Strengthening The Soul Of Your Leadership With Ruth Haley Barton

Season 20: Episode 2 | Beyond Auto Pilot: Worship that is Spiritually Substantive



We’re back! This season we’re focusing on worship, particularly worship that is transformative. Our season long guest is Rory Noland and we will be working with his book, Transforming Worship: Planning and Leading Sunday Services as If Spiritual Formation Mattered. In addition to Ruth and Rory, we will also be bringing other guests into the conversations about worship with spiritual formation at its core. This season is for all who worship, not just pastors and leaders who plan the weekly services!   In today’s episode Aaron Niequist joins Ruth and Rory to discuss the practices that make up Transforming Worship. They discuss how Covid revealed just how little participation was required in most church services, the temptation leaders face to create emotional experiences rather than allow space for the Holy Spirit to do its work, and what’s wrong with how most of us pray in worship settings. This conversation is full of thoughtful dialogue and practical advice.   Aaron Niequist is a liturgist, writer, and pasto