Dnv Gl Talks Energy

Megatrends: The Energy Transition Outlook 2018



How have the energy megatrends changed? Ditlev Engel, CEO of DNV’s Energy business, tells us about the 2018 Energy Transition Outlook (ETO) and contrasts its vision with the findings of the first ETO report, published in 2017. In this first episode in our latest series, Ditlev reveals how rapid electrification and the rise of renewables are driving the energy transition. Despite this, our latest Outlook predicts that the world is not on track to meet the Paris Agreement climate goals. With this in mind, Ditlev stresses the need for action. His advice that: ‘Whatever we can do, we must’, is a timely reminder to governments and the industry not to play a waiting game. With the ever-improving efficiency of energy technologies, he sees the global energy transition as both achievable and affordable. Finally, Ditlev reveals how businesses can lead the way, advocating the power of engagement to accelerate change. *This episode was recorded live at the Singapore International Energy Week 2018.