Messages That Matter By Dr. Andrew Corbett



I pastor Legana Christian Church in Tasmania, Australia. I do a weekly morning radio program called Life Matters where we deal with some of the difficult issues we all face in life, and discuss how might tackle them. I also produce another radio program called Finding Truth Matters where I take the ancient truth of God's Word, explain it, and show how it is relevant for today. I spend a fair bit time helping couples prepare for their marriages and have been doing so now for nearly 30 years. Lately, I've been producing some 1 minute audios for radio stations where I try to take a complex problem or idea and simplify it and offer a different perspective for people to consider. I blog. I write eBooks on some of these topics as well.


  • Fruitfully Knowing God Through The Holy Spirit - Part 3

    23/06/2024 Duration: 31min

    Fruitfully Knowing God Through The Holy Spirit - Part 3 by Dr. Andrew Corbett

  • Fruitfully Knowing God Through The Holy Spirit - Part 2

    16/06/2024 Duration: 36min

    Fruitfully Knowing God Through The Holy Spirit - Part 2 by Dr. Andrew Corbett

  • Fruitfully Knowing God Through The Holy Spirit - Part 1

    09/06/2024 Duration: 34min

    Fruitfully Knowing God Through The Holy Spirit - Part 1 by Dr. Andrew Corbett

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms, Part 9, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD - Psalm 23

    02/06/2024 Duration: 33min

    David was a shepherd - he knew what it was to be a 'good shepherd'. In John 10:1-18, Jesus describes Himself as a 'good shepherd'. David's description of 'sheep' in Psalm 23 are described as utterly helpless and defenseless without having access to the protection of a shepherd. David felt like this when he was a young man - but then he realised that GOD was his shepherd. David's relationship with GOD as his shepherd enabled him to rest. Rest from constant activity is good for our soul, and despite what we think, our souls need 'restoring' and refreshing. The motif of water as a source of refreshing and replenishing runs throughout Scripture and David employs it in Psalm 23. Without ceasing to rest and be refreshed spiritually, we are denying ourselves our GOD ordained means of being psychologically healthy. This involves prayerfully submitting to GOD as your shepherd, and discovering that you can be set free from fear. This kind of lifestyle can lead a person to living a fruitful life of bliss with the Great

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms, Part 8 - Psalm 18

    26/05/2024 Duration: 31min

    Knowing God Through The Psalms, Part 8 - Psalm 18 by Dr. Andrew Corbett

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms, Part 7 - Psalm 15 - THE RIGHTEOUS LIFE

    19/05/2024 Duration: 30min

    The first of the five books of the Book of Psalms are psalms largely written by King David. In Psalm 15 David describes how GOD transforms those who know Him into righteous people. The righteous experience GOD's love and care. Let's consider what we can learn from Psalm 15 so that we too can know GOD and similarly be transformed by Him. For more Biblical teaching via podcast subscribe to Finding Truth Matters with Dr. Andrew Corbett on iTunes, Soundcloud or Spotify. Spotify: Google Podcasts: For Biblical Thinking Resources - Read “The Most Embarrassing Book in the Bible -understanding the Book of Revelation” on Kindle

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms, Part 6 - WHAT THE FOOL DOES NOT KNOW!

    12/05/2024 Duration: 32min

    The Bible teaches us that we can personally know GOD. This is an exposition of Psalm 14 in which Psalmist describes those who deny GOD's existence as being 'fools'. Discover how you can come to know GOD. For more Biblical teaching via podcast subscribe to Finding Truth Matters with Dr. Andrew Corbett on iTunes, Soundcloud or Spotify. Spotify: Google Podcasts: For Biblical Thinking Resources - Read “The Most Embarrassing Book in the Bible -understanding the Book of Revelation” on Kindle Read “Authentic Apostolic Leadership - Structure For the Church”

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms - Part 5

    05/05/2024 Duration: 41min

    Knowing God Through The Psalms - Part 5 by Dr. Andrew Corbett

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms - Part 4 KNOW THE MAJESTIC GOD (Psalm 8)

    28/04/2024 Duration: 31min

    The first of the five books of the Book of Psalms are psalms largely written by King David. In Psalm 8 David expresses his confidence in GOD because of His greatness and majesty. GOD's glorious creation gave David many reasons to trust GOD even in difficult times. Let's consider what we can learn from Psalm 8 so that we too can develop confidence in GOD. For more Biblical teaching via podcast subscribe to Finding Truth Matters with Dr. Andrew Corbett on iTunes, Soundcloud or Spotify. Spotify: Google Podcasts: For Biblical Thinking Resources - Read “The Most Embarrassing Book in the Bible -understanding the Book of Revelation” on Kindle

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms: Part 3 - THE MORNING PSALM

    21/04/2024 Duration: 30min

    Psalm 5 is referred to as 'The Morning Psalm'. The first of the five books of the Book of Psalms are psalms largely written by King David. In Psalm 5 David is under threat and he expresses his confidence in GOD because he has come to continually experience GOD's care. GOD's faithfulness to him over the years gave him many reasons to trust GOD even in difficult times. Let's consider what we can learn from Psalm 5 so that we too can develop confidence in GOD.

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms - Part 2, Developing Confidence in GOD's Care

    14/04/2024 Duration: 40min

    The first of the five books of the Book of Psalms are psalms largely written by King David. In Psalm 4 David is under threat and he expresses his confidence in GOD because he has come to continually experience GOD's care. GOD's faithfulness to him over the years gave him many reasons to trust GOD even in difficult times. Let's consider what we can learn from Psalm 4 so that we too can develop confidence in GOD.

  • Knowing God Through The Psalms - Part 1

    07/04/2024 Duration: 35min

    Knowing God Through The Psalms - Part 1 by Dr. Andrew Corbett

  • About Knowing God - Part 8 - YOU HAVE TO SEEK TO GET CLOSE

    31/03/2024 Duration: 41min

    Therefore, the person who is seeking God, to know Him and to love Him, is the person who treats all people with respect - but especially those in their inner circles of relationships

  • About Knowing God - Part 7

    26/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    About Knowing God - Part 7 by Dr. Andrew Corbett


    17/03/2024 Duration: 36min

    Intuitively we might suspect GOD to be unique, eternal (uncreated), infinitely loving (which means GOD is not a monolith), all-powerful, impeccably good (holy), supremely intelligent, communicative, transcendent (unlike us), immanent (close to us), omnipresent. Do all religions present GOD to be like this? No they don't. And when we come to know the True God, it leads to us being positively transformed. Here's how.

  • About Knowing God - Part 5.2 - SPIRIT INSPIRED LOVE

    10/03/2024 Duration: 31min

    The Christian life is not merely the acceptance of a set of propositions, it is a spiritual transformation. Jesus said it was 'better that I go, so that I can send the Holy Spirit'. By the filling of the Spirit we are able to know God better, and love Him and others better.


    03/03/2024 Duration: 30min

    The Christian life is not merely the acceptance of a set of propositions, it is a spiritual transformation. Jesus said it was 'better that I go, so that I can send the Holy Spirit'. By the filling of the Spirit we are able to know God better.

  • About Knowing God - Part 4 "For Heaven's Sake OR For God's Sake?"

    25/02/2024 Duration: 39min

    The reason I want you to know this is because I want you to truly know God and make Him known. It is my pastoral hope that you will be diligent to maintain your fervent love for God through developing your intimacy with Him. And, your relationship with God enables you by His Holy Spirit to be able to love others, and develop genuine intimacy with another human being.

  • About Knowing God - Part 3

    18/02/2024 Duration: 45min

    He is the radiance of the glory of God and the exact imprint of his nature, and he upholds the universe by the word of his power. After making purification for sins, he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on high...

  • About Knowing God - Part 2: God is the God of the Impossible!

    11/02/2024 Duration: 33min

    Jesus declared, "...with man this is impossible - but with God, nothing is impossible!" and the Bible is replete with example verifying this divine claim. When you come to know God you will come to know that He is the God of the Impossible!

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