Recovery Elevator | Stop Drinking, Start Recovering. | Alcohol, Addiction & Life In Sobriety

RE 95: I Can't Quit Drinking Because Alcohol is my Identity



Melissa, with 1 month of sobriety, shares her story... SHOW NOTES It was the best of times, it was the worst of times…. Many of us believe that we cannot quit drinking.  “I am the life of the party, that’s just who I am!”  (I bet the crowd around us would beg to differ but that’s besides’ the point.)  Life will not be fun if I do not drink.  Yeah right- blackouts, hangovers, depression, and anxiety; now that is fun.  Paul reviews the time in his life when he owned a bar in Spain.  You heard correctly.  Paul C = Bar Owner.  Seems like an entire lifetime ago.  Listed below are the pros and cons of that time period in Spain: Pro’s - I didn’t die, it accelerated me towards my bottom, I learned to play some fancy Flamenco guitar chords Con’s – Ambien and booze are not a good combo, missed out on many opportunities/road trips with the senoritas, playing football after being awake for 30 hours straight (the next Peyton Manning? I think not), blackouts, blackouts, and more blackouts, DUI, re-introducing myself to a p