Holly Springs Bible Fellowship Podcasts



Weekly Bible teaching from Pastor Jim Thomas at Holly Springs Bible Fellowship in Hornick, Iowa.


  • James 04d – Life is Short - 2022 1120

    21/11/2022 Duration: 37min

    James 4:13-17 – We are placed on this earth for a short time. God has saved us and given us resources to impact His Kingdom. It is up to us to use our time, talents, and money for Him and not us. We must make the most of the numerous blessings and opportunities we have been given. We have been given much, which means God requires more from us. 

  • James 04c – To Judge or Not - 2022 1113

    13/11/2022 Duration: 36min

    James 4:11,12 – We live in a world that believes you can have a world without judgment and discrimination. A world without discernment and order is a culture of chaos and confusion. Mature Faith sees and responds to everyone through grace, mercy, and love. It does not tear people down and slander a person's character. Mature Faith speaks the truth because it is necessary to help people live the life that a good God has planned for them.  

  • James 04b – Dependent Living - 2022 1106

    06/11/2022 Duration: 30min

    James 4:7-10 – Following Jesus is a life of dependence on Him. Genuine disciples of Jesus live a life of humility and centers their world around God, not self. Follow Him with your whole heart, soul, and mind this week.   

  • James 04a– Choose God - 2022 1030

    30/10/2022 Duration: 34min

    James 4:1-6 – This week, your life will focus on what you want for your life or what God wants for your life. You get to choose. You are a friend of the world or God; you cannot be both. Mature Christianity demonstrates a total devotion to God. Does your life reflect more of this world or more of the things of God? God gives grace to those who depend totally on Him. 

  • James 03b – Wisdom - 2022 1023

    23/10/2022 Duration: 38min

    James 3:13-18 This week, you will face numerous decisions. You can listen to the loud voices of the world that will focus on the immediate, the physical, and the current thinking and direction of this world's system. The mature believer will concentrate on the wisdom that comes from God. Often your choices will go in the opposite direction of the world. In following God's wisdom, you will find peace and a path that is righteous and pleasing to God. You will learn to live for an audience of one, and that is pleasing your heavenly father. Choose wisely this week because it will shape where you will be ten years from now if the Lord tarries.  

  • James 03a – Your Tongue - 2022 1016

    16/10/2022 Duration: 33min

    James 3:1-12 James reminds us of the value and danger of our speech. A good test of what is in our hearts is to look at what comes from our mouths. This week, use your speech to reflect on the life and words of Jesus in all you say and do.  

  • James 02b – Walk and Talk - 2022 1009

    09/10/2022 Duration: 31min

    James 2:14-26 James reminds us that our actions speak louder than words. Salvation based only on intellect and emotions is a dead faith. Real genuine Faith seeks a lifestyle that is consistent with the teaching of Jesus. True Faith is a commitment to follow Christ in every area of our lives.   

  • James 02a – No Favorites - 2022 1002

    03/10/2022 Duration: 31min

    James explains that mature, solid Christianity is focused inside, not outside. It tries to see the heart and the soul, not the externals. It sees everyone equally. A wise Christian judges, but with mercy and compassion. They do not make judgments based on externals alone. This week try to see everyone as Christ would see them. 

  • James 01g – The Real Thing - 2022 0925

    25/09/2022 Duration: 28min

    James 1:26,27 = Genuine mature faith is demonstrated in specific actions.  It is a life that is controlled and is reflected in our speech.  Mature faith forces us to see the needs of others.  Genuine faith focuses on seeing the world and sin as God sees it, and it does not allow the world to squeeze us into thinking as the world thinks.  A mature faith shows the world what God the Father looks like through our daily actions.  

  • James 01f – Just Do It – 2022 0918

    18/09/2022 Duration: 39min

    James 1:22-25 – This week, be obedient. Do what you know God wants you to do. Start changing the things that God wants you to change. This week – Do It!  

  • James 01e - Anger – 2022 0911

    11/09/2022 Duration: 38min

    James 1:19-21 – James explains that an angry spirit will destroy us. It will not allow God's Word to take root and accomplish growth in our lives. This week, don't allow uncontrolled anger to be a part of your walk in Christ.  

  • James 01d – Testing – 2022 0904

    04/09/2022 Duration: 40min

    James 1:12-17 – James explains that God uses trials to increase our faith and impact others. Satan will use God's trials to turn them into temptations. Satan will "bait" us to turn away from God and toward our inner desires. We are reminded that God can only respond to his children in goodness. 

  • James 01c – Humility – 2022 0828

    28/08/2022 Duration: 38min

    James 1:9-11 – James helps us understand that humility is a foundational growth principle. Whether rich or poor, a humble spirit focused on our relationship with Christ is essential. When life and death trials come, our status or money will not matter. Our relationship and faith in Christ will be the only thing that allows us to stay strong.  

  • James 01b – Wisdom – 2022 0821

    21/08/2022 Duration: 35min

    James 1:5-8 – James encourages everyone to seek wisdom from God. His focus is not on praying for an outcome but on developing a deep relationship with God. Our focus on trials must be on seeing them from God’s perspective, not our own. Maturity comes when our trials draw us closer to God and deepen our fellowship with Him. 

  • James 01a – Trials – 2022 0814

    14/08/2022 Duration: 34min

    James 1:2-4 – The Christian life is not for the faint of heart. You are a work in progress, and God will use circumstances in your life to stretch and challenge you. He is trying to produce genuine followers who can endure and see all of life as an opportunity to respond as he would. Your circumstances and situations have not taken Him by surprise. Trust Him and take joy in the fact that He is at work in your life. 

  • Fair Service 2022

    07/08/2022 Duration: 21min

    John 4 – The woman at the well reminds us that Jesus wants a relationship with everyone.   Jesus did not care what people thought, His focus was on someone who wanted to follow Him, and He accepted her as she was, and God changed her life.  Christ will do the same for you if you are willing to follow him.  Believe, Trust and Follow Him today. 

  • Christian Growth – 2022 0731

    31/07/2022 Duration: 23min

    2 Peter 3:18 – Christian growth is a process that requires time, God, and your choices. Maturity comes with years of faithfulness and consistently applying God's principles in every aspect of your life. Following Jesus requires an "all-in" commitment that honors Him in every area of your life. 

  • James 00 – Introduction – 2022 0724

    24/07/2022 Duration: 33min

    James 1:1 - James begins this incredible book by focusing on Jesus. He counts it a privilege to be a servant of Jesus. For James, that is his most outstanding achievement. I pray that each of us sees the privilege and honor of being a servant of Jesus Christ this week and throughout our lives. 

  • Jimmy Cockburn - 0717 Jesus & Jospeh

    17/07/2022 Duration: 31min

    Jimmy Cockburn - 0717 Jesus & Jospeh

  • Joseph 21 – Joseph’s Death & Life Lessons - 2022 0710

    10/07/2022 Duration: 36min

    Genesis 50:22-26 –  Joseph is an incredible example of a life well-lived for God. In every circumstance, he honors and follows God with his whole heart. Joseph never sees himself as a victim, and he guards his heart. He always acts with wisdom and integrity. He uses every situation to honor and focus on his God. I pray that we live our lives with the same mindset and focus. 

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