Bruegel Event Recordings

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 311:59:02
  • More information



Podcast by BruegelEvents


  • Challenges and opportunities for the EU digital single market- Session 1

    08/05/2018 Duration: 01h27min

    In the first session, the panellists discussed how to establish a fair and competitive Digital Single Market, in particular a fair and competitive platform economy. Since the crucial factors for success for digital platforms are trust and big data, the trade-off between both determine the efficiency of the entire industry. This trade-off is embodied in privacy, and unfortunately empirically there is no clear-cut answer to how much privacy is needed for people’s welfare. The panellists also discussed the role of competition policy and regulation as complementary tools, one as a credible deterrent and the other as a specific way to tailor policy to social objectives. For competition policy, several features of the platform economy were highlighted that make the situation particular, notably the winner-take-all markets, the first-mover advantage, the network effect, the cross-markets leverage that scale brings and other bundling. Due to the fragmentation of the EU market, there are cases where national players

  • European development policy in a global context

    04/05/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    This event discussed European development finance architecture and its present and future instruments, in the context of the ongoing global debate. We examined the role of the private sector and explored the implications in terms of suitable business models to support development objectives. In particular, we discussed a development model based on crowding-in private sector

  • Cleaning Up Europe’s Transport Sector: Which Strategies?

    03/05/2018 Duration: 01h02min

    Over the last decade, EU’s greenhouse gas emissions have decreased significantly in all sectors with the only exception of transport. This sector is thus becoming a key obstacle to EU decarbonisation and more aggressive policies are needed to decarbonise it. This event discussed the potential strategies to structurally address this issue, also on the basis of Bruegel’s new policy proposal in the field.

  • Central banking in turbulent times

    27/04/2018 Duration: 01h35min

    At the end of last century, (just as the European Central Bank was created), a central banking model, broadly based on the experience of independent central banks (like the Bundesbank), prevailed in advanced economies. This model seemed to be validated during the Great Moderation. The Great Recession imparted some serious hits to that model, with central banks called to take new responsibilities in the monetary policy as well as in the financial stability domains.  A new book by Francesco Papadia and Tuomas Välimäki, to be presented at this event, asks whether these changes require a basic revision of the pre-crisis central bank model. The tentative answer to this question is that adaptations more than radical changes are required (to take into account the lessons of the Great Recession).

  • Youth UP Europe: Future of democracy in Europe

    27/04/2018 Duration: 01h24min

    We can definitely say that 2018 is going to be a crucial year for the debate on the future of Europe. With the 2019 European Elections fast approaching, it is the time to engage citizens in setting the agenda and discussing different policy options in order to increase the feeling of ownership of the European project, especially among young people. Bruegel and the European Youth Forum teamed up to organise an event series in which young people, researchers and policy makers debate policy issues relevant to the future of Europe.

  • The current state and future of the world trading system

    26/04/2018 Duration: 01h32min

    This event will discuss the current state of the multilateral trading system and how it might evolve in the future.

  • 2 Robots and artificial intelligence: The next frontier for employment and EU economic policy

    26/04/2018 Duration: 01h32min

    2 Robots and artificial intelligence: The next frontier for employment and EU economic policy by BruegelEvents

  • Robots and artificial intelligence: The next frontier for employment and EU economic policy

    19/04/2018 Duration: 01h32min

    The advance of artificial intelligence and development of robotics is expected to have a great impact in our society and our economy. On the one hand, automated systems bring many efficiencies in the performance of specific tasks and the operation of markets. On the other hand, their disruptive forces create many challenges for policy makers who have to design an efficient and secure framework so that the benefits for humanity are maximised. This event will discuss this topic during two sessions. The first session will focus on the impact of industrial robots on EU employment and wages, and will feature the presentation of a new paper by Georgios Petropoulos. The paper looks at these issues using a local market approach similar to the one introduced by Acemoglu and Restrepo (2017) for US labour markets. The second session will discuss the consequences of artificial intelligence on the economy. A panel of experts will evaluate the economic impact of AI and discuss open challenges for the EU industry and econ

  • Pension funds in the EU capital markets union

    28/03/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    Pension funds are the core of the institutional investment that could support greater financial integration and stimulate long term investment in the EU. The low interest environment and disillusionment with the performance of pension funds has led to a widespread retrenchment of funded schemes, and possibly a move back into the redistributive state systems. In this context the EU Commission in 2017 proposed a new personal pension product that will be portable across the EU.

  • Could uncertainty derail the European recovery?

    22/03/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    While the outlook for the European economy has been improving there is still a lot to be concerned about. The geopolitical climate is tense and uncertain. Europe is processing the UK’s decision to leave the Union and the Brexit negotiations are ongoing. Meanwhile the Trump presidency is causing disruptions on the global arena. All of this could derail the process of recovery. While there is talk of further integrating the EU divisions are also apparent, not only between north and south but also the east and west. How can the EU negotiate this uncertain climate and continue on the road to recovery?

  • Bank assets and business models: addressing complexity

    21/03/2018 Duration: 01h18min

    The financial crisis has starkly underlined the dangers of complex financial assets. Such assets are not only hard to value and price, but may also lead to fire sales and solvency risks once liquidity dries up. Based on an extensive study by the Bank of Italy this event will discuss the lack of transparency and problems in valuing correctly significant parts of bank assets in the euro area. This will allow a review of whether the post-crisis regulation has brought about bank business models that generate more transparent assets, and a safer type of banking.

  • The future of the EU budget: MFF post-2020

    07/03/2018 Duration: 52min

    We were happy to host Günther Oettinger at Bruegel on 7 March to discuss the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). We looked at the new spending priorities and where the EU could provide particular added value, as well as discussing the shift towards a higher use of financial instruments.

  • (How) could European safe assets be constructed?

    01/03/2018 Duration: 01h29min

    At this event we looked at the ESRB task force’s investigation on safe assets.

  • Bruegel - Financial Times Forum: The future of euro-area governance

    27/02/2018 Duration: 01h21min

    What are the missing pieces of the euro-area architecture? How to go beyond the current visions of euro-area governance? How should the new European Monetary Fund work, in order to break the sovereign-bank link? What are the broader strategic implications for Europe's position in the world?

  • Is there life After TTIP? The future of transatlantic economic relations

    19/02/2018 Duration: 01h22min

    This event featured a presentation by Daniel S. Hamilton of his new report: Creating the North Atlantic Marketplace for Jobs and Growth. The study charts possible paths by which Americans and Europeans can navigate this strange new world. It describes how the transatlantic economy is being transformed by domestic political uncertainties, the digital revolution, the changing nature of production, and the diffusion of global power and intensified global competition. It takes account of shifting trade relations among the United States, Canada and Mexico through NAFTA, and what Brexit and the rise of non-EU Europe may mean for the European Union and for transatlantic partnership.

  • The implications of Blockchain platforms

    06/02/2018 Duration: 01h29min

    Motivated by the emergence of national blockchain ecosystems like Alastria in Spain, we hold this event to discuss the value that Blockchain brings to transactions and industrial relations as well as its implications for entrepreneurship and growth. We discussed the challenges for the operation and success of EU-wide Blockchain platforms.

  • Why think tanks matter in the era of digital and political disruptions

    30/01/2018 Duration: 01h25min

    Think tanks face an operating environment that is full of disruptions. What is the right strategy to avoid them or even to benefit from them? There is no doubt that think tanks have benefited from the new digital era. Nowadays, it is much easier to been seen and heard. But what are the challenges and potential future opportunities resulting from this change? How do fake news impact the work of think tanks? At this event, we discussed the impact of disruptive technologies, business models and politics on think tanks, as well as looking at how think tanks are managing these challenges and seizing the opportunities presented by these new developments.

  • Corporate taxation in the digital era

    24/01/2018 Duration: 01h29min

    Current tax rules were designed for the traditional economy and do not apply to activities of digital corporations that require no physical presence in the country where goods and services are sold. In September 2017, the finance ministers of France, Germany, Italy and Spain sent a letter to the Estonian EU presidency and the European Commission asking the EU executive to design a “equalisation tax” on turnover of digital companies in the EU. This event discussed challenges as well as different options and ways to effectively address digital taxation in Europe.

  • A conversation with Jin Liqun, president of AIIB

    22/01/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    Bruegel and the Egmont Institute are pleased to host a conversation with Jin Liqun, the president of Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), a multilateral development bank with a mission to improve social and economic outcomes in Asia and beyond. At this event we discussed the role of the AIIB in contributing to key projects for Europe-Asia economic cooperation.

  • Energy digitalization: challenges and opportunities for the industry

    17/01/2018 Duration: 01h30min

    Digital technologies are set to make the European energy system more connected, intelligent, efficient, reliable and sustainable. Data collection and exchange are growing exponentially, creating digital threats but also valuable opportunities. In this rapidly evolving context, the European energy industry has both the challenge and the opportunity to reinvent itself. With this event, Bruegel aims at fostering a discussion about the industrial implications of Europe’s digital energy revolution, the new business models needed to make the best of it, and the policy frameworks required to facilitate all these developments.

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