Beth Jones International Speaker



The official podcast of Beth Jones, International Speaker and Amazon Best Seller Author. Use your gifts for God. Live a life you love. Fulfill your great purpose.


  • The ant and the contact lens: faith

    11/01/2017 Duration: 26min

    There is a true story of a woman, Brenda, who was scared to climb a mountain, but she faced her fears, put on her gear, and began climbing. During a breather time, her safety rope snapped against her eye and popped out her contact lens. She looked everywhere, but it was nowhere to be found. Brenda, feeling desperate and upset, prayed to God to help her find it so she could see clearly. When her group came down the trail on the cliff, a new party of climbers were starting up the mountain and one called, "Hey you guys! Anybody lose a contact lens?" This in itself would have been amazing, but the climber found an ant carrying it on its back across the rock. Brenda's father was a cartoonist and when she told him the story, he drew a cute cartoon of an ant carrying a contact lens with these words: "Lord, I don't know why You want me to carry this thing. I can't eat it, and it's awfully heavy. But if this is what You want me to do, I'll carry it for You." It would probably do some of us a lot of good to occasionall

  • Blossom & Thrive in 2017

    27/12/2016 Duration: 15min

    As 2016 wraps up and you and I enter the new year 2017, I encourage you to ask yourself this question: what did you learn? As speaker/author Joyce Meyer shared in her Winter 2017 magazine, "Teaching moments help us move forward." In this podcast, I share 5 lessons from the cherry tree to help you move forward and beautifully blossom in the coming year. Cherry trees are hard to grow and thrive, only blossom for one to two weeks, but once they bloom they are beautiful. I recently installed a new theme at my website at The picture on the home page is of a cherry tree. In 2017 let's you and me blossom and thrive through the power of Christ.  --- Support this podcast:

  • On Purpose

    13/12/2016 Duration: 31min

    Do you live an on-purpose, intentional life? This week I was struggling with some things in my life and my sister Maria encouraged me with two words that God had given her recently: "on purpose." We have to do things on purpose to improve our lives--living intentionally--such as our health or money management. What can you do to make things even a little better in your life? We can't control other people, but we can control ourselves. She encouraged me, and I encourage you, to identify 3 things that have improved over the last month. Then identify 3 things I can do---and you can do---to improve things even a little. Live your life on purpose for God. --- Support this podcast:

  • Stand Up: The woman bent over

    06/12/2016 Duration: 19min

    What are you struggling with in your life right now? Shame, fear, anger, depression, hopelessness, worry, stress, unforgiveness, jealousy, pride, blame, bitterness, envy, unbelief? Maybe the holidays aren't a good and happy time for you and your family like they are for others. You may have experienced the death of a loved one, are divorced or separated, feel all alone, you and your spouse fight during the holidays, or you're a single mom who can't afford to buy her kids nice gifts like you'd love to do. Whatever your struggle is, Jesus is the answer. Today's podcast is on Luke 13:10-17, NLT, the woman who was bent over whom Jesus healed with one word and touch. --- Support this podcast:

  • Hustle and heart set you apart

    16/11/2016 Duration: 20min

    I saw a sign in town the other day that said, "Hustle and heart set you apart," and it really resonated with me. The Bible has much to say about the word "work," as well as the word "heart." I believe God is the one who puts those big dreams in your heart and mine, but He also expects us to do the legwork--to "hustle" and get it done. The word "hustle" according to the Urban Dictionary online means "anything you need to do to make money" or "to be aggressive in business or other financial dealings, to move or work in a quick and energetic way." We can take a lesson from the ant. Proverbs 6:6, NLT, says, "Take a lesson from the ants, you lazybones. Learn from their ways and become wise!" Have you ever seen a lazy ant? Ants don't stay still; they are always busy working. They know winter is coming and they store up during the summer to be ready. Today's podcast encourages you to get your hustle on and to fulfill the dreams and goals in your heart. --- Support this podcast:

  • Have No Fear, Boo

    31/10/2016 Duration: 22min

    Today is Halloween, a big day for many businesses in the United States. Many people believe it's an innocent, fun day for children (and adults!) to dress up, get candy, and go to parties with friends. But it's much more than that. In this podcast, I speak on the origins of Halloween. I also share what God has to say about fear. Fear is the opposite of faith. God doesn't want us afraid, but to trust in and have faith in Him. In this episode, I share about my upcoming, beautiful butterfly-cover book, Metamorphosis: Transformed from Fear to Faith, which will be available soon as an eBook for your Kindle at Amazon. --- Support this podcast:

  • Deep Roots: Who are you discipling?

    23/10/2016 Duration: 07min

    Today at church our pastor Jeff taught on the importance of discipleship: Paul discipling Timothy, who later became his co-worker in sharing the gospel of Christ. I was challenged by this sermon: who is discipling me right now in my life and who am I discipling? The word "disciple" means "citizen" in the original Greek language, and of course for us believers that means a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. It also means "follower." The Scripture I shared in today's podcast was Colossians 2:7, NLT: "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on Him." Today ask yourself, as I did, who is discipling you and who are you discipling? Who is pouring into you by teaching you God's word, praying for you, and keeping you accountable with your sins? Who are you pouring into sharing your faith, praying for him or her, and keeping them accountable? As believers in Christ, let your roots grow down deep into Christ. --- Support this podcast:

  • The Question Box: How Do You Write Your Books So Fast?

    30/06/2016 Duration: 19min

    One of the questions that I've been asked most frequently as a speaker, author, wife, and mom is, "Beth, how do you write your books so fast?" I don't feel that I do, but my Facebook friend Maria Newcomer did and she asked me this question recently on Facebook. I'm about to publish my 13th book on Amazon, which is my new fiction book, Afflicted: A woman missionary kidnapped by terrorists in the jungles of Africa. The way that I've written all my books is the "butt in chair" method: sitting my butt down in the chair and writing! In this episode of "The Question Box" podcast, I answer Maria's question, sharing my best tips as an Amazon Best Seller author. To be first to hear about my new book, Afflicted, sign up with your name and email address at To learn more about my other books at Amazon, visit my Amazon Author page at --- Support this podcast:

  • Write That Book

    15/06/2016 Duration: 13min

    Do you want to write a book? Or have you already started writing one, but need to finish it? Or maybe you have a new book idea! When I was a child, all I wanted to be when I grew up was to be a mom and a writer. I am a mom of three beautiful daughters, Heather, Eden, and Leah. I'm also the author of 12 books, and am working on my thirteenth one now. I love encouraging women to use their gifts for God, doing what they love. If you have a desire to write a book, but don't know how, or you just need someone to help spur you on to finish your book, I'm offering a class this summer 2016 called From Laptop to Launch. This telecall is once a week for four weeks, beginning July 6. If you can't attend the live class, there will be a replay, as well as downloadable recorded replays, my training guide and resources, and weekly motivation videos that you'll get in your inbox. I want to help you write that book THIS year! To find out more or sign up today, visit --- Support th

  • The spiritual warfare when you write a book

    02/11/2015 Duration: 16min

    Are you trying to write a book and wondering what the heck is going on? Are you experiencing spiritual warfare when you write? Then, welcome to the club! If you're a Christian writer, then Satan doesn't want you writing--or finishing--your book. He is the thief who comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and he'll do everything he can to hinder or stop you from writing that book idea in your heart. Be encouraged that the battle belongs to the Lord. In this podcast, I share the 3 times you experience the spiritual warfare, and practical tips of what to do. You can find my book on spiritual warfare, The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles, and the other nine books I've written at Amazon at --- Support this podcast:

  • Sword of the Spirit

    22/10/2015 Duration: 30min

    My husband Ray loves to collect swords, guns and weapons. It is very much the warrior in him. He could tell you about the history of each different weapon. They are mounted on the walls or on tables of his "man cave" downstairs. A sword isn't just to be mounted on a wall or to stay in its sheathe, but to be used to fight. As Christian believers, our sword is the Sword of the Spirit--the Word of God, taught about in Ephesians 6 on the armor of God. When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness by Satan, he used the weapon of the Word of God, saying each time, "It is written." We are to use this weapon, too; God's word stands forever.  In this audio I also share about the launch of my eBook on Amazon on Friday, October 23, 2015--The Hands of a Woman: Everyday Women in Everyday Battles. It has eight women's true, inspiring stories about going into their own "War Room," through praying with faith in Christ and standing on God's word. Be encouraged and empowered to walk in your authority as a believer in Christ through

  • Celebrate My Birthday With Free Ebooks

    20/09/2015 Duration: 09min

    Today is my birthday and I want to invite you to celebrate with me with free eBooks. Just go to Amazon and download my 4 free eBooks: The Cinderella Story: The Power of Shoes;  The Call of Wisdom: Teaching Your Children at Home;  Showers of Blessings: Affirmations for Christian Women Entrepreneurs;  Storm Tossed (my only fiction book). I also want to invite you to follow me on Periscope @bethmjones. I scope for beginner speakers, authors, and entrepreneurs, encouraging you to use your gifts for God, sharing your important message. No one else has your story or your unique purpose. In today's podcast, I share the scripture Romans 12:1-2, The Message. --- Support this podcast:

  • Faith In The Storm: The Rapture and End Times

    20/07/2015 Duration: 45min

    When you read today's headlines, it's hard not to be afraid: the U.S. and world powers' agreement over Iran's nuclear program, the Supreme Court decision allowing same sex marriages, five U.S. Marines killed in Chattanooga, Jade Helm 15, riots, unstable world economies, earthquakes, hurricanes, new diseases, and more. But Jesus doesn't want us to be afraid. He told us that all these things would happen before His coming. In this podcast, International Speaker Beth Jones shares Scriptures about the end times, the different views on the Rapture, the seven year Tribulation, today's news headlines in America, and how God wants us to respond to all these events taking place: to trust in and have faith in Him. You don't need to be afraid; you can have peace and faith in the storm. To find out more about Beth's speaking and books, visit --- Support this podcast:

  • Peace In Your Storm

    21/06/2015 Duration: 20min

    Have you ever been through a bad storm-a hurricane, a tornado, or a thunderstorm? Recently my husband Ray and I went through a terrifying thunderstorm in Texas: it was lightning, hailing, and whole trees had fallen across the highway that were like an obstacle course. God protected us and brought us back safely to Ray's parents' home there. What about a spiritual/emotional storm such as the events which just happened in Charleston, SC, where a young man, Dylann Roof, allegedly shot and killed 9 people inside the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church? How do you even begin to cope with such a tragedy? In this podcast, I share how difficult forgiveness is in a situation like this and yet God commands it in Mark 11:25 and Matthew 18:21-22. Listen in as I testify from my own life how Jesus can be your peace and your anchor even in the worst storms of life, and about my new, first-ever fiction book I'm writing, Storm Tossed. To find out more about my speaking and books, visit ---

  • When The Shoes Don't Fit

    30/05/2015 Duration: 06min

    Have you ever seen some cute shoes at a store but they didn't fit-or you bought them and then tried them on at home for the first time and they didn't fit? God created you for a unique, great purpose. You can't walk in anyone else's shoes and succeed! So many women compare themselves to other women and feel jealous and envious of them. The Bible says that envy rots the bones. (Proverbs 14:30) It also says in James 3:16 NLT, "For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind." God doesn't want you to feel envious, jealous or "less than" anyone else. Comparison is a big distraction and a trap that will trip you up in your walk with God.  Just be unique you, walking in the beautiful "glass slippers" (purpose) for which God created you. --- Support this podcast:

  • Going the places that scare you: 10 Tips I've learned since starting my online biz

    14/05/2015 Duration: 27min

    I've made a lot of mistakes in my life. Have lots of regrets. Truly received an excellent education from "the school of hard knocks." One of those places where I've made many mistakes is in my online biz as a speaker, author, and entrepreneur. I wish I'd had someone from the beginning to show me the way to success, to avoid all those mistakes. But now I can pass them onto you to help you avoid them and to achieve your success easier and faster! I've done many things that have scared me, like speaking publicly (I used to be terrified of it, but now love it!), doing webinars and telecalls, and creating vidoes on YouTube. Sometimes you have to go the places that scare you to achieve your purpose, to grow as a person, and to help and encourage others. To learn more about my speaking and books, visit and my Facebook business page at --- Support this podcast:

  • Tell the good news

    09/05/2015 Duration: 16min

    My husband Ray and I recently traveled to Texas for his college LeTourneau University's dedication service and reunion for their original EMS program, of which Ray was a part and when he worked as an EMT for the city of Longview, TX. While there, we stayed with his mom Judy and his stepdad Leonard near Quitman, TX. Their house is located on a beautiful, peaceful lake. On their back deck they have a bird and hummingbird feeder. I loved getting up early in the morning, praying, enjoying the beautiful lake, and watching the birds. It was the first time I'd seen a hummingbird in person. I decided when I came home to Missouri, I'd get a bird and hummingbird feeder. Yesterday I bought them and have loved watching them feed. Today as I observed the sparrows feeding, it reminded me of believers sharing the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Through technology and social media (like this podcast at Podbean and Itunes), you and I have an amazing opportunity for a global platform! This podcast is about telling the g

  • Pack Light

    24/04/2015 Duration: 35min

    Several years ago Ray and I traveled to Israel, my dream come true. We took way too much luggage for this trip and it hindered us as we traveled. We had a really hard time fitting those huge suitcases into our tour guide's tiny car, and it was such a pain dragging them around all of Israel, from hotel to hotel! You and I can do this in life, too, carrying unnecessary weights, like unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, envy, jealousy, worry, stress, fear, anxiety, discouragement, depression, etc. Jesus wants us to "pack light" on this journey of life. He said in Matthew 11:28, NLT, "Then Jesus said, 'Come to Me, all of you who are weary and carry heaven burdens, and I will give you rest." I recorded this podcast several years ago. It's about having that daily quiet time with God and running this race unencumbered. Come join me for the adventure of a lifetime and be sure to "pack light." --- Support this podcast:

  • Do the hard things

    26/02/2015 Duration: 52min

    Beth Jones doesn't always want to do her kickboxing exercise video or to walk. But sometimes you have to do the hard things to get where God wants us to go and be who we desire to be. In this almost hour-long podcast, International Speaker/Author Beth Jones shares from her heart how she has had to do the hard things - in the trenches of prayer, homeschooling her children, overcoming through many adversities in her very difficult marriage, and reaching for success in her online business of speaking and writing. When you do the hard things, you WILL reap the harvest of God's BLESSING if you just don't quit and give up! --- Support this podcast:

  • Write and DO Your Bucket List

    29/01/2015 Duration: 32min

    Do you have a bucket list? Do you even know what a bucket list is? Or did you already write one and are discouraged about seeing your dreams and goals come to pass? In this 4th podcast in the January 2015 Goals and Dreams series, International Speaker Beth Jones encourages you to write down your bucket list for 2015 and then DO those things. What do you love to do? What do you really want in your life? God wants you to enjoy your life and be happy, just as parents want their children to be happy. Get 8 tips for writing and managing your bucket list this year. --- Support this podcast:

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