Revolutionary Spirituality

REVOLUTIONARY SPIRITUALITY: Spokane Protest Chaplains and Occupy Spokane



Protest Chaplains is an organization of clergy, based in Boston, that are committed to social justice and are supporting and participating in the Occupy Wall Street movement. The Spokane Protest Chaplains are the local "chapter" of the national Protest Chaplain movement. They are an interfaith group of local clergy and other relgious leaders that are in solidarity with Occupy Spokane. The fifteen Spokane Protest Chaplains recently marched through downtown Spokane, stopping at banks and Riverpark Square to pray, cleanse and bring attention to what they say are the "financial injustices plaguing America". My guests were Rev. Jim Castrolang, pastor of the 1st Congregational United Church of Christ in Colville and the social media blogger for Religion News Spokane, and Rev. Deb Conklin, pastor of Libery Park United Methodist Church and St. Paul's United Methodist Church, and part of a new cooperative ministry called Oak Tree that is focused in the West Central neighborhood of Spokane. We talked about Occupy Wall