Dr. Friedemann Schaub

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 143:04:29
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Empowerment Radio:  Breakthrough Solutions for Confident Living with Dr. Friedemann   Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 11AM PT / 2PM ET.    Time to Move Beyond Your Perceived Limitations    Join Dr. Friedemann for insights and self-empowering approaches on many of the most prevailing challenges in our day-to-day lives. For more than a decade, Dr. Friedemann has discussed such hard-hitting topics as “Are you Addicted to Stress and Anxiety”, ...


  • Do you struggle with a broken heart? With The Heart Reconnection Guidebook author Lee McCormick

    15/08/2019 Duration: 57min

    If you have suffered heartbreak, are troubled by anxiety, depression, loss, grief, if you question your self-worth, or are caught up in addiction or obsessive/compulsive behavior - all of these struggles share a common theme: They reflect a broken relationship to the core of your being, your own 'healing heart, sacred heart.' But how do you reconnect to the innate wisdom and truth of your heart, when all you can feel is pain? My special guest on Empowerment Radio this Thursday, August 15th is Lee McCormick, co-author of The Heart Reconnection Guidebook. Learn how through guided self-exploration you can move toward clarity, emotional freedom and self-acceptance; and how through refocusing on the truth of what the heart reveals, you can leave behind the chaos of the mind. Tune in at 9AM PT / 12PM ET. If you have questions in advance, please feel free to reach out on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram.

  • The keys to prevent and treat Burnout

    01/08/2019 Duration: 56min

    Do you feel often mentally and physically exhausted? Unable to motivate yourself to attend to your tasks and obligations? Have you been dealing with chronic stress and now feel emotionally and energetically sapped, unable to meet the constant demands in your life? If so, you may be dealing with Burnout syndrome. You are not alone; millions of people struggle with burnout, which is why World Health Organization recently deemed it as a classifiable workplace phenomenon. Burnout isn t a flaw or weakness; it is your mind-body system sending you a strong message that it is time for a course-correction. Join me on Empowerment Radio on Thursday August 1st at 9AM PT / 12PM ET, and learn effective ways to prevent and treat Burnout.

  • How to make difficult conversations easy

    18/07/2019 Duration: 57min

    Life in the Information Age allows us to connect with each other 24/7 because of our phones, computers and other devices. Yet, many of us have fallen into the habit of relying too heavily on technology, which has not only increased our stress levels, but also our sense of loneliness and isolation. We seem to have lost the art of human connection and the ability to have conversations, from the important ones to tough conversations that we need at work and at home. My special guest this week is consultant and author of Meaningful Alignment, Susan Steinbrecher. With Meaningful Alignment, she has developed a program to help individuals and teams learn how to communicate extraordinarily well and successfully. Join Susan and I this Thursday, July 18th on Empowerment Radio and learn well-defined, practical, and effective tools to manage your emotions and deftly facilitate the emotions of others during a tough conversation.

  • How To Keep The Vacation Mind All Year Round

    04/07/2019 Duration: 55min

    Have you ever noticed that your being on vacation persona differs quite a bit from the everyday self? For most people vacation, it also means taking a break from their usual ways of being. You may be more open, curious and ready to find enjoyment in almost everything you do. Or you may be more relaxed, easy-going and not so hard on yourself. In the vacation state of mind each day appears more free, fun and fulfilling and not only because you can spend time by the pool drinking margaritas and don t have to work. What would life be like if you wouldn t limit the vacation mind to only a few weeks per year? Join me on Empowerment Radio on Independence Day, July 4th at 9AM PT, 12PM ET, and learn how you can keep a vacation mind-set to bring more joy, creativity and fulfillment into your life.

  • Optimum hydration - the key to weight loss, healing and vitality

    20/06/2019 Duration: 59min

    Are you struggling with headaches, brain fog, insomnia and joint pain? We often think these health challenges are due to gluten intake,too much sugar or too little exercise. But there is a missing, and crucial, piece to the health puzzle that can no longer be overlooked. Hydration. With the summer and its heat around the corner, many of us are significantly harming our bodies by simply not drinking enough water. Besides thirst and decreased urine output, some of the lesser known signs that can tell us we are dehydrated are the inability to lose weight, constipation, bloating, afternoon fatigue, difficulty to focus, insomnia, headaches and stiffness. So how do you get re-hydrated and stay hydrated? Here is a hint, it is not just drinking more water. My special guest on this upcoming episode of Empowerment Radio, Dr. Dana Cohen, the author of Quench" will share effective and surprising ways to provide your body with the water it needs. Join us Thursday June 20th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET.

  • How to boost your courage without battling your fears

    06/06/2019 Duration: 56min

    Do you wish sometimes to take more risks and step out of your comfort zone, but you don't know how to find the courage to do those things? Here is the problem: most people see building courage as a matter of pushing through their fears. And since most prefer to avoid their fears rather than facing them, becoming more courageous appears a nice but rather unrealistic idea. But what if becoming more courageous could be easy and even enjoyable? Join me on Thursday, June 6th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET on Empowerment Radio and learn effective ways to gently build your courage without having to go into a tug-of-war with your fears.

  • The Power of the Divine Feminine

    16/05/2019 Duration: 56min

    We are living in a world that has many challenges to deal with climate change, energy and water shortages, inequality of wealth, racism and other prejudices, etc. Without being overly judgmental, the fact is that all of these problems arose under the command of the patriarchy. But rather than bringing the world back into balance by empowering women as equals and seeking their advice and leadership, men continue to abuse, control and suppress the feminine power. Yet, the me-too movement, the midterm election and the number of female presidential candidates demonstrates that women are no longer willing to be pushed to the sidelines. There were times in history, where Goddesses and heroines were revered and respected and their stories kept alive for hundreds of years to inspire and empower women. My guest on this upcoming episode of Empowerment Radio is award-winning author and scholar in mythology Dr. Ayn Cates Sullivan. With her books Legends of the Grail and Heroines of Avalon, she has brought to life, f

  • Are you struggling with FOMO or FOSO?

    02/05/2019 Duration: 55min

    Whether you are afraid of speaking up in front of your co-workers, or not being invited to a party of your friends, you are not alone. The fear of missing out (FOMO) and the fear of standing out (FOSO) are some of the most pervasive forms of social anxiety. FOMO and FOSO have two things in common: they trigger in us tribal-consciousness rooted fears of abandonment and not belonging; in response, they tempt us to deny ourselves our natural desire to discover and express our authentic selves. Instead of wondering who we really are and what we want, we only ask ourselves, who we need to be in order to fit in. If you have been dealing with FOMO or FOSO, join me on Thursday, May 2nd at 9AM PT / 12PM ET for the next episode of Empowerment Radio, and learn effective ways to outgrow these fears and find the courage to be true yourself.

  • Every Day Mindfulness With Keith Macpherson

    18/04/2019 Duration: 57min

    Our generation has more anxiety, depression, and stress than ever before recorded. We have come to a tipping point in our current world, and it seems many of us are trying to find a way back to the secrets of inner peace, simplicity, and connection. Over the past few years, the word mindful has become quite a buzz word in our culture. It has often been associated with the practice of slowing down our thoughts and paying more attention to the present moment. And yet, there is so much more to mindfulness. My special guest on Empowerment Radio this Thursday, April 18th, is Keith Macpherson, author of Making Sense of Mindfulness. Tune in and learn how you can become more calm, centered and confident by integrating the principles of mindfulness into your everyday life.

  • Access the Power of Your Subconscious Mind

    04/04/2019 Duration: 56min

    What do you think about your subconscious mind, and the role it plays in your life? Do you trust this part of your mind, or are you more wary of it? Do you utilize its potential, or do you accuse it of keeping you stuck in irrational anxiety and self-sabotaging patterns? When it comes to their subconscious mind, people often feel a mixture of wariness and blame. They feel powerless, because their subconscious appears to have a mind on its own and doesn t listen to reasoning and logical thoughts. Yet, the truth is that our subconscious mind is the most effective resource we have to change, heal and succeed - most of us just don't know how to tap into its enormous potential. Listen to this next episode of Empowerment Radio on April 4th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET, and learn how you can consciously work with your subconscious mind to change faster and perform better on all levels―mental, emotional, and physical.

  • Dealing With The Loss Of A Beloved Pet

    21/03/2019 Duration: 56min

    While grief and loss are normal parts of life, most of us feel overwhelmed and powerless when facing the death of anyone who has brought meaning to our lives. Yet, for many people who lose their pets, the grief is even deeper than it is for the death of a relative or friend. The pet represents complete and unconditional love, unlike many human relationships that may carry hidden agendas or old resentments and hurt. If you have been grieving the loss of your best four-legged friend, you know how difficult it can be to let go and move on. My guest on this week s Empowerment Radio, March 21st at 9AM PT / 12PM ET, is Pet Grief Coach Judy Helm Wright, who will share tools, stories and insights on how to approach the grieving process with greater ease and grace.

  • Four Ways to Boost Your Confidence

    07/03/2019 Duration: 56min

    The lack of confidence is one of the most common obstacles that prevent us from having success, fulfilling relationships and a general sense of joy and purpose in life. No matter how much potential we have or how hard we work, as long as we are dealing with low self-esteem, we will spend more time struggling with criticism and self-doubt than focusing on what we really want. And even if we become successful, we wonder if we truly deserve what we have accomplished. Join me on this week s Empowerment Radio, airing on its new prime time, Thursday March 7th at 9AM PST/12PM EST, and learn effective ways to boost your confidence and self-esteem every day. For more tools, please visit my YouTube for a meditation on attaining Unshakable Confidence.

  • From Midlife Crisis to Midlife Courage

    21/02/2019 Duration: 57min

    Most of us struggle at some point with the fact that our lives may be already half over. All of the sudden, we notice how gravity seems to have got a hold of our body, our energy seems to no longer be at our beck and call, and our memory has become a bit more porous. We take inventory of what we have accomplished and experienced so far, and wonder, Now what? From there, it is just a skip and a hop to developing a full blown mid-life crisis. It is during those times that we need to widen our perspective, to take responsibility, and to find the courage and strength to address our perceived limitations. Be flexible with our approach to life and refocus on thriving. My guest on Empowerment Radio this Wednesday is Sheree Clark, a Midlife-Courage Coach and the founder of The Fork in the Road. Sheree will share her insights and tools to boost your courage and confidence so that you can make the second half of your life filled with joy, purpose and excitement.

  • The “C”crets to success: How to Make 2019 Your Breakthrough Year - Part 2

    07/02/2019 Duration: 54min

    Have you ever wondered why, for some people, success seems to come easier than for you? Do they have more talent, drive, capabilities, or just lucky socks? After having supported countless of my clients on their journey to self-empowerment, I know that we all have the potential to go beyond any perceived limitations and create the results we truly want. Yet, I also found that there are certain attributes that allow us to achieve success with more ease and grace. Join me on Empowerment Radio this Wednesday February 6th at 11AM PT/2PM ET, and learn how you can implement the four C s clarity, congruency, commitment and credit to reach any goals, even those you thought would be impossible to achieve.

  • The Scientific Proof That Consciousness Creates Reality with Mark Gober

    17/01/2019 Duration: 57min

    Have you ever wondered why when you are thinking about somebody, moments later that person calls you? And did you ever watch your dog get excited about your spouse or kids coming home minutes before the car pulls up on the driveway? Or have you found that when you had strong intentions, somehow the Universe seemed to align to support them? How do you explain these phenomenons? My special guest on Empowerment Radio is Mark Gober, author of the fascinating book, An End to Upside Down Thinking. In his book, Mark presents clear and compelling scientific evidence that consciousness is the basis of all reality and can create and transform matter. Tune into Empowerment Radio this Wednesday, January 16th at 11AM PT / 2PM ET and learn more about how a new, Quantum Physics based understanding of consciousness can shed light on seeming wizard-like gifts of telepathy, remote viewing, precognition, psychokinesis, near-death and manifestation.

  • 5 Keys to Make 2019 A Breakthrough Year

    03/01/2019 Duration: 57min

    Are you struggling with the year-end-hangover? I am not talking about the physical discomfort induced by excessive amounts of alcohol. What I mean are all the unfulfilled intentions, goals and desires that you carry over from last year and are still hanging over your head. Whether you wanted to get in shape, stop a self-sabotaging habit or overcome anxiety and insecurity, the question is, how you be more successful this year? Join me on Empowerment Radio, and learn the keys to breaking through blocks and obstacles that prevent you from having the results you want.

  • Lonely through the holidays, or Love You – How to heal loneliness and self-rejection with Dr. D

    20/12/2018 Duration: 56min

    For many people, the holidays are not the happiest time of the year, but the loneliest. Do you struggle with loneliness and the pain of not having a special someone or a family to celebrate with? Does being alone make you feel nervous, anxious and depressed? My special guest on Empowerment Radio this Wednesday is Dr. Dinorah Nieves, the author of LOVE YOU 12 Ways to Be Who You Love Love Who You Are. Dr. Dinorah, a behavioral scientist, personal development coach and consultant for OWN's "Iyanla Fix My Life," went herself through many years of intense loneliness and lack of self-love. She was able to overcome these challenges by committing to a journey of self-discovery, which she describes in her new book. Find her at www.dinorahnieves.com Join Dr. D and I on Empowerment Radio, and learn practical tool and processes on how to turn loneliness and self-rejection into self-acceptance and self-love.

  • The Gift That Keeps On Giving – Your Best Self

    06/12/2018 Duration: 56min

    Have you ever noticed that the holiday season doesn t necessarily bring out the best in us? Besides the fact the we are mostly overeating, overdoing and overgiving, many people feel that being around family and old friends make them revert backwards from a mature adult to a cranky teenager or a needy five-year old. So rather than buying more stuff for people, who already have everything, how about sharing your best version of yourself with those you care about and yourself? But what does that mean and how do we get there? Join me in this episode of Empowerment Radio and learn four effective ways Calm Awareness, Unbridled Kindness, Compassionate Compromise and Committed Reliance - to become the gift that keeps on giving.

  • Spirituality Without Religion - With Ben Jamison

    22/11/2018 Duration: 58min

    Do you struggle with organized religion? Are you turned off by the scandals surrounding the Catholic Church or how some religions, which are supposed to stand for love and compassion, become increasingly intolerant and prejudiced? Yet, no matter how much you oppose the rules and dogmata of organized religion, you still long for some kind of connection to a God, a higher power or the Universe. So where to begin? My special guest on this week s Empowerment Radio is Ben Jamison, author of Church-Free Spirituality: How to Craft a Spiritual Practice Beyond the Bounds of Religion. Ben has a Master s degree in Spiritual Psychology and is a Spiritual Counselor through the Centers for Spiritual Living. Join Ben and I, and learn how you can develop your spirituality outside the limitations of religion.

  • How To Not Let People Push Your Buttons

    08/11/2018 Duration: 56min

    Do you sometimes feel confused, irritated or simply stunned by some people s rude behavior? And do you wonder afterwards, how you should have reacted differently, rather than becoming defensive, lashing out or freezing like a deer in headlights? Whether you have been dealing with bullies, victims, complainers or know-it-alls, you may have noticed how challenging it can be to not let their personality traits push your buttons. Join me this Wednesday, November 7th at 11AM PT / 2PM ET on Empowerment Radio, and learn how you can stay grounded, centered and in your power while dealing with the most problematic relationships.

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