Hope & Wellness 's Podcast



Welcome to The Hope and Wellness Show, an interactive format to engage, educate and inspire with lifestyle info so you can maintain a healthy mind, body, and spirit at home and at work. Connect with scientists, healthcare practitioners, chefs, activists, entrepreneurs, and fitness professionals, to name a few, as they provide up to date health and wellness information. and answer your questions on-air. Inspirational guests also join us to share their stories of their personal journey back to health and hopefully inspire you to embrace the small changes needed to live the best you!


  • 36 - Strengthening and Centering Your Core with Yoga and Pilates

    14/02/2016 Duration: 3556h00s

    Guest Kethia Clairvoyant began her fitness journey while a student at Georgetown University. On the suggestion of a healthcare practitioner, Kethia began practicing yoga and controlled breathing exercises for self care. Yoga not only improved her health, it changed her career path as well. Ms. Clairvoyant is now the owner of FitLife by KC, a fitness and mobile personal trainer company that offers expert instruction in yoga, Pilates and strength training. We discuss the history of Pilates and the benefits of yoga as part of a lifestyle centered on fitness,health and wellness.

  • 35 - Marching to a Different Beat- Artists , Hip Hop and Social Justice.

    07/02/2016 Duration: 3588h00s

    Mr. Jay Julien is one of the executive directors of Will Rap 4 Food, an organization that taps into the power of the hiphop community to address local and national social justice issues.In a recent initiative, #Flow4Flint, local artists in the metropolitan Washington,DC area, sent over 11,000 bottles of water and $2000.00 to support the community of Flint, Michigan. Mr. Julien discusses the history of social activism in the local hiphop community and current initiatives to address HIV/AIDS testing and treatment, access to fresh food and now, the Flint water crisis

  • 34 - Yoga, Meditation and Selfcare for All Ages, Shapes and Sizes

    31/01/2016 Duration: 3454h00s

    Angel Shannon is the founder of Seva Health and a nurse practitioner with a geriatric focus. As an independent health care practitioner, Angel Shannon encourages patients to incorporate yoga and Tai Chi in their daily lives to help manage such common chronic health care diseases as hypertension heart disease and Type 2 diabetes. Time tested methods of self-care, yoga and Tai Chi are two disciplines that serve as both forms of exercise and meditation. Healthcare practitioners, in academic and community settings, are increasingly embracing complementary medicine, yoga, music therapy and Tai Chi, to better serve chronically ill and stressed patients from all walks of life. We discuss the roles of meditation and yoga as acts of self care and stress management with nurse practitioner Angel Shannon. Not to be confused with selfishness, self care practices are daily necessities and habits needed for a total health and wellness.

  • 33 - The Mentoring Effect- Saving Our Youth and Families

    17/01/2016 Duration: 3852h00s

    Mr. Reginald Broddie, is the new Executive Director of Concerned Black Men National (CBM) and in 2016 will build on the legacy of the founding five police officers that first mentored at- risk boys in Philadelphia, Pa in 1975. As a former juvenile probation officer and former Chief Executive Office of the Boys and Girls Club of Anne Arundel County, Md., Mr.Broddie understands the need for holistic programming that supports the academic success of young boys, and girls, and offers educational opportunities to parents. CBM communication specialist, Ms.Lela Winston, discusses the signature CBM Cares program that places engaged and CBM program managers in local schools to provide mentoring and student advocacy during the school day.

  • 32 - Young Doctors DC- Service, Support and Partnerships

    10/01/2016 Duration: 3396h00s

    In 2014, Dr. Malcolm Woodland founded Young Doctors DC,a year long leadership program with a summer residency component, that introduces young teens from Washington, DC to the world of healthcare and medicine. With the support of volunteers and a partnership with Howard University, Young Doctors DC provides academic and social support to young teens, and helps them understand and address some of the health disparities found in Ward 8 in Washington, DC. Mr. Chase Gregory,a ninth grade high school student, joins us to discuss his experiences as a member of Young Doctors DC.

  • 31 - Cuisine Noir Magazine

    03/01/2016 Duration: 3615h00s

    Guest, V. Sheree Williams, is the publisher and editor of Cuisine Noir Magazine , the first online and print magazine dedicated to wine, travel and .culinary magazine for African-American foodies. She also publishes the Culinary Scoop, a blog that chronicles culinary scenes across the globe.With a educational background in marketing and love of food and travel, V. Sheree Williams is building a media empire centered on the culinary world

  • 30 - Is It Time to Call a Brain Injury a Brain Injury?

    20/12/2015 Duration: 3451h00s

    Dr. Anthony Doran of Head First Sports Injury, joins us to discuss concussions, also known as traumatic brain injuries. Seen also in amauteur and professional athletes of all ages, the majority of concussions are secondary to motor vehicle accidents and falls- not contact or collision sports. What was once known as "getting your bell rung" ,is now recognized as an brain injury requiring immediate medical evaluation, brain rest, classroom or workplace accommodations, and for some, over a month of continuing medical follow up . Dr. Doran discusses advances in medical care, gender differences in concussion risk and the future of concussion care. Before you see the #ConcussionMove, listen in for up- to- date facts on concussion care.

  • 29 - Black Woman's Health Imperative

    13/12/2015 Duration: 4094h00s

    Since 1983, the Black Women's Health Imperative has worked to advance the health and wellness of America's 20 million Black women and girls through advocacy and public policy, health education, research and leadership development. Guest Valerie Rochester, MPA, joins us to discuss the current initiatives of the organization.Entrepreneur, dancer and health professional, Akosua Akoto is the founder of #AsaFitness, a upbeat and low-impact fitness program that targets all muscle groups . Rooted in African music, culture, and dance, AsaFitness has become the premier workout to tone, burn calories and improve cardiovascular capacity.

  • 28 - Angel Shannon, Seva Health

    06/12/2015 Duration: 3539h00s

    Our guest this week, Angel Shannon, is a board certified adult gerontologist nurse practitioner, lecturer at the Pennsylvania State School of Nursing and member of the Community Research Advisory Board of the Univ of Md. Center for Health Equity. ​She is also the founder, and CEO of Seva Health, a mobile primary care service for older adults and seniors in Maryland. With over 23 years of expertise, Ms. Shannon is a frequent guest lecturer on cultural competency, health literacy and care of older adults.

  • 27 - Biomarkers, Biometrics and Type 2 Diabetes.

    22/11/2015 Duration: 3710h00s

    It's all about health informatics and information technology on today's show! Mr. Kaleb Hill, the CEO and founder of Fitness Fleet, is on a mission to help vulnerable populations in his New Orleans, La. community. prevent and manage Type 2 diabetes with noninvasive glucose monitoring and innovative health services and professionals. Dr. Jayfus Doswell, born and raised in Baltimore , Md, is the CEO, president and founder of The Juxtopia Group and its' Juxtopia Imhotep platform, that design user friendly medical technology,medical apps, and medical devices to address healthcare disparities in health enterprise zones in Maryland and Louisiana. Working together, FitnessFleet and The Juxtopia Imhotep platform, will integrate their culturally relevant wellness classes along with the proprietary Fitness Fleet Sekmet app, to address the healthcare disparities seen in medical care, medical access and chronic disease management in low income and minority communities

  • 26 - What Is Your Relationship With Food?

    15/11/2015 Duration: 4019h00s

    Registered dietitian Cordialis Msoro-Kasago , is the director of nutritional services at several hospital systems located in California. Using technology,she also provides nutritional counseling to clients throughout the world, who are ready to make a change in their kitchen, diet, and health. Ms.Msoro-Kasago,R.D., discusses the importance of interviewing your nutritionist or registered dietitian about their experience, certification and continuing education prior to any counseling sessions. From building a healthy plate at every meal to eating quality nutritionally dense calories, Ms. Msoro-Kasago ,R.D., educates global audiences , and now us, on the role of food in health, culture and traditional ceremonies.

  • 25 - November is National Diabetes Awareness Month

    08/11/2015 Duration: 3681h00s

    Today we speak with Dr.Ali Mohamadi, a pediatric endocrinologist and SB Nation medical expert, located in Chevy Chase , Maryland. Dr. Mohamadi discusses the rising number of children with prediabetes and Type 2 diabetes , as well as medical technological advances in the management of Type 1 diabetes.For many families, lifestyle changes help their children treat both their obesity and Type 2 diabetes. What is an artificial pancreas? We discuss this and other future treatment options for Type 1 diabetics.

  • 24 - Rebuilding Reentry

    01/11/2015 Duration: 3956h00s

    For many returning citizens, limited financial resources, and persistent mental health and substance abuse disorders,limit the likelihood of successful reentry and employment. Teresa and Laurin Hodge , co-founders of Mission Launch, discuss the needs of returning citizens for successful reentry. Mission Launch empowers agencies that assist returning citizens through civic tech, civic engagement and entrepreneurship opportunities. Guest Yasmine Arrington, Peace First prize winner and ScholarChips founder, joins us to discuss her experiences as a child of an incarcerated parent and her motivation to help other children in similar circumstances.

  • 23 - Beyond the PInk Ribbon-Prevention, Early Detection and Management of Breast Cancer

    25/10/2015 Duration: 3696h00s

    October is Breast Cancer Awareness month and this year ,a month with new screening recommendations. Guest Dr Sara Horton, an oncologist and associate professor at the Howard University College of Medicine, discusses,in depth, the new screening mammogram and clinical examination recommendations from the American Cancer Society ,and their possible impact on breast cancer survival in African American patients. We also hear, first hand, about the new state of the art multidisciplinary breast cancer clinic at the Howard University Cancer Center that includes physicians, patient navigators , nutritionists,and former patients. Dr. Horton also discusses the new treatment recommendations for DCIS,ductal carcinoma in situ, a risk factor for breast cancer with unique risks specific to African American and younger patients.

  • 22 - Hospital Based Violence Prevention and Management

    18/10/2015 Duration: 3927h00s

    Professor Joseph Richardson is an associate professor of Race, Health , Social Policy, Community and Urban Studies in the Dept of African American Studies at the University of Maryland. He live tweets his class," The New Jim Crow" via Twitter @UmdProfaasp187. He joins us to discuss his quest to reduce intentional injuries and continue research in violence prevention at Prince Georges hospital. We also discuss new legislation with criminal justice reform, the rising human costs of synthetic marijuana and the lasting individual and community effects of mass incarceration. Also, Dr. Julius Green discusses the chemistry behind K2, aka synthetic marijuana,, which has been linked to increasing community violence..

  • 21 - Seeking A Healthy Community and Church

    11/10/2015 Duration: 3409h00s

    Rev . Aaron Wade , senior pastor of Community Church of DC, is building a inclusive and healthy congregation that embraces all races, ages and the LGBTQ community.Through partnerships with the D.C. Dept of Health , Whitman -Walker Health and Inner Light Ministries , the church offers monthly HIV/AIDS screening and education in Ward 8 .In response to increased crime and gun violence, Rev Wade held town hall meetings with Police Chief Cathy Lanier. The annual church " Daniel Fast" challenges members to embrace mindful eating with a focus on vegetables and fruit. Dr. Julius Green joins us to share his experiences as a new Community Church member and project director of the recent church health fair and summer youth job readiness program . Both guests share their personal and sometimes painful stories of living their truth as gay men in challenging secular, family and religious environments.

  • 20 - Growing Unhealthy Families in the Age of Mass Incarceration

    27/09/2015 Duration: 4082h00s

    Mr. Tony Lewis Jr is a native Washingtonian, community activist ,son of a drug Kingpin and author of Slugg: A Boy's Life in the Age of Mass Incarceration. He joins us along with friend and business owner Rico Curry to discuss coming of age in the 1980''s in Washington, DC and the personal toll that mass incarceration,gun violence and the drug trade have taken on their families.. Guest Lanada Williams, licensed psychotherapist and the host of the Lanada Williams show on BLIS.FM, discusses the underdiagnosis of mental health conditions such as post traumatic stress disorder in underserved communities affected by the continuing loss of family members due to incarceration and intentional injuries .

  • 19 - The Most Beautiful Makeup You Can Have is Passion

    20/09/2015 Duration: 3910h00s

    Imagine a Glam team just fingertips away. And In your home. Beauty in a Beat founder Heather Coote created an app based on- demand beauty service that brings professional and licensed hair stylists, makeup artists, massage therapists and more to your home for that special event or just because you need a little self care. Professional hair stylist Serena Hampton and makeup artist Nicole Manley join us to share their passion for educating clients, men and women, on skincare, makeup and hair care do's and don'ts

  • 18 - Body and Soul-Praising Health in the Church

    13/09/2015 Duration: 3756h00s

    Body and Soul-Praising Health in the Church Rev Jonathan Weaver of Greater Mt. Nebo Church in Bowie, Md. integrates health and wellness into the very soul of his congregation. From reminding church members to schedule health screenings to building a church Wellness Center, Rev Weaver encourages his members to focus on health-physical and mental. And stay away from fried foods. Rev. Dr. Veronica Tasker-Battle, the director of the health ministry at Mt. Nebo, is a tenured professor of nursing in the Howard University College of Nursing with a focus on cancer detection and prevention. Her motto : teach, research and serve. Dr. Clarke-Battle actively educates, informs and encourages church and community members to take control of their health and live in Hope and not in Fear.

  • 17 - Collective Health- Embracing New Voices in Wellness

    06/09/2015 Duration: 3745h00s

    Guest Yasmine Arrington, Jack Kent Cook Foundation scholar, Howard divinity student and the founder and executive director of ScholarChips, embraced a healthy lifestyle with open arms and is now 60 pounds lighter. Performing in a African dance troupe while in Ghana , Yasmine began a health journey that continues today with a focus on fitness and eating in moderation. She joins us to speak also on her motivation for founding ScholarChips-an nonprofit that mentors and awards college scholarships to the children of incarcerated parents in the DMV area . Guest Princess Best , aka HipHopMomma, is a musician, MC and health educator. Using music and art as her medium, Princess Best speaks to African American girls and women in schools and community settings about domestic violence, heart disease , and violence towards women.Her video, Vegan Butter, poetically addresses the importance of diet and lifestyle in the prevention of heart disease and other chronic health conditions.

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