Naptime Empires With Nikki Elledge Brown: Refreshingly Honest Conversations For Entrepreneurial Moms



Theres no one RIGHT way to raise great humans, just like theres no one RIGHT way to build a profitable business. Thats why its so comforting to know youre not the only one trying to do both at the same time. Join me (Nikki Elledge Brown) and a brilliant lineup of family-focused entrepreneurs for the Naptime Empires podcast - refreshingly honest conversations on the realities of parenthood + entrepreneurship. Topics include motherhood, entrepreneurship (obvs), relationships, spirituality, inspiration, success, health, and fun (remember that?).


  • How to Squash Self Doubt (+ Believe in Yourself Again) [NE 042]


    Our minds our infinitely more powerful than we realize. Whether that's a good thing or a bad thing depends on our THOUGHTS. Next time you find yourself in a funk, rut, blah zone - I want you to TRY this mindset trick. It's super simple, free, mobile, and can shift your energy in (almost literally) no time. Let me know how it works for you! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Jill Stanton on Adding a Baby to the Business Mix [NE 041]


    You know it’s a juicy convo when the recurring theme is “if we’re just being honest.” Jill Stanton (co-founder of Screw the Nine to Five) has been a treasured member of my cabinet of friendtors for years. In this convo (recorded when she was 38+ weeks pregnant!), we cover a FULL range of #naptimeempires topics - pregnancy life, checking ourselves (+ our goals) when things feel heavy, identity crises and goal checking, the ups and downs of online businesses, and a whole lot more. This is the stuff I love chatting with buddies about behind the scenes every week. Hope you enjoy being part of the convo with us! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Say it again. And again and again. [NE 040]


    If you feel like your message is an ambiguous mystery - or your mission in life is a foggy unknown, I challenge thee to listen to this episode with an open mind. To consider that maybe, JUST MAYBE, you've been sharing your message all along. Repeatedly. To those you love most - in biz and in life. It's time to connect the dots and value your voice with 20/20 hindsight, my friend. In this ep I'll show you how. It's time to own your message. Over and over and over again. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • How to Get Clear on Your Message [NE 039]


    I've been reading some really interesting parenting books lately (will have to do full book reports in other episodes - they're REALLY good). One of my fave takeaways from Magical Parent, Magical Child, for example, is the fact that we are MEANT to learn from the kiddos in our lives. The childlike qualities of curiosity, wonder, playfulness, resilience... they're invaluable. But if we're not SUPER mindful of that, we tend to let those qualities atrophy as we transform into "grownups." The inspiration for this particular ep came from my two-year-old teacher named Deacon. He's recently started speaking in full on paragraphs, you see. Well - pseudo paragraphs. There aren't a ton of clear WORDS in the paragraphs yet, but they're coming. To HIM they're clear. And he's testing the waters to see how we react. He's learning by doing - without fear of sounding silly or nonsensical. By using his voice, he's finding his voice. In this ep, I share how we can do the same. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: h

  • Dear Course Collector [NE 038]


    In this ep I encourage you to take an honest look at your digital library --- all the online workshops, courses, programs, books, communities you've got at your fingertips. Make a list, check it twice. Go through each resource and find at least ONE way you've gotten value from it (even and especially if you didn't "complete" the course). Examples - got three new clients. sparked a massive mindset shift. met my biz bff. connected with a fave mentor. There may be some you haven't even opened, and in that case - try to remember and make note of WHY you felt you "needed" it at the time - and what you know to be true about that NOW. Maybe you'll find some resources you FORGOT you had at your fingertips. Maybe you'll find a resource your VA could use to help you move a top priority forward this WEEK. (#maniwin!) Above all, if you've got more courses than you want to publicly admit, my hope is that this exercise will help you 1) free yourself from any shame or guilt around that, 2) empower you with a fresh dose of s

  • Why I'm Obsessed with Journaling (+ You May Be Too) [NE 037]


    In this ep I'm doing my best to peer pressure you into starting (or re-starting) a regular journaling practice because IT'S FREAKING POWERFUL and easy and basically free. Doesn't have to be fancy or formal. Doesn't have to take even 10 minutes a day. Or FIVE. (But seriously, if you're telling yourself you don't have five quiet minutes a day you're either lying or not spending enough time hiding in the bathroom. No judgment. I speak from experience. ha) Need prompts? Write about what you want. What you're thankful for. What you're unsure about. What you're excited about. Write it in PRESENT (or even past) tense, like it's already happening / already happened. Write about your visions for your self - body, spirit, energy. Your relationships - romantic, friendships, motherhood. Your work - your creativity, your money, your definition of success. Your home. Your lifestyle. Your legacy. WRITE. IT. OUT. For bonus points, after you've written it, read it out loud in a voice memo and listen to it any time you need a

  • Why Your Voice Matters [NE 036]


    If you’re anything like …anybody… who has ever started a blog, written an article, or sent out a smoke signal to an audience of any kind, you’ve probably caught yourself thinking: “It’s already been said. (ALL OF IT.) Why would they want to hear it from me?” It’s so normal. Before starting my business, that “everything’s been said” factor was one of my biggest hang-ups. It almost convinced me to stop writing before I started. Almost. My message for you today isn’t unique, but that’s kinda the point: Even if your message isn’t irresistibly unique, YOU ARE. In this episode, I share three helpful reframes to lean on when you find yourself pressing MUTE on your own voice. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP: MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License. Related #tbt posts:

  • The Difference Between You + "Them" [NE 035]


    Ever find yourself on the digi-sidelines watching (what feels like) everyone else building their dream lives / businesses, thinking "that couldn't be me"? Yeah - me too. And it sucks. In this episode I'm calling us OUT on that mess so we can jump into the game and have some of our own fun. Because really. The only difference between you / us and "them" is a DECISION. Once upon a time, "they" were at zero. No followers, no fans, no subscribers - no videos, no idea what a livestream was. They didn't know what would happen. Who would say / think what. And they went for it anyway. Baby step, big mama leaps of faith... it all comes back to a decision to go for it. You are totally capable of making that decision. Today's a perfect day for it. (More in the episode.) SHOW NOTES: FB GROUP: Related #tbt FB Live: INSTA: MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahz

  • Do it for YOU. [NE 034]


    One of the most valuable writing / speaking tips I can give to those who want to build GENUINE connection online is to write to ONE. Speaking directly to ONE singular reader (or listener, like here in the podcast!) is a simple way to help the *real human* on the other end of the screen / earbud feel instantly connected to you. Here's the kicker: Sometimes (a LOT of times), that one person you're writing for is YOU. In this episode I share how unsubscribing from the pressure to save / inspire the world may actually lead you to the HIGHEST service possible. I'll meet you in the ep with more.

  • Get More Done in Less Time: How to Master the Micro-Hustle [NE 033]


    While I'm a huge believer in trusting divine timing / enjoying what IS (see NE 031), we gotta move our feet and take ACTION to help the process along. In this episode I share how using 25-minute sprints has allowed me to refine + redefine the way I work this year, helping to rebuild TRUST that I am totally capable of getting valuable ish done in a reasonable amount of time. If you sometimes feel like you're rolling around in white space and can't seem to FOCUS and see one task / project through to completion, listen in on 1.5x speed and give this technique a try. (Then let me know how it goes!) SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Nicole Walters on Family-First Entrepreneurship (+ What it’s REALLY Like to Go Viral) [NE 032]


    I recently e-met the brilliant + hilarious income strategist Nicole Walters after my buddy Ari shared one of her viral videos (yes she’s had more than one!). I fell down the rabbit hole watching her videos for like 30 minutes, promptly sending her an audio note to profess my love and invite her to share her story + genius with us here. Lucky for us - she said YES - and I can’t think of a better guest to kick us off for our second season of #naptimeempires conversations. In this episode, Nicole shares key (corporate) mindset shifts for everyday entrepreneurs, what being a “family-first” entrepreneur looks like for her (she + her husband adopted their three daughters a few years back), what it’s REALLY like to go viral (+ how she handled the critics) the power of showing up CONSISTENTLY (+ why livestream is her channel o’ choice), how hiring a house manager has changed the game for her fam, and a whole lot more. Grab your earbuds and ENJOY. (And be sure to check out the show notes for links to aforementioned vi

  • What's the rush? (A case for slowing the eff down) [NE 031]


    Your business may or may not be on the (subjectively defined) fast track right now, but one thing's for sure: Every day your kiddos are as little as they'll ever be. In this episode I examine the shortcomings of the hurry + worry method (of which I am VERY familiar). I propose a NEW way of doing #naptimeempires life and business: one where we give ourselves permission to chill out a bit, embrace the season we're in, and TRUST that as we take the next right step, and the next, and the next, we're always RIGHT where we need to be. Take a deep breath and join me. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Let's talk: The Season TWO Premiere [NE 030]


    Welcome to Season TWO! In this episode I paint a(n audio) picture of what you can expect for this next season of #naptimeempires: one show per week (alternating solo + convos), SUPER conversational as always, and more stories, ideas, and insights from entrepreneurial mamas making it WORK. I also share a bit about my new "studio" - the #backtoschoolproblems we're currently workin' with, and a prime example of what it looks like to take imperfect action in the spirit of momentum. Enjoy! SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • What's next? The Season One Finale [NE 029]


    That's a wrap for season ONE of the Naptime Empires™ podcast! It's been a little while since NE 028 was published, so in this "on location" ep I recap where we've been, where we are, and where we're headed NEXT in the world of #naptimeempires. NOTE: I recorded this outside by a windy beach, which is basically the OPPOSITE of my "home studio" (aka my closet) where I recorded the rest of season one. Let's take this as me practicing what I preach when I say "it doesn't need to be perfect; it just needs to be shared." ;) Tune in for highlights and ahas on our move from Hawaii to Texas and get the scoop on what's in store for season TWO coming this fall. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Racheal Cook on Allowing Yourself to be Supported [NE 028]


    This episode is FULL. of. gems. from serial entrepreneur and mom of three, Racheal Cook. She shares the scoop on how she made the move from face-to-face work to an online model - then how she shifted from 1:1 work to more leveraged packages and offerings. She ALSO shares how she loosened her grip and shifted from super-controlling, gotta-be-supermom mode to receiving-support, happy-to-delegate mode. I love every bit of this conversation and know you will too. Racheal’s story is a perfect example of how possible it is to build a #naptimeempires life that works for YOU. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • How to Have FUN with a Deadline [NE 027]


    Some days you just gotta get stuff DONE. Real deadlines. Hard stops. Train is leaving the station (or in my case, the plane is leaving the airport). In this ep I share a few fun tricks I tried today to break an otherwise daunting pre-travel to-do list into energizing, fun chunks o' productivity. I share a video diary of the process in the FB group, so definitely check it out for the full effect ;) SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Jo Milmine on Podcasting with (Your Actual) Personality [NE 026]


    If you're thinking of starting your own podcast, treat yourself to this refreshing convo with award-winning podcaster, military veteran (+ spouse!), m(u)m of two, humorous human and biz buddy o' mine, Jo Milmine. In this ep, Jo shares the story of how and WHY she started her (knitting and comedy?!) podcast before she even had a business, her top tips for managing life and business amidst seven PLUS military moves, how SHE has overcome the ol' #momguilt trap, and more. Grab some knitting supplies and ENJOY. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Breaking through Resistance [NE 025]


    I happens. Resistance. Procrastination. The times when you feel so stuck that it SEEMS the only option is to raid the pantry / watch one more ep of your fave Netflix show / alphabetize the spice rack. In this ep I share my most recent encounter with resistance AND what helped me snap out of it this week. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • Alexia Vernon on Overcoming Post-Partum Depression [NE 024]


    We talk about PLENTY of valuable #naptimeempires lessons in this episode (like managing expectations, preparing your biz for baby, and leveraging your income), but what I’m most grateful to Lex for sharing is her experience with post-partum depression. In this (adults only) conversation, she shares what it was like for her, the support she needed to climb out of it, and how it shaped her ability to receive support. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

  • What (+ HOW) are you celebrating? [NE 023]


    I'd really love to hear your answer to this Q (so join the convo on FB!). If you're willing to SEE it, there's always SOMETHING good goin' on in your life. Are you stopping to anchor it in? If you're like me, you have a LOT of room for improvement in the celebration department. If you're NOT like me, I wanna hear your ideas! ha For real. Join the convo on FB and tell me what you do to celebrate - life stuff, biz stuff...basically tell me how you have FUN these days. I'm all ears. Eyeballs. SHOW NOTES: INSTA: FB GROUP:   MUSIC: "So Far So Close" by Jahzzar is licensed under an Attribution-ShareAlike License.Would you like to deliver your own private podcast feed to your audience? Sign up for a free trial today at Hello Audio.

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