Naptime Empires With Nikki Elledge Brown: Refreshingly Honest Conversations For Entrepreneurial Moms



Theres no one RIGHT way to raise great humans, just like theres no one RIGHT way to build a profitable business. Thats why its so comforting to know youre not the only one trying to do both at the same time. Join me (Nikki Elledge Brown) and a brilliant lineup of family-focused entrepreneurs for the Naptime Empires podcast - refreshingly honest conversations on the realities of parenthood + entrepreneurship. Topics include motherhood, entrepreneurship (obvs), relationships, spirituality, inspiration, success, health, and fun (remember that?).


  • Andrea Crowder & Permish to be Deliciously Selfish [NE 022]


    YEP - we said it. Join Andrea Crowder, founder of The Me First Movement™ (co-founder of the misFIT Republic) and me for a refreshingly honest + inspiring conversation on building an empire while taking care of YOU. Hear how Andrea went from FT corporate gig to networking marketing empire, overcoming burnout and living the (literal) dream. (For real - indulging in this entire episode will feel like #selfcare.) SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Delight in the Process (#bananabundance) [NE 021]


    In this ep I share the story of how planting a batch o' banana trees in our backyard has proven to be a LOT like creating this podcast. I didn't have a particular result or outcome in mind, but I've been delighted by the process. And it keeps getting better. Listen in for lessons on setting the vision, planting the seeds, and trusting the process. (Then remind me to do the same next time urgency grabs a hold.) SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Jennifer Kem on the Power of Resilience, Reflection, and Protecting the Asset [NE 020]


    Listen in as MasterBrand™ powerhouse Jen Kem shares the highs and lows of her multimillion-dollar #naptimeempires journey - from divorce, loss, and the power of protecting the asset (YOURSELF). SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Real Talk on Biz Baby Blues [NE 019]


    If you've been feeling down about your business since bringing a new human onto the scene, my hope is that listening to this ep will help you feel more normal. BONUS POINTS if it inspires you to give yourself some credit and grace (rest / exploration / introspection / fresh air / chocolate as needed too). In this one I (candidly) share the emotional rollercoaster that was my business mindset in 2016. I was on top of the world in December (in my final weeks of pregnancy), but come January / February - I was in a surprisingly dark and disconnected space, with little to no desire to work on OR in my business. I share how that played out in the early stages of Naptime Empires™, the impact it had on my launches / overall energy, and how I'm slowly but surely coming back to ME, finding a way to move forward in a way I'm *genuinely* excited about. Give yourself time, space, and some great friends who GET IT, and you certainly will too. SHOW NOTES: INSTA:

  • Morgan MacDonald on Making the Most of the Season You’re In [NE 018]


    Listen in as Morgan MacDonald of Paper Raven Books shares the story of how she’s shifted from mom of two, freelancing during naptimes and bedtimes, to mom of FOUR leading a highly supported self-publishing empire. She and her husband traveled the world for six MONTHS with three littles - you’ll love her tips on finding quality childcare, having patience with the season you’re in, and how to have open, honest conversations with your partner at each state of your business. Enjoy! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Who do you wanna be when you grow up? [NE 017]


    My little guy's first "career day" at school really got me thinking. What if, instead of asking "WHAT do you want to be when you grow up?" - implying that we've gotta fit neatly into one checkbox - we asked "Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? How do you want to feel?" and let those little (big) imaginations fly from there? I'm looking back at my own childhood aspirations - TV host, published author, college professor, counselor, fundraiser, mom, and realizing that through my business, I actually get to "be" ALL of those things. Literally - even though I find plenty of ways to overcomplicate it - I'm livin little Nik's dream. In this episode I encourage you to think back to YOUR younger self - the one who didn't use a "will this make money" filter - and note the elements and experiences you'd love to bring back into your life and business. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" b

  • Melanie Duncan on What it REALLY Takes to Design Your Dream Empire [NE 016]


    You may *think* it could be de-motivating to listen to a mama who’s already built her (Insta-perfect) multimillion-dollar empires to baller status. Let me assure you: It’s anything BUT. If you’re anything like me, listening to this episode will light a FIRE under your booty bum, empowering you to take a step back and CHOOSE to design a business that truly supports the lifestyle you want for yourself and your family. It’s a must-listen, all the way to the end. ENJOY! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Divine Breadcrumbs: The Path to Ease-y Money™ [NE 015]


    In this ep I share the power of seeing the divine breadcrumbs in your life. I also share the scoop on the game-changing work that's been helping me get my GROOVE back and reconnect with the me that I've unconsciously put on "mute" for, oh, most of my adult life. (#spoileralert: it's the work I've done w Susan Ferraro) If you're tired of being tired / annoyed / drained by your work / LIFE, do yourself a fave and listen in to this one. FREE WORKSHOP: SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Natalie Gouché on Giving Yourself Space to Create [NE 014]


    Social media trainer (+ Mogul Mom) Natalie Gouché transformed her energy and profitability by giving herself space to create. (Can we say "Fridays off?" Hale YES we can.) Tune in to hear the inspiring scoop on how Natalie's daughter inspired her to start her business, how getting a temporary j-o-b actually HELPED her grow it, and how her fave self-care practices have benefited her entire family. SHOW NOTES: FB GROUP:  Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Dear Overthinker: Let it be FUN. [NE 013]


    If you're tempted to overthink, overcomplicate, and overanalyze the next (okay almost EVERY) move in your business, treat yourself to this episode. In this one I share some of my most relevant "overthinking" stories, the loving wake up calls that snapped me out of 'em, and a few simple Qs you can ask yourself when you find your work feeling harder and heavier than it needs to. It's an invitation to bring more FUN, flow, and ease into your work. Because seriously - it's all a matter of choice. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Tamsen Horton on Popsicle Sticks, Playlists, and Living a Vacationing Life [NE 012]


    The brilliant Tamsen Horton is one of my dearest biz buddies - she's an author, (mam)attorney, course creator, and organizational goddess. Listen in as she shares her incredibly practical (yet playful) take on enjoying the EVERYday. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Allow Yourself to Be Supported (Bring the Village Back) [NE 011]


    If you need permission to ditch the supermom cape, this is it. In this ep, I'm challenging us to check the stories we're telling ourselves about *when and how* our support will manifest. To get honest about the choices we're making that are either creating a village of support...or not. Ready to feel support #likeawonderbra, sister? Me too. Join me. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Denise Duffield-Thomas on Boundaries, Beliefs, and Babyproofing Your Business [NE 010]


    Listen in to hear how money mindset mentor (+ queen o' the Lucky Bees) Denise Duffield-Thomas prepped her business for babies and manages a true "chillionaire" lifestyle while growing her empire. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • A Commitment to Contentment [NE 009]


    A wise philosopher once said, "If mama ain't happy, ain't nobody happy."

  • Rachel Luna on Confidence, Consistency, and The Messy Truth of Motherhood [NE 008]


    This is some REAL talk with the bold and brilliant Rachel Luna. Join us for deep conversation on confidence, consistency, and the messy truths of motherhood and entrepreneurship. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Permission to Unplug [NE 007]


    If you're anything like me, you're more than a bit addicted to scrolling through social media. (I sometimes feel like I let myself be swallowed by the internet when I started my online business years ago.) I LOVE the power of the internet - being able to stay in touch with family and connect with friends all around the world - BUT sometimes that's at the cost of enjoying the world that's happening right around me. If you know you could use an exercise to get more mindful about your screen time vs. greentime, you'll love this challenge. Be sure you join the FB group to share your insight! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Jadah Sellner on Building an Empire with Intention [NE 006]


    Jadah Sellner is an author, international keynote speaker, poet, and serial entrepreneur who helps creative entrepreneurs build communities with love, impact & world-changing ideas at Join us for a rich convo on the tales of her business ventures, the power of resilience, the key to enrolling your family in your vision, and more. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Red Lips + Dance Parties: A Get Dressed Challenge [NE 005]


    Confession: I almost chickened out on sharing this episode because I say SEX in it. (YES, I have a husband, two biological children, and still feel like I need to whisper or spell it.) Good news, though. I'm getting over myself and sharing anyway because I have a feeling you REALLY need to hear this message. Perhaps (like me), you once DREAMT of being able to work in your pajamas / yoga pants / no pants. If (also like me) you lost touch with the you who used to LOVE getting dressed once you started working from home, you're gonna love this one. BONUS: Your husband, sig other... everyone who gets to enjoy the extra pep in your step... will too ;) Bust out the red gloss, mama. We're bringin' sexy back. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a fre

  • Amber McCue on Systems, Planning, and the Power of a Flexible Vision [NE 004]


    Amber McCue is a breath of fresh air. She launched each of her two businesses while working full-time, moms three amazing daughters (one teenager, two littles), aaand keeps life afloat even as her husband travels around the world for work. As brilliant as she is bubbly, she knows her STUFF when it comes to systems, planning, and the power of a flexible vision. Join us! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • On Mom Guilt and Martyrdom [NE 003]


    Leave it to the BRILLIANT Liz Gilbert (via her Magic Lessons podcast) to inspire an episode I resisted creating for weeks. In this (first “real”) solo show, I share a few key quotes that’ll make you THINK: What *do* I want to do? How DO I want to show up for my kids? My work? My relationship? My SELF? In this one I take issue with “mom guilt” as a default setting and offer up a challenge to the old stories and limiting beliefs we hide under like comfy maternity pants (...two years after giving birth). You and me, sister. Let’s take a vow to remind each other that even on the days when we feel like the WORST moms in the world, quite honestly - we’re doing just fine. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

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