Dr. Friedemann Schaub

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 143:04:29
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Empowerment Radio:  Breakthrough Solutions for Confident Living with Dr. Friedemann   Every 1st & 3rd Wednesday at 11AM PT / 2PM ET.    Time to Move Beyond Your Perceived Limitations    Join Dr. Friedemann for insights and self-empowering approaches on many of the most prevailing challenges in our day-to-day lives. For more than a decade, Dr. Friedemann has discussed such hard-hitting topics as “Are you Addicted to Stress and Anxiety”, ...


  • How to deal with loss and grief

    04/06/2020 Duration: 56min

    Many people experience during the pandemic painful loss. Whether it is a loved one dying, a relationship ending, getting laid off or having to shut down a business, loss has many different faces. And even if nobody you care about died, and you still have a job, you may mourn the loss of freedom and normalcy of life. Loss is usually followed by grief, which can generally go through the stages of denial, anger, sadness, and final acceptance. Knowing how to cope with loss is essential to make sure you are not getting stuck in any of the stages of grief and can move forward in life. Join me this Thursday on Empowerment Radio and learn steps on how to go through loss and grief without losing yourself.

  • How Your Intuition Can Help You Heal with Wendie Colter

    21/05/2020 Duration: 55min

    Do you or a loved one struggle with a form of illness and have been told to 'just live with it'? What if you could identify a deeper root cause for your ailments, such as emotional, mental, or spiritual trauma? And what if your intuition could help you find the answers from within that bring healing? Join me on Thursday, May 21st at 9AM PT / 12PM ET on Empowerment Radio, where world-renowned Medical Intuitive Wendie Colter reveals how to heal from chronic illness, pain, or disease, by harnessing your intuition. If you are ready to discover the underlying drivers for your physical, mental, or emotional imbalance, this episode may provide you with the healing breakthrough you were looking for.

  • The power of surrender

    07/05/2020 Duration: 56min

    During this time of change and uncertainty, fighting for those we love and care about, for keeping what we have and reclaiming what we lost, seems to be the most courageous choice. We were taught that what makes the difference for those people who get what they want, is their determination to fight for it. Yet when despite our greatest efforts we don t succeed, letting go and surrendering can be the bravest and wisest choice we can make. Surrender isn t defeat, giving up or powerlessness. To surrender is choose acceptance over resistance, appreciation over expectations and flexibility over foolishness. Or in the words of Joseph Campbell: We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that is waiting for us. Join me this Thursday on Empowerment Radio and learn how to practice the powerful art of surrender.

  • How to Heal Against All Odds

    16/04/2020 Duration: 56min

    Considering that rough time we have been going through, with countless people suffering loss and pain, it is important to continue to focus on the path of healing and wholeness. Which is why I am very grateful for my special guest on this episode of Empowerment Radio. Avital Miller is the bestselling author of the Healing Happens books. Healing Happens brings you insight and inspiration from health and healing experts who cured themselves and others despite dire medical prognoses from over twenty illnesses ranging from cancer, diabetes, multiple sclerosis, blindness, fibromyalgia, hepatitis C and anxiety. Join Avital and I this Thursday, April 16th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET and learn how you can enhance the power to heal yourself through natural healing techniques and awareness in order to emerge from this time with greater peace, joy and passion for life.

  • Boost your immunity with the power of your mind-body connection

    02/04/2020 Duration: 57min

    The coronavirus pandemic has brought our world literally to a stop, without a roadmap on where this will lead to. Since we have neither a vaccine, nor a specific treatment for the coronavirus, and our medical facilities are completely overwhelmed, we need to rely more than ever on our own innate abilities to heal and stay well. Most of us know that for our immune defenses to work at optimal level, we need to stay hydrated, get enough sleep, eat a well-balanced diet, as well as take some supplements. Yet, there is also an additional way to activate our immune system, which is through our mind-body connection. Join me this Thursday, April 2nd, on Empowerment Radio, and learn how you can use your mind to boost your natural defenses, while staying calm and centered during this most turbulent time.

  • How to find the courage and trust to change everything with Ken D Foster

    19/03/2020 Duration: 54min

    During a time of uncertainty, where many of us feel anxious, insecure and powerless, courage and trust in ourselves can bridge the gap between fear and fearless living. But how do you access the courage and trust to take life in your own hands, when so much appears out of your control? My special guest on this next episode of Empowerment Radio, airing March 19th at 9AM PT, Noon ET, is best-selling author and syndicated radio host Ken Foster. Ken is an Expert on courage and is helping people redefining themselves through courageous living. He will challenge you to think differently and see the unseeable, know the unknowable and do the impossible.

  • Heartfulness – the five secrets to greater peace and fulfillment

    05/03/2020 Duration: 56min

    With the coronavirus epidemic dominating the news and the upcoming election just around the corner, for many people, the list of things to worry about just keeps getting longer. Do you spend more time worrying about the future than enjoying the present moment? Or, do you try hard to ignore your emotions, because they may only distract you from making sure that all your obligations and expectations are met? In my practice, I often hear my clients lament that they spend most of their time either on an emotional roller-coaster, or checked-out on auto-pilot mode, going through the motions while the years are passing by them more and more quickly. Yet, neither worry or anxiety, nor living solely in our heads will make our lives more peaceful or fulling. I just came back from our 12th transformational journey to Egypt, which my wife, Danielle, and I have co-lead since 2002. One of the phenomena of these journeys is that each day is filled with so much joy and meaning, 2 weeks seem like a month. This time, I was a

  • Safe to Love Again with Dr. Gary Salyer

    20/02/2020 Duration: 57min

    We all want to love and be loved. But many people, who have experienced disappointment, pain or betrayal in relationships keep their hearts somewhat guarded so that they don't get hurt again. Are you afraid of falling in love? Maybe you have been rejected or wounded one time too many and are no longer willing to make yourself vulnerable. Or, maybe you felt suffocated and controlled in your previous relationships and decided it is better to be alone than smothered. Or, maybe your pattern is that the longer you are with somebody, the more needy and insecure you become. And with your jealousy and lack of trust, you push your partners until they seem to need to get away from you to save themselves.Stuck between feeling unsafe and misunderstood while being in a relationship, and feeling lonely and unwanted without a partner, finding love may have become a dream you are about to give up on. If you have struggled holding or maintaining deep, safe and long lasting love in your life, you may be very surprised at the r

  • How to deal with intrusive thoughts

    06/02/2020 Duration: 56min

    Do you ever have intrusive thoughts seemingly out of nowhere popping into your head? You may be preparing dinner in the kitchen, when suddenly your mind conjures a scary image or crazy idea that leaves you wondering about what just happened. The thought could be about harming a loved one, wondering if you have cancer or worrying what happens to your children when you die. Sometimes you may be able to shrug these thoughts off as misfirings of your brain. But other times, you may feel bombarded by such a barrage of similar thoughts that you anxiously wonder whether you are losing your mind. So how do you know whether these thoughts are just brain junk, or telling you a deeper truth? And how do you make them stop from ruining your day? Join me on Empowerment Radio this Thursday, February 6th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET and learn to understand the reasons why your mind creates intrusive thoughts and how you may best respond to them.

  • How to turn your new year’s resolutions into all year results with Jaya Jaya Myra

    16/01/2020 Duration: 55min

    It s the beginning of a new year, a clean slate, a new beginning and another chance to reach your goals. So with renewed motivation, you are choosing your goals for the next 365 days. However, chances are that, like so many others, you will give up on your resolutions within the next 30 days, leaving you feeling defeated and not good enough. Yet, the most common reason why people don t reach their goals has nothing to do with them not being good enough but rather their goals and how they approach them, creating more stress than motivation. My guest on Empowerment Radio is Jaya Jaya Myra, who is known as the Wellness Lifestyle Expert and expert on mind-body wellness, stress management and natural, healthy living. She s a best-selling author, and creator of The WELL Method. After healing herself naturally from debilitating fibromyalgia, Myra developed The WELL Method to teach others the 4 cornerstones of a healthy, purpose-driven life. Join Myra and I, and learn how her approach to mind-body wellness, s

  • 10 Keys to Anxiety-Free Living

    02/01/2020 Duration: 54min

    Do you also find the beginning of a new year one of the most anxiety-triggering times? Whether it is about facing the big unknowns this year may bring, or the sense of having to climb another mountain of obligations and challenges; or whether it is the worry that you won t reach the goals and desires you have for the next twelve month, the list of reasons to be anxious seems endless. Based on my almost 20 years of experience, I found that overcoming and outgrowing anxiety isn t about getting rid of its symptoms, but it is about opening our mind and heart to the simple truth, that who we are is enough. How do you get there? Join me on Thursday, January 2nd on Empowerment Radio and learn the 10 keys on how to be anxiety-free in 2020.

  • Connecting With Our Divine Truth with Paul Selig

    19/12/2019 Duration: 55min

    Does the world appear to you less coherent and more divided; less predictable and more chaotic; less about decency and love and more about profit and hate? Yet, in the midst of seemingly unsurmountable challenges, there is a growing desire to find a greater meaning a higher perspective and a deeper purpose for our existence. Many of us are on a quest to connect to an undeniable truth within, a divine essence so to speak, that grounds us and gives us the strength and wisdom to navigate gracefully through these chaotic times. The teachings of my guest this week on Empowerment Radio, Paul Selig, provide answers to some of these and other pressing questions. Paul Selig is one of the foremost spiritual channels working today and the author of I Am the Word, The Book of Love and Creation and The Book of Freedom. Join Paul and I on Empowerment Radio, as we address topics such as how to connect to our divine truth, the role fear in life and whether making choices on how our life unfolds prior to our incarnation

  • What life-enhancing lessons have you learned this year?

    05/12/2019 Duration: 56min

    Isn't it mind-boggling that 2019 is already coming to an end? It feels like time is speeding up and we can barely catch our breath to keep up. Yet, one of the ways to slow down time is to look back at all that this year brought us. We can think about the blessings and everything that happened, that we are grateful for. We can contemplate the goals we have reached and the obstacles we have overcome. But my favorite way to savor an ending year, is to reflect on all that I have learned during the past 300 plus days. Join me this Thursday on Empowerment Radio, as I will share the lessons 2019 taught me; and I would love for you to call in or write on the comment section what you have learned this year.

  • Encore: Rumi to the Rescue - with Kamla K. Kapur

    28/11/2019 Duration: 55min

    Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by life s challenges? Lost when it comes to finding your path? Confused about the meaning of it all? In our fast-paced society, with little time and even shorter attention-spans, we are more and more losing the ability to sit with suffering or patiently observe our own distress. The goal is more to avoid discomfort at all costs, whether through distractions, pharmaceuticals, social media or any readily available pleasure. Yet, the suffering we ignore doesn't disappear, and questions we avoid don't get answered. The ancient mystic, Rumi, taught us to have faith in the power of suffering to embrace it, even if it is painful. Rumi understood pain as a symptom that our closed hearts are breaking open. My special guest on the next episode of Empowerment Radio is Kamla Kapur, author of Rumi, Tales of the Spirit. In her new book Kamla collected twelve fresh and powerful tales of the timeless storyteller Rumi, which guide us through the trials of life and teach us to embrace su

  • Rumi to the Rescue - with Kamla K. Kapur

    21/11/2019 Duration: 55min

    Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed by life s challenges? Lost when it comes to finding your path? Confused about the meaning of it all? In our fast-paced society, with little time and even shorter attention-spans, we are more and more losing the ability to sit with suffering or patiently observe our own distress. The goal is more to avoid discomfort at all costs, whether through distractions, pharmaceuticals, social media or any readily available pleasure. Yet, the suffering we ignore doesn't disappear, and questions we avoid don't get answered. The ancient mystic, Rumi, taught us to have faith in the power of suffering to embrace it, even if it is painful. Rumi understood pain as a symptom that our closed hearts are breaking open. My special guest on the next episode of Empowerment Radio is Kamla Kapur, author of Rumi, Tales of the Spirit. In her new book Kamla collected twelve fresh and powerful tales of the timeless storyteller Rumi, which guide us through the trials of life and teach us to embrace su

  • Are you afraid of death?

    07/11/2019 Duration: 48min

    For most of us, the fear of death is almost as inevitable as the event itself. It is a fear that makes us want to eat healthier, drink less, work out more and maybe, once in a while, even get a colonoscopy. Yet, no matter what we do, we can't avoid the fact that we all have an expiration date. This is why, for most of us, avoiding thoughts about death seems like the best option to cope. However, while avoiding this topic can reduce a little discomfort in the short term, it probably makes us much more anxious about dying in the long term. But, what if there are ways to find more peace and acceptance with death, while acknowledging what it can teach us about life? Join me on Empowerment Radio (and on Facebook Live) this Thursday, November 7th at 9AM PT / Noon ET to learn ways on how to overcome the fear of our mortality. Missed an episode? You can watch all my previous Empowerment Radio segments here, or as videos on my YouTube where you also have access to meditations, webinars and many other tools to h

  • From Fearful to Joyful Aging

    17/10/2019 Duration: 56min

    Many people are afraid of the inevitable changes that come with getting older. Whether it is the physical decline, the wrinkled face or the loss of relevance, the golden years are often perceived as a nightmare waiting to happen. For some the fear of aging even starts already in their early twenties. Yet, since we can t avoid the aging process, what if we could embrace our maturity with joy and confidence? My special guest on this week s episode of Empowerment Radio is clinical psychologist Dr. Carla Marie Manly, whose book Aging Joyfully provides important insights and practical tools on how to approach the later years with greater ease and grace. Join Dr. Manly and me on Thursday, October 17th at 9AM PT/Noon ET to learn more about her holistic, mind-body-spirit approach on overcoming the fear of aging.

  • Reclaiming wholeness after trauma and abuse

    03/10/2019 Duration: 53min

    Whether you were the victim of emotional, physical or sexual abuse, whether you were molested as a child or tormented as an adult, the emotional and psychological wounds that have been inflicted on you, may have become a constant reminder of the traumas you went through. Despite your efforts to move beyond the past, the abuse may have become your identity, as you see yourself either as a victim or a survivor of the tribble things that were done to you. But what if the pain others caused you could help you to remember your truth - and teach you how to love and appreciate yourself more? Listen to Empowerment Radio this Thursday, October 3 at 9AM PT/Noon ET and learn how to de-identify from trauma and abuse and reclaim your wholeness within.

  • How To Stress Better with Arch Fuston

    19/09/2019 Duration: 55min

    Whether you are dealing with pressure at work, challenges with your kids or worry about your finances, you probably have your fair share of stress on a daily basis. And while everybody tells you that you should exercise, meditate or take up yoga to destress, you can t find the time or motivation to put another item onto your chore list. But what if there is a way to manage your stress the moment it comes up, not by fighting it, but by welcoming it? What if you could learn how to understand the intention of your stress and utilize its information and energy to even upgrade your life? Tune into Empowerment Radio this Thursday with my special guest, coach and business consultant Arch Fuston, and learn more about his revolutionary approach on how to stress better.

  • Are you losing control of your emotions?

    05/09/2019 Duration: 56min

    When you watch the rain-forest fires, children of immigrants separated from their parents, glaciers in Greenland disappearing or politicians acting selfishly, do you also feel sometimes so overwhelmed by emotions that it is hard for you to shake them off and focus on what was right in front of you? You may have struggled with your emotions for a long time, and often wondered, how you could finally turn them off. Wouldn t your life be much better if you could run it by logic and reason? The truth is, you need your emotions, as they provide you with important information about your likes and dislikes, your strengths and weaknesses, and the value of your actions and choices. Every day, emotions have a significantly larger impact on the choices you make and how you experience your world than facts and reasoning. The question just is, how you can feel your emotions, without getting overpowered by them? Tune into Empowerment Radio this Thursday, September 5th at 9AM PT/12PM ET and learn how to control your em

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