Dnv Gl Talks Energy



Welcome to the DNV GL Talks Energy podcast series. Electrification, rise of renewables and new technologies - supported by more data and IT systems, are transforming the power system. Join us each week as we discuss these changes with guests from around the industry.


  • FACE THE FACTS: Energy - The new space race

    17/07/2019 Duration: 05min

    In the 1950s, America and Russia went head-to-head to dominate space travel. Today its China and the US who are setting out to control the emerging global market around energy storage. It’s a fascinating competition – with huge rewards for whoever wins. Jason Goodhand, Global Business Lead for Energy Storage at DNV Energy Systems, assesses the two main players in this Energy Race, and looks ahead to who may win. Will it be China? The US? Or the millions of energy consumers around the world? In the latest episode of this new series, Face the Facts, Jason shares his opinion and insight on the most recent major global news stories about the energy transition. In the US, a large Southeastern Utility has unveiled plans for five gigawatts of energy storage over the next 20 years. Meanwhile over in China, the World Bank has just approved a loan for 750 million US dollars, to pay for a new energy storage accelerator programme. Now the Energy Race is on, it’s time to face the facts. To find our more or read the tr

  • FACE THE FACTS: Clean energy vs cyber crime

    10/07/2019 Duration: 06min

    Is the fear of a major cyber-attack holding energy companies back from connecting to more smart technologies? And what does this mean for the growing risk of climate emergency? Mathias Steck, DNV Energy System's Executive Vice President and Regional Manager for the Digital Hub Asia, analyses the link between climate emergency and cyber security for energy companies, and what business and society needs to do to future-proof against the impact of both. In the first episode of this new series, Face the Facts, Mathias shares his opinion and insight on the week’s most significant global news stories. The UN is calling on governments to stop building new coal plants by the end of 2020. And 75% of energy companies are avoiding greater connectivity to smart technologies – because of fears around cyber security. Now that climate change has officially been upgraded to climate emergency, it’s time to face the facts. To find our more or read the transcription, please visit: https://dnvgl.com/face-the-facts

  • New technologies and the Internet of Things

    27/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    Is the Internet of Things (IoT) the key to the energy transition? Colin Yu, VP of Envision Digital, discusses how IoT can enable our sustainable future. He sees synergy replacing cost as the main priority of energy providers and considers how IoT is evolving. In the final episode of this series, Colin shares his experience of connected renewable energy sources and systems, drawing on Envision’s expertise in China to explain how deep knowledge of both the technology and local policy are crucial to the successful implementation of data driven – smart energy grids. He looks at how data sharing must become more widespread to unlock the value of digitalization on a global scale and considers how learnings can be transferable across international borders without running into regulatory issues. Finally, Colin explains why, like DNV, Envision has chosen Singapore as its digital hub, discussing the characteristics of the local economy and the government’s support for new technology in its quest to make the island st

  • Disruptive innovation & the traditional energy company

    20/02/2019 Duration: 18min

    In a landscape defined by disruptors, what is the role of an energy company with a heritage in traditional energies? Wouter van Wersch, Vice President of General Electric (GE), looks at how they fit into the changing energy world, and considers the specific needs of Southeast Asia. In this insightful episode, we discuss the progress of the energy transition in the ASEAN region and GE’s role in developing the infrastructure needed to meet the region’s huge demand for electricity. With its mix of markets from the mature to those where millions have no electricity, Wouter outlines the pressing need for improved infrastructure in Asia, where investment is needed not only in generation but also transmission and new technology. He describes how smart data can reduce the environmental impact of traditional energy sources deployed alongside renewables. Finally, he highlights how governments in the region can support variable grids and other elements of the energy transition through the introduction of incentives and

  • From niche to mainstream: how wind is winning

    13/02/2019 Duration: 14min

    Ben Backwell, CEO of the Global Wind Energy Council, highlights the extraordinary growth in the wind industry globally, and how an industry that was once seen as niche and expensive has been transformed into one that is both mainstream and cost-effective. In this enlightening episode, Ben reveals the advances in technology that have helped to establish wind as a credible alternative to fossil fuels. He also describes how those same technologies have enabled a ‘full system approach’ where wind, solar and hydro complement each other to counteract the challenges traditionally associated with variable energy sources. He outlines why, how and where other renewable sources can work best alongside wind in this way, reducing the need for storage and the reliance on fossil fuel baselines in energy grids. However, he cautions that much of the world, including the Asia Pacific region, has a great deal to do before the infrastructure and regulations needed to support this ‘complementarity’ are in place. *This episode

  • New energies and unparalleled transformation

    06/02/2019 Duration: 17min

    What is the role of the energy sector in the energy transition? DNV GL hears from Duncan van Bergen, Vice President of Shell New Energies, about Shell’s vision for the future and the scale of transformation required. In this engaging episode, Duncan discusses the dual challenges of growing energy demand and a lower carbon future, with the population heading for 10 billion by 2070. Duncan tells us how Shell is investing in electricity retail, decentralized power, new fuels and electric mobility. He addresses the urgency issue raised by the IPCC report and highlights the unparalleled transformation needed to meet it. Duncan shares Shell’s ‘Sky’ scenario work, showing that a target of well below 2°C is possible and is therefore imperative that we try to achieve it. He shares examples of the scale of the challenge ahead and points to how Shell will manage the transformation with industry partnerships. Finally, Duncan tells us how he sees for the sector, both a mixture of daunting responsibility and business oppo

  • Investing in the energy transition

    30/01/2019 Duration: 16min

    Why should investors be interested in the energy industry? Carlos Albero, Global Finance Segment Leader for DNV Energy Systems, looks at new markets created by the energy transition. In this insightful episode, Carlos explains why the energy sector, with its forecasted exponential growth in electrification, is growing increasingly attractive to investors. He describes the unique nature of the market and the critical importance of regulatory frameworks, technological maturity and market revenue projections when making investment decisions, before giving us some investment advice of his own. He also talks about the positive role competitive energy markets can play in the energy transition but highlights the work still to be done, particularly in emerging economies, before national grids can support the energy market of the future. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapore International Energy Week 2018.

  • Adapting to the modern energy consumer

    23/01/2019 Duration: 16min

    How must energy companies adapt to serve their consumers? Philippe Monloubou CEO of Enedis, the electricity distribution system operator that delivers energy to 95% in France, looks at how the modern consumer is driving the energy transition. In this intriguing episode, Philippe tells us how changing consumer behaviours are leading to the development of local energy communities. As Enedis undertakes a major roll-out of smart meters, Philippe looks at how this huge volume of new data can be used to create a smarter network. He acknowledges the need for the industry to be brave about digitalization, believing ‘the bigger risk is not to adapt’ to the new landscape. Philippe explores the potential of microgrids, with the promise of access to electricity for all. He then talks about how people’s perceptions & behaviors towards electric vehicles are changing, and with increased demand & new technologies how companies like Enedis need to take quick steps to adapt to the change. Finally, Phillippe shares his

  • Driving the growth of renewables

    16/01/2019 Duration: 15min

    Growth of the renewable energy sector is essential to the Energy Transition but what challenges must the industry overcome in order to unlock that growth? Girish Tanti, co-founder and board member of Suzlon Energy, talks to us about the remarkable rise of his business in India and his unique perspective on the role wind plays in driving this rise in renewables. In this inspiring episode, Girish shares his first-hand experience of scaling a renewables business and the challenges he faced and overcame on his journey from an industrial energy customer to energy provider. He tells us that those challenges vary widely by region and even by country in terms of renewable types, existing infrastructure and regulatory frameworks. Finally, we discuss the important roles of digitalization, customer demand, pricing and finance in the successful growth of the renewable energy sector. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapore International Energy Week 2018.

  • New technologies, security and the grid

    09/01/2019 Duration: 19min

    In a world where information is having an ever-increasing impact on the nature of the grid, what are the implications of new technologies for data security and utilities’ business models? Drawing on his 20 years’ of experience, Martin Hauske, Asia Pacific Energy Segment Sales Leader at Nokia Networks, considers whether utilities, distribution grid operators and technology providers are working in isolation, and how they can come together. Martin discusses how a standardization of communication protocols could help companies move forward. While 5G and fast communication present questions of security, Martin describes the security solutions that can be applied to utilities. He looks at how technology and regulation can play together and believes utility companies must evolve in their role. Finally, Martin tells us how he is inspired by the ‘aggressive visions’ he has seen at the Singapore International Energy Week. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapore International Energy Week 2018.

  • Financing the energy transition

    19/12/2018 Duration: 19min

    How must banks and governments adapt their understanding of renewables and related technologies to better support the energy transition? Xiaodong Wang, Senior Energy Specialist at The World Bank, considers the many roles they play, not just as a lender, but also as a source of knowledge and a policy adviser. In this insightful episode, Xiaodong highlights policy-making as the main driver in creating market demand to bring in investment. Focusing on Southeast Asia, she tells us that she believes we must overcome the myth that renewables are more expensive and acknowledges that investors struggle to find bankable projects in the region. Banks, she says, will come to understand that clean energy is good for their bottom line, and that after initial resistance, utilities too will get on board. Finally, Xiaodong addresses the urgency issue highlighted in DNV’s 2018 Energy Transition Outlook and The World Bank’s Climate Change Strategy. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapore International Energy Week

  • Megatrends: The Energy Transition Outlook 2018

    12/12/2018 Duration: 16min

    How have the energy megatrends changed? Ditlev Engel, CEO of DNV’s Energy business, tells us about the 2018 Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) and contrasts its vision with the findings of the first ETO report, published in 2017. In this first episode in our latest series, Ditlev reveals how rapid electrification and the rise of renewables are driving the energy transition. Despite this, our latest Outlook predicts that the world is not on track to meet the Paris Agreement climate goals. With this in mind, Ditlev stresses the need for action. His advice that: ‘Whatever we can do, we must’, is a timely reminder to governments and the industry not to play a waiting game. With the ever-improving efficiency of energy technologies, he sees the global energy transition as both achievable and affordable. Finally, Ditlev reveals how businesses can lead the way, advocating the power of engagement to accelerate change. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapore International Energy Week 2018.

  • Bringing smart & sustainable mobility to cities

    21/11/2018 Duration: 18min

    Will we all be driving around in shared autonomous electric vehicles in the future? DNV talks to Franck Vitte, Managing Director of BlueSG, Singapore’s first electric car sharing service about the future of transportation in cities. In this final episode of the current series, Franck explains BlueSG’s decision to bring shared electric vehicles to Singapore; the challenges that they have faced; and what he believes the future holds. He also shares his views on why the city state is the ideal setting for the car sharing model and why, despite the country’s limited levels of renewable energy generation, this is still an energy efficient proposition. Finally, Franck gives us an insight into the future of electric vehicles and how they can still capture the imagination of the car enthusiast.

  • Cyber security: Combatting the threats

    14/11/2018 Duration: 25min

    Many companies are adopting new technologies to improve their capabilities, but is this making them more vulnerable to cyber attacks? DNV talks to Magda Chelly, Managing Director of Responsible Cyber, about the risks of operating in an increasingly digitalized corporate landscape, and how businesses can better protect themselves. In this insightful episode, Magda gives us her definition of cyber security; explains what she means by the three key cyber security pillars of people, technology and process; and why these are critical to preventing cyber attacks. She also details some of the challenges faced in protecting our data, and provides her views on how the risks of attacks can be reduced. Finally, Magda gives us an insight into the perpetrators of these attacks, and how they are also using developments in technology to their advantage.

  • Digitalization and the future of mobility

    07/11/2018 Duration: 20min

    With Formula E shining the light on the e-vehicle revolution it has never been a more exciting time for the future of transport. We talk to Johan de Villiers Managing Director of ABB in South East Asia, about how digitalization, electrification and developments in battery storage are transforming how we get around. In this forward-thinking episode, Johan shares ABB decision to become the series sponsor for the Formula E motor racing championship, and how this exciting new sporting series is helping to pioneer developments in sustainable transport. He explains how developing technologies are facilitating e-vehicles’ rise in popularity; the impact of digitalization through car sharing apps and autonomous vehicles; and the resulting challenges faced by the grid and e-vehicle users and gives some solutions. Finally, Johan gives us an insight into the developments in robotics, and how they are likely to impact on manufacturing and trade in the future.

  • Smart data & the energy transition

    31/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    In this latest episode, Kirk shares his views on how data is helping to drive energy efficiency and reduce climate change. Kirk explains why it is important to collect data from many different sensors to help us to fully understand the position on climate change; the importance of integration of data sources to break down the silos of information available; and how taking a prescriptive modelling approach will help us to achieve a better outcome for the planet. Finally, we talk to Kirk about AI, in particular Assisted Intelligence, and how humans and machines are working together to filter and understand the significant amount of data available.

  • Smart cities - What is the future?

    24/10/2018 Duration: 21min

    What fundamental principles must be established before a city can become a Smart City? DNV talks to Gordon Falconer, Global Director Smart Cities for Schneider Electric, about the growing trend for global cities to develop ‘smart’ capabilities; what this means for its citizens; and what steps governments are taking as they look to the future. In this engaging episode, Gordon shares his views on what being a Smart City really means; how the ASEAN cities are approaching the transition; and the challenges that they are facing. He also gives us an insight into the balance between developing green field and brown field Smart Cities; and addresses some of the factors involved in financing the projects. Finally, he discusses some of the visible and less visible signs that a city is using technology to improve the lives of its citizens.

  • Data analytics in the electricity sector

    17/10/2018 Duration: 18min

    With new and innovative technologies developing at record pace, DNV’s Michael Wilkinson, Global Segment Leader, Energy Digitalization, gives us some advice on how to see through the digitalization hype and better understand the solutions that can help to transform the electricity sector. In this digitally acute episode, Michael gives us an overview of the technologies that are driving the digitalization revolution and introduces DNV’s latest whitepaper - Data Analytics in the Electricity Sector, which examines the current role of data analytics, and its likely influence on the energy systems of the future. He gives examples of how digitalization aids the forecasting of renewable energy flows, and so enables operators to better respond to demand; the impact on energy trading and markets; and how technologies such as blockchain are transforming local energy communities. Finally, Michael touches on the regulatory challenges arising from the introduction of these new technologies. For more information you can do

  • Turning risk into opportunities

    13/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    Behind every risk there is an opportunity. In the last episode in this series, Sven Mollekleiv, Senior Vice President, Group Sustainability at DNV, explains how DNV’s Global Opportunity Report focuses on turning risks into opportunities to support sustainability. In this interesting episode, Sven explains the origins and purpose of the Global Opportunity Report, and how it is being used by the UN Global Compact as the basis of their business strategy. He introduces the Global Opportunity Explorer and discusses how this innovation hub is enabling organisations to work together to create sustainable solutions. He also touches on the progress of the Global Assembly’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (‘SDGs’), and the concern that four of the 17 SDGs are falling behind the 2030 targets. Finally, Sven gives some insight into the Energy Industry Conference 2018 in Dubai, and specifically, on why businesses must be involved in creating the smarter solutions of the future. *This episode was recorded live at the G

  • Electric Vehicles - The Norwegian way

    06/06/2018 Duration: 24min

    Will only autonomous electric vehicles be available in the future? DNV talks to Christina Bu, Secretary General of Norwegian Electric Vehicle Association about the incredible advancements made by the electric vehicle (‘EVs’) industry and considers the impact that this is having on the car industry today. In this forward thinking episode, Christina shares with us her incredible experience and knowledge of the EV industry. She explains how Norway became the leading country in the adoption of electric vehicles, and in doing so, how it has tackled the myths surrounding EVs. Christina also highlights the changes in the EV consumer market; reveals how this market has matured over recent years and which brands are likely to become the driving forces in EV manufacturing. Finally, Christina looks to the future and explains which new technologies and countries are likely to make a significant impact as the EV market continues to grow. *This episode was recorded live at the Global Smart Energy Summit 2018.

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