Messages That Matter By Dr. Andrew Corbett

Knowing God Through The Psalms, Part 9, THE LORD IS MY SHEPHERD - Psalm 23



David was a shepherd - he knew what it was to be a 'good shepherd'. In John 10:1-18, Jesus describes Himself as a 'good shepherd'. David's description of 'sheep' in Psalm 23 are described as utterly helpless and defenseless without having access to the protection of a shepherd. David felt like this when he was a young man - but then he realised that GOD was his shepherd. David's relationship with GOD as his shepherd enabled him to rest. Rest from constant activity is good for our soul, and despite what we think, our souls need 'restoring' and refreshing. The motif of water as a source of refreshing and replenishing runs throughout Scripture and David employs it in Psalm 23. Without ceasing to rest and be refreshed spiritually, we are denying ourselves our GOD ordained means of being psychologically healthy. This involves prayerfully submitting to GOD as your shepherd, and discovering that you can be set free from fear. This kind of lifestyle can lead a person to living a fruitful life of bliss with the Great