Beth Jones International Speaker

Deep Roots: Who are you discipling?



Today at church our pastor Jeff taught on the importance of discipleship: Paul discipling Timothy, who later became his co-worker in sharing the gospel of Christ. I was challenged by this sermon: who is discipling me right now in my life and who am I discipling? The word "disciple" means "citizen" in the original Greek language, and of course for us believers that means a citizen of the Kingdom of Heaven. It also means "follower." The Scripture I shared in today's podcast was Colossians 2:7, NLT: "Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on Him." Today ask yourself, as I did, who is discipling you and who are you discipling? Who is pouring into you by teaching you God's word, praying for you, and keeping you accountable with your sins? Who are you pouring into sharing your faith, praying for him or her, and keeping them accountable? As believers in Christ, let your roots grow down deep into Christ. --- Support this podcast: