Positive Productivity With Kim Sutton

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 347:29:28
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Positive Productivity is NOT about perfection. When we stop worrying about perfection and instead focus on living as OUR authentic, transparent, entrepreneur selves, we can achieve our goals and make our dreams a reality. Listen as Kim and guests discuss how to live a positively productive life in the areas of entrepreneurship, digital marketing, outsourcing, team building, online business, networking, relationships, work/life balance and more! #positiveproductivity


  • PP 703: Why You Need To Take Responsibility For Your Own Mental Health

    20/04/2021 Duration: 12min

    It’s easy to attribute the struggles we have between our ears to various external factors but at the end of the day, it is we who should take full responsibility for our own mental health. Kim Sutton knows this from her personal experience of having to struggle as a mother and entrepreneur at the same time. In the age of social media, it is very easy to fall victim to the comparison trap, subject ourselves to unattainable standards of success, and suffer mentally as a result. In what ways are you struggling with mental health as an entrepreneur? More importantly, what are you doing to address them? If you aren’t already, it’s high time you should.   Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter  

  • PP 702: How to Get What You Want in Life and Business with Christy Whitman

    13/04/2021 Duration: 01h16min

    “You create your own reality… Start with your thoughts--your thoughts are either attracting things to you or repelling things from you based on the way you think.” - Christy Whitman   Achieve unimaginable success in your life and in your career! In this episode, Kim and Christy Whitman share fundamental principles and laws in life that will turn your dreams into a reality. Tune in and find out how to use your inner energy to attract opportunities so you can live the dream and see your business grow. Focus on the blessings, be positive, and always look for the good in everything- that’s how you change your trajectory in life.    Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 03:07 Create Your Own Reality 16:50 Everything Is Energy 22:11  Being An Empath Is Beautiful 25:35 Law Of Attraction 31:42 Law Of Sufficiency And Abundance 41:29 Shift Your Words In The Abundance Side Of The Spectrum 47:00 Be In Alignment And Create The Momentum 52:36 Get Out Of Contrast

  • PP 701: Listening vs. Hearing with Marc Stern

    06/04/2021 Duration: 51min

    “You are a very valuable component of friendship and love when you FULLY listen to hear what other people are saying. That is the way to formulate long-term relationships and find the love that you're missing.” -Marc Stern   This month’s theme is about emotional and spiritual wellness! In connection to that, Marc Stern of Need2BHeard sits as our guest today. This conversation revolves around the art of mindful listening. Kim and Marc talk about what makes talking about your feelings so hard and what listening to hear involves. Marc also shares what the most important part of being a professional listener is and how to create a safe forum for people to feel heard. Being left alone to our pain and fears is the loneliest place to be. Tune in and find out how you can fill that void for yourself and for others! Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 01:39 Why Talking About Your Feelings Is Hard (SO Hard!) 09:58 Filling the Void 17:25 How to Listen 27:46 Creat

  • PP 700: Jennifer Bassman On Eliminating Burnout By Setting Boundaries

    30/03/2021 Duration: 54min

    Every entrepreneur and corporate employee has suffered from burnout one way or another. The only way to escape such a challenging state is by setting boundaries the proper way. In this episode, Kim Sutton sits down with Jennifer Bassman to explain the right time to say no, the dangers of becoming over-achievers, and the best way to delegate work to the appropriate people. Listen to this meaningful discussion that wraps up one month of conversation about confidence and boundaries. Make your working life better today by realizing your strengths, embracing your weaknesses, and harnessing the power of self-care and respect. Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter  

  • PP 699: What Entrepreneurship And Puberty Have In Common: Peer Pressure, FOMO And The Shiny Object Syndrome

    23/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    What do entrepreneurship and puberty have in common? It may sound like a weird question but Kim Sutton knows from her experience as a businessperson and as a parent that there is one critical point of comparison between the two. Have you ever felt the pressure of doing something for your business just because everyone is doing it? Have you ever felt a fear of missing out on the next big thing in marketing, the hottest course, or the newest piece of software? That stage of succumbing to peer pressure is what Kim calls entrepreneurial puberty. You might know it by another name – shiny object syndrome. Listen in and learn why entrepreneurs have to go through their own period of puberty and how you can overcome yours.   Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter  

  • PP 697: Confidence and Cockiness Don’t Have to Go Together

    09/03/2021 Duration: 08min

    Description: “After you get the clarity and the confidence, who knows how high you can go!” -Kim Sutton   Confidence and cockiness are two opposite things. You can’t have both for it contrasts the other. So how do you gain confidence and keep cockiness at bay? In this episode, Kim relates how she felt both and how it affected her business, family, and personal life. Tune in and hear what helped her regain confidence and experience abundance like never before!  Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 00:20 The Confidence Trap  04:46 Quit Insulting Yourself  07:00 Don’t Give Up!

  • PP 696: Who Do You Want to Serve and How?

    02/03/2021 Duration: 11min

     “Clarity helps me say NO to the opportunities which aren't for me. And to say NO for the opportunities which don't pay what I know I'm worth.”  -Kim Sutton   The best thing about being an entrepreneur is the privilege to be of service to others. Yet, even the most successful businessman cannot serve everyone. So how do you find your niche? The best place to start is YOU! Gain clarity about what you truly want to do. Join Kim as she shares a simple practice you can do to gain clarity of who you are as an entrepreneur while maintaining boundaries and getting paid for what you’re worth.  Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 00:40 What Do You Do? 05:00 When Clarity is a Blur 08:37 Have Your NO List

  • PP 695: How to Stop Stalling Short of the Finish Line with Bridgit Dengel Gaspard

    23/02/2021 Duration: 52min

     “If you practice safe success, you can take care of yourself so that you can continue, and not sabotage it in some way that surprises you.” -Bridgit Dengel Gaspard   The worst moment ever: when you’re almost there then suddenly you’re stuck! Bridgit Dengel Gaspard calls this phenomenon, “The Final 8th”. In this episode, Kim and Bridgit unlock the mystery behind this strange event. What is the Final 8th? Why do many get stuck right before the finish line? What goals and practices can be detrimental to success? Most importantly, how can you move towards your goal fast while having fun along the journey. Press play and discover the enchanting path of safe success!  Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 02:35 The Final 8th 09:51 Mirage Goal  13:58 Voice Dialogue Technique  22:24 Practice Safe Success 29:50 Are You Having Fun?  37:30 What Rules Are You Living By?  41:09 Say YES to Yourself More! 51:23 “Live As If Any Moment You Could Get the Absolute Good N

  • PP 694: Have You Found The “Unmute” Button Yet? with Marie White

    16/02/2021 Duration: 34min

     "Hope can bring to light a lot of things that you have deep inside you. If you can keep that hope alive and feed it daily with something wonderful, you will find out that your avenues for growth are huge and available to you all over the place." -Marie White   “You’re on mute.” -We hear that often on our zoom meetings. But today, we will talk about being “mute” in the business setting. In order to survive, we let our society force us to conform to a norm, which does not fully resonate with us. Many have muted their own story- the very reason they started their business- in order to survive. In this episode, Kim and author Marie White discuss why you should share your voice, and how you can keep sharing it in this modern world. Also, listen to tips and information you can use to protect yourself, your business, and your network even if the web decides to “de-platform” you. The call to go back to real conversations has never been more urgent. Find your voice and move forward with hope with today’s conversation

  • PP 692: Leadership at Its Core- Pursue Impact with Rodney Burris (Part II)

    02/02/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    Description: "Leaders have to be the first at embracing change and innovation within themselves so that their people can too." -Rodney C. Burris   If money was not an issue, what would you do for free? Join Kim and Rodney C. Burris for a refreshing conversation about leadership and building a stronger team, with each member operating at their zone of genius. Listen as Kim and Rodney talk about the importance of getting perspective, nipping the root of unproductiveness, 4 zones from which one can operate, leading with heart, and listening to the gut-brain. Rodney also stresses what a leader should have, do, and be to facilitate team connection and elicit optimum performance. Press play and discover how to be free from stress and move towards your peace place!   Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 01:44 The Uninvited Speaker 09:55 The Heart of Being a Leader 20:58 What Zone are You Operating From 32:55 The Gift of Being Cognizable 40:38 The Ultimate Approa

  • PP 691: How to Move From Surviving to Thriving Fast and Easy with Rodney Burris

    26/01/2021 Duration: 40min

    Description: "Our career is not something that we do. Those things should be expressions of who we are because you can't ever do anything outside yourself." -Rodney Burris     Most people who look successful in their careers are in reality, stressed out instead of living with a sense of fulfillment. If that sounds like you or someone you know, this episode will help you move out of that phase. Join Kim as she interviews Rodney C. Burris, a sought after speaker, development coach, and published author. Kim and Rodney relate their struggles and lessons learned to keep their business and personal life balanced. Going all-in does not guarantee success. Break the wall that keeps you from thriving! Your business is not a reality survival show. Abundance will knock at your door today!    Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 02:01 Passionate About Everything   10:59 Chronic Sense Of Complacency 24:11  Rise From Zero 28:12 Surviving vs. Thriving 32:20 Part Of Busi

  • PP 690: The Childhood Nickname Which Haunted Me for Nearly 40 Years

    19/01/2021 Duration: 20min

     “You don't need to have all the answers sometimes. The best answers that you can give yourself is silence.”  - Kim Sutton  Worrying is human nature. Yet, worrying can become worrisome when it begins to take control of your life. Kim found herself in that mire for 40 long years! Today, we hear how Kim got her peculiar childhood nickname and how it adversely affected her life, health, relationships, and business. As Kim shares how she greatly benefited from learning to let go, envision yourself happier with peace of mind and youthful glow. Learn about simple ways you can do today to stop excessively worrying and regain your control. How simple? Tune in, and you'll find out!    Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 01:20 The Worrywart 08:52 Sit Still & Listen 12:05 How to Letting Go Of Worry 16:05 What Should Be In Your Top Priority

  • PP 689: The Great Reset

    12/01/2021 Duration: 31min

    “Remember that just because something worked for you yesterday doesn't mean that it's going to work for you today… Push, pause, reevaluate, and determine a new course.” - Kim Sutton This year, 2021, is the year for a great reset. It's time to redefine what your dream life is truly like. You have the power to change or eliminate the things that made you unhappy and unfulfilled in the past. In this episode, Kim shares with us her great resets, lessons learned, practical applications, and blessings she received after taking the courage to protect her worth. If you are still being enslaved by other people's emergencies or demands, if you are still being mistreated, if you're still sleeping with your phone, or if you feel an emptiness in your life, press the play button because this podcast is for you! If all the hustling gives you more stress than success, pause and reevaluate because you deserve a better life.       Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 00:53

  • PP 688: Setting A New Season, A New Reason

    05/01/2021 Duration: 30min

     “We deserve to be able to have fun in everything that we're doing.” - Kim Sutton Welcome to the new season of Positive Productivity Podcast!  Thank you for tuning in for the past 600+ episodes and for being with us along this journey. Your support is greatly encouraging.  Like to many areas of our life, 2021 sees the Positive Productivity podcast evolving and adapting to the times. In today’s episode, Kim shares her great reset and new changes to look forward to! If you are feeling tired, stressed out, or unhappy in your business, this podcast is for you. Like our past seasons, the focus is still on simplifying your business, so you can have more time to do the things that truly make you happy and feel alive. Jump in and let's start the year with an inspiring topic to keep you motivated and find enjoyment in your work.       Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 00:59 Cutting Back 05:49 Stop SHOULDING! 09:44 How To Play In Your Business 19:45 2021 New The

  • PP 685: The Secret to Productivity: Drop Everything and Sleep with Elizabeth Hughes

    15/12/2020 Duration: 01h06min

    “You don't have to wear yourself thin in order to give the best.”  - Elizabeth Hughes Are you feeling stressed out, tired, listless, and unproductive? If so, get some sleep! It is the secret to productivity everybody is missing. Often we find ourselves awake and working when we should be sleeping. Join Kim and Elizabeth Hughes as they talk about the direct correlation between sleep and productivity. They discuss how a deep restful sleep helps in the overall physiological processes, which in turn equates to efficiency and functionality. On top of that, get some helpful tips on how to get the best out of your diet, experience better sleep, say NO without guilt and arguments to buy yourself more sleep time, and build a healthy concept of relaxation. We've always had a blind spot in medicine. But everybody, doctors themselves included, needs to give themselves the sleep they deserve. This is the real antidote to stress. So before you pop another pill, make sure to check out today's episode!  Check out my website

  • PP 682: The Right Way to Create Impact! with Matt Johnson

    24/11/2020 Duration: 54min

    “Don't try to appeal to everyone… Be who you are, figure out the right people, and then it opens up this whole world of awesome options.” - Matt Johnson Have you ever dreamt of making the world a  better place? That's a very noble passion. And by having that goal, you're already sparking the most important change you could ever make- a change in yourself. Of course, you want to widen and deepen your influence in the most profound way. So this week, Kim and Matt Johnson, the author of MicroFamous, share how we can start moving toward that goal in a realistic way. Matt answers fundamental questions such as: Where do we begin to make a change? Who can we begin creating that change with? What things should we focus on? How should we spend our valuable resources? Why should we narrow our scope? Making an impact is tedious, extensive work and it does not happen overnight. But it is possible! If you have a life-changing message, tune in for priceless wisdom and practical steps you can do to make sure your message r

  • PP 681: Choose to be the Champion of Your Life with William Hung

    17/11/2020 Duration: 40min

    "Take personal responsibility for your own progress." -William Hung Rejections in real life are more painful than a big fat "NO" from Simon Cowell. But what if you received both? If you're a fan of American Idol, you'll love today's conversation with William Hung. You may remember him from season 3 with his version of "She Bangs" and how he raise to fame after receiving that dreaded "NO". If you're wondering what he's doing now, you'll be surprised to know that he's serving on a different stage as a motivational speaker. He helps his clients uncover and share their inspiring stories to the world.  In this episode, Kim and William talk about facing rejection with grace, "gamifying" your business, life hacks to be more free, and a better way to look at mistakes. If you're thinking of becoming a speaker one day, listen as William shares the secret to a good speak in presentation!  Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights:   03:52 Exploring The World Of Speaking

  • PP 679: How To Multiply Your Productivity By Using The “Magic Connection Method” with Brandon Fong

    03/11/2020 Duration: 58min

    "To be successful, it doesn't require resources. It requires being resourceful." - Brandon Fong The solution to your sales pickles is here! This week, Kim interviews Brandon Fong, an Entrepreneur, Marketer, Author, & World Traveler. Brandon is currently on a mission to help 10,000 millennial entrepreneurs achieve success without sacrificing their health and family. Kim and Brandon talks about the power of connection, intelligent hustle, fear-setting exercise for decision making, and building value in your personal and professional life. Brandon also shares the common mistakes entrepreneurs make in expanding their network, how to uncover surface level feedback, and why every entrepreneur must cultivate resourcefulness. Tune in and hear Brandon's 3 Step Magic Formula for developing authentic connections!   Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights:   02:48 From Self-conscious To Entrepreneur 08:48 Intelligent Hustle & Unintelligent Hustle 12:25 Entrepre

  • PP 678: How to Sleep Better with Martha Lewis

    27/10/2020 Duration: 41min

    “We are all meant to sleep well. It’s just a matter of figuring it out and turning that around.” - Martha Lewis  Are you sleeping as much as you should?? For many, getting a good night's sleep is a constant struggle. There are some who stay up late to finish work while others face a constant battle with their busy minds.  In this episode, we’re going to address this issue with Martha Lewis, a Certified Sleep Like a Boss Consultant. Martha expounds on the environmental and biological factors that adversely affect sleep patterns, and how to naturally adjust your circadian rhythm so that you are not only getting enough sleep but a sweet sleep at that. She also lists the reasons we should stop neglecting our sleep right now and live a healthy life. Tune in and find out how to win at your nightly sleeping battles and find your bedtime “sweet spot” at last! Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 03:01 Struggles With Sleep 06:28 Establish A Healthy Sleep Pattern

  • PP 677: Human Designs- The Key to Your Question of Purpose with John Cole

    20/10/2020 Duration: 01h21min

    “Once you're clear on what you want to initiate, you don't have to wait for anyone; you don't even have to ask for permission. You have all the potential capacity within yourself to go into action.” - John Cole What does your body graph say about you? If you're trying to find out what your purpose is, this episode may well resonate with you. Today, Kim sits with John Cole, an Expert Human Design Analyst. John explains how your Human Design Chart can help you be at peace with yourself. He also interprets what the channels, colors, and line activations represent and how it relates to your profile and what impact you can create. More importantly, learn how these concepts can help you build a strategy around your personal growth and relationships. Your energy works in surprising ways! Tune in and discover your manifesting potential!  Check out my website for shownotes Follow Kim on: Facebook LinkedIn Twitter Highlights: 05:09 Body Graph  07:26 Human Design Chart Explained 16:48 Types Of Human Design 27:31 E

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