Revolutionary Spirituality

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 60:02:12
  • More information



A bi-monthly public affairs radio program that airs live on KYRS Radio, 88.1FM and 92.3FM, in Medical Lake/Spokane, WA on the 2nd, 4th and 5th Mondays of the month at 3pm (PST). The program educates listeners about the diversity of spiritual and religious views and practices; examines current local, national and international issues through a spiritual lens; and challenges the ways in which organized religion has been, and is currently being, used as a weapon of oppression.


  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: The Religion of Football


    What do Penn State and the Catholic Church Have in Common? With the arrest of Jerry Sandusky, former Penn State Football Defensive Coordinator, on molestation charges, and the subsequent scandal that rocked the renowned college football establishment, many asked how could this have been allowed to happen and why didn't anyone at Penn State stop it. Many have also asked how the years of sexual abuse could have been allowed to go unstopped in the Catholic Church as well. My guest was be Gary Laderman, Chair of the Department of Religion, Co-Director of the Graduate Division of Religion, and Professor of American Religious History and Cultures at Emory University in Atlanta Georgia. We discussed an article that Gary wrote for the online publication Religion Dispatches entitled: "Betraying a Sacred Trust: From Penn State to Dover Air Force Base". We talked about the "religion" of big money sports, particularly football, and the similarities between what was allowed to happen at Penn State and what was allowed to

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Social Justice, Sojourner Truth and the Black Church

    18/11/2011 Duration: 56min

    Rev. Harriet Walden describes herself as a Spiritual Healer, a Justice worker and an Urban Mystic. She is founder of Mothers for Police Accountability, which has been around for twenty-one years, and The Family Empowerment Institution, which is working to restore Black Families. She joined me by phone from Seattle, WA and we discussed her views on social justice and the role of the Black Church. This program originally aired on 11/14/11. Contact information: 206-329-2033,,, find Mothers for Police Accountability on Facebook.

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Spokane Protest Chaplains and Occupy Spokane


    Protest Chaplains is an organization of clergy, based in Boston, that are committed to social justice and are supporting and participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Spokane Protest Chaplains are the local "chapter" of the national Protest Chaplain movement. They are an interfaith group of local clergy and other relgious leaders that are in solidarity with Occupy Spokane. The fifteen Spokane Protest Chaplains recently marched through downtown Spokane, stopping at banks and Riverpark Square to pray, cleanse and bring attention to what they say are the "financial injustices plaguing America". My guests were Rev. Jim Castrolang, pastor of the 1st Congregational United Church of Christ in Colville and the social media blogger for Religion News Spokane, and Rev. Deb Conklin, pastor of Libery Park United Methodist Church and St. Paul's United Methodist Church, and part of a new cooperative ministry called Oak Tree that is focused in the West Central neighborhood of Spokane. We talked about Occupy Wall

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Oakhurst Presbyterian Church - One Black Jesus, One White Jesus


    "Oakhurst Presbyterian Church is unremarkable on the outside, but the congregation on the inside is quite remarkable. People from the most divergent backgrounds - middle class professionals, blue-collar and pink-collar workers, welfare recipients, old, young, and very young, black, white, Asian, gay and straight. All seem to feel comfortable there and speak their minds." Ted Clark, All Things Considered Oakhurst Presbyterian Church, in Decatur Georgia, celebrated its 90th birthday in September. The church, led by husband-wife team Nibs Stroupe and Caroline Leach, is famous for its depictions of both a black and a white Jesus, and numerous national publications, including Time magazine, The New York Times and The Christian Science Monitor, have reported on the dedication of the church and its leaders to racial diversity. My guest was Rev. Nibs Stroupe. We discussed the 90th Anniversary of Oakurst Presbyterian Church, the decision that was made in the late 1980s to repaint one of the stained glass images of Jes



    The Spokane Coalition of Reason launched a billboard campaign in Spokane that was dubbed the "atheist bus ads" by the press. The question "Are You Good Without God?", and the statement, "Millions Are", was displayed on the sides of eleven STA buses during the month of September. The campaign was considered controversial by some, and offensive by others, but according to the Spokane Coalition of Reason, the goal was simply to reach out to atheists and agnostitcs in the community who may not realize that there are other like-minded people in the area. The Spokane Coalition of Reason is an alliance of three nontheistic groups in the Spokane area. I spoke to the President of one of those groups, the Spokane Secular Society, Thomas Brown. We discussed the billboard campaign, the controversy it inspired, and what the Spokane Coalition of Reason is all about. This program originally aired on 9/26/11. Contact Information:,

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: A Reflection on September 11th with CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations)


    This program focused on the 10th Anniversay of 9/11. With all of the conversations that were happening about the anniversary of 9/11, few of them offered a reflection through the eyes of the Muslim community. My guest was Arsalan Bukhari, the Executive Director of the Washington chapter of CAIR (the Council on American-Islamic Relations). Joining Mr. Bukhari was Jennifer Gist, CAIR's Civil Rights Coordinator. CAIR is the nation's largest Muslim civil rights and advocacy group, with a mission to enhance understanding of Islam, encourage dialogue, protect civil liberties, empower American Muslims,and build coalitions that promote justice and mutual understanding. We discussed 9/11, it's impact on America's Muslim community, how things have changed since 2001 (for the better or worse?), and what it's like to be Muslim in America now, ten years later. We also discussed CAIR and the work that they are doing in Washington State and around the country. Contact Information: This program origin

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: A Spiritual Conversation with KYRS Programmers


    I have invited two of our popular KYRS programmers to join me for a conversation about spirituality. Ned is the host of The Vinyl Hour, which airs Thursday evenings at 8pm, and Sharo is the host of The Persian Hour, which airs on Saturdays at noon. Join me for this lively round table discussion, and listen to both of their programs on KYRS - Thin Air Community Radio, This program originally aired on 8/21/11.

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: From Corrections to Reiki Master...a Personal Journey


    Roseanne Lasater is an ordained spiritual healer, holistic life coach and Reiki Master/Teacher. We will be discussing her fascinating journey from the world of the correctional system to the world of spiritual healing.

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: An Interesting and Radical Journey Regarding Faith and Church


    Joel Williamson is a Spokane native whose first career was Lighting Design for theatre and who now works as a community organizer in order to "change his hometown for the better". He is active in the local community through churches and political groups and still does some theatre at Coeur D'Alene Summer Theatre. We will be discussing Joel's journey in regards to religion/spirituality that has taken him from atheism, which he said was caused by evangelical Christians, to a now radical Jesus centered theology, which was brought on by personal experiences with injustice and a new look at what he believes Jesus was actually about.



    In an encore to the popular program that I did last year for Father's Day, I have invited my dad, Thomas, and my brother, Rick, to came back again this year so that we can have another conversation about spirituality and fatherhood. 

  • Revolutionary Spirituality: U.S. to Gaza - The Audacity of Hope


    On May 31, the one year anniversary of the Israeli attack on the unarmed passengers in last year's International Peace Flotilla that killed nine people aboard the Mavi Marmara, including an 18-year old U.S. citizen of Turkish descent named Furkan Dogan, organizers for the U.S. Boat to Gaza announced that they are expecting some 50 people to be aboard The Audacity of Hope, a U.S. flagged boat, that will be a part of the International Freedom Flotilla II that will sail from a port in the Mediterranean in late June and travel to Gaza. Aboard the boat will be US citizens from many different backgrounds, ages, and communities across the United States. Four passengers will be travelling from the Pacific Northwest on The Audacity of Hope, one of those passengers, Erin DeRamus, is my guest on today's program. Erin is currently a resident of Portland, OR, a practitioner and instructor of acupuncture and qigong (a meditative movement practice for internal cultivation), and the last few years she has worked in public he


    15/05/2011 Duration: 53min

    Rev. Terry B. Hall has served as the pastor at Cheney United Methodist Church since July 1, 2009. He previously served at Wesley UMC in Yakima, and Epworth LeSourd UMC in Tacoma. Prior to being ordained in the ministry, Terry had a family counseling practice and worked for over 24 years in the social services and mental health fields. We will be discussing his spiritual journey as well as his view on judgement. This program originally aired on 5/15/11. Contact Information: 509-235-4600, , or


    01/05/2011 Duration: 54min

    As a tribute to Mother's Day, which is on Sunday May 8, I will be having my mother, Wilhelmenia Williams, and her sister, my aunt, Jesse Rogers, as guests on my program to talk about their experiences with religion when they were growing up and how that affected their own religions beliefs and the way they chose to raise their children. This program originally aired on 5/1/11.Contact Information:

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Compassionate Interfaith Society #2

    03/04/2011 Duration: 50min

    Skyler Oberst is the founder of the Compassionate Interfaith Society, a student led group at Eastern Washington University that meets weekly to discuss various topics related to religion and spirituality. CIS members are active in Buddhist, Christian, Muslim, Jewish and Wiccan, amongst others, and goals of encouraging mutual respect and affirmation. Skyler was last on the program in May of 2010, in a return visit he will be discussing what he and is group have been doing since his last visit, some consequences of his work, and his upcoming plans. This program originally aired on 4/3/11. Contact Information:


    20/03/2011 Duration: 55min

    Pastor Shelley Bryan Wee is the Campus Minister at Eastern Washington University for Emmanuel Lutheran Church in Cheney Washington. The campus ministry is welcoming, inclusive, and celebrates the love of God through worship, prayer, service projects and fun! Students of all faiths and denominations, or no faith background, are welcome and invited to visit and participate in their programs. Shelley will be discussingher expriences as a pastor. This program originally aired on 3/20/11 as a part of Women's History Month. Contact Information:, or 509.235.5081

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Women's Spirituality and the Divine Feminine

    06/03/2011 Duration: 53min

    Hilary Hart teaches and writes about women’s spirituality and the divine feminine. Her books include The Unknown She and Pearlie of Great Price. She is an adjunct faculty at Antioch University in Seattle. Hilary studied Philosophy at Yale and the University of Colorado, has practiced within both the Tibetan Buddhist and Sufi traditions, and has over 10 years experience in dream work. She currently lives on Whidbey Island and runs, knits, loves dogs, and enjoys learning how to grow her own food. This program originally aired on 3/6/11. Contact Information:

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: The Path to Total Consciousness

    06/02/2011 Duration: 50min

    Charles Smaltz was "called" to pastoral service at the age of 11, quickly embarking on an intense study of religion, teaching, preaching, and anything else that might enhance a life in ministry, including counseling. His early exposure to conscious growth and experience naturally predisposed him to spiritual consciousness and connection. Charles studied hypnotherapy through Heart Springs Institute Transformational Trainings and was certified by the American Council of Hypnotist Examiners in 1993. He completed advanced training and became a master hypnotherapist in 1994. He was ordained that same year.Through personal experience and lifelong research, Charles found that many religions restrained or stifled individual access to total spiritual truth, so he began to facilitate consciousness-awakening sessions for friends and others. Over time, and with continued spiritual guidance, this evolved into "The Path to Total Consciousness," a 10-part workshop series he considers his life work and calling. This program


    02/01/2011 Duration: 46min

    My daughter, Renika, will be joining me to celebrate the Third Year Anniversary of Revolutionary Spirituality. In a reprisal of the last two year's anniversary shows, I will be the one who is interviewed by my guest. It should be a lively conversation. This program originally aired on 1/2/11. Contact Information:


    19/12/2010 Duration: 53min

    During the month of December most of the focus is on Christmas, however there are several other celebrations that also take place during the month, including Chanukah, Kwanzaa, Winter Solstice, the Human Light Celebration and Bhodi Day. My guests were Jim Downard of the Inland Northwest Free Thought Society and the Spokane Secular Society who joined me to talk about the Winter Solstice Celebration in Spokane on 12/21 and Marci Halili-Akoma, a Southern California Native who has been celebrating Kwanzaa for the past 30 years, joined me to to talk about the meaning of Kwanzaa. This program originally aired on 12/19/10.

  • REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Hope Defined: Learning to Live with the Loss of a Loved One

    21/11/2010 Duration: 54min

    When tragedy struck Leslie Stickel, with the suicide of her mother, she discovered how life can change instantly and with the potential to destroy our happiness and stability. Leslie reached for her faith in God to get her through, and in her book Hope Defined, she shares her story and her journey of healing with heartfelt honesty and offers hope to anyone going through a loss. Leslie speaks publically about her experience and is actively involved in suicide prevention and awareness. She has been a Social Worker for 25 years, working with at risk youth, victims of domestic violence, homeless veterans, disabled and the elderly. Leslie is married and has two

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