Banjo Hangout Top 100 Other Songs



Top 100 Other Songs banjo songs which Banjo Hangout members have uploaded to the website.


  • Koromanti


    This is the first part of an African slave song notated when Sir Hans Sloane was in Jamaica in 1668. It's quite a lovely tune and I thought putting it to clawhammer banjo was fitting. Sloane also drew the earliest known pictures of the gourd banjo, seen in many written reference materials.

  • The Fishin' Hole


    A 2004 recording I did because the tune was stuck in my head. I have uploaded it now, in 2012, as an example of my brushing and non-brushing in a tune. Played on my Ramsey Electric. aCGCD capoed to become aDADE.

  • Injun Rubber Overcoat


    From the Briggs' Banjo Instructor of 1855.

  • Briggs' Breakdown


    A piece from the Brigg's Banjo Instructor of 1855.

  • Under the Double Eagle


    This is a historic marching song for Prussian soldiers. "Plinky and Plunky" are Kit on mandolin and myself, 3-finger picking.

  • Valentine Medley


    Two songs from entirely different eras, but with similar themes.

  • A BHO Twas the Night before Christmas


    Since my Christmas song knowlege aint there yet I thought I would so something a little different MERRY CHRISTMAS BHO!

  • Miracles


    I wrote Miracles on the first night of Chanukah, and have embedded a Chanukah song.

  • Return to Sorrento/Finiculi Finicula medley


    Two songs that remind me of people and places. My mom used to play and sing Finiculi Finicula on piano from the Fireside Book of Folk Songs.

  • Boat Ride ~ wooden banjo


    Sobell cittern restrung for 5-string banjo. G modal.Piece I composed in 1972. Photos of this instrument under "banjo cittern" in my album. Please share your comments on the Sound Off thread.

  • A Banjo Player Is A Lonely Man


    A Banjo Player Is A Lonely Man - Deering Senator Openback Banjo, Martin 000 Guitar, Dobro, and Fender Jazz Bass

  • April Come She Will


    A tale of the highs and fading of not quite true love. Made famous in the film The Graduate sung by the great Simon and Garfunkel, I attempt it in D..!!

  • Come Thou Fount


    A version of one of my favorite hymns, Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing. Includes - clawhammer banjo, drop D acoustic, mandolin, and dobro I played all of the instruments, but must confess that the upright was played through a keyboard using a fancy computer program. :)

  • Old Joe Clark


    Can Clawhammer and 3-Finger Coexist?

  • You Are My Sunshine


    Everyone knows this one don't they..? All together now.. Played in Bb.... ;-)

  • Molly's Beatles Medley


    this is one of the pieces Molly will be performing at her Recital this Friday .....

  • Aint No Sunshine When She's Gone


    Another great tune from the 70's. Bill is a great singer,songwriter and this is one of his best I think. I'm on comping banjo, guitar,baritone and tenor banjo parts and the lead banjo is played with bare fingers and a mute. Some reverbs, volume edits,panning and EQing. Done on Audition.

  • Carol Of The Bells


    The 6 Banjo version..LOL

  • Tangier


    © Laurence Diehl 2010 <br>This never feels finished but I had to move on... I have been listening lately to Andalusian music and also the Oud playing of Anour Brahem. It's all in there somewhere!

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