Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton



A lively dialogue with Ruth Haley Barton about forging and maintaining a life-giving connection with God in the midst of leading. Learn more at


  • Season 20: Episode 7 | This is Fun, Y’all: The Joy and Hope of Transforming Worship

    15/11/2023 Duration: 39min

    Ruth sits down with producer Colleen to wrap up season 20 of the podcast. They share their learnings and highlights from these conversations and Ruth answers a listener's question about how to bring transformative worship to your congregation if you are not a part of the planning process. To close Ruth gives us a few key takeaways to help us understand and embody transformative worship.    This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests into the conversations about worship with spiritual formation at its core. This season is for all who worship, not just pastors and leaders who plan the weekly services!   Advent is just around the corner! Our guest this season will be author, artist and speaker Scott Erickson. Ruth, Scott and Transforming C

  • Season 20: Episode 6 | What about my puppets? Beyond Programming to Worship that Changes Us

    08/11/2023 Duration: 01h01min

    David, Charity, and Leo return with Ruth to continue their conversation from last week. In an episode that could have been titled, “Confessions of Professional Christians,” these four vulnerably and candidly share their own struggles with perfectionism at the cost of transformation. David gives us incredible insight into the difference between a diverse community and a reconciling community. Charity shares what has mattered most to her young family as they looked for a place to worship and Leo reveals his experience as a children’s pastor when the children ruined all his well intentioned plans with their beautiful human-ness. What does it look like to make space for worship that changes us?   This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests

  • Season 20: Episode 5 | Worship on Earth as it is In Heaven: The Transforming Power of Diversity

    01/11/2023 Duration: 33min

    We have a full house for today’s episode! Ruth and Rory are joined by David Bailey, Leo Ayala, and Charity McClure. Sunday morning continues to be the most segregated hour of the week and many of us find ourselves longing to worship alongside a community that reflects a beautiful diversity of age, race, gender, socioeconomic status and more. In this episode our brave participants discuss how little resources exist for multi ethnic worship, the ways in which worship planners can prepare services with only some members of their congregation in mind and how important it is to allow a variety of people to bring their whole selves and voices to the worship planning and execution. They also share a beautiful experience they all had together in community that gave them a glimpse of what it might look like to worship on earth as in heaven.   This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worshi

  • Season 20: Episode 4 | The Pain and the Promise of Communion

    25/10/2023 Duration: 43min

    We’re back! This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests into the conversations about worship with spiritual formation at its core. This season is for all who worship, not just pastors and leaders who plan the weekly services!   In today’s episode Ruth and Rory are joined by Aaron Damiani, an Anglican pastor, to discuss the worship practice of Communion. Ruth and Rory share about their own painful experiences trying to celebrate the eucharist across denominations in the early days of Transforming Community and the three talk about how to wade into the places of tension the Lord’s table can hold. They also tackle why the eucharist is an important part of transforming worship and how to make communion transformative if it’s become a rote p

  • Season 20: Episode 3 | Re-thinking Sunday Mornings: Creating Space for God

    18/10/2023 Duration: 45min

    We’re back! This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests into the conversations about worship with spiritual formation at its core. This season is for all who worship, not just pastors and leaders who plan the weekly services!  This week Ruth and Rory brought in podcast producer Colleen Powell to discuss the problem of Sunday morning. Is it even possible to experience transformative worship in a one hour Sunday morning (or Saturday evening) service? Should you stay at a church where you are not experiencing transformative worship? And what is the secret to services that are transformative? This conversation was challenging and hopeful all at the same time.    Rory Noland is the director of Heart of the Artist Ministries, an organization

  • Season 20: Episode 2 | Beyond Auto Pilot: Worship that is Spiritually Substantive

    11/10/2023 Duration: 47min

    We’re back! This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests into the conversations about worship with spiritual formation at its core. This season is for all who worship, not just pastors and leaders who plan the weekly services!   In today’s episode Aaron Niequist joins Ruth and Rory to discuss the practices that make up Transforming Worship. They discuss how Covid revealed just how little participation was required in most church services, the temptation leaders face to create emotional experiences rather than allow space for the Holy Spirit to do its work, and what’s wrong with how most of us pray in worship settings. This conversation is full of thoughtful dialogue and practical advice.   Aaron Niequist is a liturgist, writer, and pasto

  • FROM PATREON: Principles of Transforming Worship

    06/10/2023 Duration: 06min

    Today we are sharing a clip from an episode that was released over on Patreon. This is a conversation between Rory and Ruth about what they both consider to be the principles of transforming worship. They draw from the ideas in Rory’s book and from their work together in Transforming Community. If you are not already a patron, may we humbly ask that you consider supporting the work of this podcast over on Patreon? Patrons receive all sorts of excellent bonus content like additional podcast conversations, guided spiritual practices, and episodes where listeners get to ask Ruth their questions. This season we have a ton of great stuff for our patrons including extras from Rory’s book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered, a guided practice helping us to reflect on the attributes of God, and a special conversation between Rory and Ruth about the tension between prioritizing the planning of Sunday services to edify believers or engage non-believers.  Right

  • Season 20: Episode 1 | Beyond the Frenzy: Worship that Transforms

    04/10/2023 Duration: 40min

    We’re back! This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Rory and Ruth, we will also be bringing other guests into the conversations about worship with spiritual formation at its core. This season is for all who worship, not just pastors and leaders who plan the weekly services!   This week Ruth and Rory discuss how this idea of transforming worship grew from their time together in Transforming Community. They share the necessity of making space for the Holy Spirit in worship that is transformative, the importance of one’s own private worship in the public worship setting, and the sacred cows of Sunday morning worship.    Rory Noland is the director of Heart of the Artist Ministries, an organization dedicated to serving artists in the church. He mentors worship leaders, speaks at churches

  • FROM PATREON: A Special Conversation about Justice with Sandra Van Opstal

    22/08/2023 Duration: 33min

    This is a replay of an episode we released only to patrons of The Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast. While we take a small hiatus from normal programming to attend to the work of The Transforming Center as well as a special Digital Film Capture project we invite you to revisit some of our previous seasons.    Please visit our website to learn more about the work of The Transforming Center and our Digital Capture project!   For our patrons during the Lent season we recorded a special conversation with Sandra Van Opstal. Sandra sat down with Ruth and Tina to discuss why lent is so significant to someone who was formed in a Latina Roman Catholic tradition, how the Transforming Center helped make the bridge to a reforma-costal BIPOC pastoral space as well as why diverse spiritual practices lead us to solidarity and mutuality.  This conversation was insightful and important for us all as we seek to be leaders doing God's important justice work. Sandra Maria Van Opstal is a second-generation Latina

  • FROM PATREON: Ask Ruth #8: Questions about A Just Lent

    08/08/2023 Duration: 24min

    This is a replay of an episode we released only to patrons of The Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast. While we take a small hiatus from normal programming to attend to the work of The Transforming Center as well as a special Digital Film Capture project we invite you to revisit some of our previous seasons.    Please visit our website to learn more about the work of The Transforming Center and our Digital Capture project! Over on patreon we close out every podcast season with a special Ask Ruth episode, where Ruth answers patron’s questions about the season. This episode includes Ruth and Transforming Center staff member Tina answering questions about our most recent season, A Just Lent: Learning to Love What God Loves. These questions were thoughtful and challenging and we hope they serve to round out our most recent season.   If you’d like to hear more content like this, become a patron! Patrons receive an overflow of bonus content from the episodes, including exclusive conversations between

  • REPLAY Season 17: Episode 5 | The Power of Unplugging

    25/07/2023 Duration: 59min

    This is a replay of a previous episode of The Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast. While we take a small hiatus from normal programming to attend to the work of The Transforming Center as well as a special Digital Film Capture project we invite you to revisit some of our previous seasons. Please enjoy this episode from Season 17: Embracing Rhythms of Work and Rest: From Sabbath to Sabbatical and Back Again.   Please visit our website to learn more about the work of The Transforming Center and our Digital Capture project! We’re here this week to talk about the elephant in the sabbath room… technology. Ruth and guest, Tiffany Shlain, talk all about how our technology impacts our ability to truly rest, why a “tech Shabbat” has been a lifeline for Tiffany, and the nitty gritty details of how Tiffany goes completely screen-free (and we mean completely) for 24 hours each week. We also hear from one of the founders of our sponsor, Good Kind, Chris Pappalardo, about the Sabbath Boxes they created to hel

  • REPLAY Season 16: Episode 6 | Second Order Change: Recognizing and Dissolving Stuck Patterns

    11/07/2023 Duration: 43min

    This is a replay of a previous episode of The Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast. While we take a small hiatus from normal programming to attend to the work of The Transforming Center as well as a special Digital Film Capture project we invite you to revisit some of our previous seasons. Please enjoy this episode from Season 16: Transforming Leadership: Managing Anxiety Within our Communities.   Please visit our website to learn more about the work of The Transforming Center and our Digital Capture project! Sometimes our greatest anxieties can surround areas of stuckness, places where we know what we are doing isn’t working, but we can’t seem to find our way out. This week, Ruth and Steve will discuss second order change and how we can recognize and dissolve our stuck patterns. How does paying attention to process over content help us with this? And how can changing our own behaviors actually change the behaviors of others? Find out all this and more in this episode.   Helpful to this episode:

  • REPLAY Season 10: Episode 7 | The Classic Spiritual Disciplines

    27/06/2023 Duration: 42min

    This is a replay of a previous episode of The Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast. While we take a small hiatus from normal programming to attend to the work of The Transforming Center as well as a special Digital Film Capture project we invite you to revisit some of our previous seasons. Please enjoy this episode from Season 10: Invitation to a Journey   Please visit our website to learn more about the work of The Transforming Center and our Digital Capture project! We begin this episode by redeeming the word “disciplines" by offering up the word “practices” and looking at disciplines through the lens of desire and about opening ourselves up to God, reminding us that we are not in charge of our spiritual journey. Ruth Haley Barton and Steve Weins discuss four practices: prayer, spiritual readings, lectio divina, and liturgy. They sound familiar, but be prepared for some refreshing ideas on how to use them to open yourself up to God. SUBSCRIBE ON ITUNES You can also access podcast on Google Pla

  • REPLAY: Season 6: Episode 4 | Finding Your Rhythm on Retreat

    13/06/2023 Duration: 25min

    This is a replay of a previous episode of The Strengthening the Soul of Your Leadership podcast. While we take a small hiatus from normal programming to attend to the work of The Transforming Center as well as a special Digital Film Capture project we invite you to revisit some of our previous seasons. Please enjoy this episode from Season 6: Invitation to Retreat.   Please visit our website to learn more about the work of The Transforming Center and our Digital Capture project! Human beings are made with rhythms and for rhythms. A beautiful conversation ensues about the beauty of rhythms, and how to find and recognize rhythms. In the Christian tradition tears are always a gift. Ruth provides a great encouragement to let the tears come. We end this episode with Ruth sharing a personal story of how the rhythm of retreat opened up space for God to speak to her. Go deeper with this content and purchase Ruth's newest book, Invitation to Retreat: The Gift and Necessity of Time Away with God. Mentioned in this p

  • Special Mini-Episode: A State of the Podcast Announcement

    16/05/2023 Duration: 16min

    Hello! We’re popping in the podcast feed with a little “State of the Podcast” announcement (don’t worry! It’s not ending!). Ruth gives a peak behind the curtain as to what is happening over at the Transforming Center this year and shares about our Alumni Retreat in July. Then, we’ll hear from some Transforming Community alumni about their experiences applying for and participating in a Transforming Community. It’s not too late to sign up for TC19, which starts in June!   As an added bonus we’re offering to waive the application fee for podcast listeners who apply to Transforming Community 19. Simply go to the application page for TC19 and use the code TC15CVL45 at checkout!   Alumni! Come join us on retreat! We’re having a special Sabbath retreat exclusively for alumni on July 9-11, 2023. Sign up today!   Interested in learning more about the Digital Capture Project and how to support this work? Check out what we’re doing!   Music Credit: Kingdom Come by Aaron Niequist Support the podcast! Patrons receive

  • Season 19: Easter Monday | Transforming Post-Resurrection Encounters with Jesus

    10/04/2023 Duration: 30min

    He is Risen, indeed! Happy Easter Monday, friends. Today, Ruth helps us celebrate the Risen Christ with five stories of post-resurrection encounters with Jesus. In each story she helps us consider our own invitations to transforming encounters with Jesus that God might have for us. Which story resonates most profoundly with you and what healing or transformation is God wanting to bring as you sit with God and these stories? We invite you to take some time today to listen to these stories reflectively, imagining yourself in them. Then take a moment to be with Jesus in the biblical story as you find him and yourself there.   Transforming Post-Resurrection Encounters with Jesus   Weeping in the Garden (John 20:11-18)  Encountering Jesus’ Behind Locked Doors (John 20:19-22) Being with Jesus in the Midst of our Doubts (John 20:24-29) The Emmaus Road: Encountering Jesus on the Road between the Now and the Not Yet (Luke 24:13-35) Breakfast on the Beach:  Resurrecting Relationships  (John 21:1-19)    Journey with us

  • Season 19: Lent Week 6 | Lament: Saying No to Triumphalism

    03/04/2023 Duration: 48min

    This season we are focusing on justice as an aspect of spiritual formation and we believe Lent to be the perfect season to explore this connection. Using A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and the lectionary, we will look at various aspects of justice, its importance to God and why the modern church has often regrettably failed to live out God’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.”   As we head into Holy Week Ruth is joined by Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Rah to discuss the importance of Lament as a part of justice work. What is lament and why is it important? How does it help us to counter American Christianity’s penchant for triumphalism? How does lament move us to justice and right action? Then, Ruth gives us some guidance as we walk through Holy Week toward Easter.   Lectionary scripture for this week: Isaiah 50:4-9a Psalm 31:9-16 Philippians 2:5-11 Matthew 26:14-27:66 or Matthew 27:11-54 Mentioned in this episode: Prophetic Lament by Soong-Chan Rah Rev. Dr. Soong-Chan Ra

  • Season 19: Lent Week 5 | Communal Suffering: Can These Bones Live?

    27/03/2023 Duration: 42min

    This season we are focusing on justice as an aspect of spiritual formation and we believe Lent to be the perfect season to explore this connection. Using A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and the lectionary, we will look at various aspects of justice, its importance to God and why the modern church has often regrettably failed to live out God’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.”   Our dream team from episode one returns this week to discuss communal suffering and the Paschal Mystery. Ruth is joined again by David Bailey and Tina Harris to explore these topics. How do oppressed people experience the Paschal Mystery? What is redemptive suffering? How do we determine where we are in the cycle of suffering, death, burial and resurrection and how can we discern if God might be calling us towards the next movement in this cycle?   Lectionary scripture for this week: Ezekiel 37:1-14 Psalm 130 Romans 8:6-11 John 11:1-45 Mentioned in this episode: Martin & Malcolm & Am

  • Season 19: Lent Week 4 | Opposing Violent Injustice: Bringing Light to the Darkest Places

    20/03/2023 Duration: 43min

    This season we are focusing on justice as an aspect of spiritual formation and we believe Lent to be the perfect season to explore this connection. Using A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and the lectionary, we will look at various aspects of justice, its importance to God and why the modern church has often regrettably failed to live out God’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.”   Ruth is joined by Gary Haugen on today’s episode. Gary Haugen has spent most of his career fighting injustice at the systemic level as a lawyer and founder of International Justice Mission. Ruth and Gary discuss the moment Gary realized he’d grown up his whole life in the church never once hearing a message about how much God cared about justice. They talk about the ways in which the poor are chronically vulnerable to violence, how the church often isn’t doing work that addresses this issue, and how, at IJM, attention to their own spiritual formation is crucial in sustaining their justice work.

  • Season 19: Lent Week 3 | The Work of Justice: Healing our Broken Ways

    13/03/2023 Duration: 46min

    This season we are focusing on justice as an aspect of spiritual formation and we believe Lent to be the perfect season to explore this connection. Using A Just Passion: A Six-Week Lenten Journey, and the lectionary, we will look at various aspects of justice, its importance to God and why the modern church has often regrettably failed to live out God’s call to “do justice, love mercy, and walk humbly with the Lord.”   This week, Ruth and Tina are joined by Sheila Wise Rowe to discuss racial trauma and collective healing. What exactly is racial trauma and what is the long term impact of this trauma on people of color? How can the church play a part in the healing of this trauma? And why is this healing work a part of justice work? The three women also look at the lectionary reading this week from John, the story of the Samaritan woman.   Lectionary scripture for this week: Exodus 17:1-7 Psalm 95 Romans 5:1-11 John 4:5-42 Mentioned in this episode: Healing Racial Trauma: The Road to Resilience by Sheila Wi

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