Manager Mojo with Steve Caldwell

Save 40+ Years – Here’s How the Best Leaders Do It – A global expert in planning and execution, Rob Shallenberger shares over 40 years of leadership research from peak performing companies



      Rob Shallenberger               Save 40+ Years – Here’s How the Best Leaders Do It It is far too common for someone to be promoted into a leadership position, and immediately try to figure out what they should be doing. Want to be a successful leader? Save 40+ years of your life, and listen to this podcast. After years of personal experience plus researching peak performing organizations, Rob Shallenberger’s father distilled into 12 principles the powerful attributes that propel teams and organizations to the top. As a fighter pilot, Rob also learned valuable lessons that ignite teams and leaders and fuel high performance at every level. A leading authority in planning and execution, Rob Shallenberger joins the Manager Mojo podcast to share the principles from the book, his experience as a pilot and how they lead to powerful teams and leaders.   Learn more about Rob Shallenberger and his work with peak performance at this website.  Don't forget to mention this podcast for a free Organization