohol and how is it created?  According to the book, Beyond the Influence, by Katherine Ketcham, the basic ingredient of alcohol is yeast.  Let’s just call it what it is; yeast dung to be exact.  The yeast eventually dies off during the fermenting process leaving alcohol in its’ basic form, which is ethanol.  That’s right folks!  We have been consuming the same ingredient that is used in lacquer and dyes.  Once we drink, the alcohol quickly passes through our cell membranes and enters the blood stream.  Depending on our age, gender, or whether or not we have eaten, etc., alcohol affects us all differently.  Beyond just the physically changes, alcohol also affects our emotional state.  It has been known to exacerbate anxiety, stress and fatigue by triggering the body to release adrenaline artificially.  No wonder those hang overs are so awful!   SHOW NOTES   [ 10:44 ] Paul Introduces Erik and asks when was his last drink?   Erik – 67

  • RE 100: Binge Drinking Is the Problem

    16/01/2017 Duration: 42min

    Tricia, with 30 days since her last drink, shares her story…. Congratulations Recovery Elevator on 100 episodes!  How did we make it to 100 episodes?  How else, but one episode (day) at a time. Problem drinking that becomes severe is often given the medical term alcohol use disorder or AUD.  Some interesting studies from the NESARC show that in 2012, 7.2% of the population surveyed had an alcohol use disorder (article found here:  Europe also has an organization (the ECA) who conducts alcohol related surveys.  They found that although people in Southern Europe drank larger amounts of alcohol, they were able to moderate their drinking.  In comparison, there were more alcohol related fatalities in Northern Europe.  Could this be because of binge drinking?  Perhaps the folks from the South can drink 1-2 glasses of wine with their meal while people from the North are drinking larger quantities in one sitting?  We will let the E

  • RE 99: God, Spirituality and a Higher Power: Run For the Hills

    09/01/2017 Duration: 42min

    Mona, with 2 weeks since her last drink, shares her story……. Paul starts the show by answering some “fan“ mail questions about God and AA.  Many listeners wonder how they can participate in AA without accepting a higher power.  When the pain of drinking outweighs everything else, you just may be willing to try anything.  Statistics show that alcoholism is on the rise but attendance at AA meetings is stagnant or even on a slight decline.  Attendance at AA meetings may be on the decline because it is a religious based program and also because of the stigma involved (don’t be a hater!). In a recent article found on, , it is discussed how people are being forced into AA or rehab, either by employers or the Courts.  Legally, however, a person cannot be forced into AA because it is considered a religious program.  Experience shows us that you will be more successful in a program that

  • RE 98: Non Alcholic Beverages in Sobriety | How To Blend In

    02/01/2017 Duration: 45min

    Shaun, with 2 months since his last drink, shares his story One of the most common questions we get asked as alcoholics is, “What do you drink now that you no longer drink alcohol?”  Or, “How do I fit in at social functions now?”  There are plenty of tasty non-alcoholic drinks to choose from, so when water is just not cutting it, check out the list below: Shirley Temple (don’t’ forget to double up on the cherries!)               Ginger Beer (Cock N Bull brand)                   Sugar Free Red Bull La Croix (basically flavored soda water) Soda water with a splash of cranberry World Market is the place to go if you are looking for a large selection of ginger beer.   SHOW NOTES   [ 11:48  ] Paul Introduces Shaun             Shaun is 30 years old and currently living in Bozeman, MT.  In his free time, he plays hockey, snowboards and coaches little league flag football   [ 13:13 ] Paul asks Shaun to describe his bottom   Shaun – I was drinking all day and through the night.  I proceeded to drive home after fighti

  • RE 97: Cognitive Dissonance | Your Addiction In Your Own Voice

    26/12/2016 Duration: 37min

    Bubba, with 1 year since his last drink, shares his story. SHOW NOTES Cognitive dissonance = the state of having inconsistent thoughts, beliefs, or attitudes, especially as relating to behavioral decisions and attitude change.  “First they ignore you, than they laugh at you, than they fight you, than you win.”  Sobriety is measured one day at a time and if we take it slowly, we will be the winner.  Tell your addiction this quote, over and over again.  Our minds keep telling us the tricky stories that keep us drinking.  This is exhausting.  It’s like holding 2 conflicting beliefs.  How can we break through these conflicting beliefs?   Hang out with people that are on the same path as you.  Educate yourself.  Read, read, and read some more.  [ 8:51] Paul Introduces Bubba. Bubba has been sober for 1 year and he’s feeling great.  He had been drinking so long that he did not realize just how much it was affecting his life until he quit.  He enjoys photography, the outdoors and riding his Harley.  He has also lost

  • RE 96: The Relationship Between Food and Alcohol Cravings

    19/12/2016 Duration: 48min

    Wynn, with 28 years of sobriety, shares his story... SHOW NOTES Tis the season to be jolly and sober….. What are the differences between food cravings and alcohol cravings?  Our gut sends signals that tell us to eat.  We can only go 14 days without food and 80% of our serotonin is created in our gut.  This feeling is very similar when we are craving a drink.  The mind starts chirping and gives us false ideas of how good a drink would be.  The problem is that when we start drinking, the need is never satiated with only 1 drink and thus the saga continues.  The main things to keep in mind is that food keeps us alive.  Alcohol is nothing more than a poison in its’ basic form.  Food also helps build muscle.  Alcohol transforms your body into Barney from The Simpsons.  We all needed food to survive from the beginning of our lives.  Obviously we can survive without alcohol.  Finally, food satiates our hunger cravings.  Alcohol cravings are never satisfied until we are beaten to a pulp.                              

  • RE 95: I Can't Quit Drinking Because Alcohol is my Identity

    12/12/2016 Duration: 46min

    Melissa, with 1 month of sobriety, shares her story... SHOW NOTES It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. Many of us believe that we cannot quit drinking.  “I am the life of the party, that’s just who I am!”  (I bet the crowd around us would beg to differ but that’s besides’ the point.)  Life will not be fun if I do not drink.  Yeah right- blackouts, hangovers, depression, and anxiety; now that is fun.  Paul reviews the time in his life when he owned a bar in Spain.  You heard correctly.  Paul C = Bar Owner.  Seems like an entire lifetime ago.  Listed below are the pros and cons of that time period in Spain: Pro’s - I didn’t die, it accelerated me towards my bottom, I learned to play some fancy Flamenco guitar chords Con’s – Ambien and booze are not a good combo, missed out on many opportunities/road trips with the senoritas, playing football after being awake for 30 hours straight (the next Peyton Manning? I think not), blackouts, blackouts, and more blackouts, DUI, re-introducing myself to a p

  • RE 94: Alcohol Abuse Isn't a Character Issue? You Don't Say...

    05/12/2016 Duration: 48min

    John with 17 years of sobriety and Adrianne with 11 years, share how they did it. This is their story... SHOW NOTES According to the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), addiction is a brain disorder, not a behavioral problem.  This is nothing new so why are we still talking about it?  Probably because even though society is starting to finally believe that addiction is a disease and not a moral failing, the stigma attached to addicts remains the same.  Wake up people!  The studies have shown that addiction can be defined as a primary disease, not an emotional or psychological problem.  Our brains become rewired and our choice to pick up flies right out the window when we are in active addiction.  Our real choice happens when we reach out for help.  It is never too early to reach out. [ 8:27 ] Paul Introduces John and Adrianne, authors of The Painting and the Piano. John, sober since 1/5/99 and Adrienne, sober since 7/11/05 currently live in Florida.  For the past 3 years they have been working on t

  • RE 93: Why Some Descend Faster Than Others

    28/11/2016 Duration: 42min

    Stephanie has been sober for nearly 5 years... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES Why do some go down the path of alcoholism faster than others? Why do the wheels come off at different times for all of us? Is it an 'addictive personality' disorder? Well, truth is, we can't find real scientific evidence to prove that an 'addictive personality' is a real thing. What we do know is that genetic makeup combined with environmental factors that someone is living with have huge factors in whether or not someone will become addicted to alcohol. For Paul, the wheels came off right around age 21, but there is no way to determine if and when someone will become addicted to alcohol. There are many envrionmental factors that can slow down or speed up this factor... [ 7:25 ] Paul introduces Stephanie. Stephanie has been sober for almost 5 years. She got sober De

  • RE 92: How Alcohol Played a Part in the Presidential Election

    21/11/2016 Duration: 43min

    Sara, with 5 months and 10 days of sobriety, tells us how she did it. [9:21] Paul introduces Sara Sara has been sober for 5 months and 10 days, or a total of 163 days. Sara is feeling better than she has ever felt, which is a common response in early recovery. Sobriety has not been all wonderful colors, tastes, and smells. Sara's experience  so far has been overall great, but not without challenges; she has had to overcome some adversity. Which is a very big foundational pillar of life, as nothing comes easy in sobriety, and getting sober is a blind leap of faith. Sara is originally from Louisiana, currently living in New Jersey, she is a psychiatrist who is married with no children. For fun, she does everything she used to do but is learning to do it sober. One of her best sober activities she has enjoyed was attending a Coldplay concert, in which she remembered every single minute. The concert was amazing, as was Sara's first sober football game, feeling every emotion so much more. One not so cool activity

  • RE 91: 12 Ways to Stay Sober Over the Holidays

    14/11/2016 Duration: 45min

     Sasha has been sober for just over 5 years... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES 12 ways to help you stay sober through the holidays. Last year, in Episode 43, I introduced a long list of ways to stay sober, and now, it's a year later. This holiday season, don't beat yourself up! Maybe you only get 1 day, but shoot for all the days, and if you miss a day, get back on the wagon without beating yourself up... Be kind to yourself. The holidays are about giving, give yourself kindness. 12 Ways to Stay Sober Through the Holidays: Meditation - All of the following activities have a meditative and creative quality; guitar, piano, painting, woodwork, organizing, stuffing envelopes, whatever it is for you. Set a timer and chill-out for 10 minutes Headspace App Water - Hydrate! First thing I do in the morning is drink about 35 oz of lemon water. Give y

  • RE 90: Why Being a Dry Drunk and Using Will Power Doesn't Work.

    07/11/2016 Duration: 42min

    Christine has been sober for 129 days... This is her story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES What is a dry drunk? It is someone who just doesn’t drink anymore, who has 'quit' using sheer willpower... ***Spoiler Alert*** Willpower eventually runs out. We need a program, something and someone to fall back on to support us. Your program can look completely unique to yourself and doesn't just have to be AA (although many do recommend it). When you quit using sheer willpower, sure, you become healthier, physically feeling like you’ve been born again and the memory of passing out in a Cracker Barrel buffet line begins to fade. You'll start to gain confidence in your recent found 'sober' success and you say to yourself, "I did this. I quit. I got this." (Uh-oh, those three little words, think RE #86... Problem right there!) Eventually, we will forget entirely about the C

  • RE 89: Rehab vs No Rehab and Success Rates?

    31/10/2016 Duration: 48min

     Zach has been sober for 3.5 years... This is his story… Support the Recovery Elevator Podcast by shopping at Amazon with the Recovery Elevator link: This episode was brought to you by Cafe RE! SHOW NOTES "You gotta get through it to get to it..." Open your eyes and start to notice those around you. Often, you'll find others who don't drink. Talk to them, discover why they don't drink... Some of these people quit for religious reasons, some for health, and others for personal reasons. Some are able to just quit on the spot, others not so much. Yeah, not all of us are so lucky to just suddenly decide to quit drinking... These individuals who do own up to their problems and the fortunes in their life. They take ownership. There are tons of studies highlighting different stats on sobriety (check out the links in the show notes below). [ 10:53 ] Paul introduces Zach. Zach has twin boys and has been sober for 3.5 years, his last drink was March 9th (4 years ago) at about 3am. Zach

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