Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 252:02:07
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Turn off the chatter and tune into what matters. Time just for you to attune to the guidance of your heart and soul & tap into your Divine Feminine wisdom. Christine Arylo shares spiritual wisdom and self love guidance modified for modern life. Invoking, Provoking & Elevating. Use this time to keep your life aligned.


  • 109: Get Connected to Your Heart Desires & Soul Design: #1 of 3 in the TRINTY of CONNECTION Series

    07/12/2019 Duration: 42min

    Without a strong connection to your Self, your true self, not your ego self or personality self or emotional self, it is way too easy to create a life, choose a career, start a business, stay in a relationship or job that will never nourish or fulfill you, no matter how hare you try. Without consistent check ins with your Self, it's way too easy to end up 10 degrees off your soul's path. Too easy to get lost in doing too many things that actually don't matter to you.  We hear lots about body/mind/spirit connection. But where's the heart? Where's the soul? We make lots of decisions from our logical minds, but is your life design really constellated and set up in a way that you LOVE YOUR LIFE, that you feel fulfilled and nourished and sustained? How successful are you feeling these days? Where are you giving your life force? Are you living your soul's path or someone else's version of success?  These are the kinds of inquiries we dive into in today's Feminine Power Time with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leader

  • 108: Fierce Grace Talk: What I've Learned from Gloria Steinem

    22/11/2019 Duration: 39min

    One of our most powerful sources of courage, clarity and wisdom comes from listening to the stories and experience and insight of women who have walked the path before us ... comes from asking inquiries that seek to take us deeper into the heart and expand us into new possibility. Our power as women comes in being in heartfull honest no b.s. conversation with each other, where there is exchange, sisterhood and truth. The Fierce Grace talks are meant to be that for us here at Feminine Power Time.  I've wanted to do these for awhile now ... and while ones to come will likely have women talking live...I've now had the honor of being in conversation with Gloria Steinem twice. Once seven years ago 1:1 at a bistro in San Fran, and last night in a room of 2000 in Seattle. Both times she delivered wisdom bytes which have opened up awareness and given me confirmation of what we need as women, as humans, to stay centered, keep the hope, stand for peace and love and be agents of elevation and connection.  In this episod

  • POWER PAUSE: 4 Inquiries to Support You to Create Space for What Matters & What You Want to Get Done by Year End

    15/11/2019 Duration: 39min

    When you pause in November to get clear about how you COULD spend your energy, time and resources and then mindfully choose where to focus in your work, relationships, and personal health ... you are so much more likely to end the year feeling good about your choices, and so start the year ready and regenerated for what is to come.  This practice is called POWER PAUSING. Wise women do it 4-8 times a year at key points that harmonize us with the natural cycles.  Specifically we do it in November so we don't get caught up in the swirl of the holiday madness and consumption, but instead make space for what matters.  So many people fall into patterns during the holidays that drain and over stretch then - in how they spend their time, money, connection and what they consume.  The holidays turn us into human consumption machines when what we are craving is human connection.   In this Feminine Power Time power pause, "4 Inquiries to Support You to Create Space for What Truly Matters & What You Want to Get Done

  • 107: Do Your Holidays Differently: Choose What Sustains You vs. Drains You

    07/11/2019 Duration: 39min

    While the holiday marketing and messages promise us tidings of peace and joy the reality is that the consciousness of overculture is set to get you and I to buy more, consume more, and do more. And while we all want more meaningful connection, and the last two months of the year can be full of invitations... it's way too easy to say yes to things because of obligation, habit or fear of missing out. Every year as we go into November, I take a stand for us all here at Feminine Power Time to do things differently - in how we make our choices for how we spend our time, money and energy so that come the new year YOU FEEL SUSTAINED and REPLENISHED - emotionally, physically, spiritually, financially and mentally.  The next few Feminine Podcasts will support you to do this - full of wisdom, practices and permission. And I also host three Feminine Wisdom Sessions, one in Nov, one in Dec, one in Jan that go even deeper and give you the structure to make choices that support you to achieve and do what matters (more on t

  • 106: Get Witchy: Reclaim Your Feminine Super Power of Intuition

    01/11/2019 Duration: 39min

    Within you lies a great power that you are likely only using a very small part of - your Feminine Super Power of Intuition. In ancient times it was called "The Sight" and women, and men, were killed for having and using it. Women were called witches, whores, evil sorceress just because they could tap into what scientests now call 'the quantum field' to access insight, direct knowing. What does this have to do with you? One of the biggest reasons we don't trust ourselves, doubt ourselves, don't speak up, don't feel confident, don't take the leap, or take a risk, or we stay stuck is because we don't have embodied access to our intuitive power nor do we know how to use it. And for thousands of years if you had it or showed it, you were a goner. Witch was just an easy way to shut women, and men up. You need access to, and ways to strengthen your intuitive power to meet these intense times ... to SEE what is real... to SEE what is B.S. fed to you by the over-culture or other people... to SEE what your soul is tryi

  • 105: Achieve, Succeed, Receive: How Women Grow Their Work, Careers, and Wealth Best

    25/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    You have goals, dreams, desires, yes? Things you want to achieve, change, manifest, see happen? Ever feel like they are not happening fast enough or happening to the level you wanted or expected or see other people achieving? Ever judged yourself for not being where you think you should be now? Or put pressure on yourself with deadlines and timelines that you needed to do things by that stressed you out? Welcome to being a woman in the 21st century influenced by an overculture whose expectations for growth and success are completely distorted! And tune into this Feminine Power Time so we can support you to do it differently. I've been working on my next book Overwhelmed and Over It! and thinking a lot about all of you and me and all of the women and courageous conscious men who have a big heart desire to make a difference in the world AND who desire to achieve their personal dreams and desires AND who want to be sustained materially and spiritually, and not have to sell their soul for money or have no money t

  • 104: Time Sucks & Time Stealers: 3 Ways to Stop Wasting Your Time So You Have More Space for Whats Needed

    17/10/2019 Duration: 39min

    I would love more time! I wish I had more time! Oh, if I only had more time. I feel like I don't have enough time to do it all. Most of us feel the pressure of not enough time a lot. Our society thrives on time pressure, although you and I do not. While there are lots of ways timelines and deadlines get imposed on us that we don't have control over. There are many ways that you are creating your own stress and lack of time - which you can change and control. Obligation. Guilt. Worry. Over Efforting. That's where we dive in! My mission in this Feminine Power Time podcast: Time Sucks & Time Stealers: 3 Ways to Stop Wasting Your Time SO You Have the Space for What Matters is to give you three very specific things to watch out for in the way you are making your choices that could be robbing time from you. Making you feel like you don't have enough time ... and filling up your time so you are busy doing too much... stealing time from what matters to you. My intention is that you'll be able to identify these 3

  • 103: Pressure Release Power Pause: 3 Ways to Release Self-Induced Stress & Create Space and Sanity for the Rest of the Year. 

    03/10/2019 Duration: 48min

    I decided to extend our Power Pause into a 2-part series because I felt like we could use it! Lots of people feeling pressure, as we go into the last 3 months of the year. But that doesn't mean the pressure is healthy, needed or productive! I'm going to take you through a mini version of a Feminine Wisdom Way practice I do once a year at this time to ferret out the "SELF INDUCED PRESSURE" - the pressure you put yourself that adds to your stress load, triggers your self sabotaging habits, drains your life force and sucks the joy out of whatever you are doing.  Self induced pressure is pressure you have the power to release. You may not be able to change all the systemic pressure coming at you from $$ to deadlines to taxes or whatever. But you can change the self induced pressure.  Which is what we will do together in this Feminine Power Time with me, Christine Arylo, feminine leadership advisor, "Pressure Release Power Pause: 3 Ways to Release the Self-Induced Stress & Create Space and Sanity for the Rest

  • POWER PAUSE: Reset Your Focus & Rebalance Your Habits and Relationships at Fall Equinox

    26/09/2019 Duration: 41min

    There are many things you could do these last 3 months of the year, but what is really most important to you? What will bring you the best returns? And what shifts in your habits, patterns, and structures are needed to support you in this last cycle?   Wise women know how to use the natural cycles of the earth and universe to support them to grow their work, wealth and relationships, to support their health, and to keep them focused on what matters. The September Equinox offers you insight to illuminate where the imbalances currently exist in your life & how to reset yourself and refocus your life force  - especially the ways in which you are over giving and under receiving, the habits that may have worked in the summer but won't support you now, and the ways in which making changes to your home, health and wealth can support you to end your year strong, sane and supported. In this Feminine Power Time with women's leadership and empowerment advisor and teacher, Christine Arylo, marries her MBA business ba

  • Ep#102: Anxiety & Doubt: How to Release and Reduce the Confusion & Swirl Within You

    13/09/2019 Duration: 42min

    I've been talking with so many people who have been feeling the affects of the intensity of the state of the world, the intense weather, their own intense changing lives... and there is a lot of anxiety bubbling up that leads to doubt, confusion, burnout, overwhelm. So I thought we needed to have a honest heart to heart about: Anxiety & Doubt: How to Release and Reduce the Confusion & Swirl Within You * How do you know if anxiety and doubt is driving you? Some of you know because you can feel it in your body. But others of you are masking over it. Stuffing your anxiety and doubt with food, drink, tv, shopping, work? Neither way is good for us.  * What is causing the anxiety and doubt at amplified levels that you might not know are affecting you? It is normal to have fear. Normal to feel worry or anxiety at times. But the levels we are dealing with right now, adding to the overwhelm, are being caused in large part by events, technology and other people.  * What is underneath the anxiety that you may be

  • Ep101: Making Wise Choices: Use the Power of Both Your Head & Heart #3 of 3

    05/09/2019 Duration: 54min

    Should you trust your logic and rationale brain or your deeper inner feelings and knowing when making choices? How do you know when to listen to the data or the numbers, and when to trust your heart and make a choice against what the numbers say? Do you tend to rely more on your intellect or your intuition to guide you, and how is that helping you or hurting you?  Join me and my partner in life and love, Noah Martin, for #3 in our Making Wise Choices series on Feminine Power Time: Using the Power of Both Your Head & Heart.  I invited Noah to join us because he masterful at using both the head and the heart together to make wise choices (join us and you'll learn more why.) Here is some of what we will dive into together. Bring with you the choice points you are standing at, and / or choices you have made in the past ... because we make this personal to you, so that you can make wiser choices in all parts of your life. What having access to both our intellect and our intuition gives you When you want to us

  • Ep100: Making Wise Choices: Is Fear or Wisdom Guiding You? #2 of 3

    30/08/2019 Duration: 42min

    If you are making choices that stretch you out of your comfort zone or go against the status quo you should expect fear to bubble up. It's normal and human. But how do you deal with the confusion, doubt, anxiety, frustration, impatience in a way that empowers you to make wise choices? And how do you get past it to find the wisdom that will actually guide you to making the wise and aligned choice for you?  The truth is that most of us were not taught how to work with the mental, emotional, physical, and energetic responses and reactions our bodies, minds, hearts and psyches have when we make choices that stretch us, or trigger past trauma, hurt or suffering.  But when you know how to work with both the parts of you that react from fear and past trauma or cultural or familial imprints AND the part of you connected to your true soul design and heart desires, you can the super power to elevate out of the doubt and confusion, into a inner knowing that empowers you to take action.  In #2 of our Making Wise Choices

  • 99: Making Wise Choices: Cultivate Your Wisdom Council

    23/08/2019 Duration: 39min

    You make choices every day. Every choice we make - big or small - affects the shape of our lives and the reality we live. But most of us were not taught how to make wise decisions. We’ve been taught to be logical, and practical, but decisions about your life made from only the intellect often lead you to creating realties that limit you, burn you out, keep you from what you truly desire. In changing, intense times like we live in, where we are each making choices - in our career, relationships, business, money and health - you cannot just rely on your intellect or what the mainstream world is telling you to make courageous and wise choices.  Many of the choices I see women being faced with right now are also causing us to have to stretch outside our comfort zones … which can create feelings of fear and doubt… confusion and procrastination… and stress! If you want to make choices that lead to a reality that supports you vs sacrifices you, you have to access both your heart wisdom and intuitive power first … ha

  • 98b: JOY BOOST - Stop Starving Your Soul

    09/08/2019 Duration: 39min

    You know your lungs need oxygen to breathe. You know your heart needs love to feel safe and supported. You know your body needs water to survive. But did you know that your soul needs joy to thrive? And that more than likely due to the pressures of your life, your soul is hungering deeply for the joy it's being starved from. And this is affecting your health, your feelings of happiness, and even your real wealth. This is not coachy blah blah... this is straight up feminine wisdom for how you make sure that you have what you need to thrive in these intense times.  Are you happy? really? Do you feel fulfilled? Do you feel like you have the space in your life you need? Do you feel like your life is nourishing you? We need you to feel JOY inside so you can make the impact you desire to make! It cannot be about all work, taking care of others and giving without you receiving!  Last week I delivered a COURAGE boost to your heart, to help you receive the love you need to feel courageous and be courageous in your cho

  • 97: COURAGE & CLARITY BOOST: Feminine Wisdom for Intense and Changing Times

    01/08/2019 Duration: 39min

    What is currently stretching you? Catalyzing or challenging you? Calling you to release, shed, complete so that you can step into what is next? In your career, relationships, community, family, health or wealth? And could you use a boost of courage and clarity to make choices, release the old and step forward? Good! Me too! Which is why I created this Feminine Power Time for you. Its is a Courage and Clarity boost that will strengthen your CLARITY about: What you are being guided to release and let go so you can make space for the new  What roles & responsibilities no longer serve you, in your work or relationships, so you can consciously complete them What the next steps are in the short term so you can stop short circuiting yourself or stressing yourself out about not knowing the how. How to strengthen your trust in the Universe and your self trust to make wise choices and courageous leaps.  COURAGE SO YOU CAN: Take leaps into what's calling you in your work, relationships and expression, now Have th

  • Stepping into the Unknown: A Courage and Clarity Boost (replay)

    18/07/2019 Duration: 47min

    We live in a time when you just can't plan out your life 3, 5, 10 years in advance and then follow 'the plan' - although our minds and desires for safety would love that. We live in a time when the world is changing fast, and we are each being 'called up' to new sacred assignments, ways of living and working that our soul signed up for. These 'soul stretches' and catalysts are calling for us each to step out of comfort zones and step into into a zone where we often can't see how it will work out, how it can work out and if it will work out. This is where the Feminine Wisdom teaching - the feminine super power of Stepping in the Unknown comes in. It's a different way of operating that most of us were not taught, but it is a REAL thing. In this Feminine Power Time, Stepping in the Unknown with Courage and Clarity to Chart the Path Ahead: Planning the Feminine Wisdom Way, the 3rd in our series on Feminine Wisdom, I'll share the wisdom teaching on Stepping in the Unknown. And make it personal for you so you can w

  • 97: RECEIVE: Feed Your Soul instead of Sabotaging Your Body with Carly Pollack

    11/07/2019 Duration: 51min

    Why do we consume things that are not good for our bodies? That make us feel sluggish, heavy, not at our best? Why do we believe that doing another diet, cleanse, or fast is going to finally be the trick? What if there were deeper reasons, unknown reasons to you, that drove the sabotaging choices that you make about what you put in, on and within your body? There are!  In this Feminine Power Time, the 3rd in our 3 part series on Receiving, I knew we had to dive into how a lack of receiving what we need in other areas of our lives, drives our choices for how we consume food, liquids, media, everything. And how a lack of receiving the wisdom we need vs. more information on the latest diet or super food or quick fix is keeping us from the wisdom of how our bodies really work as women.  So I invited a new wise woman sister to join us - a true sacred rebel, here to do things differently, Ms. Carly Pollack, author of the book "Feed Your Soul" and founder of Nutritional Wisdom to dive in deep with us and illuminate

  • POWER PAUSE: Mid Year Reflect and Redirect : 6 Inquiries to Get Focused On What Really Matters the Rest of the Year

    28/06/2019 Duration: 43min

    There is SO much you could do the rest of the year, so much and so many you could give to, but what really matters to you?? One of the smartest things we can do at the mid year point is to pause, reflect, realign and redesign what we are going to focus our life force, resources and time on. This is true for how you run your work life - business, team, organization, career, classroom, etc. And how you run your personal life - wealth, health, home, relationships. For SO many reasons.  This is what I call taking a Power Pause. It's a feminine wisdom way practice and a feminine leadership success principle. It's how we make sure we create realities that are both successful in what we desire to create and cause AND that are sustainable.  It's also a best practice for getting out of overwhelm and the feelings that you are never doing enough or have enough.  I've been doing Power Pauses myself for a decade and every year at this time I teach mid year power pauses, which I call FLOW for focus your life force on what

  • 96: RECEIVE: Receive More Love, Connection & Support in Your Relationships - #2 of Open to Receive Series

    20/06/2019 Duration: 49min

    Our human heart needs love to thrive just like our lungs need oxygen to survive. We are taught to be strong, have self esteem and project confidence. We desire to have meaningful ‘relationships’ in both our ‘romantic’ life and ‘friend’ life. But most women I know are lacking the connection, support, intimacy, affection, and acknowledgment they need and desire in both areas of their life. Why? We are weak receivers. Our capacity to receive the love, support, care, intimacy - aka your Love Quotient - is low. So even if the love and connection comes, you don’t actually let it in, really. We’ve had to protect ourselves and so have built walls around us or become like teflon. So the connection cannot really get through. We are so busy doing, we don’t have the space for true connection. And more… In this Feminine Power Time, "Receive More Love, Connection, & Support in Your Relationships", #2 in our series called OPEN TO RECEIVE, Christine Arylo dives into the realm of intimate relationships. Your life partner

  • 95: RECEIVE: Achieve Success in Your Work and Career & Receive What YOU Need

    13/06/2019 Duration: 49min

    How do you achieve what you desire in your work and career, and receive the financial flow you need without driving, striving, pushing, and working so much your life gets out of whack? Or you feel depleted because you are giving, working and doing so much, but not receiving the money, support, space, time, appreciation and recognition desire and deserve? We have been bred to be strong achievers and self less care givers, but few of us have been taught how to be strong receivers. We've been taught to be ambitious in order to be successful, so we approach our work, career and businesses like a racehorse with a strong desire for success and achievement. But even if we get 'there' - it doesn't feel like enough. We cannot receive it.  A big part of my work in teaching feminine leadership and living and leading the feminine wisdom way is in teaching and living myself the feminine super power of RECEIVING. A lack of receiving is at the root of all burnout, overwhelm, self sacrifice, overworking, over giving, feeling

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