Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 252:02:07
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Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • 127: Sacred Transformation: How We Create Significant, Sustainable Change, so We Don’t Burnout, Numb out or Let fear win.

    19/06/2020 Duration: 55min

    The second in a 3 part series I titled SACRED TRANSFORMATION to guide us through these intense, changing, disruptive, heart-opening, consciousness awakening times ... so we can walk through this threshold of transformation in a way that leads us to a new way of living, leading, relating, succeeding that truly has the best interests of all life at the core... and so we have the energy and keep the momentum moving to stand what's no longer working, heal what needs healing, and have the energy to create the new way.     Sacred transformation (which I defined deeply in part 1) is: being devoted and dedicated to change (no turning back), secured against violation and violence, regarded in reverance and respect, rooted in the intention of creating wholeness. Sacred transformation is challenging, and it's blessed, held by grace as we move through.  In part 2 of this Feminine Power Time we dive into how we create significant and sustainable change so we don't burn out, numb out or let fear win.   A few highlights:

  • 126: Sacred Transformation. Creating Stability and Sanity Within Chaos and Change

    13/06/2020 Duration: 54min

    We are in the midst of major transformation and change that is causing chaos, disruption, fear, rage and all kinds of emotions and situations that are hard to be with and hard to know what to do with ...  AND we are also experiencing a time of great awakening, voices speaking up and out, people standing together, and the possibility of maybe, finally, breaking through to a different way to be and live in this world.. change that has been a long time coming.  But...transformation can be a very dangerous journey... like a fire out of control, like a windstorm that takes a fire from a needed burn to a reckless fire that burns up everything in its path. Which is why we need some wisdom, perspective and practices for how to go through this massive transformation in a way that doesn't burn us out, create harming destruction, or cause us to get swirled up in all the chaos and lose our way. So... here's what we are going to do - create stability and sanity within the chaos and change for you by : First, get some pers

  • 125: How Do We Go From Here? Permission to Replenish. Reset. Receive.

    30/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    How Do We Go From Here?  Permission to Replenish, Reset and Receive.  Hello dear ones... I sat down this morning to tune into what we really needed these next few weeks because whew! it has been a very intense several weeks. And I wanted to set us all up for the reset I am feeling our bodies, hearts, minds and spirits really need. Not to disconnect. Not to go back to normal. But to just take a BREATH.  Our nervous systems have been at defcon 5. We need a downshift that gives us some space. So consider this a permission slip to reset, tend to your weary heart ... and also look ahead to how to approach these next few weeks and months. After an intense and powerful day in sisterhood and circle with women who are choosing to show up for co creating the new world, but are also tired and need a break, I taped this for you this evening before I head into my weekly Sabbath practice.  Where I just tune into being present with my surrounding as is - no media or electronics. Tune in.  It's deep and practical.  See you t

  • 124: What's Your Life Really About? Choosing What to Center Your Life Around Next

    22/05/2020 Duration: 47min

    What's Your Life Really About? Choosing What to Center Your Life Around Next.  #4 of 4 in the Harmonize to Rise Series on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo.  Hello dear ones... I have an inquiry for you that I don't want you to answer, but I want you to consider, to chew on, to explore, to open your eyes to.... What have you been constellating your life around?  What do you desire to constellate your life around going forward? This is what we call a wisdom inquiry that has the power to break you through to expanded levels of self awareness and possibility. It gets you tuned into what is really true and right for you now ... it taps you into your power to be a co-creator in your life design and reality ... it empowers you to see how the choices you are making are creating the reality that you've been stuck in or living ... it catalyzes you out of where you are stuck and what no longer serves so you can be free to create what it is you truly need, desire and are here to experience.   As we walk through t

  • 123: What's Not Sustainable Any Longer? Finding Our Power to Create the World We Want to Live in

    16/05/2020 Duration: 45min

    What's Not Sustainable Any Longer? Finding Our Power to Create the World We Want to Live in. #3 of 4 in the Harmonize to Rise Series on Feminine Power Time with Christine Arylo.  Hello dear ones... I have been deep in book edits but was SOOO looking forward to this conversation with you that I could not wait one more week to have it! So my notes this week are short. Basically, tune in.  As we move into this next phase of our global wake up catalyst shift there's an inquiry essential for us to be in - so we don't miss the possibility and gift of this experience, so we do step into our power to do things differently and create the world we want to live in.  I'm sending you much love from the Puget Sound where the eagles and crows were swooping through the skies after I completed this session. Interesting given the crow is the symbol of the wise woman, and the eagle a symbol for the power of the current power systems (although it means much more than that!) I think they were dancing.... as we are all finding a n

  • 36: MOTHER LOVE: The Feminine Love That Will Hold You Through Transition (re-broadcast)

    08/05/2020 Duration: 43min

    Hello Dear One ... Every May I love to re-listen to and re-share this episode on MOTHER LOVE (which is so much more than we think it is.) So many of us are feeling stretched - being called to make changes, expansions, trust. In times like you need more "mother love" - it's so powerful! MOTHER LOVE does not just come from your birth mother. And since most of us aren't taught what that is or how to source it, I am replaying this Feminine Power Time. If you've never heard it, tune in. If you have, re-listen this is medicine and a message that will bring clarity, confidence and courage to you at this time.... Next week we will resume our Harmonize and Rise Series with session #3, where we dive into the ways of working and living in our world that are no longer working for you... so instead of falling back into normal, you rise in a reality that supports, and sustains you. For now, soak in the Mother Love. Much love to you xoxo Christine  "THERE IS A GREAT MOTHER LOVE AVAILABLE THAT CAN ACT AS THE SAFE AND SOFT HA

  • 122: Riding the Emotional Waves: Work With Your Feelings to Reveal Wisdom, Power & Healing

    24/04/2020 Duration: 46min

    Have you been feeling any of the emotional waves? In yourself, where emotions like anxiety flutter or flow through your heart? Or emotions like frustration and anger come welling and firing up and out? How about in others? Noticed or picked up other people's fear, frustration or feelings and not known what to do with it? Or found yourself feeling deep grief where you just have to sit down and cry or go to sleep - that's you falling into the waves of the collective emotions.  In the reality that we are moving through you should expect your emotions to rise up ... you just don't want to let them run you. You should expect other people's energy to try to stir up and muck up your own .... but you don't want to bite at the invitation, or get your emotional field meshed up with theirs. And you should expect you are going to have days, hours where it's all just too much, and you need to release the energy of the collective your feeling.   But how to you BE with your emotions, without being run by them? How do you be

  • 121: Harmonize to Rise: Wake Up to Your Wise Self, and Let Her Lead

    16/04/2020 Duration: 54min

    Harmonize. To get yourself aligned on the inside so that the choices you make and the way you show up in your day to day come from the deeper truth and knowing within you. Harmonize. To choose to connect with your higher Self - your Wise Woman/Man/Being" - who knows how to walk through any threshold (change) because it is deeply attuned to Grace, the Divine, Expanded Possibility.  I've been thinking of you all! Waiting for the words to come about what is needed to support us all to stay awake, aware, wise and clear. As we walk through what is called a "threshold crossing", a catalyst, a challenge beckoning us to change, as individuals and a society, culture and world, with lots of uncertainty ... what is needed is for each of us to stay awake, be wise, stay harmonized ... so together we can rise.   This Feminine Power Time, 121: Harmonize to Rise: Wake Up to Your Wise Self and Let Her Lead, is #1 of 4 in the series on Crossing Over to a New World, not a New Normal.  What we are experiencing in the world right

  • 120: Feminine Wisdom for Meeting the Intensity... Now & Ahead

    28/03/2020 Duration: 59min

    Every year at the start of the year and as the quarter turns I do a special Feminine Power Time focused on spiritual insight and feminine wisdom for the intensity we are facing personally and globally at the time. This year, the intensity I think we can agree just wratched up about 25 or 2500 degrees. We are in midst of a global, social, and personal catalyst.  Our minds want to make sense, make sure we are safe, know what will happen, and search for information. Our minds are not the tool we need at this time. Because this isn't about figuring stuff out - it's about being with what is... pulling our heads above the chaos to see a greater truth and pattern ... while also creating stability for our human hearts. This isn't the time to react and pivot ... it's the time to plant and ground and get clear about what you need to stabilize yourself and what and who you care for. To set the structures so you can stay harmonized or get re-harmonized when you get tweaked out, twisted up, or turned around (which you wil

  • 119: POWER PAUSE: Re-set & Re-focus - #3 of 3 Practices for Staying Centered in Chaotic Times

    21/03/2020 Duration: 49min

    In the midst of intensity and uncertainty it can seem crazy to 'pause' ... but it's exactly what wise, sane, empowered people do. It is what gives us the power to see what is real. what is needed. and how to best focus our life force and resources so we are sustained on all levels. Today, I share with you and walk you through a POWER PAUSE - a practice I do and take others through every quarter turn of the year, specifically on the Equinoxes and the Solstices. I will tell you more about why in the podcast.  A Power Pause in normal times is a leadership best practice - for leading your life, your organization, your business, your team, your health and wealth, everything. It's time to pause and REFLECT to see all that you have already done and acknowledge it, so you can SEE and feel that you are making a difference and things are happening. Otherwise you always feel like you aren't doing enough.  RE-HARMONIZE & RESET - to reset where things feel out of whack or imbalanced, so you can stop any energy or res

  • 118: FEAR-SHIFTING: What do you do with the fear? Superpowers for Staying Centered in a Chaotic World (#2 of 3)

    12/03/2020 Duration: 42min

    There is no question that there is a lot of fear flying around out there... that is causing even the most wise and centered of us to question what is real? What should I do? What the heck is going on in the world? How do I stay safe and well? But also not fall victim to the fear machine that stirs up panic?  In this episode of Feminine Power Time we will dive into the question - What do you do with the fear? How do you clear the fear so you can see what is real? What information do you trust? What are the wise actions to respond to whatever is happening in the world. Today it's a virus. A few months ago it was any number of natural disasters. And there will be more. These are the times we are living in.  And ... while fear will rise up. We do not have to react from fear. We do not have to make our decisions around fear.  We do need to be awake, aware, wise and safe ... able to discern.  This Feminine Power Time is #2 of 3 in our Grace Under Pressure series: Superpowers for staying centered, calm and clear in

  • 117: DOWNSHIFTING: Superpower Practice for Staying Centered, Calm & Clear in Chaotic Times #1 of 3

    06/03/2020 Duration: 40min

    The yogic wisdom is clear -how you end your day is how you start your next day. Yet we make choices in the last few hours before we go to sleep that sabotage our ability to replenish. We can blame work, other people, money, etc.for our stress but the truth is you and I have a lot of power to reduce our stress and increase our clarity and feelings of calm by the choices we make in the last two hours of our day. This is the practice of DOWNSHIFTING - the rhythm and routines and actions you take from the hours of 4pm to you go to sleep. My question for you is .... what choices are you making that are draining you? what choices are sustaining you? Especially in the last two hours of your evening which is where we will focus our conversation at in this Feminine Power Time: Downshifting: Superpower Practice for Staying Centered in Chaotic Times, the first in our 3 part Grace Under Pressure Series where we dive into: How do you stay centered, calm and clear in a chaotic world??  The practice of BOOKENDING your days

  • 116: Take Care of Your Heart: Self-Love Practices for Staying Centered, Calm & Connected

    28/02/2020 Duration: 58min

    Take care of your heart. I just had to do this Feminine Power Time for us - I know it sounds soft, or oh yeah of course. But what I have to share is so much more than some nice self care message. So tune in. Our hearts are our power centers.  Your heart much more than your mind drives your actions, thoughts and choices. You mind responds to the feelings and needs in your heart, but how many of us know how to truly communicate, connect and stay true to our hearts. Even if you do, the world is crazy, so we need access to practices and structures that keep our hearts stable and sustained, so we can stay clear, confident, calm and courageous.  In this Feminine Power Time #116: Take Care of Your Heart - Self Love Practices for Staying Centered, Calm and Connected, I'll take you on a exploration of these three realms : Self Love Sisterhood Self Sustainability  Including a practice for each you can put into your life for each one. These three things - self love, sisterhood, self sustainability are at the core of

  • 115: SUSTAINED: What Do You Need to Be Sustained This Year?

    13/02/2020 Duration: 34min

    During the week of Self Love Day Feb 13th I taped the 3rd of our 3 part series on Powerful Questions to ask ourselves as we make choices for the year ahead ... so we can stay centered, calm and clear in these intense times. This final episode poses an inquiry that will take you into the heart of what YOU need to be sustained - physically, mentally, emotionally and materially ... a question that if we don't pause to consider we inevitably will end up stretching ourselves way too thin, giving too much, without receiving what we need. The word sustained is a powerful word I invite you to take into your heart and life ... the root means 'to hold'... when you are SUSTAINED, you feel HELD... so you are so much more able to actualize your dreams, desires, projects, purpose ... when you are SUSTAINED, the strong foundation under and around and within you fuels the courage you need to stay clear and centered. When are not SUSTAINED ... not receiving the financial flow you need... not having the home you need... not ha

  • 114: Stay Focused on Your Part: What is Your Part? What's Not Yours to Do?

    30/01/2020 Duration: 41min

    It is way too easy to overgive and overcompensate in our work and relationships and then get overwhelmed and distracted, and diminish our impact, and worse, deplete ourselves. Especially in these intense and changing times. Which is why we are doing this series in Feminine Power Time on powerful inquiries to ask yourself for 2020 beyond, so you can stay centered, calm and clear... focused on what matters.  This specific inquiry is at the root of feminine leadership - it's all about taking a stand for your self-sustainability and for giving and receiving in harmony in our work and relationships. It's also about feminine power and making a greater impact in your work and within the lives of those you love and lead. When you know your part in your work you not only become more effective, you affect greater, lasting change. When you know your part in your relationships, you stop over giving and feeling like you have to do it all or you are failing at doing it all. You embrace that you are one person in a constell

  • 113: What is Holding You? #1 of 3 Powerful Questions to Ask Yourself in 2020 to Stay Centered in Intense Changing Times

    17/01/2020 Duration: 41min

    Today I invite you to consider this powerful inquiry - one you have not likely asked yourself before: What is Holding Me? I know it sound esoteric, vast, vague, maybe even irrelevant to your day to day reality. But trust me, if you want to stay centered, calm, clear in this chaotic world, you want to know.  Feeling held is the tap root of your courage to step out, make changes, and speak up. When you feel held fear cannot derail you. When you feel held you are so clear within yourself that confusion, doubt, and anxiety melt away. But what does feeling held mean? And what is holding you, really, as you step into 2020 and beyond?  And what do you need to know to make sure that just as a tree is held by its roots in the ground, and the network of other trees, that you have what you need to weather the storms that are surely ahead? One of my super powers is creating powerful inquiries that open up portals to deeper wisdom within us, questions that expand what's possibility and that shift our perspective so we ca

  • 112: Wisdom for the Year Ahead: Insight for Meeting the Intensity in 2020

    11/01/2020 Duration: 45min

    Every year in January I wait to do this special Feminine Power Time session until the timing feels just right. This year, it was exactly on the first full moon of the year, a wolf moon, eclipse just as the sun was setting on the Puget Sound across from my studio window. I’ve been thinking of you all for weeks and what would emerge to be shared on the yearly “Feminine Wisdom for The Year Ahead” episode. After weeks of being in my own reflection and visioning process, watching what’s happening in the world, deepening in my own practice and listening for guidance from Wisdom with a capital W, once again, a series of ‘wisdom bytes’ flowed out. Tune in for this year’s Feminine Wisdom for the Year Ahead - 202-, a yearly occurrence here at Feminine Power Time. It’s not about fortune telling, it’s about reading the signs all around us, feeling the knowings within us, and then being WISE about what is happening in the world and how we desire and choose to show up. Feminine wisdom teaches us to prepare for the intensit

  • SALON: A Different Way to Dream & Achieve: Vision, Focus & Plan Your Year the Way Women Work Best

    04/01/2020 Duration: 01h38min

    There is a misunderstanding in our culture about visioning, dreaming and goals setting. The mainstream approach is rooted in the go, go , go, work hard, stay busy culture we've been trained to operate in. So we try to do too much, push too hard, and exhaust ourselves. The more spiritual approach is also laden with big misunderstandings about manifesting, the law of attraction, and vision boards that lead to self criticism & stress later in the year.    There is a different way. One that gives you access to deeper Wisdom that fuels  & focuses your desires personally & professionally. A way that gives you.... Space.  Releasing the pressure to have your year figured out by Jan 15th.  Insight. Into how to achieve in your work, without sacrificing your relationships or personal wellness.  Focus +  Fluidity. So you operate in the flow vs. pushing, striving, and stretching yourself past capacity. Clarity. On where to focus life force and resources in ways that sustain you - so you put the right amoun

  • 111: Plug Into Your Divine Downline: 3 Ways to Create a Stronger Connection with the Universe

    28/12/2019 Duration: 50min

    What does it mean to be connected to Spirit? How do you trust that the Universe really has your back? How do you create a real, embodied relationship with the Divine, one that you can feel and work with in your daily life? Whatever you call this force or don't, in these intense times, if we want to stay clear, calm, on our soul's path, able to meet the challenges and expand in the possibilities, we need a personal, embodied relationship with the Divine. But what does mean, and how do you do establish and keep this relationship strong, as an empowered human? So you can create the realities for yourself, others and this world you can feel in your heart are possible?  Taking a step beyond religion constructs or estoreric spiritual concepts, join me for this Feminine Power Time: Plug into Your Divine Downline: 3 Ways to Create a Stronger Connection with the Universe, #3 of 3 in our Trinity of Connection Series.  Whatever your beliefs and path are you are welcome in this conversation which is meant to be a way to

  • 110: Have Stronger Connections to People & Community: #2 of 3 in the Trinity of Connection Series

    18/12/2019 Duration: 41min

    Most of us crave more meaningful, real connection, yet we also don't know how to cultivate it. Nor do we understand how we are holding ourselves back from the relationships we desire, individually and in community, professional and personally. As humans we need connection with other people to feel strong, safe, and loved. As leaders, we need connection with others to bring our sacred work into the world in ways that sustain us vs. deplete us. Which is why we dive deep into the second realm of the Trinity of Connection: Connection to Others in this episode of Feminine Power Time: #110: Have Stronger Connection with People & Community. Join me Christine Arylo, as we dive into: What is false connection or the kind of connection that doesn't really satisfy you - leaves you hungry What is holding you back from opening up to receive the connection you desire?   How to reveal emotional and energetic entanglements from past relationships that make it hard or impossible to create new healthy relationships. How to

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