Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell



We discuss common sense solutions to management and leadership issues. We believe leaders are made not born. We help you learn how to leverage your strengths to be a great leader.


  • Plan to Matter and Make a Difference as a Leader — Drew Dudley’s powerful Tedx Talk was voted one of the most inspirational TED talks of all time. He is the author of “This is Day One: A Practical Guide to Leadership that Matters”


          Drew Dudley               Plan to Matter and Make a Difference as a Leader  Most people are uncomfortable acknowledging they are a leader. They don’t feel they deserve it and can’t believe that someone is paying them. Why is that? Every day, moments pass us by that are leadership moments. They not only occur in our businesses, but they happen in our families, with our friends, at the grocery, everywhere. Most we don’t see, and many we see but don’t act on. To achieve anything in life, there needs to be a focus on the end result. Have you looked at your leadership over time – the past 6 months or year? Stop that, and begin looking at it every day. This is day one. Who do you want to be today, as a manager, parent, friend, colleague? Decide what that is and go do it – EVERY DAY. To succeed at anything you must do something every day. Start now. This is Day One.   Learn more about Drew Dudley and buy his book, This is Day One – A Practical Guide to Leadership That Matters, by visiting his websi

  • Vision & Mission – Are Yours Sitting on a Shelf? – Founder of My Business on Purpose, Scott Beebe shares compelling reasons why every individual and business must have a vision, mission and values


          Scott Beebe                   Vision & Mission – Are Yours Sitting on a Shelf?  You either love them or hate them – Vision, Mission and Values. Likely you love them because you have them, they are working for you and are instrumental in fueling success. You likely hate them because 1) You don’t see the value or 2) You have them but they don’t work (because they are on a shelf somewhere). People who jump out of bed each morning excited for the day do so because they have a vision and purpose. They are passionate about what they are focused on. Those who have a hard time dragging out each morning lack a focus. What they need is to direct their attention on creating a Vision, Mission and Values for their life and career/business. Scott Beebe burned out on the corporate rat race. He wanted a business on purpose, and he now helps small business owners remove themselves from the chaos of their business and get their lives back by articulating an intentional Vision, Mission and Values. If you’ve go

  • Save 40+ Years – Here’s How the Best Leaders Do It – A global expert in planning and execution, Rob Shallenberger shares over 40 years of leadership research from peak performing companies


          Rob Shallenberger               Save 40+ Years – Here’s How the Best Leaders Do It It is far too common for someone to be promoted into a leadership position, and immediately try to figure out what they should be doing. Want to be a successful leader? Save 40+ years of your life, and listen to this podcast. After years of personal experience plus researching peak performing organizations, Rob Shallenberger’s father distilled into 12 principles the powerful attributes that propel teams and organizations to the top. As a fighter pilot, Rob also learned valuable lessons that ignite teams and leaders and fuel high performance at every level. A leading authority in planning and execution, Rob Shallenberger joins the Manager Mojo podcast to share the principles from the book, his experience as a pilot and how they lead to powerful teams and leaders.   Learn more about Rob Shallenberger and his work with peak performance at this website.  Don't forget to mention this podcast for a free Organization

  • Why are You Stopping Your Success? — Unconscious mind expert, Karen Brown, joins Steve to discuss how you can change your limiting beliefs


          Karen Brown               Why are You Stopping Your Success?  What are you telling yourself that is stopping you from achieving the success you imagine? “I’m not smart enough. I don’t have enough money. I don’t know the right people.” When you don’t stretch yourself to fulfill your dreams, you become one of the walking dead, going through the motions but not finding fulfillment. What is stopping you? It is likely your unconscious brain. When you tap into it, you tap into the potential of who you want to be. Stop telling yourself negative, limiting statements. Start focusing on what you want and begin to program that powerful brain of yours to support you in achieving it. “Think you can, think you can’t; either way you’ll be right.” Henry Ford    An unconscious mind expert, Karen Brown, joins Steve on this podcast to discuss how you can change your beliefs, just as she transformed hers and competed in the IRONMAN, the toughest race in the world.   Learn more about Karen Brown by visiting her

  • Leaders Face a Knowledge Conundrum – Their Own – The author of “Unsafe Thinking: How to be Nimble and Bold When You Need it Most,” Jonah Sachs, discusses how to de-bias fundamental thought patterns against the familiar and unleash creativity


          Jonah Sachs               Leaders Face a Knowledge Conundrum – Their Own  Leaders face a conundrum of becoming so well versed in their industry and discipline that they become jaded in opening their minds to thinking they don’t know it all. Ego can be dangerous! However, if you are willing to listen to those who don’t agree with you and be open to putting your ego on the shelf, you might be surprised at the creative ideas that come your way. Encourage the team to take risks after intelligent thinking. Humble yourself by stepping back from thinking you know the answer and you might find a new strength. Let others find some of the answers. If you are willing to get comfortable with the uncomfortable, to be criticized by your fiercest critic and to let others step up and shine, you’ll want to listen to this podcast.   You can learn more about Jonah Sachs by visiting his website, and you can connect with him on Twitter.  Check out his new book, Unsafe Thinking: How to be Nimble and Bold When You

  • Is It Entitlement or Conditioning? Expectations of Millennials – Epic failure leading to success, Lee Caraher, author of “Millennials & Management: The Essential Guide to Making it Work at Work” discusses how she succeeded in retaining Millennials


            Lee Caraher               Is It Entitlement or Conditioning? Expectations of Millennials  Is it possible for a group of 80 million people to feel entitled, or have they been conditioned to expect certain things? They didn’t request a trophy or sticker when doing something, it was given to them as future encouragement. And it worked. As you have progressed in your leadership journey, you may have learned that ideas and thoughts need to be expressed in ways that can be understood. You wouldn’t speak French to someone who only understood Russian. As with all people, when you understand where they are coming from (or the ‘language’ they understand) you will be on the road to a successful relationship and the development of a potential star employee for your business. Lee Caraher hired her first Millennial several years ago, and on her first day of work she brought her dog and left at 3:00 to visit her mother. Lee was beside herself, yet she took the time to understand the ‘language’ and learned

  • Entrepreneurship Means Business! – A realistic conversation with Albert J. Williams, serial entrepreneur with the proven ability to grow a business


          Albert J. Williams               Entrepreneurship Means Business! Do you have the itch to leave corporate America and start your own business? If you desire more freedom and the ability to call your own shots, stay employed! There is a fallacy that being an entrepreneur will provide that. It may, but only if you are willing to work 24/7 for an undetermined period of time to achieve the freedom you are looking for. Owning a business isn’t for the faint of heart. Entrepreneurship means business baby! It requires agility when there is a disruption and a response is necessary. You can’t wait for others to tell you what to do. You must create the vision and go for it. Stop letting naysayers plant fear and stop your dreams. Surround yourself with like-minded people who support your success. If you’ve been wanting to make a change in your life, this podcast will provide the reality and inspiration you may need to take an educated first step.   Learn more about Albert Williams by connecting with him

  • Avoiding Conflict can be Creating Conflict – a candid conversation with Liz Kislik, an expert who helps businesses improve the bottom line by fixing conflict in the workplace


          Liz Kislik               Avoiding Conflict can be Creating Conflict It is not unusual for people to want to avoid conflict. Of course we want to get along with one another and work in a happy environment, but getting along doesn’t mean we always agree or need to ’just talk about it.’ In fact, avoiding conflict can actually create conflict. Conflict is a cloud that gets in the way of the work getting done, and it is costing your business A LOT of money. If you are a leader who tends to run away from conflict, learn to deal with it. Water cooler conversations, pre/post meetings before the actual meeting and work disruptions are signs of unresolved anger and conflict. What are the causes of workplace conflict? There are situations that are common to every work group, and in this podcast we discuss a few of those, plus a few of the unique situations you may be experiencing. Liz Kislik is an expert at dealing with and managing conflict. Check out her great insights in this conversation.   Learn m

  • They Can See Through You – An authentic conversation with Dr. James Kelley, author of “The Crucibles Gift: 5 Lessons from Authentic Leaders Who Thrive in Adversity”


            Dr. James Kelley               They Can See Through You  Are you a confident, self-aware leader who likes themself? If you aren’t, chances are the team can see right through you. It is exhausting to be multiple versions of yourself – one at work, one at home. In fact, it is impossible to pull that off and do it well for very long. You and those you love will suffer. How can you change that? Become aware and stay in tune with the nudges life is sending your way. Have you had an embarrassing failure, conflict with others, an important lapse in communication? Those are examples of signs that life is sending to prompt you to begin looking at yourself. Often examples are helpful, and that is what this podcast’s guest provides. Dr. James Kelley was ignoring some of life’s nudges, and in the course of getting back on track he interviewed and wrote about authentic leaders who thrived in adversity. This podcast may give you the nudge needed.   To learn more about Dr. James Kelley, visit his websit

  • C-Suite Bound? Here’s the Code — The author of “Crack the C-Suite Code: How Successful Leaders Make It to the Top” talks with Steve


    Cassandra Frangos               C-Suite Bound? Here’s the Code  Do you have dreams of one day being in the C-Suite? Have you ever wondered if there is a ‘code’ (maybe even a secret one?) that you should know in order to get there?  While there are no guarantees, there is excellent and practical advice for anyone who is focused on arriving at the C-Suite, and it is valuable to know what that advice and direction is.  Often called “the executive whisperer,” Cassandra Frangos has experience guiding success-bound executives into the C-Suite.  She is the author of Crack the C-Suite Code: How Successful Leaders Make It to the Top, and she explains critical paths that every Suite-bound individual should pay attention to.  Learn about them in this podcast.   You can learn more about and connect with Cassandra Frangos by visiting LinkedIn and Twitter.  Check out her book Crack the C-Suite Code: How Successful Leaders Make It to the Top by clicking the link.     Click here to check out our newest leadersh

  • Creativity is Hard Work – “Yesterday” Didn’t Happen in a Day – an inspirational conversation with Allen Gannett, author of “The Creative Curve – How to Develop the Right Idea at the Right Time”


    Allen Gannett               Creativity is Hard Work - “Yesterday” Didn’t Happen in a Day  Yesterday, the most recorded song in history, was a 20-month endeavor that began with 6 notes in a dream. And you thought it was a quick inspiration of Paul McCartney’s that the Beatle’s rushed to record, didn’t you? The truth is that creativity takes a lot of thoughtful, hard work immersing oneself in all the videos, articles, books and other information you can find about the topic that is your passion. Science shows that you can nurture your creativity, so if you didn’t think you had a creative bone in your body, there is definitely hope. To be creative, you must work on creativity. If you are looking for the inspiration that will encourage that creativity, listen to this podcast.   Learn more about the work of Allen Gannett and his new book The Creative Curve – How to Develop the Right Idea at the Right Time by clicking the links.     Click here to check out our newest leadership development tool – LEAD

  • Are Remote Employees Actually Working? An eye-opening conversation with one of today’s experts in the field of remote work


    Liam Martin               Are Remote Employees Actually Working?  Remote workers are quite common today, yet there continues to be the lingering doubt that they are actually working. How can you know if yours are – or aren’t? While it is true that remote workers are happier, more efficient, can be hired faster and have higher retention, and remote work is the #1 request of millennials, how can you be sure they are doing what is needed and expected? Are they extremely busy? That’s no indicator. If you’ve thought that building a remote team of top talent was impossible, think again. It is very possible and in fact, has been done. Liam Martin is the co-founder and CMO of and an expert into the pros/cons, ins/outs of successfully hiring and managing remote workers. If you struggle managing and leading remotely, you’ll find great ideas in this podcast to turn that around.   Learn more about Liam Martin and get a free trial by checking out   To learn more about his conference

  • Focus on Culture to Recruit Top Talent — an insightful conversation with thought leader and CEO of a 6-time INC 5000 staffing company, Todd Palmer


    Todd Palmer               Focus on Culture to Recruit Top Talent We are currently in a tight labor market and the job candidate has the upper hand. What process do you have in place to attract the best talent? Why should prospects want to work for your organization? What makes you special, unique and cool? Sell them on your organization, where they fit in and why their contribution will be valuable. Second, if you are waiting to search for new people after someone submits their resignation, you have waited too long. Recruiting is a nonstop, ongoing process, and there should be a waiting list of great talent waiting to work with you. Finally, an onboarding program can be the initial critical step for welcoming a new team member to the family. Mentioning family, how are you also welcoming and treating theirs? When you can get their family excited and ‘on board,’ you have a winning formula! Listen to this podcast for an expert’s ideas on being the best and recruiting the best.   Learn more about Todd Pa

  • What are the Rules for Creativity in Your Organization? An inspiring conversation with Jon Kolko, author of “Creative Clarity – A Practical Guide for Bringing Creative Thinking into Your Company”


    Jon Kolko               What are the Rules for Creativity in Your Organization?  Is your organization known for its creativity in product or service solutions and for arriving at creative solutions to challenging internal issues? Just like individuals, organizations can think of themselves as not being creative, yet it behooves them to gain creative clarity, have a creative strategy and value a culture of criticism. If you are stumped about what that means, you need to listen to the conversation Steve had with Jon Kolko, the author of Creative Clarity: A Practical Guide for Bringing Creative Thinking into Your Company. Every bone in Jon’s body is creative, and he shares great insights into the rules of creativity and the value of having a creative environment in your organization. There are rules to the game (so to speak) and Jon explains them with clarity and simplicity.   Learn more about Jon Kolko, his work and writing by visiting Modernist Studio and his personal website.  You can also follow him

  • Plant the Seeds for Future Leaders – an inspirational conversation about developing the leader within every member of the team with Jeff McManus, Director of Landscape Services, University of Mississippi


    Jeff McManus               Plant the Seeds for Future Leaders  Jeff McManus grows things. As the Director of Landscape Services at the University of Mississippi, he grows plants…he grows people…he grows ideas. Jeff is a problem-solver, understanding that doing more with less is a 21st century mandate. Faced with a multi-million dollar landscaping beautification project, a demand for excellence, high productivity, and with a stagnant budget, Jeff knew that growing the people was critical to growing the plants. Taking his grounds employees, affectionately known as “weeders”, and developing them into “leaders” has been a joyous challenge that reaped acres of rewards in the form of national recognition as the Most Beautiful Campus by the Princeton Review, PGMS, Newsweek and every faculty, staff, student and visitor who has walked onto the Ole Miss Campus. Building on that momentum, Jeff has designed a professional development plan for his Weeders called Landscape University. His message rings true for any

  • Success Isn’t Final, But Yours May Be – Prepare to shift your thinking after hearing this engaging conversation with Allen Adamson, a noted industry expert in all disciplines of branding


    Allen Adamson               Success Isn’t Final, But Yours May Be Look around. Does everyone in your office look alike and think alike? If so, you’re in trouble of remaining relevant (and in business!). Diversity of thought and ideas is a valuable trait for every business to have in a world of rapid change. If you have gotten comfortable doing what you did yesterday because it brought you the success you have today, be prepared for that success to shift. Having pride in past accomplishments and the arrogance to think that will continue brings a complacency that is a solid foundation for a business to be out of business. Get out of your bubble, talk with the front line staff and talk to customers. What do they want and need? Don’t allow your business to be left behind. Be proactive. Get out of the office and engage with people where it counts. Up your game and get prepared for the next shift.   To learn more and get in contact with Allen Adamson you can email him at  To check out 

  • Where Does the Grit Go When You’re Blindsided by a Bus? – Listen to the story of Aaron Walker who experienced the thrill of rapid success early in his career and the abrupt blindside when he tragically killed a pedestrian.


    Aaron Walker               Where Does the Grit Go When You’re Blindsided by a Bus?  Are you plowing forward toward what you want to achieve in life, or are you holding your breath hoping that luck will make it happen for you? Success requires living proactively, not reactively. You can’t be reactive to accomplish your dreams. Dreams require an intent with a plan, goals, and execution every day on those goals. When someone says, “You can’t do that!” do you return the challenge, “No, YOU can’t do that! Watch me go do it!” When you are fired up with grit and determination, anything is possible. But what do you do when a bus stops you dead in your tracks? Do you keep plowing forward, or do you retreat? Aaron Walker did it all – sold a business by age 27, found financial security, got bored with money and went back to work for greater accomplishments. And then he was hit by a proverbial bus – or rather, he was driving the car that hit someone else. What do you do when the wind has been taken out of your sai

  • Get that Inner Critic Out of Your Head – Find happiness in your work by listening to a conversation with Susan Peppercorn who learned how to stop the self-recrimination and transform her career


    Susan Peppercorn             Get that Inner Critic Out of Your Head  Is there a recurring voice in your head reminding you that you are not quite good enough? Do you have a track record of success but haven’t been able to move to the next level?  Your inner critic may be holding you back.  It is likely affecting your work and the success of your team, and it needs to stop.  If you find yourself seeking perfection, procrastinating or not stepping up to take on a new project, that critic has gotten out of control.  In fact, that inner critic is affecting your attitude and happiness, and you can’t afford to give the control of those over to anyone else.  Whether you are on the front line or in the CEO’s office, your inner critic can get the best of you.  Stop for a moment and listen to this podcast, where Susan Peppercorn explains how to recognize the inner critic and how to get rid of it once and for all.   Learn more about Susan Peppercorn and her work by clicking here.  Don't forget to check out her f

  • Live a Life of Reinvention – a conversation with a self-described expert at self-reinvention and author of the book “Reinventing You,” Dorie Clark


    Dorie Clark               Live a Life of Reinvention  Has an unplanned change in jobs ever caused you to panic about where you’ll find the next one? Possibly you’ve become tired of the one you currently have and are ready to make a change, either some new skills and knowledge or a new career entirely.  Start getting ready now by reinventing yourself.  You don’t need to reinvent yourself entirely.  Simply looking at new abilities to add to your repertoire can add a spark to things and increase value right where you’re at.  Looking at the things that interest and excite you, like learning a new language, getting a degree or taking on a fun project can reinvigorate and add value too.  The more you learn to broaden your expertise, the more flexible you can be as situations change.  Don’t be willing to unhappily grind it out.  Reinvent yourself and the love you have for your life and career.   Learn more about Dorie Clark by clicking here.  Download her entrepreneurial self-assessment by clicking here.  A

  • Yes, Everyone is Judging You – A writer and director of film, theatre and television helps leaders create their ‘Big Talk’ and truly connect with their audience


    Tricia Brouk             Yes, Everyone is Judging You  It is said that the #1 fear in the world is public speaking, well ahead of #5, which is death. Does that seem right?  Would you rather be dead than to have to speak in front of others?  It is human to fear others judging us, yet as a leader that fear must be conquered if you are to communicate your thoughts and motivate others to action.  Getting your ideas across is paramount to your success.  You need to lead teams and companies to their goals.  Yet, if you struggle communicating with passion and conviction and motivating others to act, you are missing the mark.  It is not uncommon to be poor at public speaking, and it is absolutely a skill you can conquer – and conquer you must!  Check out this podcast as Steve talks with an expert in helping others communicate their big idea and to develop an Oscar-worthy presentation.   To learn more about Tricia Brouk and her work, click here.       Click here to check out our newest leadership developm

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