Austin Chinese Church



Austin Chinese Church - English congregation sermons


  • The Cornerstone of the Gospel

    06/03/2016 Duration: 31min

    What is the one thing that sets the Gospel apart from all other messages from all other religions and faiths? The one distinct and crucial fact that sets apart the Gospel is the Resurrection! The Apostle Paul realized that many in the Church of Corinth were confused about this doctrine, and therefore were troubled about the ramifications this might have on their own lives in the future. Why was this such a big deal? What does this mean for us today? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Act Your Age

    28/02/2016 Duration: 38min

    How often have we been told to act our age when we were children? Some of us are screaming this to our own children today. Yet there is truth to this phrase in that acts of maturity should be revealed as we grow older. The same is true for disciples of Jesus. To be effective witnesses of the gospel we must act our spiritual age - to grow in maturity and spiritual depth. Unfortunately, we still act like children, fighting over toys instead of possessing spiritual maturity that glorifies God. If we are to make disciples who make disciples we must act our age and utilize our spiritual gifts in a disciplined manner that honors the name of God. - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Strive to Excel in Building Up the Church

    21/02/2016 Duration: 41min

    The Apostle Paul continues to teach and exhort in 1 Corinthians 14 regarding the all important topic of Spiritual Gifts. He knows that there is a lot at stake and actually challenges the Corinthian church, "Strive to excel!" What did he mean by this, and how can this help us today to understand how we should serve God? Are we excelling as a local church in using our God-given, diverse, and vital gifts? - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Love Defines Everything

    14/02/2016 Duration: 40min

    Teaching, praying, serving, and giving are some of the important spiritual practices in the Christian faith. But, if there is no love in our words and deeds, then all is for naught. In disciplemaking we must remember that the love of Christ is what defines everything that we say and do. Therefore, practice the lifestyle of love as you make disciples who make disciples. - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Interdependence - Something Worth Celebrating!

    07/02/2016 Duration: 39min

    Today many people are celebrating Chinese (or Lunar) New Years Eve. If you like football and live in Denver, CO, or Charlotte, NC, you are celebrating the fact that your team is playing for the championship in today's Super Bowl. Birthdays are times when gifts are given and people celebrate the life of a loved one. But if you stop and read 1 Corinthians 12, and ponder what God, in His sovereignty, power, and love has planned and is carrying out in the Church, it is impossible to be ho-hum about it. THIS interdependence, not independence, is a thing of beauty, when all the gifts are opened and utilized with passion, love, and purpose! - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • The Most Important Principle Regarding Spiritual Gifts

    31/01/2016 Duration: 27min

    When it comes to spiritual gifts, we have all heard about the analogy of the "body" of Christ with many members, and everyone doing his/her part. However, there is always the challenge in churches to have the right people serving in the right gift areas with the right attitude for the right amount of time. Why is this so challenging? Perhaps we are looking at it completely backwards. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Table Discipleship

    24/01/2016 Duration: 38min

    The ordinance of the Lord's Supper was to remember Christ, worship God, and be united with the saints. Unfortunately, people were participating outside of fellowship, living for themselves instead as disciples for Christ. Paul exhorts the church to examine their lives for sin so as to partake of the Lord's Supper as a unified body. - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • All Are From God

    17/01/2016 Duration: 44min

    Make Disciples Who Make Disciples - Pastor Arthur Hsu

  • Make Disciples Who Make Disciples!

    10/01/2016 Duration: 38min

    Make Disciples Who Make Disciples - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Were You Under a Basket or On A Stand?

    27/12/2015 Duration: 33min

    None - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • Love Until It Hurts

    20/12/2015 Duration: 37min

    Advent is the time of the year when Christians consider the first coming of Jesus. The reason for Jesus' coming was to provide a hope and a means for our restored relationship with God. Jesus, through all He had done, continues to provide us a supreme hope that meet us in our darkest moments. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • There's MORE Joy in Heaven

    13/12/2015 Duration: 36min

    Make Disciples Who Make Disciples - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • How Do You Describe Peace?

    06/12/2015 Duration: 30min

    A Different Perspective of Christmas - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • When It Feels Difficult to Give Thanks

    22/11/2015 Duration: 27min

    2015 might have been a tough year. Sometimes we feel God is not loving us as much as He does others. when others are sharing about God's blessings in their lives this Thanksgiving and then it's our turn, we feel obligated to find something to give thanks for when maybe we don't really feel thankful. How can we deal with these feelings? - Minister Enoch Chow

  • Either Me or God

    08/11/2015 Duration: 34min

    We can live life in one of two ways. We can either make every moment all about us. Or, we can make every single life experience all about God. What does it mean when Scripture teaches us that whatever we do we do it all to the glory of God? Our answer to that question determines whether we let our light shine for Jesus and his mission, or not. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • The Dangers of Careless Idolatry

    01/11/2015 Duration: 33min

    Let Your Light Shine! - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • As Some of Them...

    25/10/2015 Duration: 33min

    When we let our lights shine we must be aware of the source that empowers us to shine in the first place. We shine because of Jesus. Therefore, let's not copy the sinful lifestyle taht others live by; rather, let's illuminate the love and life of Christ to a broken world. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • The What and Why of Missions

    18/10/2015 Duration: 35min

    Just as God the Father sent Jesus, we are sent by the risen Christ to the nations. What is Jesus sending us to do? Why is He sending us? Join us as we prepare to hear God's heart for the nations and His plan in sending us! - Pastor Brian Wooten

  • When Little Becomes Lots

    04/10/2015 Duration: 27min

    In order to take the Great Commandment seriously, we must be able to see those who God has placed around us. It’s not always going to be pretty, but it is going to be significant. Many times, the only thing holding us back from fear. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

  • The Fear Factor

    27/09/2015 Duration: 22min

    In order to take the Great Commandment seriously, we must be able to see those who God has placed around us. It’s not always going to be pretty, but it is going to be significant. Many times, the only thing holding us back from fear. - Pastor Gaylord Tsuei

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